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plied: Oh, Chatskel Leben, it was of no use to worry about me or Malkeh. The One above hath looked and will look after us, and He sendeth not burdens heavier than we can bear. I thank thee for thy consideration and let us be grateful to His blessed Name, who hath sent us such redeeming angels in Mrs. and Mr. Wilhelm. Thanks to their heart's nobility that our condition was not still worse. How kind those people were to us in spite of being non-Jews. May they be blessed!"

"Yes, may the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bless them eternally," Chatskel added.

They bought five cents' worth of bananas, the first they had ever seen, and with bread consumed them with great relish. To make the meal complete they each drank a cup of the fresh fountain water in the park, and after enjoying a two hours' rest on one of the benches, they

divided their belongings into three packets, although Malkeh begged her father, but without avail, to let her carry his bundle, too, and thus proceeded to hunt for Ludlow Street.

To their dismay Shmool Jacobowski, a distant relative of theirs, whose address Chatskel had guarded like a treasure for the last two years, had moved to quarters unknown. They were terror-stricken and more than ever aware what it meant to be poor and homeless in a strange land whose language was more wonderful to them than the fine structures, twenty-eight stories high. But the consciousness that Jehovah was on Ludlow Street as well as in Ostrolenka filled their souls with new hopes.

It did not escape Esther's notice how pale and haggard her Chatskel looked. She asked him to sit down on his " peckel (packet) while she went off to look for

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a place of lodging. But a short time elapsed before she returned with a mien of triumph and commanded: Come, Chatskel Leben! Malkeh Leben, take my peckel, please, and I'll carry father's and yours."

Chatskel was bewildered: he knew not if he should admire Esther's pluck, think of his exhausted purse or his own condition, or follow with eyes and mind the doings of the American loafers who surrounded them and vied with each other in trying to terrorize the new arrivals. He looked undecided, then said to his Esther: "I thought there were idlers in Ostralenka only, but it seems they have plenty of them in America, too."

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Come, come Chatskel Leben," Esther coaxingly replied, erevrav' (rifraf) you'll find even in Jerusalem."

Chatskel threw on their tormentors a look of deep contempt, gathered together

his aching limbs and musingly followed his Esther, assisted by his devoted daughter Malkeh. They entered a tenement house, an edifice of extensive dimensions. On the first landing of the stairway Chatskel halted and earnestly spoke: "Esther Leben, I fear we do not possess the means to take up quarters in such a palace. You could put entire Ostralenka in it." Whereupon Esther pacifyingly remarked: "The God who giveth life provideth with life's necessities."

They climbed one flight, two, three, finally the fourth, breathless to be sure, especially poor Chatskel, who hastily seated himself on the top step to regain his breath, remarking after he was somewhat restored: "I do not now wonder why the Americans have such a queer language, because they build such Babylonian edifices."

Meanwhile the sub-landlady came out,

opened the door of the scantily furnished room they were to occupy and bade them welcome.

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The very first thing Esther did was to unpack and light the Samovar (teamachine). She found a little Russian tea tied in a corner of a handkerchief, and in a very few minutes the affectionate trio sipped out of the tumblers. (Seldom do they drink out of any other vessel - to see the tea is essential to the enjoyment thereof.) They smacked their lips and Chatskel exclaimed: "Ah, Esther Leben, that was a treat! Long live my Esther! Mayest thou make tea in Jerusalem." Whereupon mother and daughter responded "Amen."

It was about two o'clock, the May sun shone brightly, and a refreshing breeze was blowing. Esther begged Chatskel to lie down and take a nap, and bade Malkeh to stay and respond to the desires of her

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