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5. Add a causal clause to each of the following principal clauses.

The boy was frequently too late for school, because He was dismissed from the situation,

Some boys

Camels are

They could not come to a

make but little progress in learning,
much esteemed in Arabia,

He was despised by all,

approved of the measure, for

It was impossible to gain admittance,

He dis

Blessed are the merciful,

The bee is


A guide was required,

His great talents signify nothing, since
very properly considered an emblem of industry,
deserves praise, as

The excursion was postponed until another day,

6. Add a consequent or a concessive clause to each of the following principal clauses.

Honour thy father and thy mother, that live temperately,

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He must

His disposition was so amiable,

He had been so often deceived,

so many people in the secret,

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There were

The subject is so clear,

I forgive my enemy, although is undoubtedly a useful animal, though still handsome,

The crow

Mary was

He had

His youth was well spent, therefore He lived extravagantly, therefore never firmness to resist the slightest temptation, hence

7. Add an explanatory clause to each of the following principal clauses.


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ground. The Mississippi,
most prone to find faults in others. He

died in the year 901. Those

neath the first blast of adversity.

The crocodile is an animal ·

Ambition is that passion

are the

will bend be

Spring is the season

Gold is a metal
He generally talks most

A man is always best pleased with himself

We should always deliberate

8. Add an antithetical or a comparative clause to each of the following principal clauses.

A soft answer turneth away wrath, but willing to promise,

Many are

The wise are esteemed,

Religion dwells not on the tongue, nobly to repair his misfortunes,

He struggled Be economical, Solo

The miser possesses

Most of our pleasures are imaginary, mon was the wisest of men, yet — abundance of wealth,

Wisdom is more precious


It is more easy to speak than
He had no sooner
more expressive
Man's life fleeth
The earth

Silence is sometimes

Precept is not so forcible as
The righteous shall shine

nourisheth her children



1. Resolve the following complex into two simple


EXAMPLE.-The night was cold and dark.

ANALYSIS.-The night was cold. The night was dark.


Plants live and grow. Gold is hard and bright. Air contains oxygen and nitrogen. All weak animals are endowed with a principle of fear, which prompts them to shun danger. In following his game, the eagle evinces great boldness. A carrier pigeon flew in an hour and a half from Rouen to Ghent, a distance of about 150 miles.

2. Resolve the following complex into three simple



Animals of the cat kind are chiefly distinguished by their sharp claws, which they can hide or extend at pleasure.



Animals of the cat kind are chiefly distinguished by their sharp claws. They can hide their claws at pleasure. They can extend their claws at pleasure.


Animals live, grow, and feel. He studied at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Paris. The centre of the army was led by the king, the right by his brother, and the left by Randolph. The traitors were seized, and afterwards tried at Perth, where they were executed. The English army consisted of 26,000 men, and was divided into two lines, each of which was arranged in three divisions. Man's chief good is an upright mind, which no earthly power can bestow or take away.

3. Resolve the following complex into four simple



Logwood, one of the most common dye stuffs, is the substance of a tree which grows in Campeachy Bay and the West Indies.


Logwood is one of the most common dye stuffs. Logwood is the substance of a tree. The logwood tree grows in Campeachy Bay. The logwood tree grows in the West Indies.


Animals possess organization, life, sensation, and voluntary motion. This prince was moderate and humane in his disposition, temperate and regular in his mode of living. The silkworm's web is an oval ball, called a cocoon, consisting of a single thread wound round and round. Rehoboam had scarcely ascended the throne, when ten of the tribes of Israel revolted under Jeroboam, and the country was divided into two rival kingdoms, Judah and Israel. There is another mode of preparing leather, quite different from the preceding, which is called tawing, and is chiefly practised upon kid skins.

4. Resolve the following narrative into simple sen


Sir James Thornhill, a distinguished painter, was employed in decorating the interior of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral. One day, wishing to observe the effect of a certain part of his work, he moved backwards from it, along the scaffolding, until he had reached the very edge. Another step would have dashed him to pieces on the pavement below. His servant at this moment observed his danger, and in an instant threw a pot of paint at the picture. Sir James immediately rushed forward to chastise the man for his apparently unjustifiable conduct; but, when the reason was explained, he could not give him sufficient thanks, or sufficiently admire his ready ingenuity. Had the servant called out to apprise him of his danger, he would probably have lost his footing and been killed.



1. Conjoin the simple sentences in each of the following paragraphs into two complex sentences.

Alfred was wise.


Alfred was warlike. Mahogany is procured in different parts of the West Indies. Articles of furniture are made from mahogany.


Alfred was wise and warlike. Mahogany, from which articles of furniture are made, is procured in different parts of the West Indies.


The sun is the great source of light. The sun is the centre of the solar system. The animal kingdom is arranged into four great divisions. These divisions are called sub-kingdoms.

The hyena is a fierce animal. The hyena is a solitary animal. The hyena is found chiefly in the desolate parts of the Torrid Zone. The plant samphire grows on the sea shore. The plant samphire grows always in certain places. These places are never covered by the sea.

The oak upbraided the willow. The willow was weak. The willow was wavering. The willow gave way to every blast. Soon after it blew a hurricane. The willow yielded. The willow gave way. The oak stubbornly resisted. The oak was torn up by the roots.

2. Conjoin the simple sentences in each of the following paragraphs into three complex sentences.


Alexandria was one of the most celebrated cities of antiquity. Alexandria was formerly the residence of the kings of Egypt. Alexandria is situated on the shores of the MediterCharles I. was a faithful husband. Charles I. was an affectionate father. Charles I. was a kind friend. earth is surrounded by a fluid. This fluid is called air.




Alexandria, one of the most celebrated cities of antiquity, and formerly the residence of the kings of Egypt, is situated on the shores of the Mediterranean. Charles I. was a faithful husband, an affectionate father, and a kind friend. The earth is surrounded by a fluid, which is called air.


The tiger is almost confined to the warm climates of the East. The tiger is especially confined to India. The tiger is especially confined to Siam. The Strait of Gibraltar leads into the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean is a series of inland seas. These seas wash the shores of Rome. These seas wash the shores of Carthage. These seas wash the shores of Syria. These seas wash the shores of Egypt. Cotys was king of Thrace. Cotys got a present of earthen vessels. The earthen vessels were exquisitely wrought. The earthen vessels were extremely brittle. Cotys broke

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