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Form and verification

of accounts to be audit

9. To prohibit or regulate bathing and swimming within the village;

10. To prohibit or regulate hawking and peddling;

11. To make ordinances to enforce any of these powers in the mode and under the restrictions prescribed by subdivision 20 of the preceding section. 1 R. S., 1244, §§ 58 to 60.

§ 1086. No claim shall be paid, unless allowed ed. by the trustees; and none shall be audited by them unless it is made out in items, and has attached to, and filed with it, the affidavit of the person claiming to have done the services or made the disbursements charged, that the several items are correct, that the services charged have been rendered, the disbursements made, and that no part has been paid.

Certain proceedings to be recorded

Duties of president.

Ib., §§ 35, 36.

§ 1087. Every allowance or disallowance of

any claim, every determination to draw a warrant, and every appointment by the trustees, shall be made by a resolution and vote of the trustees, and recorded at length in their proceedings.

From § 77.

§ 1088. It is the duty of the president of the village to preside at all meetings of the village and of the trustees; to call special meetings of the trustees whenever the interests of the village require it, or whenever he is requested to do so by

two of the trustees; to see that the ordinances are
executed; to cause actions to be brought for all
penalties incurred by violation thereof; and to
perform such other duties as are required by provi-
sions of law or by ordinances of the village.
1 R. S., 1244, § 56.



SECTION 1089. The assessors.

1090. The collector.

1091. The treasurer.

1092. The clerk.

1193. The fire-wardens.

1194. The street commissioners.

1195. Delivery of books, papers and funds to successor.


1089. The assessors shall assess any tax The assess directed, pursuant to section 1096, in the mode prescribed by the "Fiscal Laws" for making town assessments, and deliver their assessment to the trustees within sixty days after the meeting.

Ib., § 64.


§ 1090. The collector, within the time prescribed The colin any warrant for the return thereof, shall collect the same and pay over all sums collected to the treasurer, and return the warrant to the trustees, with his return thereon written and subscribed by him, and specifying any sums not collected by reason of inability to find property out of which to collect them, and if any sums are returned not

The treasurer.

collected, his return shall be accompanied by his affidavit that the facts therein stated are true.

1 R. S., 1244, § 67.

§ 1091. It is the duty of the treasurer:

1. To receive and pay all moneys of the village;

2. To keep accounts thereof, showing when and from what sources all moneys paid to him were received, and when, and to whom, and for what purpose all moneys paid out were paid;

3. To keep a separate account, in the same manner, of each fund raised for or appropriated to any specific purpose;

4. To make no payment except upon the delivery to him of the warrant of the trustees and accompanying papers, drawn as required by subdivision 13 of section 1084;

5. To file every such warrant and papers, when paid;

6. To exhibit his accounts and vouchers at every annual meeting of the electors, and at any special meeting, when required by any trustee. To keep them always open to the inspection of each of the trustees, and to furnish to them abstracts or statements therefrom, whenever requested.

Ib., §§ 70 to 74.

1092. It is the duty of the clerk:

1. To take custody of all the books and papers of the village, except those belonging to the treasurer's office;

2. To attend all meetings of the trustees and record all their proceedings;

3. To attend all meetings of the electors and record all their proceedings, and to keep a poll list when required by the trustees to do so;

4. To record a copy, certified by the county clerk, of the order and proceedings to incorporate the village, which, when so recorded, are presumptive evidence thereof;

5. To file every claim disallowed by the trustees;

6. Within three days after any village meeting, to furnish to the assessors a certified copy of every resolution raising a tax, and to the treasurer a certified copy of every resolution appropriating any fund, passed at such meeting;

7. To perform such other duties as are imposed on him by law, or by the ordinances of the village.

1 R. S., 1224, §§ 76 to 79.

The clerk.


§ 1094. It is the duty of the fire-wardens to The fireinspect, from time to time, the apparatus for extinguishing fires, and report to the trustees thereon; to attend fires and give directions respect

The street commissioners.

Delivery of books, papers and funds to


ing extinguishing them, and it is the duty of all persons required to assist therein to obey; and they have power to enter, in the daytime, any premises to ascertain if ashes are safely kept therein; and they shall report to the trustees any unsafe fire-place, stove, stove-pipe, or place of keeping ashes.

1 R. S., 1214, § 81.

1094. The street commissioners shall, under the direction of the trustees, superintend the making and repairing of sidewalks, and the expenditure on the streets of moneys raised for that purpose; and perform the duties of overseers of highways, within the village, so far as required.

Ib., § 82.

§ 1095. Whenever the right of any treasurer or clerk to his office expires, the books and papers belonging to the office, and all moneys and other property in his hands by virtue of his office, shall, upon his oath, or, in case of his death, upon the oath of his executors or administrators, be delivered to his successor. The delivery of such moneys and property, as well as of the books and papers, may be enforced by proceedings under article VII of chapter VI of title I of part III of this Code, entitled "Proceedings to compel the delivery of books and papers by public officers."

Ib., §§ 70, 80.

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