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"Dear child!" said Mrs. Baron, hardly able to preserve her composure, "dear child! give the glory to God."

"Yes, I will glorify him for ever and ever," cried the poor little boy; and he raised himself up in his couch, joining his small and taper fingers together: "yes, I will praise him, I will love him. I was a grievous sinner: every imagination of the thought of my heart was evil continually; I hated all good things; I hated even my Maker; but he sought me cut; he washed me from my sins in his own blood; he gave me a new heart; he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, and put on me the robe of righteousness; he "hath abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light." 2 Timothy i. 10, Then turning to his Bearer, he said, “O my poor Bearer! what will become of you, if you neglect so great salvation?" Heb. ii. 3. "O Lord Jesus Christ", he added, “turn the heart of my poor Eearer!" This short prayer which little Henry made in Hindoostanee, his Bearer repeated, scarcely knowing what he was doing. And this as he afterwards told Mr. Smith, was the first prayer he made to the true God-the first time he had ever called upon his holy


Having done speaking, little Henry laid his head down on his pillow, and closed his eyes. His spirit was full of joy, indeed, but his flesh was weak; and he lay some hours in a kind of slumber. When he awoke he called Mrs. Baron, and begged her to sing the verse of the hymn he loved so much, Jesus sought me, &c." which she had taught him at Dinapore. He smiled while she was sing: ing but did not speak,

That same evening Boosy being left alone with his little master, and seeing that he was wakeful and inclined to talk, said, “Sahib, I have been thinking all day that I am a sinner, and always have been one; and I begin to believe that my sins are such as Gunga cannot wash away. I wish I could believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!"

When Henry heard this, he strove to raise himself up, but was unable, on account of his extreme weakness; yet his eyes sparkled with joy: he endea voured to speak, but could not: and at last he burst into tears. He soon, however, became more composed, and pointing to his Bearer to sit down on the floor by his couch, he said, "Boosy, what you have now said makes me very happy: 1 am very happy to hear you call yourself a sinner, and such a one as Gunga cannot make clean. It is Jesus Christ which has made this known to you, he has called you to come unto him. Faithful is he that calleth you. I shall yet see you, my poor Bearer, in "the general assembly and church of the first born." Heb. xii. 23. "You were kind to me when my own father and mother were dead. The first thing I can remember, is being carried by you to the Mongoe tope near my mamma's house at Patna. Nobody loved me then but you and could I go to Heaven, and leave you behind me in the way to hell? I could not bear to think of it! Thank God! Thank God! Į knew he would hear my prayer; but I thought that, perhaps, you would not begin to become a Christian till I was gone, When I am dead Boosy", added the little boy, "do you go to Mr. Smith at Calcutta. I cannot write to him, or else I would; but you shall take him one lock of my hair, (I will get Mrs. Baron to cut it off, and put it in a paper,) and tell him that I sent it. You must say, that Henry L- -, that died at Berhamphore, sent it, with this request, that he would take care of his poor Bearer, when he has lost cast for becoming a Christian." Boosy would have told Henry that he was not quite determined to be a Christian, and that he could not think of losing east ;but Henry guessing what he was going to say, put his hand upon his mouth. “Stop! stop! he said, "do not say words which would make God angry, and which you will be sorry for by and by: for I know you will die a Christian. God has begun a good work in you, and I am certain that he will finish it."

While Henry was talking to his Bearer, Mrs Baron had come into the room; but not wishing to interrupt him, she had stood behind his couch: but now she came forward. As soon as he saw her, he begged her to take off his cap, and cut off some of his hair, as several of his friends wished for some. She thought that she would endeavour to comply with his request; but when she took off bis cap, and his beautiful hair fell about his pale sweet face; when she considered


how soon the time would be when the eye that hath scen him will see him no more; she could not restrain her feelings, but throwing down the scissars, and putting her arm round him, “O my child! my dear, dear child! she said I cannot bear it! I cannot part with you yet!"

The poor little boy was affected; but be gently reproved her, saying, "If you love me, you will rejoice, because I go to my father." John xiv, 28.

There was a considerable change in the child during the night; and all the next day, till evening he lay in a kind of slumber; and when he was roused to take his medicine or nourishment, he seemed not to know where he was or who was with him. In the evening he suddenly revived, and asked for his mamma. He had seldom asked for her before. She was in the house: for she was not so hard-hearted (thoughtless as she was) as to go into gay company at this time, when the child's death might be hourly expected. She trembled mach when she heard that he asked for her. She was conscious perhaps that she and not fulfilled her duty by him. He received her affectionately, when she went ap to his bed-side, and begged that every body would go out of the room, saying that he had something very particular to speak about. He talked to her for e time, but nobody knows the particulars of their conversation: though, it is believed, that the care of her immortal soul was the subject of the last discourse which this dear little boy held with her. She came out of his room with her eyes swelled with crying, and his little well-worn Bible, in her band, (which he had probably given her, as it always lay on his bed by him;) and shatting herself in her room, she remained without seeing any one, till the news was brought that all was over. From that time, she never gave her mind so entirely to the world, as she had formerly done: but became a more perious character, and daily read little Henry's Bible.

