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nies that God lives, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that His message of truth and salvation has been restored to earth in this, the dispensation of the fullness of times; that the boy-prophet, Joseph Smith, was the instrument in the hands of the Lord in bringing about this glorious work, a wonder to the nations, governments and people of the known world; that all who will faithfully, sincerely, honestly and prayerfully seek for divine favor can obtain this witness and be blessed with a living testi


O, ye sons and daughters of Adam. why will you suffer yourselves to be cradled to sleep by sophistry, by deception, by tradition, by doctrines taught by the wisdom and learning of men? Why wilt thou be nossled by the blind leaders of the blind--a hireling ministry which divines for money and makes merchandise of your souls? Come out of her and partake of the bread of life which we offer you, and be saved in the celestial mansion on high. Break the bands of spiritual bondage, drink freely the nectar of spiritual liberty and live a child of God in the Kingdom of your Maker.

A Promise to Elders.


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70 658 2

32 4 20 45 343

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In the Crimean war 95,615 lives were sacrificed, and at Borodino, when the French and Russians fought, 78,000 men were left dead on the battlefield. There were 250,000 troops in combat in Are some of us in debt to the office? that engagement. Of the 95,615 Does it seem that we cannot afford to men who perished in the Crimea buy all our supplies from the commis80,000 were Turks and Russary? Perhaps we have violated the sians. In 1881 a great uproar wos counsel to not use money in the field; caused because Englishmen took up all perhaps we have not placed confidence the skeletons they could find, brought in the commissary as we should. While them to England and converted the bones I was considering this subject in coninto fertilizer. It is said that nearly nection with President Rich's last circuthe entire 80,000 skeletons of the lar, the Spirit seemed to come and make Turks and Russians were thus made this promise, "If the Elders of Mission will determine to obey counsel fully, have and use no money in the field, pay an honest and liberal tithing, and trust and patronize the commissary, the Lord willbless them and provide, so that they shall not be troubled with debt, and that all their financial needs in the field shall be supplied." So strongly was this impressed that I am led to make it known to you.

Proverbs of Brigham Young.


If a man is worth millions of bushels of wheat and corn, he is not wealthy enough to suffer his servant girl to sweep a single kernel of it into the fire; let it be eaten by something, and pass again into the earth, and thus fulfill the purpose for which it grew.

Teach your families how to control themselves; teach them good and wholesome doctrine, and practice the same in

into money.

Since the birth of Christ 4,000,000,000 men have been slain in battle. Before the beginning of the Christian era the losses cannot be estimated, owing to the very indistinct and inaccurate accounts that have been handed down. It is generally conceded, however, that the numbers said to have participated in the battles of the Greeks and other warring nations of the ancient world have been greatly exaggerated.

At Canea, however, where the Romans suffered the worst defeat in their history, it is said that 52,000 of their soldiers were slain. The Roman army in this battle consisted of 146,000 menthe picked brawn and sinew ofthe empire.

In the Franco-Prussian war 77,000 Frenchmen were killed. The Germans fired 30,000,000 rifle shots to attain this

2 Nashville.

4 Ackerman
Buck Creek.

5 Victoria

Tennessee. Virginia. Kentucky. Tennessee. Georgia. Alabama. Florida. Tennessee. N. Carolina S. Carolina. Mississippi. Kentucky. Louisiana. Alabama Kentucky.

result. During the same war the Germans fired 363,000 artillery charges.

In none of the battles mentioned was dynamite used. In the wars of the future this terrible agent of destruction must be reckoned on. Men who have


studied the mortality statistics of the past shudder at the thought of what may be in store in the wars that are to Only recently has the use of dynamite in land warfare been considered safe for the army using it. The modern solved the problem, and the men who go dynamite gun, however, has seemingly

to war hereafter will face an agent of destruction beside which the charges of Napoleon's old guard were child's play.

Even now civilized nations rather shrink from the dynamite idea in warfare. The fearful explosive has been used in Cuba, but only by the insurgents. The reports that have been allowed to pass the Spanish censors hint at the destruction caused by the new weapon rather than give the details. The Cubans, however, claim that the result of a shot from a dynamite gun is something appalling. At any rate, while the truth about the success of this new agent is rather obscure, enough is known for soldiers to make the prediction that it must be figured on as the most terrible thing that has come to the front in connection with warfare. have studied the progress made with the Some men who Zalinski air-charged dynamite gun say that it will not be long before war will become an affair of extinction in which the more exposed army will be wiped out of existence by means of dynamite.

