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from fire or tempest, or some unavoidable calamity.

the vote in question was secretly influenced by private cked sympathies for rogues, which those who thus voted have been ashamed to avow; the subterfuge under which cted was benevolence. But the real motive by which ere governed was a selfish leaning in favor of sloth, ing, and fraud. The honest farmers and mechanics do

k forchartered monopolies. They hate them. re is not a moneyed monopoly in any State in the Union as not got up under the most solemn pretensions of good, but really with the covert design of private use. Farmers', Manufacturers', Lumbermens', Butchers', and s' Banks, ostensibly incorporated for these industrial , never have directors from or grant loans to these meris classes, unless it be to those of them who are covertly ed in these pursuits, but really with some other object in

se institutions immediately fall into the hands of brokers, , shavers, and polished rogues.


s in the fair and honest recognition, and friendly and reciprocation, of the proper distinctions amongst men, ociety finds its capacities for cohesion and duration. orders and degrees of mind, education, manners, morals, ions, and employment have their respective and approspheres of existence and action, and nothing but jargon iscord can come from their promiscuous mixture. d for agrarianizing property is as absurd as the attempt el the social, moral, and mental condition of men. y are established and secured by their relative and recidependence on each other. What would be the condif the rich, and the poor, both, if property was divided the social system, from time to time, so as to keep the mass equal, but the ultimate consumption of all the nts of subsistence; and what moral light, protection, or would the helpless and the ignorant have, if all human and knowledge were degraded down to the level of the r, the ignorant, and the infamous?

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and the wicked, is a blessing in disguise, ordained dom and mercy of Heaven for the and secu and it is the laboring, productive, and virtuous clas that form the foundations of public dependence a

Those who have strong mental faculties may forecast and excel in the pursuit of science, art commerce, &c.; but they are not more useful; & spheres of usefulness; while the latter adds to and wealth of the community, the others contribu sential elements of public support.

There are those, with education and intellect, w enmity to all order. They disclaim against al The respectable do not trumpet their own praise are the objects of malice and slander, their true known or fairly appreciated by the ignorant.

They denounce and repudiate all orders, degr and mind, and struggle to bring down to their ow thing that is pure, exalted, and noble. Their proclamation is that,

"Degree being vizarded,

The unworthiest shows as fairly in the ma

And they blaspheme the law which rules and th says that

"The heavens themselves, the planets, and this ce
Observe degree, priority, and place,

Constancy, course, proportion, season, form,
Office, and custom, in all line of order;
And therefore is the glorious planet, Sol,
In noble eminence, enthroned and sphered
Amidst the other."

"But when the planets,

In evil mixture, to disorder wander,

What plagues, and what portents! what mutiny
What raging of the sea; shaking of earth;

Commotion in the winds; frights, changes, horror
Divert and crack, rend and deracinate

The unity and married calm of states

Quite from their fixture? O, when degree is sha

Peaceful commerce from divided shores,
The primogenitive and due of birth,
Prerogative of age (law, rule, honor),
But by degree, stand in authentic place?
Take but degree away, untune that string,
And, hark, what discord follows! each thing meets
In mere oppugnancy: The bounded waters
Should lift their bosoms higher than the shores,
And make a sop of all this solid globe:
Strength should be lord of imbecility,

And the rude son should strike his father dead:
Force should be right; or, rather, right and wrong
Between whose endless jar justice resides)
Should lose their names, and so should justice too.
Then everything includes itself in power,
Power into will, will into appetite;

And appetite, an universal wolf,

So doubly seconded with will and power,
Must make perforce an universal prey,
And, last, eat up himself.-

This chaos, when degree is suffocate,
Follows the choking.

And this neglection of degree it is

That by a pace goes backward, with a purpose
It hath to climb. The general's disdain'd
By him one step below: he by the next;
That next by him beneath; so every step,
Exampled by the first pace that is sick
Of his superior, grows to an envious fever
Of pale and bloodless emulation."

(Troilus and Cressida, Act i. S. 3.)

y openly proclaim or secretly wish—

"Let Heaven kiss earth! now let not nature's hand
Keep the wild flood confined! let order die!
And let this world no longer be a stage,
To feed contention in a lingering act;
But let one spirit of the first-born Cain
Reign in all bosoms, that each heart being set
On bloody courses, the rude scene may end;
And darkness be the burier of the dead.""

(2d part King Henry, Act i, S. 2.)

would seem that the dignified occupations of executive, tive, and judicial officials placed them above the influence

lid indue onts: wot in all thego donantmonta it hog over

lation and wrong; much, no doubt, is undiscover though these places are too much exposed for cond the obvious policy of every man in office is to b the instances of these considerations being wholly forces the belief that all office-hunters, and none o obtain them, are in grit and grain remorseless vill

These ripped up, uncontradicted, and unpunis of duty no longer excite surprise. What notice the recent insolent and enormous embezzlement o ment funds; or of the judicial abuses, denials o rupt co-partnerships, patronage for personal and pu and plunder, which have been openly and wit audaciously and publicly perpetrated for years "Ledger," March 3, 1848.

In 1835, there was a law relating to Orphan ported and about to be passed, directing that the examine the accounts of executors, &c., unless party should request their reference to an auditor. bill was about to be passed, a proviso was covert] this act should not apply to a certain county th The political judges on the bench of that county interest to have the law so altered as to force th all such accounts to auditors, against the will of ties.

This provision threw these accounts, embracing year, into the exclusive power of these sly and s who in turn grabbed the monthly budget, for se tion to their hungry subservients.

Thus an oppressive law is forced upon the I county out of fifty-six counties in that State.

The real parties in interest in these immense tru are tyrannically compelled to suffer unlimited ex fee bill as to this had been covertly repealed, ar were left to arbitrary patronage and spoils.

Time is wasted in sinister delays and pretexts ate charges; whole estates are locked up for ye wasted and squandered.

han $100,000:

skite-tail law was snapped off in 1845, but it was se restored within a year; and the people are again in the of these corrupt and extortionate harpies.

s vile patronage was rich and bold enough to sweat the g palms of potent senators, and leave enough to gorge the maws of all the rest.

rs, pestilence, and famine not half the havoc make that upon the world, in dark and bitter floods, by ermined y and fraud.

udge, in his charge to a grand jury in 1850, for the first n many years that this truth had come from the bench, he independence to nominate the three hundred criminals ed upon a two months' calendar, and to suggest that - of property and respectability should take this matter heir own hands."

is reference to persons of property and respectability -ht out the denunciations of the rabble, and their polluted, pt newspapers. They said that this was an impudent pt to establish classes and casts by the aristocracy against oor, and the sickening puerility for reforming criminals e soothing system was preached over by a long leader in f these papers, in which it was revealed that a hardened eteran malefactor, just then escaped from Botany Bay, hereafter committed to prison in Philadelphia for burglary, een found with large welts upon his back: and that now Engwould be taught how this subject of their cruelty would be 1 and coaxed back to the paths of purity by our pardoning

ere is no true definition of the words property and respectty that will accommodate the morbid and malignant spirit e mob.

ey do not admit that the words men of property only mean who have honestly acquired property, and have the good to appreciate its value and take care of it; and that the ession "persons of respectability," whether rich or poor, ies those who conscientiously respect equal justice and law.

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