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the recipe through the BRIEF. I have used, from time to time, quinine, Fowler's Solution, serpentaria, cit. iron and quinia, sanguinaria, tinct. nux vom., iodide ferri, iodide potass., gelsemium, some bitter tonics, etc.

Fever contracted four years ago in a malarial region. Gave also calomel at first; have not given him a dose in two years; using podophyllin instead. Please, Bro. M. Ds., give me a remedy for what quacks call a "growing fever." R. C. GRIER, M. D. Bloomingvale, S. C.

Compound Medicines.

Sir Dyce Duckworth, M. D., of London, says: There is a great tendency now to employ concentrated preparations, and to use drugs singly. This results from laboratory rather than from bedside research. There is less polypharmacy now than formerly, but I am satisfied that there is also less good prescribing than in my student days. The art of combining drugs has been much lost, and I think the practice of physic is by so much. the poorer.

I have no doubt that these opinions will prove shocking in some quarters, but I simply state what I believe to be true. It is, I think, certain that some drugs are more effectual in combination with others than when given by themselves.


In the May BRIEF, 1885, I reported three cases and asked the advice of the experienced doctors to help me out. I believe I have tried all the prescriptions and since my patients are not cured, again ask the assistance of any of the many subscribers to the MEDICAL BRIEF.

CASE 1. A boy, now about thirteen years of age, began to have spasms. when three years old, which I attrib

uted to worms and treated him accordingly. After a time the attacks changed and he began to froth at the mouth with the usual symptoms of epilepsy. He has been treated for two years with potass. brom., cannabis ind., ergot, belladonna, stramonium, chlor. hydrate, cypripedium, val. amm., etc., but nothing has benefited him yet. His tongue has slick clean. spots varying from a wafer to onehalf the surface of the tongue.

CASE 2. A girl, now about eight years, has a tongue similar to the first case, never has a spasm while awake, always comes on after she goes to sleep. Have tried different remedies for worms and pushed the potass. brom. until she would complain of weakness of her limbs. Have used tonics and the same treatment as in first case, without any benefit.

CASE 3. Aged nineteen, has had epilepsy for ten years, has passed two years without an attack and returned. She menstruates monthly, at times rather free, at others rather scanty. She is the very picture of health. She is becoming very despondent and her parents and the family exceedingly anxious about her condition.

I hope some of the profession can give me a remedy that will have the desired effect, either by letter or through the BRIEF.

Midland, Tenn.

R. C. BOGLE, M. D.

Treatment of a Stye.

M. Abadil recommends a three per cent solution of boracic acid. Some of this solution is to be dropped on the stye several times a day. It is said to effect a cure and prevent a return of the annoyance.

FOR elegance, durability and cheapness, our BRIEF Binder can't be beat.

Business Changes.


Notices will be placed under this head on receipt of 30 cents a line each insertion. About seven words to the line.

FOR SALE-I have two lots, a dwelling on one and a drug store on the other. My dwelling consists of three rooms, front and back verandas and a hall between, good out buildings. The best situation in the country for a drug store, with a large paying practice. Situated at Lone Elm, Arkansas, a small village of about 60 inhabitants, six miles from the Arkansas river, midway between two creeks, Mulberry and White Oak. Price $850. $500 down, balance on time. Come and see or address,


Lone Elm, Franklin Co., Ark.

FOR SALE.-Physician's property, firstclass repair, in railroad town. Satisfactory reason for selling. Excellent practice. Easy and deferred payments. Address,


Poplar Plains, Fleming Co., Kentucky.

Send to Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I., for sample, provided you mention the MEDICAL BRIEF, and are willing to pay express charges.

DR. C. L. MITCHELL of 1016 Cherry St., Philadelphia, has recently published a complete little pamphlet of 24 pages on "The Treatment of Gonorrhoea and its Sequela" by means of his medicated bougies. It contains many valuable hints for treatment and should be of interest to every physician. He will send it FREE to any physician mentioning the MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. page 34.

I. PHILLIPS, Atlanta, Ga., claims the attention of the profession to his facilities for handling Surgical, Optical and Electrical goods. When in want of anything in his line write him for catalogue and information and mention the BRIEF. See his ad. on page 33.

MCARTHUR'S HYPOPHOSPHITES is made only for physicians. The size of the bottle has been increased from nine to nearly twelve ounces by measure. If you wish to test this valuable compound, they will send a sample bottle free, except express charges, if you mention the BRIEF. See ad. on page 34.

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ATTENTION is called to Flavell & Brother's new advertisement of an Abdominal Supporter with Uterine Cup appended. See ad. page 27. They have reduced the price for this Abdominal Supporter which is sold either with or without the cup. Send for illustrated catalogue of their goods and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

ATTENTION is called to the advertisement on page 33 of the Wallian Oxygen Apparatus Mfg. Co., 10th Ave. and 22d Street, New York. Send to them for Dr. Wallian's papers on the subject of Oxygen Treatment and price lists, and mention the BRIEF.

