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xious tub and pot that sagacity and impartiality can

rummage-mangers receive a bounty for every discovery, ourse their reports are final.

uster-roll of noxious pans and rat-holes is secretly d with an entry that "the Board has declared it a nuiAn order is issued for its peremptory removal: the of course avoided; the abatement is made by their , and a lien is filed in court against the property where fection is perpetrated.

the owner for the first time is wakened up by a writ him, for the fictitious claim, he discovers that he is ten prices for every item, with a fee of five dollars for vit" to be robbed, and twenty-five cents for the oath of drel who swore that he served the spurious and frauduce on another man.

hen he is gravely told that the law has given this power essary emergency to "the Board," and that their orders ges cannot be contradicted.

at with the thieving, fires, riots, mobs, gambling, insounder, murder, paupers, politiciaus, health offices, police, schools, the people who are quiet and mind their own , and who work and save, in these large towns and ave quite as much to bear as they can stagger under. no wonder that so few respectable persons remain in d that they are thus the ready receptacles of so much crime.

ity referred to is certainly not so bad in these respects cities are; so that the foregoing exposition of facts falls t of the average standard of depravity and crime, notoprevalent in these feculent deposits of moral abomina

ause of all these shocking wrongs is owing to the inexneglect of the people. They pay no attention to their ffairs. They act upon the supposition that free institud just laws are not susceptible of abuses; and thus leave drones and knaves the entire control and management dministration of the government.

ero volvatent to waste their time and huing thomsolvos

However convenient this reasoning may be for indivi commodation, it involves a proposition in morals and as false as it is censurable.

Every citizen has a public duty in this respect to perf the neglect of which he not only incurs the hazard of his property and his life, and the life of every membe family, but the danger is incurred of a subversion of institutions of his country.

In monarchical countries, all the subjects at matur upon the ascension to power of a new prince, make t solemn oath of allegiance; and this form of governm supposes that, upon this adhesion to the supreme ma the people are excused from public cares, and that he wi tain the stability of the government and protect his su

That his sacred trust and high office will place him the reach of temptation for wrong, with sufficient in and certain inducements for purity and honor; and tha fore, the people may pursue their private affairs with anxieties and responsibilities of government.

This is the theory of such governments. All the oversight is cast upon the king, and instances are by n wanting to show the strict and resolute accountability by the people from their sovereigns; and the parental and vindication accorded by these rulers to their subjec

Their courts and their ears, in many countries, are the petitions of their people, however humble or obscur But, in the United States, the people have abju nounced, and for ever repudiated all this intervening po They deny that there is any authority but with ther That, as citizens and joint sovereigns of the land, t swear allegiance to none; that they will make their ow fight their own battles; levy their own taxes; and appoi own rulers.

They, therefore, have no right to omit or neglect to this duty faithfully, promptly, resolutely, utterly regar inconvenience, exposure, self-denial, or expense.

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every pretext to evade it is a mean and unmanly act of elfish, sordid treason.

hole structure of their free institutions, involving the of unborn millions, for whom they have come security, the mercy and disposal of ruffians and gamblers. ccommodate their pusillanimous, ignoble, and listless and to save a trifle of time and money, and to suit cal and cowardly repugnance for the contact and insoosition of scoundrels, the country is to be surrendered ntious rabble.

patriots of the American Revolution endured a series of ed privations and sufferings in the achievement of their independence and the establishment of free institu

lements of this great fabric of wisdom and justice indirect recognition of its perpetual liability to the most t danger from adventurers and demagogues, and the ectual precautions against these abuses by an indemnity 1 franchise, the right of suffrage, rotation in office, and elections, upon the most careful and rigid system of tions to voters and officers.

hese are vital and fundamental principles, lying at the the civil compact, and they should be taught by rote y child as soon as he can speak, repeated after his morning and night, and instilled into and engrafted e very essence of his mental and moral existence.


is no human or divine theory of itself that can work out results. They are mere philosophical abstractions, just to be used for bad objects as to be employed for good

has been an immeasurable extent of iniquity and outpetrated under the holy mantle of religion; and an unextent of cruelty and oppression committed in the name e and patriotism.

and equal laws, and pure and sound religion, in the f crafty hypocrites, are made convenient pretexts and e pretences for the most atrocious crimes.


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main as much a dead letter as the unemployed rudime laws of science.

The people of the United States, with commendabl glory in their free institutions and frequent election system is almost perfect; it can do no harm itself, but abused, and, in many respects, requires amendment.

As all the powers of government periodically fall b their own hands, they think this is an effectual check u cial abuse; and so it is, if they will keep it in their ow The danger of despotic usurpation from hereditary rul suppose to be wholly prevented by these inherent a perative capacities of their system; and so they are, if t use them as they have the power, and as it is their employ them.

They reason honestly, but not wisely. No huma can be more perfect in theory, and none so delusive tice. Its purity and grandeur inspire too much confid apathy.

It possesses no reserved or conservative restraint intrigue of demagogues and factions, nor could it be so This power is exclusively reserved to the people, as i


By secret and plausible simulations of patriotism, ro knaves secretly obtain control of the primary springs of pointing and nominating power; and, whenever the neglect their duty, executive selections are openly accommodate as many as can be provided for, and to sordid lackeys with the means of intrigue.

The choice of delegates to make party nominations elections is also obtained by violence or open fraud; a doned profligates are selected by all the parties.

This degeneration has made as rapid progress in the States as the dramatic excitements produced by the i increase and influx of population, the rivalries in c and monopolies, and the enthusiasm of novelties and tion, would allow.

There is, with the public functionaries of this



without any controlling power to keep them in awe. -e there is a king, or even a despot, with an army ese vermin of popular creation, with whom the honest loyal can rally, there is some safety in seasons of public ut in the United States, there will be no shelter in times hy and disunion.

-xigencies of tumult and revolution must then fall back shing severity upon the aggregate masses of the people. ch an emergency, they will find their conservative guaf the ballot-box, as it is now neglected by them, and by the mob, an impotent and empty barrier against the of insurrectionary and cut-throat demagogues. is a dim speck in the political horizon, which has thus a concealed from view by the dazzling glories of this and popular scheme.

day, perhaps, not far distant, this gorgeous rainbow will ay, and the credulous advocates of universal and riotous , as it is now desecrated, will discover that it is a perand cruel mockery, if not most resolutely guarded and d; that the candidates for office, by the negligence and of the honest, are selected for their refinements in vice; people are robbed of their sovereignty at the elections and unqualified voters, by perjured thieves, who rifle ot-box of, and burn the lawful votes, and replace them ed ballots; and that the administrators of government 7 are with these profligate harpies, who plunder their s and savings by peculation, mobs, and taxation. crisis will test a conflict between rapine and the remthe honest patriotism of the American Revolution; a between honest men and a ruthless rabble, in which, re, the cut-throats have generally prevailed.

re the combustible and destructive materials for this exare fully generated, the men who own the land, raise sistence of, and sustain the country, should solemnly out them, and practically act upon the prophetic injuncat eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

is the Wen.-Now for the Knife.

ivide yourselves into as many parties as you will, and by ne you choose to go by.

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