Releases and Appointments.


W. J. Shakespeare, Florida.
D. W. Cluff, East Tennessee.
David Sparks, East Tennessee.
F. L. Corbett, Georgia.
H. P. Rasmussen, Kentucky.
Alonzo Shirts, Virginia.
W. W. Evans, Virginia.
H. D. Smith, Virginia.
Henry Behrman, South Carolina.


Stanley Hanks, North Kentucky to Ohio.

Joseph S. Cazier, Kentucky to Ohio. H. J. Foulger, Jr., Middle Tennessee to Ohio.

Joseph Moss, Middle Tennessee to Ohio.

Somebody wisely computes that 'there are at least a thousand good talkers to one slow and solid thinker.


VOL. 1.



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Because you have been a little better educated than were your father and mother, don't imagine that you know it ll. They may have more native intelligence than you, and more knowledge, through life's hard experiences, than you can ever possess. At any rate, all that you have in the way of learning you owe to their self-denial and to their determination that you should have better opportunities than they had. Your ingratitude is made glaringly apparent when you address them in terms in which your scorn of what you consider their shortcomings is only slightly veiled.

No matter how lacking in worldly polish your parents may be, they are deserving of your kind consideration at all times and in all places. The human diamond in the rough is still a diamond, and no doubt in heaven will shine with greater luster than many who have dazzled by their false brilliancy on earth.

The young fellow full of life and energy is apt to be hard and unfeeling, and he needs the constant restraint of the practices of his religion to make him humane. When he is inclined to ignore the reverence that he owes his father, let him not forget that he may one day be a father himself, and before he speaks of his good mother as the "old woman," let him realize that his wife may one day be a mother. As he would like his son to be, let him be himself.


Elder John Benlow Erekson. President John Benlow Erekson, of the Ohio Conference, whose likeness we here present, was born of Mormon parents at Murray, Utah, September 25, 1874. His mother, Isabella Benlow Erekson, was also Utah born and inherited the sturdy physique of her pioneer mother. These qualities have had much to do in shaping the character of her son. The father, Jonas Erekson, was a son of Norway, filled with the native hardihood and vigor of his race. He early joined himself to the truth and made in Utah a pleasant

JOHN BENLOW EREKSON, President of the Ohio Conference.

home; but only lived a short time to er-
joy the fruits of his labor.

Fatherless at six, Elder Erekson has
had a double portion of experience, first,
in independence gained during his early
cares; second, in manhood received from
the devotion given his widowed mother.
At school the "boy" Erekson was not dis-
tinguished as a scholar, but always was
the same earnest, sensitive youth. His
college education began and ended with
one year at the Latter Day Saints' Col-
lege, at Salt Lake City. Prevented from
a college education, our subject becanie
a lover of educational subjects and at in-
tervals of work would devote himself to

No. 41.

his books, thereby gaining a wide field of knowledge. John B. Erekson's life has been one of increasing responsibility, from the plow he advanced to Shepherdship, and from this labor to the President of the Ohio Conference. April 28, 1897, Elder Erekson was ordained to labor in the Northern States Mission.

When Ohio was transferred to the Southern States Mission Elder Erekson was retained as President of the Conference and is now at the head of the band of honest workers who will lift their voices in defense of the glorious Gospel. The earnestness of honest desire, mingled with the kindness of his nature, makes of him a ready friend maker. Humility and faith in God are the twin virtues.


History of the Southern States Mission

Continued from page 313.

The zeal of the Elders in January, '89, will long be remembered by those presiding over the Mission, and very effective work was done in many of the new fields that were opened during the past month. In some places the spirit of religious intolerance was manifested, but nothing of a serious nature resulted. Soon after the return of President Spry from the west he visited the Elders in Georgia and held a very nice meeting in Augusta. Satisfactory arrangements were made with a man named Manaway to take up a search for Elder Richards, and he at once started for his field of operation.

