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the people, 328-justice incul-
cated, 330 self-improvement
urged on Alcibiades, 338- the
Persian and Lacedæmonian kings,
343 question how to become as
excellent as possible, 349-friend-
ship, 355-self-knowledge, 356—
Gray's notes, vi. 425.
ALCIBIADES, the SECOND, iv. 375—

The ignorance of men evinced
by their praying for things really
hurtful, shown by various exam-
ples, 376-dipus, 376-tyrants,
381-generals, 381-parents, 382
-general prayers recommended,
383, 393-Gray's notes, vi. 427.
Alcinous, ii. 304.

Alcinous, Introduction to the Doc-
trines of Plato, by, vi. 241.
Alcmæon, iv. 384.

Amatory matters, v. 326.
Amazons, contests of, with the
Athenians, iv. 192.
Ambassadors who neglect their
duty, punishment of, v. 498.
Amestris, iv. 347.
Ammon, the god, iii. 189.
Ampheres, ii. 421.

Amphilytus, iv. 406.
Amphion, i. 183.

Amphipolis, Socrates at, i. 16.
Amphiraus, vi. 46.
Amphitryon, i. 410.
Amycus, v. 262.
Amynander, ii. 324.

Amyntor, curses his son Phoenix,
v. 487.

Anacharsis, ii. 289.
Anacreon, iv. 440.

Anatomy and physiology, ancient,
ii. 381.

Anaxagoras, theories of, i. 13, 103,
158, iii. 314.
Andromache, iv. 298.
Andromedes, iv. 553.
Andron, son of Androtion, i. 185.
Andron, a friend of Callicles, i.

Androtion, i. 185.

Animals, two kinds of, mortal and

immortal, vi. 22—lower, creation
of the, ii. 407.
Antæus, i. 403, v. 262.
Antenor, iii. 572.

Anthemion, father of Anytus, iii.

Antilochus, iv. 301.

Antimærus, of Mende, a sophist, i.

Antipho, of Rhamnous, an orator,
iv. 186.

Antiphon, of Cephisus, a friend of
Socrates, i. 21.

Antisthenes, vi. 418 — present at the
death of Socrates, i. 56.
Anytus, iii. 33—one of the accusers
of Socrates, i. 4, 10.
Apaturia, festivals in honour of
Dionysus, ii. 324.
Apemantus, ii. 263.

Aphrodite, meaning of the name,
iii. 327.

Apollo, meaning of the name, iii.

Apollodorus, a pupil of Socrates, i.
21-present at his death, 56, vi.

APOLOGY OF Socrates, i. 3-29.

Preamble,3-his most formida-
ble accusers, 4-charges against
him, 5-disclaims the power of
teaching, 5-how the charges
originated, 6-his various oppo-
nents, Melitus, Anytus, Lycon,
12-dialogue with Melitus, 12-
the multitude prejudiced against
him, 15-the study of philosophy
an act of duty, 15-fear of death
not wisdom, 16-his death an in-
jury to Athens rather than to him-
self, 18-why he took little part
in public affairs, 19— appeal to
his contemporaries as to his teach-
ing, 21-declines to supplicate
for mercy, 22-is condemned to
death, 23-his own award, 23—
address to his judges, 26-to
those who voted for his acquittal,
27-death a blessing, 28-pur-
posed occupation in Hades, 28–
Gray's notes, vi. 430.

Apuleius on the Doctrines of Plato,
vi. 323.

Arbitrators and tribunals in the
model state, v. 523.
Archæanassa, a mistress of Plato,
vi. 191.

Archedemus, iv. 479.

Archelaus, of Macedonia, iv. 381-
atrocities committed by, i. 165.

Archepolis, iii. 303.
Archidamus, iv. 348.

Archidemus, iv. 482.

Archilochus, ii. 45, iv. 289.

