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Albuminous urine, microscopic characters of, 119
Allen, Mr., on a case of monster, 524

Allison, Mr., alleged case of poisoning by opium, 106
Amenorrhoea, 282

Anatomical Society of Edinburgh, 55

Aneurysm, 41; of pulmonary artery within lung, 55;
sacculated, of aorta, 130; treated by compression,
174; of thoracic aorta, 247; popliteal, treated by
compression, 391

Angina pectoris, 114

Ankle-joint, dislocation of, 49

Antimony in treatment of mania, 342

Broussais, M. C., on influence of climate on pulmo-
nary consumption, 52
Brown, Mr., treatment of tetanus, 297
Brunel, Mr., case of, 291
Bury Gaol, 182

Calculus of the appendix vermiformis, 30
Calculi felt in gall-bladder during life, 413
Calomel, adulteration of, 302
Cancer, statistics of, 475
Canker, water, by Dr. Tomkins, 390
Cantho-plastie, 81

Camelidæ, blood-corpuscles, 259
Carlisle, inquest at, 525

Carteron and Laussier, MM., on hernia, 139
Cases illustrating the connection between chorea and
affections of the heart-chorea and pericarditis, 87;
chorea and intermitting pulse, 88; chorea and rheu-
matism, 88; sounds of heart in chorea, 88
Cataract, operation for, 134, 302; propriety of ope-
rating for, when only one eye is affected, 460
Caustic, new, 79

Cerebral disturbance from an over dose of Godfrey's
cordial, 22; disease, remarkable case of, 68
Chester Infirmary, 162
Chichester, meeting at, 36

Cholera, a new miasm, 19; spasmodic, treatment of,


Chorea and heart disease, connection between, illus-
trated, 88; connection of, with rheumatism, 281
Christison, Dr., on Reinsch's test for arsenic, 544

Aorta, aneurysm of, 130; abdominal, aneurysm of, Churchill, Dr., on strumous peritonitis, 60

281; descending, congenital closure of, 328

Apoplexy, meningeal, by Prus, 52

Cinchona cordifolia, cold infusion of, 120
Civiale, M., on neuralgic affections of urethra, 206

Asphyxia, influence of, on biliary secretion, 155; from Clayton, Mr., on an hysterical affection of vocal ap-
nasal polypus, 456

Assurance office fees, 476

paratus, 37

Clendinning, Dr., on Indian hemp, 173

Astragalus, compound dislocation of, by T. W. Smart, Climate in reference to health and disease, by T. W.
Esq., 470

Athens, plague of, 19

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King, Esq., 349
Coagulation, process of, 22
Colchicum, 146

Cold water cure, 456
Colica pictonum, fatal, 308

College of physicians, privileges of, 543

Collegiate system of medical education, 132; esta-
blishment for medical students at Birmingham, 342
Collier's (Dr.) evidence, 33

Coloring matter of blood-its relation to the corpuscle,
by Dr. Rees, 70
Condylomata, 24

Conolly, Dr. W., letter from, 178
Constantine Africanus, 19

Convulsions, infantile, 20; puerperal, in unions, by
Caleb Rose, Esq., 219

Cowan's (Dr.) report (second) of private medical
practice, 107, 118, 128, 144; case of diabetes, 228
Cow-pox-a new miasm, 19

Cranium, shape of, in insane, 281; tubercular deposit
within, 445

Criminal abortion, frequency of, 471
Crosse, Mr., on cannabis Indica, 171
Croup, cases of, 404

Curling, Mr., letter from, 396
Cusack, Mr., treatment of aneurysm, by, 174

Dalrymple, J., Esq., on encysted tumors, 272
Deane, Mr., medico-legal cases by, 539

[ocr errors]

Debating medical societies. 270
Deformities by cicatrices of neck after burns, relief
of, 421

Delirium tremens, ammonia in, 62

Hare, Samuel, Esq., statistical report of 190 cases of
insanity, by, 209

Hastings' (Dr.) case of gout, followed by diseased
heart, dropsy, and death, 345

Diabetes mellitus, with post-mortem, 354; case of, Hayward, Dr., statistics of consumption, by, 300