During the month of February preparations were being made for the emigration of a large company of Saints in March. Much excitement was caused by the determination of the Saints to emigrate and in some cases it seemed as though mobs would destroy property and render the Saints destitute. As the time of departure drew near the bitter feelings increased and it became necessary for both Saints and Elders to be extremely cautious. In Georgia two Elders were taken into the woods and vehemently threatened with death. President Spry visited the man employed to search for the body of Elder Richards, but was not very well pleased with the work that had been done. The Elders all felt thankful that heaven had blessed and preserved them during the opening months of the year.

On March 3, seventeen Elders arrived in

the mission and on the following day were assigned their fields of labor. A large company of Saints left Chattanooga for Colorado and Arizona, accompanied by President Spry and fourteen Elders. A great deal of excitement existed in many localities, caused by the emigration of the Saints. In Western Virginia a very hit ter feeling was caused by some of the Saints who had returned from Colorado dissatisfied. This excited the people so much that a mob was organized and drove the Elders from the section, but they escaped unharmed. Quite a number of Elders started out in new fields, several baptisms were reported and good health was enjoyed by the Elders.

(To be continued.)

To Whom Was He Speaking?


For The Star.

"And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that And believeth not shall be damned. these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues."

sion, and see

Not long ago a Christian minister put the following interpretation to the above commission of the Savior, "Go ye,' referred to the eleven apostles. In the next verse-'He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" referred to the believing ones, no matter who they may be whether they lived then or whether they live now. 'He that believeth not shall be damned referred to the unbelieving class in every age. But when the Savior said, 'And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils,' he was preaching directly to the Apostles, and the Savior chided the people many times for their unbelief. Now, let us examine the language of that commiswhere the applications rightly belong. In the first instance, 'Go ye' refers to the second person or the person spoken to, and the pronoun 'ye' can never be applied to the third person, or the person spoken of, as modern ministers attempt to apply it to themselves. That portion of the commission was to the disciples and no one else. In the next verse, 'he that believeth' is the universal part of the commission. The pronoun 'the' referring to the third person, or the person spoken of, would apply to every individual that heard and believed what the Apostles preached, and in a similar manner would the pronoun be applied to the unbelieving class. These signs shall follow them that believe'-note the language, follow them.' To whom does the pronoun refer to the person spoken to or the person spoken of? Would the Savior, in speaking to His eleven Apostles. and no one else, say, "These signs shall Certainly If the Savior meant that the signs would follow only those to whom He was speaking, He would have said, These signs will follow you if you be lieve.' The Savior meant exactly what He said-just what the language implies, that is, signs should follow those who believe and obey the teach ings of the Apostles who have been duly

follow them that believe?" not.

authorized to act in His name."

We are what we are by virtue of all that has happened to us, by all that we have done, and suffered, and enjoyed since our birth, whether we respect it and remember it or not.


BY ELDER J. A. BIGELOW. Written for The Southern Star.

The ushering in of the millenium will be fraught with events of great importance to the people of the whole earth. Isaiah says (xlii.:9): "Behold the former things are come to pass and new things do I declare, before they spring forth I will tell you of them." To those who are aware of these things to be accomplished and are prepared for the same. the fulfilment of the prophecies will bring indescribable joys, while on the other hand, the wicked will be humiliated.

One of the events which has been spoken of by many of the prophets is the coming forth of a portion of the house of Israel from the north country. An examination and comparison of the prophecies relating to this portion of the gathering to be accomplished in the last days will establish the fact without doubt, that a portion of the house of Israel are isolated from the knowledge, and that they will return in the due time of the Lord to inherit the land of their fathers. We will commence with the second chapter of Zechariah 3rd to 13th verses, "And, behold, the angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him, and said, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein; for I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord. Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. Gor thus saith the Lord of hosts: after the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you, for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his


For behold, I will shake mine hands upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants; and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent


"Sing and rejoice, o daughter of Zion; for lo! I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. And many nations will be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath spoken unto thee. And the Lord shall inherit Judah, his portion in the Holy Land, and shall choose Jerusalem again. Be silent. O all flesh, before the Lord; for He is raised up out of his holy habita


out" refers to the Ten Tribes, and “her that I have afflicted" to the Jews; br there is another division of the house of Israel spoken of here, "her that haleth," or the children of Ephraim. The the nations will dwell in peace on the earth, "and they shall beat their swordinto plowshares and their swords into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift un a sword against a nation, neither shal' they learn war any more."

