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any person within this Jurisdiction, to make seazory thereof, two third parts to belong to the publiqve Treasury and the other to the party seazing. And it is also further ordered, that every Ankor of liqvor that is landed in any place within this Jurisdiction, shall pay to the public Treasury ten shillings, and every butt of Wine, forty shillings, or Hogshead of Wine, Twenty Shillings, or quarter Cask, Ten Shillings, whether they are full or noe. This order repealed,

March 11th."

"May, 1660. This Court doth order, that noe man or woman, within this Coll. who hath a wife or husband in forraigne parts, shal live here above two years, vpon penalty of 40s. pr. month, vpon every such offender, and any that haue bene aboue 3 years already, not to remaine within this Col. aboue one yeare longer, vpon the same penalty, except they haue liberty from ye Gen. Court."

May, 1662. "This Court orders, that the Bible that was sent to goodwife Williams, be by Serg't John Not, delivered to goodwife Harrison, who engageth to this Court to give vnto ye children of ye said Williams a Bushel of Wheat a piece, as they shal come out of their time; and John Not doth engage to give each of ye children 2 shillings a piece, as they come out of their time, to buy them Bibles, and John Not hath hereby power granted him, as is ordered, to dispose of ye rest of ye books to ye children of the said Williams."

May, 1676. "Whereas excess in apparel amongst us is unbecoming a wilderness condition and the profession of the gospell, whereby the riseing Generation is in danger to be corrupted, which practices are testifyed against in God's holy word, it is therefore ordered by this Court and authority thereof, that what person soever shall wear Gold or Silver Lace, or Gold or Silver Buttons, Silk Ribbons, or other costly superfluous trimings, or any bone Lace above three shillings p'r yard, or Silk Scarfes, the List makers of the respective Townes are hereby required to assesse such persons so offending, (or their Husbands, parents, or masters under whose government they are) in the list of Estates at one hundred and fifty pound Estate; and they to pay their Rates according to that proportion, as such men use to pay, to whom such apparell alowed as suitable to their Rank, provided this law shall not extend to any magistrate, or a like publique officer of this Colony, their wives or children, whoe are left to their discretion in wearing of apparell, or any setled military commission officer, or such whose quality and Estate have been above the ordinary degree, though now decayed. It is further ordered that all such persons as shall for the future make, or weave, or buy any apparell exceeding the quality and condition of their persons and Estates, or that is apparently beyond the necessary end of apparell for covering or comeliness, either of these to be Judged by the Grand Jury and County Court where such presentments are made, shall forfeit for every such offence ten shillings; and if any Taylor shall fashion any garment for any child or servant contrary to the mind of the Parent or Master of such a child or servant, he shall forfeit for every such offence ten shillings.

In 1642, the capital laws of Connecticut were nearly completed and put on record. The several passages on which they were founded, were particularly noticed in the statute. They were twelve in number; two more were added at a subsequent period. The following is a copy of these laws, excepting four which relate to unchastity.


1. If any man after legall conviction, shall have or worship any other God but the Lord God, hee shall be put to death. Deut. 13. 6. -17. 2.-Exodus 22. 20.

2. If any man or woman bee a Witch, that is, hath or consulteth with a familliar spirritt, they shall be put to death. Exodus 22. 18.— Levit. 20. 27.-Deut. 18. 10, 11.

3. If any person shall blaspheme the name of God the ffather, Sonne or holy Ghost, with direct, express, presumptuous or highhanded blasphemy, or shall curse in the like manner, hee shall bee put to death. Lev. 24. 15, 16.

4. If any person shall committ any willfull murther, which is manslaughter committed uppon malice, hatred or cruelty, not in a man's necessary and just defence, nor by mere casualty against his will, hee shall be put to death. Exodus 21. 12, 13, 15.-Numb. 35. 30, 31.

5. If any person shall slay another through guile, either by poisonings or other such Devellish practice, hee shall bee put to death.-Exo. 21. 14.

10. If any man stealeth a man or mankinde, hee shall bee put to death. Exodus 21. 16.

11. If any man rise up by false wittness, wittingly and of purpose to take away any man's life, hee shall bee put to death. Deut. 19. 16, 18, 19.

12. If any man shall conspire or attempt any invasion, insurrection or rebellion against the Commonwealth, hee shall bee put to death.

13. If any Childe or Children above sixteene years old and of sufficient understanding, shall Curse or smite their natural father or mother, hee or they shall bee put to death; unless it can bee sufficiently testified that the parents have beene very unchristianly negligent in the education of such children, or so provoke them by extreme and cruell correction that they have beene forced thereunto to preserve themselves from death, maiming. Exo. 21. 17.-Levit. 20.-Ex. 21. 15.

14. If any man have a stubborne and rebellious sonne of sufficient yeares and understanding, viz. Sixteene years of age, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them; then may his ffather and mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him and bring him to the Magistrates assembled in Courte, and testifie unto them, that theire sonne is stubborne and rebellious and will not obey theire voice and Chastisement, but lives in sundry notorious Crimes such a sonne shall bee put to death. Deut. 21. 20, 21."


The following laws are extracted from those established by the Duke of York for the government of New York, in the year 1664. This code (called the "Duke's Laws") was compiled under the direction of Nicolls, the first English Governor. It continued in force till the period of the Revolution in England, and ceased to have effect in 1691, when the General Assembly of the Province began to exercise a new legislative power under the sovereignty of King William.

Capital Laws.-"1. If any person within this Government shall by direct exprest, impious or presumptuous ways, deny the true God and his Attributes, he shall be put to death.

2. If any person shall Commit any wilful and premeditated Murder, he shall be put to Death.

3. If any person Slayeth another with Sword or Dagger who hath no weapon to defend himself; he shall be put to Death.

4. If any person forcibly Stealeth or carrieth away any mankind; He shall be put to death.

5. If any person shall bear false witness maliciously and on purpose to take away a man's life, He shall be put to Death.