Assaults, punishment for, in the
model state, v. 397.
Assembly, nocturnal, for the pre-
servation of the laws of the model
state, v. 533-the guardians of
the city, 536.

Astronomer, the true, necessarily
the wisest man, vi. 31.
Astronomy, errors in, v. 307.
Astyanax, iii. 298.

Astylus, his temperance, v. 333.
Atalante, ii. 311.

Ate, a goddess, iii. 520.

Archinus, an Athenian orator, iv. 184. Athamas, iv. 453.
Archippus, iv. 547.

Archon king, the, iv. 113.
Archytas, of Tarentum, epistles of
Plato to, iv. 547-letter of, to Dio-
nysius, vi. 186.

Ares, meaning of the name, iii. 329.
Aridæus, ii. 306.

Ariphron, tutor of Clinias, i. 248.
Aristides, son of Lysimachus, iv.
415-eulogy on, i. 230, iii. 39.
Aristippus of Larissa, a noble Thes-
salian, iii. 3.

Athene, ii. 416-meaning of the
name, iii. 327.

Athenians, the primitive, said to re-
semble the citizens of the ideal
Republic, ii. 417-polity of the,
v. 113.

Atlantic isles, story of the, ii. 328,

Atlas, i. 105.

Atreus, iii. 209.

Atropus, ii. 308.

Attica, polity of, v. 113.

Aristocracy, need of one, iii. 188—Auditing of accounts, v. 504.
should be superior in virtue, not Auditors, honours to, in the model
in wealth, 188.

state, v. 507.

Aristocrates, son of Scellius, i. Autochthon, ii. 421.


Aristocritus, iv. 556.

Aristodemus, iii. 475.

Autochthones, a name assumed by
the Athenians, iv. 188.

Autolycus, ii. 10.

Aristodorus, epistle of Plato to, iv. AXIOCHUS; or, ON DEATH, vi. 39


Aristogiton, iv. 441.

Ariston, i. 21.

Aristonymus, iv. 467.

Aristophanes, encomium on Love,
by, iii. 508.

Armed sports, in the model state, v.
262-question as to the use of
such, iv. 151.
Artaxerxes, iv. 343.

Artemis, meaning of the name, iii.

Artisans, laws relating to, in the
model state, v. 469.
Aspasia, her skill in oratory praised,
iv. 106-her (pretended) oration
on the slain at Nemea, 187.


Reasons against the fear of
death, 41- -no part of life free
from pain, 44-the immortality
of the soul, 51-future judgment,

Axiochus, iii. 56, vi. 39.
Azaes, ii. 421.


Bacchus, choir of, v. 63.
Bachelors, punishment of, in the
model state, v. 228.
Bacis, iv. 406.

Bad government, different kinds of,
ii. 233.

Bad sons of good fathers, i. 255.
BANQUET, THE; or, on Love, iii.

Encomium on Love, by Phæ-
drus, 486-by Pausanius, 490–
by Eryximachus, 500-by Aris-
tophanes, 508-by Agatho, 518-
Socrates' comments, 527-his ar-
gument with Diotima, 531-Alci-
biades' account of Socrates, 561—
Gray's notes, vi. 450.
Barbarians and Greeks, an unsound
distinction, iii. 198.
Beautiful, the, discussions on, iv.
222, 263.

Being and non-being, discussion on,
iii. 432, 462.

Bendideia, festival of the, ii. 1.
Bias, of Priene, i. 273.

Callixenus, vi. 49.
Cambyses, iv. 193.
Carthaginians, money of the, vi. 71.
Cebes, iv. 555-a friend of Socrates,
i. 33--present at his death, 56,
vi. 419.

Cecrops, ii. 417.

Celibacy, punishment of, v. 228.
Cemeteries, in the model state, v.

Cephalus, his happy old age, ii. 3.
Cepis, i. 244.
Cerberus, ii. 279.
Cercyon, v. 262.

Ceres. See Demeter.
Chæredemus, iii. 87.