The Prophet Isaiah has spoken of the gathering in the following language: "And he shall set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dis persed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12)." The Jews are called "dispersed" because they are scattered among all nations, and the Ten Tribes are called "outcasts" because they have ben cast from the knowledge of the nations. "The Lord doth build up Jerusalem; He gathereth the outcasts of Israel." (Psalms, 147:2)." "In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together from the land of the north to a land that I have given for an inheritance hold I will brnng them from the north unto your fathers. ((Jer., 3:18)." “Be

country and will gather them from the coasts of the earth. *** a great company shall return thither. (Jer., 31:8)."


Many people erroneously suppose that the day of miracles is a thing of the past, but in fulfillment of the prophesies here in quoted, a miracle will be performed that will cast into obscurity the wrought in bringing the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. "Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said. The of Israel from the land of Egypt, but the Lord liveth that brought up the children Lord liveth that brought the children of Israel out of the land of the north, and from all the nations whither He had

driven them, and I will bring again into their own land, that I gave unto their fathers." (Jer., 16:14-15; 23:7-8).

As there is no accessible means of penetrating the northern regions, there is a likelihood of the Ten Tribse being secluded, and it is of importance to understand how they will make their return over the mountains of ice which at present defy explorers. A description of which is to be used as a passage for the a highway is given in Isaiah 35:8-10, children of the Ten Tribes. The revela tions which God has given to this dispersed are more explicit and will extend the knowledge of those who will accept the same.

The events characteristic of the time that the Lord shall come to the people from the north are: First, the appearing of an angel to a young man to tell him "And they who are in the north countries shall come in rememthat Jerusalem shall be inhabited as brance before the Lord, and their towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein, and that the prophets shall hear His voice, and shall Lord will be a wall of fire round about. no longer stay themselves, and they shall Second, Zion is commanded to deliver smite the rocks and the ice shall flow And an highherself from the daughters of Babylon. down at their presence. Third, many nations shall be joined to way shall be cast up in the midst of the the Lord in that day. Fourth, the Lord great deep. Their enemiesshall become will come to Zion. Fifth, the Lord shall a prey unto them, and in the barren desinherit Judah, His portion of the Holy erts shall there come forth pools of liv Land. "In that day, saith the Lord, willing water; and the parched ground shall assemble her that halteth and I will no longer be a thirsty land. And they gather her that is driven out, and her that is afflicted; and I will make her that halteth a remnant, and her that was cast afar off a strong nation and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from henceforth and forever. (Micah iv.:6-7." When this gathering is accomplished the Lord will reign over His peo ple, not only a thousand years, but henceforth and forever. "Her that is driven

shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephriam, my servants. And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephriam; and they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy." (Doctrine and Covenants, section 133:26-33). "Wherefore prepare ye the way of the Lord."


Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va.,
July 26, 1899.

ditor Advance, Lynchburg:
I see an unwarranted criticism in your
litorial of the 24th against Congressman
oberts, polygamy and Mormons.
Papers, as a general rule, are making
omments on this subject unfairly. In
he first place, no plural marriages have
een made in Utah since the act was
assed against it; then the Church passed
n ordinance against it also. Only be
ween 2 and 3 per cent. of the people
racticed it, and that when no law forbade
t, and there is nothing in the Bible
gainst it. So there was no law violated,

or there was none to violate.

When congress forbade it, what were hese husbands to do with their wives? Paul says: "He that provideth not for is own, especially his own household, deeth the faith and is worse than an inidel.” Do you want these people to act vorse than infidels, or what do you want

hem to do?

Truth, honor and righteousness bind hese people to take care of their wives and children. Now, if these men had itterly forsaken their families when this aw was passed, and so invalidated and lishonored their most sacred vows and luties and committed a fraud and turned raitors to their families (which none of hem have been mean enough to do), then he law would have been fulfilled and the ritical papers satisfied.

What are these critics howling about? Not because these people are acting dishonorable, for they are not. Is polygamy crime? If so, then God made a mistake when He gave David and the Patriarchs So many wives. "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I annointed the king over Israel and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul, and I gave thee thy master's houses, and thy master's wives," etc. (II. Sam. xii. :7-8.) So God has been in the plural marrying business; hence it is a divine institution. He does not stop here, but tells us through His holy prophet that He is going into it again. "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat of our own bread and wear our own apparel, only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach. In that day shall the branch of the Lord be glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Is rael.' (Isa. iv:1-2.)

