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Abbott, Charles C., don. to mus. iii. vii.
Academy, American, of Arts and
Sciences, don. to lib. xv.
Academy, C. L. C. Naturæ Curiosorum,
don. to lib. xiv. xvii.

Academy, Imp. of Arts, Belles-Lettres, and Sciences, Bordeaux, don. to lib. ix. xix.

Academy Imp. of Arts, Belles-Lettres

and Sciences, Caen, don. to lib. ix. Academy, Imp. of Sciences, Vienna, don. to lib. xvi.

Academy, Imp. of Sciences, &c., Dijon,

don. to lib. xiv. Academy, Royal of Sciences, Berlin, don. to lib. x. xx. Academy, Royal of Sciences, Munich, don. to lib. xiii. xiv. Academy, Royal Swedish, Stockholm, don. to lib. x.

Academy of Sciences, St. Louis, don. to lib. xix. xxii.

Agassiz, Prof. L., letter from, 185. Agnew, Rev. W. G. E., don. to mus. ii. x.

Akademie der Koninklijke Van Wetenschappen, don. to lib. iv. Allibone, S. Austin, don. to lib. v. Association, American, for Advancement of Science, don. to lib. vi. vii. Association, Mercantile Library of New York, don. to lib. xviii. Association, Young Men's Mercantile Library, Cincinnati, don. to lib. v. Bache, Prof. A. D., don. to lib. xiv. Baer, C. E. de, don. to lib. xxii. Baird, D., don. to mus. ii. Baird, Prof. S. F., notes on a collection of Birds made by Mr. John Xantus, at Cape San Lucas, Lower California, 293, 299.

Beck, Dr. C. F., announcement of death of, 91; Executors of, 164; don. to mus. iv.

Beck, Mrs. S. R. G., resolution of thanks to, 164; don. to lib. xi. Bell, J. J., don. to mus. v.

Bertholet, Dr. P. P., don. to mus. i. Betton, Dr. Thos. F., don. to lib. xxiii. Binney, W. G., Notes on American

Land Shells, No. 5, 187; don. to mus. vii. don. to lib. ii.

Biological Department, Report of Pro

ceedings for Jan. 4; do. for Feb. 90; do. for March, 93; do. for April, 112; do. for May, 151; do. for June, 165; do. for Sept. 256; do. for Nov. 294: don. to lib. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. Boker, Dr. C. S., don. to mus. vi. Bologna, Municipality of, don. to lib.


Borda, Eugene, letter from, on locality of two specimens of Lepidodendron, 293; don. to mus. vii. Bowditch, H. G., M.D., don. to lib. v. Bridges, Dr. Robert, V. Pres. Acad.

Nat. Sc., announced the death of Dr. Mütter, 92; don. to lib. v., don. to mus. vii.

Broderip, W. J., announcement of death of, 110.

Bronn, Dr. H. G., don. to lib. ix. xiv. XX. xxiii.

Brown, Dr. S. P., don. to mus. iv. Bruns, Dr. J. Dickson, don. to mus. v. Bryant, Dr. Alexander, vote of thanks to, 110, don. to mus. ii. Buckalew, Hon. Charles R., don. to mus. vi.

Buckley, S. B., don. to mus. i. Caldwell, Dr. H. C., announcement of death of, 330.

Carbonell, Celedonio, don. to lib. viii. Carpenter, P. P., notice of a collection of shells made at Cape San Lucas, Lower California, &c., 331. Carson, Dr. J., Remarks on Chinese chemicals, 150; don. to lib. xxiv. Cassin, John, read letter from P. B. Duchaillu, 1; Catalogue of Birds collected by P. B. Duchaillu, on the rivers Camma and Ogobai, Western Africa, 3, 30; Motion for a vote of thanks to James Hammill, 55, Cata

logue of Birds collected by P. B. Du-
chaillu, on the rivers Camma and
Ogobai, Western Africa in 1858, &c.,
91, 133, 172; don. to lib. i.
Claparede, Edouard, don. to lib. xv.

Clark, Edward L., don. to mus. iv.
Clark, J. Hinckley, don. to mus. iv.
Clemens, Dr. Brackenridge, Synopsis
of North American Sphingidæ, 161;
Contributions to American Lepidop-
terology, 256, 293.

Coates, B. H., don. to lib. i.
Collet, Dr. M. W., don. to lib. i.
Committee, Publication, don. to lib. i.

Committee of five appointed to take

measures for the formation of a per-
manent fund, 90.

