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Rational Medicine. .


Read before the meeting of the State Medical Association of Missouri,
Hannibal, May 21-24, 1895.

NO. I.

Esculapius, however, kept what was called votive tablets left by the visitor, which tablet gave an account of the disease and what was done for the patient. If what is preserved of those tablets is a fair specimen of the treatment, there was little worth in them.

Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos about the year 460 before the Christian era. He is the father of of rational medicine. He studied the anatomy of the lower animals, particularly of the ape. Enough of his writings have been preserved to show that he had a clear idea of disease, a broad and intelligent observation, and gave very graphic description of many diseases, above all he was an honest writer.


From the earliest history of mankind he has suffered Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of his age, was a from disease; he has been subject to physical injury; physician and the teacher of Alexander the great; then during life he has suffered from both and eventually rose the celebrated school at Alexandria, controlled by died. It is but a natural conclusion for the intelligent the Ptolemies who permitted dissections of the human being when in pain or suffering from the loss of the use of members of his body, or prostrate by sickness, to In the second century, the immortal Galen was born, seak the relief of pain, to seek the restoration of the use who taught anatomy and practiced medicine in Perga. of prophylactic limbs, to search for remedies for malig- mas. A number of his works are still extant. His nant fevers, to prevent death. Disease was supposed teachings on anatomy and medicine influenced the conby the ancients to be due to the displeasure of their tinent of Europe over a thousand years. His views god, and you find many at this time who have the same were accepted as the truth and none had the temerity opinion, who have been taught this by their priests. I to dispute his authority, and for a time when they use the term "priests" as applying to all preachers. In found in human dissections, a different arrangement of those times little was done for the relief of the sick ex- the organs, they described it to the degeneracy of the cept to make sacrifices and petition for their sick race. After the destruction of the great school at through the intercession of the priest, who was sup. Alexandria, after the decline of letters in the continent posed to be the guardian of their physical as well as of Europe, the study of medicine was limited to the their spiritual welfare. Thus it was; age after age Arabians. They discovered the art of distillation, rolled on with men and women living under the impression that the ills of life were simply the manifesta tions of an angry god-that when an epidemic occurred, the nation had greviously sinned. To appease His wrath was to make intercession through the priest for Him to stay his hand and restore them to health, as they have done later on when a long continued drough threatened the community with famine. One condition about as rational as the other.

made alcohol, and introduced a number of drugs. From the ninth to the thirteenth centuries the practice of medicine was largely limited to the Jews who in their dealing with the Saracens became familiar with what was known of the art. In the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, dissections of the human body were made at Bologna, Padua and at Paris The names of Fallopius, Vesalius and Sylvius are forever linked in the study of anatomy, which was the first great step in advancing the study of medicine.

Esculapius, son of Chiron, is ascribed to be the father of medicine; yet he lived in a temple around The distinguished anatomist, Michael Servetus, was which were groves of trees. The sick visited him there. burned at the stake at the instigation of the bigoted I suppose a sort of sanitarium. We have some such John Calvin, animated by extreme religious fanaticism. health resorts these days, where most of the celebrity The scientific world to day holds him responsible for is gained by a free use of printer's ink, the patient pay- the murder of this great Spanish anatomist, who in the ing a high price for seclusive and medical attention, prime of life was barbarously burned to death by a when in fact very ordinary medical service is rendered. slow fire.

In 1618, Wm. Harvey announced the discovery of germs, it is absolutely necessary to understand the use the circulation of the blood. In 1661 Malpighi discov. of the microscope. ered capillary circulation by the use of the microscope, To Olliver Wendell Holmes much is due to his influ. thus completing the study of the circulation. Later on, ence in the general use of the microscope in medicine. Borelli explained the mechanism of respiration. Ambrosa The world is forever indebted to him for advocating Pare introduced the ligature to control hemorrhage. the contagiousness of puerperal fever. He has done Haller wrote the first work on physiology. Then Lewis more for woman than any one who has lived in this and others studied the pathological condition of diseases, that is, examined the bodies after death to see what changes were made by the disease. He further, systematically tabulated diseases. The first work on pathological anatomy in America was written by Sam uel D. Gross.

