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where over the wide world, evidences of ancient volcanoes can be traced. A change is produced in the arrangement of the solid matter of the earth by the force of wind on drifting sand. The surface of the earth is also affected by the action of the sea on its shores.

5. Change the following simple sentences into the interrogative form, and underline the subject. EXAMPLE-John gained a prize. CHANGED-Did John gain a prize?


I shall call to-morrow. You are very busy.

The master

is gone. The boy could repeat his lesson. We shall return immediately. He answered all the questions correctly. They have been long absent. The candidates are to be examined on Monday.

With the negative NOT.
EXAMPLE-We shall all die.
CHANGED-Shall we not all die?


God governs the world. We should obey our parents. It was your fault. Every thing in nature proclaims the goodness of God. All men hope to live a long time. The heavens declare the glory of God. We are indebted to the vegetable kingdom for a great part of our clothing.

Without the NEGATIVE.

EXAMPLE-No man is free from sin.
CHANGED IS any man free from sin?


Such conduct is not to be endured. God made nothing in vain. No man can serve two masters. He can never expect to succeed. The creature shall not dictate to his Creator. No one ever accused him of injustice. The people did not long submit to such oppression. Man shall not live by bread alone.

6. Change the following simple sentences into the exclamatory form, and underline the subject.

With HOW.

EXAMPLE—The instinct of the bee is very wonderful.
CHANGED-How wonderful is the instinct of the bee!


It is very cold. The wind howls. The weather is very uncertain. The empire of God is vast. The world would be dreary without hope. The Creator has bestowed many blessings upon man. We can rely with very little certainty upon the enjoyment of health. We have been delivered from many dangers in our infancy. Our hopes are often deceived.

With WHAT.

EXAMPLE-The sun is a glorious object.
CHANGED-What a glorious object the sun is!


It is a very stormy day. The clouds whirl along with fearful swiftness. They pour down a deluge upon the earth. A prodigious multitude of inhabitants is contained in the sea. Great varieties are found amongst them. Some are adorned with the most brilliant colours. The luxuriance of summer presents a striking contrast to the desolation of winter. The seeds of plants are defended with great precaution during the winter. Harmony exists in the order of nature.



1. Write six common nouns with simple sentences containing each.


SHIP-The ship sails to distant ports.

TREE-Trees are stripped of their leaves in winter.

2. Write six abstract nouns with simple sentences containing each.

3. Write six collective nouns with simple sentences containing each.

4. Write six proper nouns with simple sentences containing each.

5. Write six adjectives of quality with simple sentences containing each.

6. Write six transitive verbs with simple sentences containing each.

7. Write six intransitive verbs with simple sentences containing each.

8. Write six adverbs of time with simple sentences containing each.

9. Write six adverbs of place with simple sentences containing each.

10. Write six adverbs of manner with simple sentences containing each.

11. Write six simple sentences, each containing a noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, and preposition.

12. Write thirty simple sentences, each containing one of the following words:

Acquisition, accommodation, complacency, deliberation, degeneracy, economy, emancipation, imagination, reconciliation, vicissitude, beneficial, incalculable, indispensable, periodical, advantageously, affectionately, irresistibly, providentially, adopt, ascribe, confirm, convince, devote, detest, detract, disown, justify, prescribe, reform, suggest.



1. Write six derivatives from each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each.

EXAMPLE.-Firm; firmness, infirmity, infirmary, affirmation, affirmative, confirm.

"Firm on the boundless void of space

He poised the steady pole."

Firmness of mind is an admirable quality. Old age brings infirmity. An hospital for sick people is called an infirmary. We should never make a rash affirmation. The question was answered in the affirmative. The battle of Bannockburn confirmed the independence of Scotland.

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2. Write three synonyms to each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each.

EXAMPLE.-Courage; bravery, valour, boldness. Adversity should be met with courage. Soldiers are promoted for their bravery. Great valour was displayed at the battle of Waterloo. Most animals evince great boldness in defence of their young.

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3. Write antinonyms or words opposed to each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each.

EXAMPLE.-Innocence; guilt.

The lamb is an emblem of innocence. Guilt seldom escapes

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4. Write two different meanings of each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each. EXAMPLE.-League.

In France, distance is generally calculated by leagues. Various leagues were formed against Bonaparte.

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5. Write three different meanings of each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each.

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6. Write four different meanings of each of the following words, with simple sentences containing each.

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