The reason why the Mormons took plural wives is because they were commanded to do so, in a recent revelation. They hold that polygamy is a sin when it is not commanded by God. It follows that all who protest aginst this divine institution are maligning God's works and defying His holy commands; not saying anything about casting reflections on Moses, Abraham and the chosen ones of old, and the lineage of Jesus Christ. Will not some of these hard critics try bye and bye to make some kind of shift to get into polygamist Abraham's bosom?

When Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac, he did not seek a learned theologian to explain away the command and tell him that God did not mean his own son Isaac, but that he must have meant some other man's son by that

critical editors to marry plural wives, would they "keep the commandments," or would they hire a priest to tell them that God did not mean that; but to follow the fashion, and Pollardize them, and that will do?

The many republicans who voted the democratic ticket for B. H. Roberts, give as their reasons for so doing that Roberts is one of the purest, best and most competent men of their knowledge, and that his superior in goodness, talent, capacity and general fitness cannot be found. There is not a man in congress of higher morals and uprightness of heart than this one. Maj. Daniel serving our state the press If Utah should protest against would combine and accuse Utah of treason and all kinds of crimes. The critical editors are telling the world that we have a right to elect our representatives in this

More Mobbing.

BY ELDER JAS. W. DUFFIN. At the conference held at Batesville, Virginia, Elders J. C. Smith and James W. Duffin were assigned to labor in the On their way they city of Richmond. stopped at Oilville and preached to the Saints. There was a family in the neighborhood named Goldsmith, who had recently returned from Utah dissatisfied and they circulated many false stories about the people of the west. Many of the Saints were related to this family, and

some of them believed the stories that

time a mob was being organized to whip were told. "We deemed it our duty to repudiate the false claims; at the same us. With a relative as leader of the mob, would hang us. Saturday night we held we were told that if we did not leave they free land, but deny all this right to Utah. a good meeting and paid no attention to What is the reason the people of Utah their threats. Sunday we held a meeting have not the right to choose a congress-pointed a meeting for that night at the and a large crowd was present. We ap man and have him serve? He who protests against an honest representative re-request of the audience and the house was packed. After meeting we were going flects on the intelligence of freedom and state rights and throws a bomb at the home with Brother John Toler and were foundation of an honest government; not obliged to walk through a dark thicket of woods. When we came to the darkest

saying anything about a party slinging place two ruffians rushed upon me with rotten eggs at one of its own congressmen large clubs; the first lick struck my right who was elected by a big majority, on shoulder and was immediately followed account of his superiority as a man. Nobody objects to Roberts on account of by a hard blow upon my head, which stunned me; two more blows were struck, not being fairly and honestly elected. Neither do any dare assert that he is not Elder Smith hit one of the ruffians with knocking me senseless for a few moments. competent and honest. All admit that he will represent his people and state with a lantern, breaking the globe and putting as much integrity as Maj. Daniel. Then, out the light, and in this way my life was all there is the matter is that Utah made saved. As soon as the light was out the men ran into the woods. We armed ourthe mistake of electing an honest man; selves with clubs and proceeded on to and the democratic party has too many Brother Toler's, where we will remain members in congress, so they want to re-long enough to get well enough to go into duce them down.

These good editors, Christians and priests who have it recorded in the book of remembrance that they object to a polygamist disgracing our congress, will hardly dare to travel that straight and narrow road which leads up and right into polygamist Abraham's bosom; because this religion is so repulsive to them that they cannot endure it in the United States, how can they be embraced by Father Abraham?

Florida Philosopher.

The Presbyterians out in Salt Lake City might be better employed than in trying to create an unholy prejudice against the Mormons, who are probably better Christians than they are. If they want to fight real evils they should direct their energies against the liquor curse, the houses of ill-fame, gambling, political outrages and election frauds, besides the many other sins. It is no honor for one church to try to demolish another-it is the method hypocrites have adopted from time immemorial. It would be better manners to let the Mormons alone in a city founded and built by their own enterprise 2,000 miles in the desert, after they had been driven from their homes in Illinois and Missouri, through persecution.

