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left for this Country, but to employ our best energies to repress the evil, so far as lay in our power; and to thank God for the Navy we possessed, by which similar calamities might be averted from these favoured shores. Burthens, unquestionably, in the course of the contest we should have to bear, and taxes we must submit to: but we had examples before us, in the person of the gallant Commodore, of the necessity, nay of the beauty of submitting to deprivations for our Native Country. Let us curtail our superfluities; let us with unwounded hearts, as that gallant Officer would do, resolve to face our enemy, and to preserve the Throne and Independence of our Country, or to perish in the contest.

Mr. T. Sheridan was called on for a song; when he gave Scots, wha ha'e wi Wallace bled," with great effect.-On the motion of Mr. Young, the healths of the two favourite Candidates, as they had been drunk separate, were again drunk together, during which time Mr. Sheridan and sir S. Hood manifested their cordiality in the sentiment, by enthusiastically shaking hands together in front of the Chairman. Sir S. Hood proposed the health of Col. ELLIOT, the Chairman, which was drunk with three times three.

The CHAIRMAN then proposed "the health of Mr. Whitbread, and the Independent Electors of Bedford, with thanks to Mr. Whitbread for his letter to sir F. Burdett." This toast being given with distinguished approbation,

Mr. WHITBREAD returned his best thanks to


the meeting, for the honour they had done him, and particularly for their approbation of the letter which he had written to sir F. Burdett, entirely ex tempore, on the receipt of a letter from sir Francis, soliciting his suffrage. He felt no hesitation in saying, that at the time of the dissolution of Parliament, he had it in his contemplation that sir F. Burdett would be the Representative for Middlesex, and he had a satisfaction in thinking so, believing, as he still did, that sir F. meant well.-When, however, the hon. baronet had expressed himself in the manner every gentleman present knew he had in his address, and when he called on him (Mr. W.) on the grounds contained in that address alone, it was impossible for him (Mr. W.) not to withdraw from sir F. his support. To this letter sir F. wrote an answer, perfectly gentlemanlike and kind; but, on better consideration, he had told the Electors that he was not entitled to be addressed in such terms. He (Mr. W.) however, thought that sir F. had no right to complain that he, as an Elector, answered publicly his (sir F.'s) address to the Electors in general. He also confessed, that, at the period of the dissolution, he did not think Mr. Paull an unfit person again to become a Representative of the People in Parliament. On the contrary, he thought that, during his sitting in Parliament, he had shewn himself not unworthy of a renewal of that honour. When he saw him, however, standing forward as the follower of sir F. Burdett, as one ready to adopt whatever line of conduct he

might pursue, that entirely altered the question. He thought the Electors of Westminster had at present a more than usual important trust to discharge. He had come to town impressed with this idea. He had come to use his influence for his friend Mr. Sheridan and for the brave Commodore also; one whom till this day he had never seen, though he had heard of him so much; of whom England must have heard so much; and of whom, he trusted, their children would have much to hear. In soliciting those Electors to whom he had applied, he had coupled the names togetherequally illustrious though in different ways. The gallant Commodore's fame had been progressive, and had not yet, he was convinced, nearly reached its height. The fame of his right hon. friend had been constantly rising since he came into Parliament, nor could he be convinced, that it had yet reached its height, more than that of the gallant Commodore. There were other persons who sought the confidence and protection of the public, when they could not gain it, like the two Candidates to whom he had alluded, by wellearned fame, but by singularity of opinion; such persons were to be avoided,-not because their hearts were bad, but because their heads were light, and they did not know where they were going. He solemnly believed sir F. Burdett was in this situation. But, if he could not be trusted, because he did not know to what extent he was to go, far less could Mr. Paull be trusted, fessed himself to be only his disciple.

who proHis illus;

trious friend (Mr. Fox), were he alive, would have recommended to them to support the two Candidates now before them. As to the idea thrown out by sir F. Burdett, of a person in place being unfit to represent a populous City, he thought nothing could be more honourable, or more becoming in such Representative, than to throw himself on his Constituents, and allow them to say if he had done any thing to forfeit their esteem.

Mr. WHITBREAD then gave as a sentiment'May sir F. Burdett retain his present situation on the Poll for the county of Middlesex!" the state of the Poll being then declared.

Mr. SHERIDAN proposed" The Female Patriots of Westminster, of whatever degree."-Both of which were drunk with three times three.

Mr. Whitbread proposed-" The Constitution, the whole Constitution, and nothing but the Constitution of Great Britain-or King, Lords, and Commons;" which was drunk with three times three." Mr. P. Moore, and the Electors of Coventry," being drunk;

Mr. Peter MOORE returned thanks, professing the unfeigned zeal he had formerly felt for sir F. Burdett, and that he had now abandoned him only because he had abandoned himself. He reminded the Electors that Mr. Paull was only the follower of sir F. Burdett, and that the worthy baronet himself was no more than the disciple of Horne Tooke.


Mr. SHERIDAN informed the meeting that he should to-morrow, or Thursday, publish an offer by Mr. Paull and Mr. Cobbett to him, if he would stand neuter, that he should have all Mr. Paull's second votes; this he had rejected with scorn: but the object evidently was to give them an op portunity of blackening both Candidates, and of taking his run against that one which might lat, terly be farthest behind.

Mr. T. SHERIDAN proposed "the health of a gallant Officer, Captain Halliday, of the Navy," in conjunction with whom he had carried on an earnest and a successful canvass for sir F. Burdett, during the last election. He had the authority of that gallant officer for declaring that he now discountenanced him.

It was agreed that each member present should exert himself to bring up a given number of votes to-morrow: and the meeting adjourned till Thursday, at the Crown and Anchor.


No Paull.-No Burdett.

No Independent Men in the House of Com


No Impeachment for Murder and Plunder in India.

No Enquiry into Peculation and Embezzlement at Home.

No Enemies to Placemen and Pensioners.


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