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Dyke, Mr., on dysmenorrhoea, 70

Dysmenorrhea, treatment of, 31, 70

Headache, rheumatic, 147

Heart, fibrous masses in, 55

Hematocele, in which an acupuncture needle was

contained in the scrotum, 355

Hemp, Indian, 29, 142, 171
Hemiplegia without coma, 63

Druggists acting as medical practitioners, effects of, Henderson's (Professor) case of sacculated aneurysm,

Duncan, Dr., case of obliteration of aorta, 547

514; editorial remarks on, 540

Edwards, Mr. C. T., on gonorrhoea, 325

Electro-magnetism, 151

Emphysema of lungs, 288

Ender, Dr., on emphysema of lungs, 288

Epidemic and contagious diseases, 19


Henry, Dr., proposed test of the cold-water cure, by,

Hepatic abscess, 111; congestion, fatal, 288

Hernia, cases of strangulated, 132; femoral, case
of, 193

Hey, Mr., case of strangulated hernia, 247; amputa-
tion of lower jaw, 311

Epilepsy treated by nitrate of silver, 199; statistics Hindle, Mr., case of morbus coxarius, by, 7
of, 358

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Factory surgeons, 77

Factory system, effects of, on health, by Mr. Noble,

Farr, Mr., new phraseology of, 19; letter on regis-
tration, 136

Featherstonhaugh's (Mr.) case of compound disloca-
tion of ankle-joint, 49

Female life, superior value of, as proved by statistics,
21; acknowledged by insurance offices, 21; ac-
counted for, 21

Femoral hernia, strangulated, operation for, by Edwin
Morris, 387

Fermentation, action of miasms analogous to, 19
Fever with pericarditis, 54

Fife's (Dr.) treatment of spasmodic cholera, 128
Fistula, recto-vaginal, 39

Fletcher's (Mr.) reply to Clio, 474

Ford, Mr. W. C., on assurance office fees, 77

Foreign diplomas, letter on, 258

Hocken, Dr., on the retina, 272
Homœopathy, results of, 162

Hospital, Westminster, 361; St. Peter's, Bristol, 361
House of Commons-Medical reform, 96; Irish
medical charities, 96

Houston, Dr., on nitric acid in hæmorrhoids, 59
Human life, expectancy of, in the time of the
Romans, 21

Hutton, Mr., treatment of aneurysm, 174
Hydatids in uterus, simulating pregnancy, 266
Hydrocele, treatment of, 112
Hydropathy, 345, 393

Hydrophobia treated with Indian hemp, 12
Hypertrophy of left ventricle, 176; of heart and
hydropericardium, diagnosis between, 104

Insanity a physical malady, 302
Interment, intra-mural, 194

Ikin, Mr. J. Ingham, on the appointment of certifying
surgeons, 77

Indigo in epilepsy, 181; in the urine, 545
Influenza, 126

Injury to spine, cases of, by T. Bancks, Esq., 431
Insanity, plea of, in criminal cases, 313
Insurance office fees, 77

Iodine injections, 62; test for, in mineral waters, 239
Iris, injuries to, by J. B. Estlin, Esq., 441

Foreign body, retention of, in air passages for nine Jones, Dr. B., on detecting sugar in the blood of

years and a half, 465

Fund, benevolent, 138

Fungoid syphilitic diseases, 24

Gastralgia, 490

German graduates in medicine, 112; doctors, 153

Glanders in human subject, 267; acute, case of, in

human subject, 433

Glossitis in an infant, 139

Godfrey's cordial, bad effects of, 22

Gold medal to Sir B. Brodie, 418

Goodeve, Dr., cure of encysted tumor by iodine, 278
Gout, hydropathic treatment in, followed by diseased
heart, dropsy, and death, 345