A great man is always willing to be little. While he sits on the cushion of advantages he goes to sleep. When he is pushed and disappointed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something. He has been put on his wits, but he has gained facts: he has learned his name; but Abraham obeyed, so do Mor-onceit, has got moderation and real ignorance, he is cured of the insanity of mons obey revelations to them. skill. Emerson.

The Saints believe that God is more competent to explain Himself to us than are those hired priests, who divine for money. If God should command these

Venture not to the utmost bounds of even lawful pleasures; the limits of good and evil join.-Fuller.


Flemming Riddelle was the leader in this assault, and when arrested he confessed his guilt and said he intended to The trial was set kill the Mormons." for Wednesday morning, August 30th, and as they were ready to proceed with the trial an armed body of horsemen rode up intending to loose the prisoner, and, if necessary, kill us. The mob forced us to compromise and we agreed to, providing they would pay the costs and bind him over to keep the peace for one year. They would not do this, and insisted on us paying half the costs. When I consented to do so they said "there is no law in Virginia for Mormons." The warrant read as follows: "The said Flemming Riddelle did waylay the said James Duffin on the public highway, and did unmercifully club on the head the said James Duffin, with intent to kill, without any provocation."

Releases and Appointments.


Alma Page, East Tennessee.
D. C. Babbitt, Georgia.
H. C. Pettey, Middle Tennessee.
Ariel F. Cardon, Chattanooga.


J. W. Funk, Georgia to Ohio. Joseph F. Nibley, East Kentucky to Ohio.

M. C. Miller, Virginia to Ohio. Albert Arrowsmith, North Kentucky to Chattanooga.


Brother Pryer Wicker, a son of Dun can R. and Helen Wicker, of Colon, N. accidentally shot himself August 23d. He was 16 years of age and dearly beloved by all who knew him.

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HE Christian Observer
of September 6th con-

article on "Mormon Efforts for Converts":
"The Mormon Church has recently begun
a serious effort to win converts all over the
country. Its officers seem to be conscious
that the policy of development in Utah
and the surrounding territory means loss,
if not destruction, to them, both because of
the divisions that have arisen in their own
body and because of the large number of
conversions from Mormonism to evangelical
Christianity. Hence, apparently, they are
seeking to make converts in the Mississippi

Of the divisions, we know but little.
apprehend that they exist. Concerning
conversions to the truth, we have just seen
a statement from a pastor in Utah that he
has received enough persons from Mormon
ism to equal one-half the present member-
ship of his church. For obvious reasons,
on renouncing Mormonism, many of these
converts moved away, but still he finds that
one-fifth of his members are converts from
Mormonism. This is in Utah.

among the Latter Day Saints, and if, as

you say, the Mormon Church authorities

your brother preachers leave Utah and with tears in their eyes appeal to the peo ple of the east to assist them (financially) break down the walls of tyrany and free the people from priestcraft? Is it not an apparent inconsistency? But stop-you "know but little, so probably you are wrong and your brother preachers correct. It is a fact too well known to need refuting that the Presbyterian church in Utah receives very few adherents from the dominant church. The report re ferred to in the above article may have been from some church in the rural districts with a probable membership of four or six, and in this way we can imagine how the converts from the Mormons are equal to one-half the present membership.

[ocr errors]

While Christ was speaking to His disciples (Matthew 24:14) He said, “And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be

Write on one side of paper only Kentucky we have about 185 Presbyterian preached in all the world as a witness

Correspondence from all parts of the missionary field is solicited. Give name and address, or articles will be rejected. when sent for publication. We reserve the right to either eliminate or reject any communication sent in. Address Box 103.




1. We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

3. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

8. We believe that, through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ohost.

6. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands," by those who are in authority, to preach the gospel and administer in the ordi. nances thereof.

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church-namely, Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, etc.

7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, etc.

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this (the American) continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

1. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates; in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. 18. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul, "We believe all things, we hope all things," we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. JOSEPH SMITH

The Cleveland Leader is reaching into

Utah and firing some hot shots at polygamy. To the outside world it looks as if the Leader might do more good by reserving its energy and indignation for the anarchy and the dynamiting which have been flourishing right under its own windows.--Washington Post.

Complaints are coming in from all over the South that subscribers are not receiving The Southern Star. We will do all in our power to see that the papers reach their destination. If in the future your paper is not delivered, let us know and we will inform the postoffice inspectors and the guilty postmasters will be caught. Already cases in Alabama have been given inspectors and they are now working to catch the parties guilty of not delivering mail.

