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15. IRON.

Its abundance-antiquity-hardness ductility-fusibility-malleability-different states wroughtiron-cast-iron-steel-universal utility-in the arts the graver-the chisel-in manufacturesthe wheel the steam-engine-in agriculture-the spade-the plough-in domestic economy-the grate the knife-the needle-its effects upon civilisation.

16. COAL.

Its abundance-value-coal-mines—their depth-extent-indispensable utility of coal-in navigation -arts-manufactures-domestic economy-source of Britain's prosperity-different kinds of coal.

17. SUGAR.

Sugar-cane-where cultivated-how planted-its appearance-preparation-molasses-rum-refined sugar-agreeable article of food.


Cotton plant-where cultivated-its appearancegathering of the cotton-process of cleaning from the seeds-cotton factories-different fabrics-universal use.

19. PAPER.

Derivation-papyrus-its appearance-by whom anciently used-from what substances now manufactured-process-different kinds-uses-effects on


20. THE OAK.

Countries in which found-height-circumference— age-durability-strength-principal use-the fruit

-the bark.


Cedar of Scripture-where found-size-growthdurability-appearance-Solomon's temple-Ships of the Tyrians-Scripture allusions.


Its extent-great divisions-saltness-utility-in receiving rivers-giving forth vapours-supplying food-facilitating commerce-advancing civilisa



Its source-progress-beauty-rapidity-lakes-cataracts-utility-in removing impurities-fertilizing countries-supplying water-yielding foodpromoting commerce-remarkable rivers.


Its grandeur—its utility—the source of rivers-the region of forests—the abode of animals—the repository of minerals—the home of freedom-the volcano-the highest mountains.


Simplest form-the canoe of the savage-the currach of the ancient Britons-ships of Scripture-of the Romans-modern ships-their construction-size -accommodation-speed-utility in commercecivilisation-spread of Christianity.


Man's disobedience-God's determination-Noah's

commission-the ark-the deluge-the terror-the desolation-Ararat-the raven-the dove-the deliverance-the gratitude-the promise.


The escape the route-the guide-the Red Sea-the encampment—the pursuit-the terror-the miraculous passage-the infatuation-the destruction.

28. JONAH.

The commission-the disobedience-the flight-the vessel the storm-the sleeper-the lot-the confession-the calm-the whale-the repentancethe deliverance.


Nebuchadnezzar-the image-the decree-the refusal -the wrath-the command-the furnace-the miraculous preservation—the astonishment of the king-his conviction-his public acknowledgment. 30. THE FEAST.

Belshazzar-the feast-the idolatry-the impious command-the profanity-the handwriting-the terror the magicians-the reward-the failureDaniel-the rebuke-the interpretation-the doom



Write the substance of the following narratives after they have been read.

1. The states of Athens and Lacedemon having long contended for the sovereignty of Greece, Themistocles, the Athenian general, conceived the design of placing the government in the hands of his countrymen. Being at no time very scrupulous in the choice of his measures, he thought any thing which could tend to the accomplishment of the end he had in view to be just and lawful. He accordingly intimated, one day, in an assembly of the people, that he had a very important design to propose, but which he could not communicate to the people at large, because the greatest secrecy was necessary to its success. He therefore desired that they would appoint a person to whom he might explain himself on

the subject. Aristides was unanimously named by the assembly, who referred the affair entirely to his decision. Themistocles, taking him aside, told him that the plan he had conceived was to burn the fleet belonging to the rest of the Grecian states, which then lay in a neighbouring port; and by this measure, he added, Athens would assuredly become mistress of all Greece. Aristides returned to the assembly, and declared to them that nothing could be more advantageous to the Commonwealth than the project of Themistocles; but that, at the same time, nothing could be more unjust. Without inquiring further, the assembly unanimously declared that, since such was the case, Themistocles should wholly abandon the scheme he contemplated.

2. The conduct of Regulus, the Roman general, may give us an idea of the spirit which sometimes animated the Roman people. The Carthaginians, wearied out with continual war, sent ambassadors to Rome to make overtures of peace. Amongst these was Regulus, who had been a prisoner in Carthage for five years. The Carthaginians requested him to plead their cause; but they first exacted a promise from him to return to Carthage, in case the embassy proved unsuccessful. It was hinted to him, at the same time, that his life depended on the success of his negotiation.

On his arrival at Rome, he acquainted the Senate with the motive of his journey; but, instead of urging them to bring the war to a conclusion, he used every argument to procure its continuance. He was aware, he said, of the punishment that awaited him; but, being far advanced in years, he looked upon death, though inflicted with the most cruel torture, as nothing in competition with the service of his country. His earnestness prevailed on the Senate to comply with his noble and unparalleled counsel; and, though he well knew the fatal consequences to himself, the illustrious prisoner would not break his engagement with the enemy, but returned to Carthage, where he was put to death by the most lingering tor


This exercise is intended to be multiplied from other books.



1. Give orally then write the substance of the following parables.

1. The Ten Virgins. 2. The Good Samaritan. 3. The Prodigal Son. 4. The Rich Man and Lazarus. 5. The Unjust Judge. 6. The Worldly Man. 7. The Unmerciful Servant. 8. The Talents. 9. The Labourers Hired. 10. The Wedding Garment.

2. Give orally then write the substance of the following miracles.

1. The Water turned into Wine. 2. The Tempest Stilled. 3. The Widow of Nain's Son. 4. The Lepers Cleansed. 5. The Walking on the Sea. 6. The Paralytic Healed. 7. Five Thousand Fed. 8. The Withered Hand Revived. 9. The Impotent Man at the Pool of Bethesda. 10. The Resurrection of Lazarus.

3. Give orally then write the substance of the following fables.

1. The Fox and the Stork. 2. The Frogs who desired a King. 3. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. 4. The Ass and the Lion Hunting. 5. The Fox who lost his Tail. 6. The Lion and the other Animals. 7. The Hare and the Tortoise. 8. The Wolf and the Crane. 9. The Ant and the Fly. 10. The Goose with the Golden Eggs.

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