THE latest invention in Saddle-Bags and Buggy-Cases is the Stephens patent. Read the description of these articles, on page 15, before making your purchases. Sent by express to any part of the United States on receipt of price, subject to return at their expense if not satisfactory. Mention the BRIEF.

APPLY to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for reports, supplied gratis, of the Medical Clinics of the Universities at Bonn and Greifswald on the eminent medicinal properties of "Sander & Sons' Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol)". (See advertisement next to 3d page cover.)

H. PLANTEN & SON, 224 William St., N. Y., will send SAMPLES of their capsules to physicians if BRIEF is mentioned. See ad. page 39.

WOOLRICH & Co., proprietors of Ridge's Food, will be pleased to send samples of their food for trial, free of charge, if the MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned. Read their ad. on page 7 of this issue for full particulars.

Send to Dr. W. R. Hayden, Bedford Springs, Mass., for pamphlet with valuable formulæ, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

IT WILL PAY YOU to read page 17, on which the well-known house of Wm. R. Warner & Co., have a few selected formule which they submit to the profession. When the full therapeutic effect is desired they are worthy a trial. In writing them please mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

FARWELL & RHINES, of Watertown, N. Y., will send six pounds of Gluten Flour, free, to physicians who will pay express charges and mention MEDICAL Brief.

WONDERFUL how a man without legs of flesh and blood can enjoy skating, or a prize-match walker without such make record time, or an athlete without arms of flesh enjoy muscular sports. To know the secret send to A. A. Marks, 701 Broadway, New York, for his book on artificial limbs, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

WRITE to Scott & Bowne, 132 8. Fifth Ave., N. Y., for samples of their goods and mention BRIEF. See ad. page 4.

MORSE'S HYPOPHOSPHITES as advertised on page 2 of this issue claims your attention. If you mention the BRIEF they will send you a book on treatment of Phthisis, and if you pay the express charges they will send you a large sample bottle of their Hypophosphites. Read their ad.

BAKER'S Common Sense Syringes are suggestive of many uses to the physician. For injecting and ejecting fluids, or blowing powders; for cleansing and medicating the internal uterus, deep wounds, fistulas, cysts, the throat, the ear, the nose, the bladder, the urethra, &c. Send $2.00, the price for both, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. PROF. W. BAKER, 42 St. Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

TYREE'S PULV. HYPOPHOS. COMP. has been employed with much success in the various forms of dyspeptic maladies arising from imperfect nutrition, and will be found to contain the virtue of Hypophosphites in a much higher degree than any of the liquid preparations. J. S. TYRE.

See ad. on page 25 and mention the BRIEF when you write.

CAULOCOREA is said to be an elegant preparation and an important therapeutic agent in the treatment of the diseases of the female reproductive organs. It is put up in pound bottles for physicians' prescriptions only. For Hand-Book, etc., send to Dr. J. W. Lowell & Co., F. V., Portland, Maine, and mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

SEND to J. G. MILNE & Co., 59 Dey St., New York, for a free sample pound-bottle of "Milne's Hypophosphites," if you are willing to pay express charges, and mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

NESTLE'S FOOD have a new ad. on page 29 that they desire you should read and retain in your memory, as it may prove very useful in your practice. When you send for a sample, say you saw the ad. in the BRIEF.

THE house of JOHN WYETH & BROTHER never follow, they always lead, and the fact of this will be readily seen by reading their new ad. on page 13 of this issue. When you write them, please mention the Brief.

SEND TO WM. F. KIDDER & Co., 83 John St., New York, for a bottle of Kidder's Wine of the Purified Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda. Sent free of cost, if you will pay the express charges and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. on page 40.

PROFESSOR ALFRED L. LOOMIS has been using an Immisch Thermometer for some time and fully endorses it as the most reliable for testing surface temperature and most convenient for Clinical use. See ad. on page 4 and when you write mention the BRIEF.

A LIST of McKesson & Robbins' pills (about 400 kinds), with a list of granules of rare alkaloids, valuable notes, etc., may be found in their vest-pocket formulæ book, which will be mailed free, on application, by mentioning MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. page 2 of cover.

A SAMPLE box of hollow suppositories, made of cocoa butter, for aural, nasal, rectal, urethral, cystic, vaginal, or intra-uterine administration of medicines, will be mailed free by Hall & Ruckel, of 218 Greenwich Street, New York, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

CASWELL, MASSEY & Co., 1121 Broadway, N. Y., will be pleased to have you read their new ad. on page 2 and when you write them please say you saw their ad. in the BRIEF.

PALATABLE PRESCRIBING-A tasteless syrup of Quinine is made by the Paris Medicine Co. See ad. on page 27.