Chærephon, vi. 418-his inquiry of
the oracle regarding Socrates, i. 7.
Charioteer and steeds, the soul
likened to a, i. 322.

Bones and flesh, nature of the, ii. Charmantides, the Pæonian, ii. 3.

Body and soul, vi. 16.

[blocks in formation]


Charmides' definition of tem-
perance, 121-doubts of Socrates,
121-Critias' opinion, 131-ob-
jections of Socrates, 131-tem-
perance a great good, 144-Gray's
notes, vi. 448.

Charmides, the son of Glauco, iii.
574, vi. 420.

Charondas, the lawgiver, ii. 289.

Buying and selling, laws relating to, Children, procreation of, v. 230,
v. 460.

[blocks in formation]

246-community of, ii. 141-
nursing of, v. 253-sports of, 258,
264-education of, 43-the sexes
to be separated at six years of
age, 259-belong rather to the
state than to their parents, 277.
Chilo, of Lacedæmon, i. 273.
Chimæra, ii. 279.
Chiron, ii. 71.
Chryses, ii. 73.
Chrysippus, iii. 305.

Cimon, iv. 409-his treatment by
the Athenians, i 220.
Cinesias, a musician, i. 203.
Cinyras, wealth of, v. 56.
Citizen, duty of the, i. 31.

City, rules for building the, in the

model state, v. 184-city stew-|
ards, 203.

Civil government, its origin, v. 78
-who should be rulers, 99-
various polities discussed, 105,
112, 113.

Cleobulus, of Lindus, i. 273.
Cleombrotus, i. 56.

Cleopatra, i. 165.

Corybantes, their inspiration, iv.
295, 300.

Cosmos, its original meaning, i. 210.
Council of the model state, v. 198.


Courage shown to be contained in
knowledge, i. 293.

Cratinus, iv. 555.

Cleophantus, his skill in horseman- Cratistolus, iv. 479.

ship, iii. 38.

Clinias, the Cnossian, v. 8.
Clinias, brother of Alcibiades, i. 248.
Clito, ii. 421.
Clitomachus, iv. 413.
CLITOPHO, iv. 467-474.

Comments on several of the
Socratic doctrines, 468-question
as to reducing them to practice,
470-Socrates' teaching said to
be incomplete, 473.
Clitophon, son of Aristonymus, ii. 3,
iv. 467.

Clotho, ii. 308.

Cnossus, the model state to be
founded from, v. 195.
Cocytus, a river, i. 122.
Codrus, iii. 546.
Colonization, art of, v. 126.
Colony, government and laws for a
new, v. 129.

Common tables for men in the model
state, v. 239-for women, 242.
Community of goods carried to its
extreme in the model state, v.
174, 176.

Compacts, law of, v. 455.

Computation, a science to be taught,
v. 300.

Connexions, illicit, v. 248.
Connus, iii. 83.

Consultation among the ignorant,
mere guess work, vi. 100, 105.
Contests, running and other, rules
for, v. 321.

Contributions and offerings, laws re-
lating to, v. 522.

Corinthus, son of Jupiter, iii. 79.
Coriscus, iv. 497.

Correction, house of, in the model
state, v. 452.

CRATYLUS, THE, iii. 283-395.

Do names express the proper-
ties of things? 283-examination
of names in Homer, 298-in He-
siod, 310-names of the gods, 316
-of prudence, wisdom, &c., 336
-other words examined, 343—
imitation, 362-name-givers, 373
-names to be composed from
elements, 383-Gray's notes, vi.

Creator and Father of the universe,
ii. 332.

Credence not to be too quickly
given, vi. 117.

Creon, the Thessalian, i. 269, iv. 398.
Creophilus, the epic poet, ii. 289.
Cresphontes, v. 90.

Cretan state, laws of the, adapted to
a state of war, v. 3.
Crison of Himera, a runner, i. 266.
CRITIAS, THE, ii. 413–429.