Committees, Election of Standing, 55.
Commitees on scientific papers


Spencer F. Baird, Notes on a collec-
tion of Birds made by Mr. Xantus, at
Cape San Lucas, Lower California,
293; by Wm. G. Binney, Notes on
American land she'ls, No. 5, 187;
by P. P. Carpenter, Notice of a col-
lection of shells made at Cape San
Lucas, Lower California, &c. 331;
by John Cassin, Catalogue of Birds
collected by P. B. Duchaillu, on the
Rivers Camma and Ogobai, Western
Africa, in 1858, with notes and de-
scriptions of new species, 3, 91; by
Brackenridge Clemens, Synopsis of
North American Sphingidæ, 162;
Contributions to American Lepidop-
terology, 256, 293; by E. D. Cope, On
the primary divisions of the Sala-
mandridæ, 111; Notes and descrip-
tions of foreign Reptiles, 292; Cata-
logue of the venomous Serpents in
the museum of the Academy, with
notes on the Families, Genera, and
Species, 331; by T. A. Corrad, De-
scriptions of new Cretaceous and Eo-
cene shells of Mississippi and Ala-
bama, and with notes on Eocene fos-
sil shells, 330; by Wm. M. Gabb,
Catalogue of the Invertebrate fossils
of the Cretaceous formation of the U.
States, 255; Description of two new
species of Carboniferous Fossils,
292; by Theodore Gill, on Dacty-
loscopus and Leptoscopus, two new
genera of the family of Uranosco-
pida; on the genus Callionymus of
authors; on description of Hypo-
rhampus, a new genus of fishes al-

lied to Hem rhampus; on notes on &
collection of fishes from Japan, made
by Dr. J. Morrow, 109; Description
of a third genus of Hemiramphinæ,
150; Description of a new genus of
Salarianæ, 162; Description of a new
species of Callinidea, and description
of new generic types of Cottoids, 164;
Description of a type of Gobioids in-
termediate between Solinæ and Tri-
dentigerinæ, and description of a
new South American type of Siluroids
allied to Callophysus, 194; by Chas.
Girard, M. D., Ichthyological No-
tices, 164; by R. Kennicott, Notes
on Coluber calligaster, Say, and de-
scription of new species of Serpents
in the collection of the North-west-
ern University of Evanston, Ill., 91;
by Isaac Lea, Description of 8 new
species of Unionidæ from Georgia,
Mississippi, and Texas, 109; De-
scription of twenty-one new species
of Exotic Unionidæ, and description
of two new species from Georgia,
111; Description of seven new spe-
cies of Uniones, 150; New Unionida
of the United States, 151; Descrip-
tion of twelve new species of Uniones
from Georgia, 164; Descriptions of
four new species of Unionidæ, 177;
Description of a new species of Unio,
280; Descriptions of three species of
Exotic Unionidæ, 329; Descriptions
of Exotic Unionidæ, 330; by John Le
Conte, descriptions of two new spe-
cies of tortoises, 3; Observations on
the species of Nicotiana, 56; de-
scriptions of new species of the
Coleopterous family Histeridæ, 293;
by John L. Le Conte, Catalogue
of the Coleoptera of Fort Tejon,
California, 56; Additions to the Co-
leopterous Fauna of Northern Cali-
fornia and Oregon, 280; by F. B.
Meek, and F. V. Hayden, Geological
Explorations in Kansas Territory, 3;
by Dr. J. Aitken Meigs, Descrip-
tion of a deformed fragmentary Hu-
man Skull found in an ancient quarry
cave at Jerusalem, with an attempt
to determine by its configuration
alone the Ethnical type to which it
belongs, 256; by R. Osten Sacken,
new genera and species of North
American Tipulida with short Palpi,
&c. 194; by Wm. J Taylor, Mineral-
ogical Notes, No. 2; by Wm. Stimp-
son, Prodromus descriptionis ani-

malium Evertebratorum quæ in ex-
peditione ad Oceanum Pacificum,
Septentr. a Rep. Fed. missa Cad.
Ringgold et Joh. Rogers ducibus,
&c., pars vii. Crustacea macrura,
331; by A. Wilcocks, Reflections
upon the nature of the temporary
star of 1572, an application of the
nebular hypothesis, 330; by John
Xantus, Catalogue of Birds collected
in the vicinity of Fort Tejon, Cali-
fornia, with a description of a new
species of Syrnium, 187; Descrip-
tions of new species of Birds from
Cape San Lucas, Lower California,

Connaroe, Geo. M., don. to lib. v.
Conrad, T. A., Descriptions of new
Cretaceous and Eocene shells from
Miss., and Ala., and also with notes
on Eocene fossil shells, 330; don. to
mus. vii.
Cooper, Dr. J. G., don. to mus. vi.
don. to lib. xvi.

Cope, E. D. on the primary divisions
of the Salamandrida, with a descrip
tion of two new species, 111, 112;
Notes and descriptions of foreign
Reptiles, 292, 294; Catalogue of the
venomous serpents in the museum
of the Academy, with notes on the
Families, Genera and Species, 331,

Corse, Dr. J. M., don. to mus. vi.