WE have examined many makes of pills but on examining Upjohn's (see ad. page 4) we find there is still something new, with a newness that is decidedly refreshing. We predict that the name Upjohn will soon be a familiar one to the profession.

PHYSICIANS having tumors under treatment may be interested in Dr. Willard H. Morse's article on the subject in May issue. Send to Dr. Carl L. Jensen, 2039 Green Street, Philadelphia, for sample of his Pepsin to use for the injections referred to by Dr. Morse, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & Co., of New York, have just published a Treatise on the therapeutic properties of Salol, in which is incorporated the notes of F. E. Georgi, M. D., Physician to the City Hospital Goerlitz (Silesia). This Treatise will be mailed on application if the MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

HAVE you seen the new and novel Ankle Support as shown on page 37? It is fully endorsed by physicians, who find it a better bandage than any that has yet been devised. When you order please say you saw their ad. in the BRIEF.

YOU CAN'T OVERLOOK the new advertisement of Reed & Carnrick on page 26. See the valuable and tried preparations they offer to the profession. The high standing this house has attained is a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of their goods. Send for samples and mention the BRIEF.

TO THOSE who desire a first class set of Rectal Instruments including a complete Rectal Treatise we say read page 10. If you will send 20 cents to prepay postage they will send you their large illustrated catalogue. This house makes a special discount to physicians. When you write them say you saw their ad. in the BRIEF.

THE advantages of the Lady's Syringe over others are that when you inject the fluid to the parts you hold the syringe in place thus getting the full therapeutic action of the medicine, and then by allowing the bulb to expand before withdrawing you save the danger of spilling and relieve the parts of all foreign matter.

ON ad. page 32, for this month, will be found Bernd's Physician's Pocket Kegister. This book is complete, simple, comprehensive. A labor-saving method of keeping accounts that will commend itself to every physician. For a description, read the ad. and when you write them mention the BRIEF. Now is the time to send in your order.

THE Abdominal Supporter of Dr. Linquist, as advertised on page 35, deserves the attention of every physician because of its great merit. The demand is constantly increasing therefore we advise you to send in your order soon. When you write for a supporter mention the BRIEF.

OLEO-CHYLE is said to contain no substance capable of fermentation, and to be perfectly palatable, and miscible in milk or water. The Geo. W. Laird Co., of 39 Barclay St., New York, will send a sample bottle free to any physician mentioning the MEDICAL BRIEF and agreeing to pay express charges. See ad. page 35.

YOUR attention is called to a complete list of the Maltine preparations on ad. 8. Maltine and its compounds have been before the profession a number of years. If success is any criterion of merit (and it is) then Maltine is entitled to the physician's highest confidence. It may now be obtained of druggists all over the civilized world.

At this season, the physician caring for patients possessed of wasting diseases, and anæmic cases where weak stomachs are to be taken into account, is reminded that Maltine makes a remarkably, pleasant vehicle for cod liver oil, rendering it quite palatable and its digestion easier.

The Maltine M'f'g Co., of 182 Fulton St., New York, will send any practitioner a sufficient quantity of either of the Maltine Compounds selected, free of charge, provided he mentions the MEDICAL BRIEF and agrees to pay express charges.

COMPRESSED air atomizers, oxygen apparatus, inhalers c., are to be had of Chas. Beseler, 218 Center Street, New York. With increased facilities and the latest improved machinery he is prepared to meet every demand-whether for plain or the most elaborate apparatus. For illustrations of his workmanship see ad. page 35. His illustrated catalogue with price list sent free if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.;

IT is to be regretted that many mothers do not commence the use of Mellin's Food until their infants are sick. It must be borne in mind that this Food is not a medicine, and is not intended primarily for sick babies, but is an excellent artificial food for healthy as well as for sick infants. (See page 11.)

DR. P. W. LATHAM, Downing Professor of Medicine at Cambridge, (England), lecturing on the treatment of gout and rheumatism at the Royal College of Physicians, says:

"The true Salicylic Acid obtained from the vegetable kingdom must alone be employed. If you have to give large doses, avoid giving the artificial product obtained from carbolic acid, however much it may have been dialysed and purified. Give the acid without any alkali or base," etc.

A reprint of this exceedingly valuable paper will be sent on application to The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co., Cincinnati. Mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

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THE Galvano Faradic M'f'g Co., 300 Fourth ave., N. Y., offer a Physician's Visiting Battery with a valuable book on the Application of Electricity for $10.00. See ad. on page 30. Mention the BRIEF when you order.

IN prescribing the products of Manufacturing Pharmacists, we should be guided to a great extent by the business standing of the manufacturers. No other house in the South or West has a better reputation for strict integrity than the firm of R. A. Robinson & Co., Louisville, Ky. We do not hesitate to recommend the preparations advertised by them on page 9, of this issue.

ATTENTION is called to the Hastings Truss Co.'s interesting and instructive advertisement of Improved Uterine Supporters, on page 22. Write them for particulars, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

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