Graham's (Sir J.) bill, 262

Graves' (Dr.) work reviewed, 94

Grinder's asthma, by J. S. Waterhouse, Esq., 499
Guinea-worm, case of, by Dr. Oke, 446

Guthrie, Mr., note from, 142; and poor-law commis-
sioners, 159

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Lactation, new limits of, 259

Lallemand on recto-vaginal fistula, 39
Lane, Mr., on verbascum, 89

By Langston Parker, Esq., on Syphilitic

Lecture II. Primary Venereal Disease, charac-
terised by Ulceration.-Variety of primary ulcers;
their different situations; appearance of ino-
culated ulcer; local treatment of chancre; effects
of cauterisation; caustics contraindicated; chancre
with phymosis; regimen; bubo; mode of opening
suppurating bubo; injection, 3-6

Lecture III. Primary and Secondary Venereal
Warts and Condylomata.-Case of warts pro-
duced by gonorrhea; history of the disease;
treatment; difference of treatment in male and
female; fungoid syphilitic diseases; causes of
warts; primary and secondary excrescences;
contagious character of warts; illustrative case;


pathology of warts; treatment of primary forms;
external applications; internal remedies; admi-
nistration of mercury; treatment of constitutional
warts; utility of mercury; rules for its employ-
ment; attention to diet; hydriodate of potash;
form of disease requiring it, 23-28
Lecture IV. Venereal Diseases of the Periosteum
and Bones.-Case of tertiary syphilis; treatment
with hydriodate of potash; causes of nodes;
influence of treatment of primary and secondary
symptoms over tertiary; pathology of nodes;
terminations of disease; diagnosis of venereal
affections of bones and periosteum; rheumatic
periostitis; prognosis; treatment both local and
constitutional; local treatment of affection of
bones; danger of opening abscesses over nodes;
Mr. Colles's opinion of, 43-48

By Dr. G. Gregory, on the Laws which Govern the
Mode and Rate of Decay in the Human Frame.
Various modes of decay; hardening of tissues;
case illustrative of natural decay; interruption
of respiration; chronic degenerations; death from
exhaustion; hereditary diseases; death from pre-
mature decay; mortality from consumption; acute
disease and unseen violence; effects of miasmata;
the zymoses; eruptive diseases, 14-20

By Professor Taylor.

Lecture I-Paralysis with or without coma; symp-
toms distinguishing hæmorrhage from other dis-
eases of the brain; causes of softening; symptoms
of softening; prognosis; anæmia with incipient
phthisis; state of the urine in anæmia; spinal
irritation; treatment of anæmia; duration of
disease, 63-66

Lecture II.-Anasarca-morbus Brightii; symptoms
characterising dropsy from Bright's disease; se-
condary inflammations unattended by active
symptoms; cerebral affections induced by morbus
Brightii; urea found in the blood; cure of dropsy
and of morbus Brightii; causes of morbus
Brightii; diminution of urea in blood; state of
urine; diagnosis between anasarca phlogistica
and dropsy from renal disease, 83-87
Lecture III.-Rheumatism with pericarditis; diag-
nosis between hypertrophy of heart and hydro-
pericardium; importance of examining heart in
cases of rheumatism; convulsive movements at-
tending; treatment; causes; bronchitis and
emphysema pulmonum; lobular pneumonia ;
open foramen ovale; evidences of congestion,

By Professor Ricord, on Venereal Affections.
Lecture I.-Introduction; definitions; classifica-
tions; non-virulent affections; virulent affections;
history of syphilis, 123, 124

Lecture II.-Diagnosis; simple absorption; exami-
nation of syphilitic patients; examination by
speculum, 143, 144

Lecture III-Classification of venereal diseases;
arguments for identity of syphilis and gonorrhea;
opinions of authors; test of inoculation; question
of incubation; authors' opinion; gonorrhoea
virulenta; bubo; consequences of gonorrhoea;
comparative frequency of gonorrhoea and chancre,

