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acquired in an objective way, by practice and habit, rather than by the study of rules and definitions. The pupil is brought in contact with the living language itself, and not subjected to the irksome and fruitless task of learning mere rules and forms. This new method of teaching grammar is destined to supersede the old one, and that soon.


THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW.-Vol. I, No. 1, for January, 1874, is now ready. It is announced in the prospectus that its chief object" will be the sifting and tel ling treatment of the great questions of our age and country, above mere sect or party; literary, scientific, social, national, religious." In this good work every scholar, patriot and christian will wish it God-speed. From what we know per sonally of the editor, Prof. John M. Leavitt, and from the array of talent em braced in the list of contributors already secured, on both sides of the Atlantic, including such names as Chas. F. Adams, A. P. Stanley, Joseph Henry, Franz Van Holzendorf, Theo. D. Woolsey, M. Guillame Guizot, Jas. McCosh, J. A. Froude, Alex. H. Vinton, Wm. B. Carpenter, Noah Porter, Thos. Hughes, Theo D. Dwight, Justin McCarthy, A. P. Peabody, Edward Laboulaye and Alex. H. Jtephens, we expect a review a review that will at once, take a conspicuous and influential position in the world of letters and in the discussions of the great problems of humanity. The INTERNATIONAL will be issued six times a year. Terms $5.00 a year. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co. 113, 115, William Street, New York.

LITTELL'S LIVING AGE, an advertisemant of which will be found in this num ber, continues its welcome weekly visits to its thousands of friends. The regular price is $8.00. For this sum, in advance, we will furnish it with the JOURNAL, the subscriber paying his own postage. Those who wish to order from the publishers, will address LITTELL & GAY, 17 Bromfield St., Boston. See adver


THE ATLANTIC has gone to New York. This won't hurt it, nor lessen its mul titude of readers. On the contrary, we expect to see it assume, under its new regime, a more cosmopolition aud distinctively American tone. Long wave the ATLANTIC. Address HURD & HOUGHTON

JOURNAL. in advance

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