Dana, J. D., don. to lib. i. v.

East India Company, don. to lib. xviii.
Editors of Allgemeine Zeitung fur Wis-
senschaften, don. to lib. xv.
Editors of American Journal of Medi-
cal Sciences, don. to lib. xxi.
Editor of American Journal of Phar-
macy, don. to lib. ii. vi. viii. xv.
xvii. xxii.

Editors of American Journal of Science
and Arts, don. to lib. ii. iv. xv. xvii.


Editors of Architects and Mechanics
Journal, don. to lib. xix.

Editors of Archiv fur Naturgeschichte,
don. to lib. iv. x.

Editors of Atlantis, Dublin, don. to lib.
xiv. xxi.

Editors of Charleston Medical Journ-
al, &c., don. to lib. ii. iv. x. xv.
xvii. xviii. xxi.

Editors of Dental Cosmos, don. to lib.
xviii. xix. xxii.

Editors of Druggist, don. to lib. xv.
Editors of Edinburgh New Philosphi-

cal Journal, don. to lib. xvii. xxii.
Editors of Farmer and Gardener, don.
Editors of Gardener's Monthly, &c.
to lib. xix.

don. to lib. xv.

Editors of Hutching's California Maga-
zine, don. to lib. xvii. xx.

Editors of Journal of the Indian Archi-
pelago, don. to lib. v.

Editors of La Bourgogne Revue œnolo-
gique et Viticole, don. to lib. xiv.

Darrach, Dr. James A., don. to lib. Editors of Medical and Surgical Re-


Davids, R. W., don. to mus. vi.
Davidson, George, letter from, 293;
thanks of the Academy to, for dona-
tion, 294; don. to mus. ii. v. vi.
Davidson, R. O., don. to lib. xii.
Davis, J. Barnard, remarks of, review-
ing the method of measurement as
a diagnostic means of distinguishing
human races, (adopted by Drs.
Schertzer and Schwarz,) 330.
Dawson, J. W., don. to lib. vii. viii.

De Camp, Dr. W. H., don. to mus. v.
Department of War, don. to lib. ix.
Dimpfels, Mr. F. don. to mus. i.
Dowler, Dr. Bennet, don. to lib. i. ix.
Duchaillu, P. B., Letter from, read, i.
Dunn, Dr. Theophilus, don. to mus.

Durand, Mr. E., Remarks on cones of
Pinus pungens, 1.

porter, don. to lib. xii.

Editors of Natural History Review,
don. to lib. x.

Editors of Neues Jahrbuch für Miner,
&c., don. to lib. ix. iv.

Editors of New Orleans Medical and
Surgical Journal, don. to lib. ii. vi.
XV. xvii. xxi.

Editors of New York Journal of Medi-
cine, don. to lib. ii. vi.

Editors of North American Medico-
Chirurgical Review, don. to lib. xv.
xviii. xxi.

Editors of Pacific Medical and Surgical
Journal, don. to lib. x.

Editors of Revue et Magasin de Zoolo-
gie, &c., don. to lib. xvii. xviii. xix.

Editors of Southern Medical and Surgi-
cal Journal, don. to lib. v. vi. viii.
x. xi. xv. xvi. xvii. xix. xxi.
Editors of Weiner Entomologische

Monatschrift, don. to lib. xiii. xv.
xvii. xviii. xix. xxii.
Edwards, Arthur M. don. to lib.
Election, Annual, of Officers, 353; of
members and correspondents, 354.
Emmons, Prof. E., Remarks on head
of Clepsysaurus, 151; Remarks on
the debituminization of coal 162;
don. to mus. iii. iv.; don. to lib. ii.

Engelmann, Dr., don. to mus. vii.;

don. to lib. xxi.

Etting, Henry, U. S. N., don. to mus.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

164; Description of a type of Gobi-
oids intermediate between Solinæ
and Tridentigerinæ, 194, 195; De-
scription of a new South American
type of Siluroids allied to Callophy-
sus, 194, 196; don. to lib. x.
Girard, Charles, M. D., Ichthyological
notices, 91, 111, 151; Herpetologi-
cal notices, 164.

Goodrich, S. G., don. to lib. xxii.

Goucher, Mr. J., don. to mus. ii.

Gould, B. A., Jr., don. to lib. iv.

Graham, Col. J. D., don. to lib. v. vi.

Gray, Prof. Asa, M. D., don. to mus.

iv.; don. to lib. xxi.

Gregory, J. W., vote of thanks to, 112;

don, to mus. iii.

Grier, Dr. W. P., don. to mus. vi.

Guérin-Ménéville, M. F. E., don. to

lib. vii.

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