The primæval Athenians, 415
-said to resemble the citizens of
the ideal Republic, 417-the story
of the Atlantic island, 420.
Critias, his opinion on temperance,
iv. 131.

Critias, son of Phæax, vi. 59.
i. 31-45.

Opinion of the many not to be
regarded, 31-a man should not
be anxious about living, but about
living well, 37-his duty to act
justly at all hazards, 37-evasion
of the laws unjust, 39-children,
friends, and life less to be regarded
than acting justly, 44.

Crito, a friend of Socrates, i. 21-
endeavours to prevail with him to

escape from prison, 33-present | Democrates of Exone, i. 483.

at his death, 56, vi. 420.
Critobulus, son of Crito, i. 21, vi.
417-present at the death of So-
crates, i. 56.
Cræsus, iv. 480.

Crysson, his temperance, v. 333.
Ctesippus, the Pæanian, i. 482-
present at the death of Socrates,

Curetes, armed sports of the, v. 262.
Cyane, iv. 409.

Cyanus, a metallic substance, i. 122.
Cybele, votaries of, i. 44.
Cyclopes, v. 85.
Cypselus, iv. 406.
Cyrus, iv. 139.

Cyrus and Darius, their conduct
contrasted, v. 107.

Cyzicum, naval battle at, iv. 197.


Dædalus, skill of, i. 470, iii. 44.
Dæmon of Socrates, i. 19, iv. 311,

Dæmons, origin and meaning of the
term, iii. 310.

Damon, a celebrated musician, ii.

Dances, various kinds of, v. 295.
Darius, iv. 193.

Datis subdues the Eretrians, iv.

Death, fear of, censured, i. 15, 37,
vi. 41.—a great gain, i. 28-only
the separation of soul and body,

Defence of the model state, v. 206-
walls rejected, 237.

DEFINITIONS, vi. 123-144.

Delium, Socrates at, i. 16.

DEMODOCUS, vi. 109-119.

The folly of advising on, or
giving judgment about, matters of
which men are ignorant, 110-
both parties to be heard on any
accusation, 113-on lending
money, 115-on giving credence
too quickly, 117.
Demodocus, iv. 401.
Demophon, i. 486.

Demus, son of Pyrilampes, i. 179.
Deucalion, ii. 325.

Diana, meaning of the name, iii.

Dialogues of Plato, classification of,
ii. Int. vii.-Introduction to, by
Albinus, vi. 315.
Diaprepes, ii. 421.

Different, the, and the one, iii. 420,


Dinomache, mother of Alcibiades,
iv. 314.

Diogenes Laertius, Life of Plato,
by, vi. 175.
Diomedean necessity, what, ii. 180.
Diomedes, iv. 397.

Dion, epistle of, to Dionysius, iv.
477-to Perdiccas, 495-Plato's
epistle to Dion, 493- Plato's
epistle to the friends and kindred
of Dion, 499, 539.

Dionysia, festivals at Athens so
called, ii. 162.

Dionysius, the grammarian, iv. 419.
Dionysius, the tyrant, epistle of
Dion to, iv. 477-of Plato to, 479,
486, 550.
Dionysodorus, iii. 54.
Dionysus, meaning of the name,
iii. 327.

Diopompus, his temperance, v. 333.

Delphi, declaration of the oracle at, Dioscuri, v. 263.

regarding Socrates, i. 7.

Demeter, meaning of the name, iii.
Democracy, ii. 244-ironical com-
mendation, 246-no share in go-
vernment to be allowed to the
ignorant, v. 99-democracy and
monarchy, 105.

Diotima, her teaching on Love, iii.
Dis, iii. 312.

Diseases, origin of, ii. 396.
Disobedience, fines for, v. 512.
Divorce, regulations for, in the mo-
del state, v. 248.
Doctrines of Plato, Analysis of, by

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