But now to return to little lenry. As there are but few persons who love to meditate upon scenes of death, and too many are only able to view the gloomy side of them, instead of following, by the eye of faith, the glorious progress of the departing saint; I will hasten to the end of my story The next day at twelve clock, being Sunday, he was delivered from this evil world, and received into glory. His passage was calm although not without some mortal pangs. May we die the death of the righteous, and may our last end be like his!" Nembers xxiii. 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Baron and his Bearer attended him to the last moment, and Mr. Baron followed him to the grave.

Sometime after his death, his mamma caused a monument to be built over his grave, on which was inscribed his name, Henry L, and his age, which, at the time of his death, was eight years and seven months. Underneath was a part of his favourite verse, from 1st Thessalonians v. altering only one word, "Faithful is he that called me,' And afterwards was added, by desire of Mr Smith, this verse, from James v. 20. “He which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."

When I first visited Berhampore, I went to see little Henry's monument. It was then white and fair, and the inscription very plain: but I am told that the damp of that climate has so defaced the inscription, and blackened the whole monument, that it cannot be distinguished from the tombs that surround it. But this is of little consequence, as all who remember Henry L have long ago left Berhampore; and we are assured, that this dear child has himself received an inheritance that fadeth not away." 1 Peter i. 4. The world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God, abideth for ever." 1 John ii. 17.

Every person who reads this story, will be anxious to know what became of Boosy. Immediately after the funeral of his little sahib, having received his wages, with a handsome present, he carried the lock of hair, which Mrs. Baron sealed up carefully, with a letter from her to Mr. Smith. He was received into Mr. Smith's family, and removed with him to a distant part of India, where shortly after he renounced cast, and declared himself a Christian. After dne examination, he was baptized, and continued till his death (which happened not very long after) a sincere Christian. It was on the occasion of the baptism

of Boosy, to whom the Christian name of John was given, that the last verse was added to the monument of little Henry.

From Mrs. Baron and Mr. Smith, I gathered most of the anecdotes relative to the history of Henry L.

Little children in India, remember Henry L, and "go and do like. wise." Luke x. 37. For "they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." Daniel xiii 3.-P. 113.—139.

The author of this beautiful little history has not gratified us with his name, and we have heard no guess who he is, but we hope the public will soon know him better. He possesses talents which fall to the lot of a very few, and these are sanctified by a knowledge of the gospel, and a desire to communicate it to others. And we hope that his signal success in the difficult task of alluring young minds to religion, will induce him to employ his distinguished endowments where they are likely to be so eminently useful.

We hope to see this book in every Sunday School library; we wish we could add as a reward book in every Sunday School, but this brings us to the only fault in the book, viz. its price. It is very well printed and embellished with a neat plate; but if it was printed in a smaller type, on common paper, it might be reduced to a price which would ensure it a very extensive sale. And we cannot forbear recommending to the benevolent author to make an alteration, which would, we are persuaded, make the book a favorite in every Sunday School in the empire.

We would also suggest, that in the next edition an explanation of the Hindoostanee words, at the commencement of the book, would he found very useful for reference.

DAVID DREADNOUGHT, the Reformed Sailor; or Nautical
Tales, in Verse
A new edition for Sunday Schools. By
Samuel Whitchurch. Kent, High Holborn. pp. 126.

A TASTE for reading and a love of books are exceedingly useful, and should always be encouraged. It is the tendency of human nature, especially among the lower orders, to debase the intellectual and immortal powers, by rendering them subservient to sensual indulgences; books are happily adapted to counteract this evil bias, and to elevate the mind above corporeal gratifications. Pious books are eminently calculated to engage both the intellect and the spirit in the service of God, and preparation for eternity-while they enlighten the mind, they warm the heart -and while they charm the imagination, they transform the character. Every individual has some moments unemployed-how important that they should be spent in an innocent and useful manner! How dangerous if there be, in the season of relaxation, no source of enjoyment but sensual gratifications! The man who loves reading, has always an amusement, a profitable amusement, at home; he has no occasion to seek the company of the depraved, or the haunts of vice for his pleasures.