Lecture IV.-Gonorrhoea; definition and synonymes;
etiology; gleet; effects of predisposition on gonor-
rhoea; comparative frequency of contagion in
regard to sex; question of secondary symptoms;
views of Cazenave; identity of syphilis and gonor-
rhoa; opinions of various persons; differential
signs, 183-185

Lecture V.-Gonorrhea; etiology of disease; spe-
cific seat; premonitory symptoms; period of
incubation; forms of gonorrhea; duration of the
disease; metastases; morbid appearances; com-

plications of gonorrhea; gonorrheal rheumatism;
general diagnosis; prognosis; treatment; exter-
nal gonorrhoea; differential diagnosis, 203-205
Lecture VI.-Treatment of balanitis; local deple
tion; influence of position; operation for phy-
mosis; copaiba, cubebs; urethritis; premonitory
symptoms; stage of suppuration; signs of stric-
ture; retention and incontinence of urine; abor-
tive treatment of gonorrhea; injections; for-
mulæ; action of copaiba, 223-227

Lecture VII.-Cutaneous eruptions caused by
copaiba; modes of giving copaiba; formula;
cubebs; treatment of inflammatory stage of
gonorrhea; value of depletion; chordee; injec-
tions; treatment of gleet; cauterisation; mer-
curial applications; treatment by isolation;
morbid appearances; treatment of complications;
tenesmus; abscess; retention of urine; hæmor-
rhage; incontinence of urine, 243-247
Lecture VIII-Epididymitis; etiology; theory of
metastases; symptoms; complications; treat-
ment; prophylaxis; therapeutic treatment; acute
stage; chronic; mechanical applications; treat-
ment by compression, 263-266

Lecture IX.-Gonorrhea; gonorrhoea in females;
peculiarities of; gonorrhoea of vulva; urethral
gonorrhea; opinions of Haller, Robert, &c.;
symptoms; seat of disease; vaginitis; uterine
catarrh; symptoms; diagnosis; employment of
speculum; arguments for it, 323, 324

Lecture X.-Gonorrhoea in females; complications;
urethritis; vaginitis; ovaritis; treatment; treat-
ment of uterine catarrh; gonorrheal ophthalmia;
etiology; symptoms; abscess of the palpebræ ;
terminations; diagnosis; prognosis; prophylactic
treatment; therapeutic treatment, 390-402
Lecture XI. Syphilitic Affections.-Origin; syphi-
litic virus; question of contact; modes of pro-
pagation, 419-421

Lecture XII. Syphilitic Affections.-Action of
syphilitic poisons; primary symptoms; propaga-
tion and progress of primary sores; deviations
from the common incipient stage of chancre;
superficial chancre; phagedenic; chancres by
inoculation; causes producing distinctive forms,

Lecture XIII. Indurated Chancre.-Causes of in-
duration; symptoms; nature of induration;
irregularities of chancre in general during cica-
trisation, 459, 460

By Mr. P. Bennett Lucas.
Lecture VIII. Diseases of the Genito-urinary
Organs.-Treatment of gonorrhoea; specifics;
formulæ; effects of copaiba on remote parts;
gonorrheal rheumatism; comparative value of
treatment by injections; modifications of treat-
ment in the strumous diathesis, 66-68
Lecture IX.-Gonorrhoea; third stage;
necessity for exploring condition of urethra in
case of gleet; infection of gleet, treatment, 283-



Lecture X.-Gonorrhea; treatment of third stage;
mode of examining urethra; treatment by in-
jections; formula; general remedies, 343
Leeds School of Medicine, 201
Letter on the necessity of appealing to Parliament on
the present state of parochial medical relief, by
G. J. Guthrie, Esq., 56
Leucorrhoea, treatment of, 80
Liebig mania, prevailing, 72
Liebig, remarks on his theories, 329
Life, mean duration of, from the Geneva tables from
1750 to 1800, compared with that in 1833, 21;
mean duration of, at Paris, 21; in England, 21
Ligature of external iliac, 41
Liston's (Mr.) case of erectile tumor, 38
Literature, medical, in the nineteenth century, 152
Lithectasy, 397

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