It is not strange, therefore, that Mormonism is seeking converts in the older states. We have before us a synopsis of Georgia, Alabama, etc., for the first week the Mormon work in Tennessee, Kentucky, in August. Its energy is startling. In ministers; Mormonism has 111 missionaries in Kentucky. In Tennessee, Presbyterian ministers number about 150; Mormon propagandists number 107; in Alabama the numbers are 88 and 52; in Florida 50 and 42, etc. The number of Mormon missionaries is so large as to arouse concern, lest they should really make an impression upon the community.

We are glad to see that the great majority of the people of these states are repelling this polygamous travesty on Christianity. The report in hand shows that 937 meetings were held during that week, and that these 495 missionaries approached 6,442 persons or groups with their Mormon arguments, yet they succeeded in selling only 343 books, and in inducing only forty-three persons to accept their teachings.

And yet the persistent effort of a body of five hundred missionaries is not to be de spised. We may not close our eyes to the danger, but resist it prayerfully and earnestly.

Not by physical violence. The Gospel condemns violence. But by faithfully warning the people to go not near them, we may resist the evil."

From the nature of this article we are not lead to doubt the honesty of the editor, when, in speaking of the condition of the Mormon Church, he says, "We know but little."


all nations, and then shall the end come." We know that these are the days spoken of, and bear testimony that the Gospel has been restored to the earth. The reason that Elders are sent out to preach the Gospel is because Christ said that they should be, and the work will coutinue until He comes.

We do not think that the Christian Observer means what may be implied by, "We are glad to see that the great majority of the people are repelling this polygamous travesty on Christianity,” for it claims to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which grants freedom of speech and opposes such acts of lawlessness as have been perpetrated on Elders in Louisiana, Mississippi, Jasper county, Georgia, Dover, Tenn., the assault of Elder Duffin near Oilville, Va., and prohibiting Elders from preaching in Knoxville.

We appeal to the Presbyterians of the south to use their influence for Americanism and abide by the closing paragraphs of your official organ. Learn of Mormonism, pray for wisdom, spurn

A student called at the office of Dr. physical violence, and in a short time.

Karl G. Maeser, and the following con-
versation ensued:

"Well, my boy, what can I do for you
this morning?"

"Oh, Brother Maeser, I'm utterly dis-
couraged. I think I'd better go home.
I don't know anything, and I'll never be
able to learn anything. I did think I
knew a little something when I left
home; but when I get into the classes
here, they're so far advanced, and every-
thing I did know leaves me, and I sit
there and look stupid and can't say a

word, or understand a question that's
put to me. I can't stand it any longer.
I'll have to go home."

"My dear boy" with a caressing
touch of the hand-"you have learned
the first great lesson, and I'm glad you
have learned it so well. This is the
Lord's way of starting a student in
aright. Be thankful that you have
learned so soon that you know nothing.
No student can remain here long who
does not learn the lesson of humility.
Even if he should, he never would be a
real student. Go, now, my dear boy;
make the Lord your friend. The light
will soon begin to shine, and you will
find yourself in a new world."

Christian Observer, profit by this; and now that you acknowledge you "know but little," we will tell you something. You "apprehend" that division exists

when Mormon Elders leave their homes and loved ones, there will be no feeling of gloom about them for fear of being whipped or killed.



RESIDENT J. URBAN ALLRED wrote the ASSAULTED. following particulars relative to the raiding of the meeting at Pine Bluff, sixteen miles from Dover, Stewart county, Tenn.: "While holding the last of a

series of meetings at Pine Bluff on Sunday night, we were disturbed several times by a mob throwing stones and eggs at the school house in which we were preaching. When meeting closed the crowd dispersed. We expected to be assaulted, so Elders Stewart, Poole, Thurber and myself went with the largest crowd and Elders Hyrum Olsen and H. C. Pettey went in another direction. Our party escaped violence, but the other Elders were attacked with rocks from men in ambush. The rocks failing in the purpose for which they were thrown, one of the fiends fired a shot which hit little Mary Harden. The child was just 12 years of age, and her frantic screams on having the ball pierce her leg caused the would-be murderers to flee. As soon as the shot was fired all lights were extinguished, so had any more shooting taken place there would be nothing to determine the exact location of

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