While it is acknowledged that a taste for reading, if not perverted, is likely to be very beneficial, it must certainly be necessary that the instructors of the young should endeavour to excite and promote an attachment to this employment among their pupils. To this end, it is essential that they should connect pleasing associations with reading, and that books for young people should be very interesting; their path must be strewed with flowers-milk must be administered to babes, they cannot receive or digest 'strong meat." Books in the narrative form are most suitable for children; they soon feel interested in a story or anecdote, and retain the moral instruction which is interwoven with the tale. The imaginations of the young require something new, and are powerfully excited by relations of adventures to distant countries, or voyages on the mighty ocean. The history of a British sailor, if well written, cannot fail of exciting the attention of British youth, and we rejoice that our author has favoured us with a nautical tale in verse, which, we trust, will not only please, but profit those who may read it.

Our limits will only allow us to sketch the early part of the History of David Dreadnought; we shall, therefore, content ourselves with a few extracts from the first book, which will speak for themselves. The following is part of the picture of Dreadnought in his unconverted state:

Valiant was Dreadnought, and of pow'rful arm;
His soul, unconquer'd, never felt alarm.

Train'd up in danger's school, by practice taught,
Skilful he acted, and as bravely fought.

The foremost post, where ventur'd men of might,
To face grim death amid the hottest fight,

He ever claim'd..thoughtless alike was he
Of present risk or future destiny;

Still unregarded that eternal doom

Awaiting man beyond the silent tomb:

And though God's providence preserv'd his life,

And brought him harmless through war's dreadful strife;

Though never once by foemen's strength subdu'd

For life preserv'd he felt no gratitude:

Ne'er was his Saviour's all-protecting care

By him acknowledg'd, or in praise or prayer;
Nor from his heart was free-will off'ring giv'n,

By love enkindled, to the God of Heav'n.

It appears that Dreadnought's father was a pious man:--

Dreadnought was taught at home to read and write,

And kneel at worship every morn and night;

His valu'd father was a man of pray'r,

He train'd his David up with pious care;
Oft ran the big tear trickling down his face,

When wrestling for him at the throne of grace:
But soon by evil company undone,
The sire's advice was slighted by the son.
His father died, and entered into rest;
Yet ere he died made one devout request;
Put up this last short pray'r in spirit mild:

"Convert, O God, and bless my wand'ring child!

"In mercy stop him in his mad career,

"And draw the Sinner to his Saviour near !”
Heard was that prayer-he slumber'd in his grave,
But God most merciful still liv'd to save.

God ne'er forgot the dying saine's request;
In his own time the wand'ring child he blest.


Dreadnought's first attention to serious subjects was awakened by hearing a sermon from "Pray without ceasing About seven years after this event, the precept still dwelling in his mind, excited unusual emotions. He searches for the bible which his father gave him-this he finds beneath the lumber of his chest, and peruses with attention:

Dreadnought reads on--his Heav'n-taught mind expands;

The more he reads, the more he understands:
Low on his stubborn knees, unus'd to bend,
He falls to supplicate the sinner's friend,
With broken heart devout, and streaming eyes,
"O save a guilty sinner Lord!" he cries.
Forthwith to Heav'n recording angels bear
The humble penitent's soul-breathing pray'r;
All Heav'n rejoices! holy seraphs praise
The God of mercy in exalted lays!

The sainted spirit of his father hears

How God hath answer'd all his pray'rs and tears;

And thus he sings, " Praise, kindred saints, the Lord!

"He hath my son from death to life restor'd:

"With lasting praise, let Heav'n's high roof resound;


My wand'ring child was lost, but now is found !"-P. 14.

Dreadnought thus becomes an altered character, and in his future life, and diversified adventures, he shews that it is possible to be at once a sailor and a christian. We trust this little book will be very useful among sailors; and if any Sunday School children should engage in a sea-faring life, we hope their teachers will not fail to furnish them with the History of David Dreadnought. It will be a suitable present when they enter on the sea-service, or when they return from a voyage and revisit their Sunday Schools, and their endeared instructors.

As it respects the general readers of this work, among Sunday School children, we have to regret that the language, similies, and allusions, are often not sufficiently simple for the youthful poor. The work appears not to have been originally composed for children, and, therefore, many of the expressions are too elevated. We are aware that it is extremely difficult to compose poetry exactly adapted to youthful minds; but we still hope that in the next edition for Sunday Schools, a nearer approximation will be made to that simplicity, which is essential in children's books.

Upon the whole, we feel pleasure in recommending David Dreadnought, as a work suitable for the Sunday School Library; and we trust the excellent writer of this little work will experience the Divine blessing, and great success in this, as well as his other arduous exertions to promote the prosperity or extension of Sunday Schools.

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