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dan, Mr. Peter Moore, Mr. Perry, of the Morning Chronicle, and Mr. Mainwaring; at which the following Toasts were drunk with rapturous applause:

"The Enemies of Mr. Paull, and Sir Francis Burdett:"

"The Marquis of Wellesley, and the East-India Monopoly:'

"Confusion to the Duke of Northumberland and his Friends in Westminster."

Mr. SHERIDAN was observed to be in very low Spirits, and after taking ONLY Three Bottles of Port, found himself obliged to have recourse to Brandy. He absolutely refused to retire to bed, declaring that this cursed Ambition to represent Westminster would allow him no rest. He soon, however, fell into a restless kind of doze, exclaiming at intervals, "Oh, my Treasury-ship! Oh,

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my Popularity! Oh, Percy! Percy! had I but "served the People with half the zeal I served myself, they had not now forsaken me!" Then faintly muttering, muttering, "COBBETT, thou reasonest well!" he awoke.

November 6,

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Friday, November 7.

The number of people that assembled this day before the Hustings was immense. The scaffolding at the opposite side was crowded, and the fineness of the day induced a number of well-dressed women to attend to see the humours of a popular Election. Shortly after four o'clock, the numbers were thus declared:

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Right hon. R. B. Sheridan. . . ...2054

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The votes this day for Mr. Paull were chiefly plumpers, while those of the other Candidates were mostly for both. On closing the books,

Mr. BRITTEN Congratulated the people on the success of their exertions this day, in favour of the gallant officer sir S. Hood, and Mr. Sheridan, and the complete triumph they would speedily obtain, by their perseverance, over Mr. Paull. The memory of those splendid talents, by which their great City had been represented for above 25 years, in the person of that lamented patriot, the late Mr. Fox, demanded at their hands a successor worthy of his great character. That successor was now presented for their choice, in the person of Mr. Sheridan, the bosom-friend and compatriot of their late glorious Representative. For six-and-twenty years they had witnessed his bril

liant abilities, his unshaken consistency, and indefatigable exertions in support of the constitutional rights and liberties of his fellow-subjects. Could it be possible, then, that the Electors of Westminster should reject him, and choose Mr. Paull,—a stranger, of whom they knew nothing? he would ask them, as Englishmen, Was the metropolis of the empire so destitute of talents, or inte grity, that it became necessary for them to go to Scotland in search of a Representative? would the people of Scotland reject their own countrymen, and seek a Representative in Westminster? Mr. Paull had stated among his pretensions, that he gloried in the principles of sir F. Burdett, and was ready to accompany him to the scaffold. Another of his pretensions was, that he was an independent man; but this could not be the case, as he had avowed himself dependent on sir F. Burdett for his Election.

Mr. PETER MOORE Congratulated the independent Electors of Westminster upon the triumphant success of this day's poll in favour of the gallant admiral and his right hon. friend. He told them yesterday what would be the result of those active exertions on foot for his right hon. friend. He told them that Mr. Paull would speedily flag in his career. The result had verified his predictions. Yesterday his right hon. friend polled as many as Mr. Paull: to-day he had polled three for his one. But what would the Electors say when they should be told, that out of the 2517 votes which enabled Mr. Paull to boast so high a majority yesterday,

no less than 613 were detected to be bad; given by men who paid neither house-rent nor poorsrates; but who voted under the influence of the porter-pot, so powerful a stimulus in Mr. Paull's estimation? To-morrow his right hon. friend, instead of three, would poll five to one with Mr. Paull, who, if he had any good sense remaining, would now resign a contest which it would be impossible for him to maintain with the slightest probability of success, and repair, with the shattered remnant of his forces, to support his friend sir Francis Burdett at the Middlesex Election. However, his consequence as a Candidate for Westminster had but another solitary day to live. To-morrow evening would close upon him like death; and he would rise no more, except perhaps to join the horde of his partisans on Monday in the drunken march to Brentford. He conjured the Electors to redouble their exertions, and join their forces to-morrow for the final decision of the contest, to crown the election of his right hon. friend, and the gallant officer now allied with him, and who might then be at liberty to return to his squadron, and proceed to reap new laurels in whatever quarter of the globe his country might demand his services. He concluded by apologising once more for the absence of his right hon. friend, whose illness continued, from the stroke of a bludgeon, received on quitting the Hustings, from a ruffian, on Monday. Hoping that he would be able to return them his thanks in person, on the close of to-morrow's poll, he trusted that they


would now join in a hearty cheer of three times three, to the success of his right hon. friend, and the gallant admiral.

Sir S. HooD observed, that the state of the poll this day proved that the most respectable part of the community in the City of Westminster had come forward to support him and Mr. Sheridan, and with them the best interests of the constitution. He congratulated the Electors on his standing at the head of the poll. His right hon. friend, too, had beat his opponent by near 400 voters. To-morrow would shew them more of it. He trusted that the Electors of Westminster would manifest their disapproval of the friend of· sir F. Burdett, the libeller of the country and of its constitution. The Electors, in his opinion, ought to testify their gratitude to such a man as Mr. Sheridan, who, by his exertions, might be said to have saved the Navy of England from destruction, at the dreadful period of a mutiny among the seamen.

Mr. PAULL repeated his former professions of the principles upon which he had ventured to stand Candidate for their suffrages; and said, that the short-lived triumph of this day's majority to the gallant admiral, when he considered the mode by which it was obtained, did not at all damp his hopes. It was notorious that, in order to muster the forces which appeared this day in the gallant admiral's support, not only had the navy office, the admiralty office, the war office, and all the other offices of government in Somerset-place,


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