Thus, step by step has the science of medicine been evolved, which brings within its domain the study of practical chemistry, the science of physics, and the higher mathematics. It follows no dogma, has no theory, accepts no vaunted remedy. Every remedy offered is subjected to the ordeal, and if after extensive trial it is found wanting, it is rejected and not given a place in our works upon materia medica.

century. When the monument that is erected to carry the memory of this great philosopher and philanthropist to the generations of the future, its letters will fade and the stone crumble to dust, but his name and fame will continue in all parts of the civilized world-when statesmen and warriors are forgotten. The young man having acquired a thorough knowledge of the sciences that are pre-requisite to the study of medicine, and then has devoted the number of years in learning the entire course of study; then would devote at least two years of service in the hospital, becoming familiar in the technique of practice, acquiring the tact and familiarity with disease and its various forms, learning clinically the effect of medicine, becoming an adept in the use of Experimental physiology, the study of the action of instruments, in surgical operations, learning to discrimthe organs of the body by experiments on the lower inate in the use of remedies and to be able to form a animals, has given us knowledge we could not otherwise right judgment as to the constitution of his patient, and obtained of their functions. The knowledge gained by to be able to measure in some degree his vitality, be the use of the stethoscope, introduced by Laennae, the coming deliberate and clear headed and rational in study of the tissues with microscope both in a healthy and diseased condition, the discovery of the bacilli of consumption and of Asiatic cholera and diphtheria, has opened the way to prevent the spread of these diseases, and perhaps enables us in the near future to find means to effect their cure, particularly of diphtheria. The discovery of vaccination by Edward Jenner renders us able to prevent the ravages of small-pox. The examination of drinking waters, an agency that has long been the source of sickness, will avail much in favor of health in all communities-by tracing the source of pol lution that it may have a prompt removal. All these and much more is being done in behalf of suffering humanity.


making his diagnosis, having some precision in his prognosis; human, just, consistent and sensible in his treatment; studiously avoiding the practice of the charlatan who not only attempts to deceive, but boastfully arrogate to themselves the power to perform great cures not known to the medical profession.

In this country, where the greatest latitude has been given citizens in their opinion on almost every subject; in the United States where we have boasted of free

schools, and a country where there is a more uniform education of the masses, there is singularly the lowest grade in the medical education of men who have attained the degree of M D., and a large per cent have not what is termed an English education. The explanaThe physician of this age must have a fair knowledge cities, medical schools have been formed and chartered tion may be thus given: In many large towns and of language, and understand the Latin; he should un- under very lax legislation. Those so called professors, derstand the science of physics and the higher mathe anxious to swell the number in their classes and have a matics. Without the knowledge of the science of phy good showing for a popular school, have admitted to sics how little can he understand about the eye or the the lecture hall many students who could not pass an ear of the practical application of electricity? He examination on any of the common English branches; must have a thorough and practical knowledge of those same students without any formed habits for chemistry. Of anatomy he should know as well as is study, anxious to get to the proffered degree, have no expected of the juvenile to know the alphabet and the higher aim than to simply pass, which they do by hav sounds of letters. The physiology of the organs of the ing only a smattering knowledge of any of the subjects body he should understand. Without a knowledge of the functions of the different organs of the body in health, how would he understand them when they were diseased. Then morbid or pathological anatomy in each disease should have his attention. The study of the cause of disease, which is now the study of the bacilli, or bacteria-bacteriology-should be thoroughly understood. Then to study the appearance of these

brief compendium. The faculty passed them and put upon which they are examined—that gained from some into their hands what appears to be a legal right to practice medicine, with a full knowledge of the subject

of medicine.

It is no wonder we see so many advertising doctors. It is no surprise that we see so many pat ent medicine houses all over this broad country. Men who are so indifferent and so calloused and unscrupu.

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