6. If any man shall Traitorously deny his Majestyes right and titles to his Crownes and Dominions, or shall raise armies to resist his Authority, He shall be put to Death.

7. If any man shall treacherously conspire or Publiquely, attempt to invade or Surprise any Town or Towns, Fort or Forts, within this Government, He shall be put to Death.

8. If any Child or Children, above sixteen years of age, and of Sufficient understanding, shall smite their Natural Father or Mother, unless thereunto provoked and forct for their selfe preservation from Death or Mayming, at the Complaint of the said Father and Mother, and not otherwise, they being Sufficient witnesses thereof, that Child or those Children so offending shall be put to Death.

Bond Slavery.-No Christian shall be kept in Bondslavery villenage or Captivity, Except Such who shall be Judged thereunto by Authority, or such as willingly have sould, or shall sell themselves, In which Case a Record of such Servitude shall be entered in the Court of Sessions held for that Jurisdiction where Such Matters shall Inhabit, provided that nothing in the Law Contained shall be to the prejudice of Master or Dame who have or shall by any Indenture or Covenant take Apprentices for Terme of Years, or other Servants for Term of years or Life.

Church. Whereas the publique Worship of God is much discredited for want of painful and able Ministers to Instruct the people in the true Religion and for want of Convenient places Capable to re

ceive any Number or Assembly of people in a decent manner for Celebrating Gods holy Ordinances. These ensueing Lawes are to be observed in every parish (Viz.)

1. That in each Parish within this Government a church be built in the most Convenient part thereof, Capable to receive and accommodate two Hundred Persons.

2. To prevent Scandalous and Ignorant pretenders to the Ministry from intruding themselves as Teachers; No Minister shall be Admitted to Officiate, within the Government but such as shall produce Testimonials to the Governour, that he hath Received Ordination either from some Protestant Bishop, or Minister within some part of his Majesties Dominions or the Dominions of any foreign Prince of the Reformed Religion, upon which Testimony the Governour shall induce the said Minister into the parish that shall make presentation of him, as duely Elected by the Major part of the Inhabitants householders.

3. That the Minister of every Parish shall Preach constantly every Sunday, and shall also pray for the Kinge, Queene, Duke of Yorke, and the Royall family. And every person affronting or disturbing any Congregation on the Lords Day and on such publique days of fast and Thanksgiving as are appointed to be observed. After the presentments thereof by the Churchwardens to the Sessions and due Conviction thereof he shall be punished by fine or Imprisonment according to the merrit and Nature of the offence, And every Minister shall also Publiquely Administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper once every Year at the least in his Parish Church not denying the private benefit thereof to Persons that for want of health shall require the same in their houses, under the penalty of Loss of preferment unless the Minister be restrained in point of Conscience.

Fasting Days and Days of Thanks givin To be observed.—Whereas by an Act of Parliament the fifth Day of November is annually to be observed for the Great deliverance from the Gunpowder Treason, And whereas by one other Act of Parliament The thirtyeth Day of January is annually to be observed with Fasting and Prayer in all his Majesties Dominions to shew a hearty and Serious Repentance and Detestation of that Barbarous Murther Commited upon the Person of our late King Charles the first, thereby to divert Gods heavy Judgment from falling upon the whole Nation, as also by another Act of Parliament we are enjoyned thankfully to acknowledge the providence of God upon the Nine and Twentyeth Day of May for his Majesties Birth and Resturation to the Throne of his Royall Ancestors whereby Peace and unity is Established in all his Majesties Dominions, Every Minister within his Severall Parish is enjoyned to pray and Preach on these days and ali other Persons are also enjoyned to abstain from their Ordinary Laboure and Calling According to the true intent of both the said Acts.

Every Person. Licenced to keep an Ordinary shall always be provided of strong and wholsome Beer, of four bushels of malt, at the least to a Hoggshead which he shall not Sell at above two pence the

quart under the penalty of twenty Shillings, for the first Offence, forty shillings for the Second, and loss of his Licence, It is permitted to any to Sell Beer out of Doores at a peny the Ale quart or under.

No Licenced Person shall suffer any to Drink excessively or at unseasonable hours after Nine of the Clock at night in or about any their houses upon penalty of two shillings six pence for every Offence if Complaint and proofe be made thereof.

All Injuryes done to the Indians of what nature whatsoever; shall upon their Complaint and proofe thereof in any Court have speedy redress gratis, against any Christian in as full and Ample manner, (with reasonable allowance for damage) as if the Case had been betwixt Christian and Christian.

No Indian whatsoever shall at any time be Suffered to Powaw or performe outward worship to the Devil in any Towne within this Government.

Lying and False News.-Every Person of age of discretion which shall be reputed of fourteen years or upwards, who shall wittingly and willingly forge or Publish fals newes whereof no Certain Auther nor Authentique Letter out of any part of Europe can be produced, whereby the minds of People are frequently disquieted or exasperated in relation to publique Affairs, or particular Persons injuried in their good names and Credits by such Common deceites and abuses Upon due proofe made by Sufficient witnesses before the Governour or any Court of Sessions the Person so Offending in ordinary Cases shall for the first offence be fined ten shillings, for the second offence twenty shillings and for the third offence forty Shillings and if the party be unable to pay the same he shall be Sett in the Stocks so longe, or publiquely whipt with so many stripes as the Governor or any Court of Sessions shall think fitt not exceeding forty stripes; or four houres Sitting in the Stocks, and for the fourth offence he shall be bound to his good behaviour, paying Cost or Service to the Informer and witnesses, such as shall be judged reasonable sattisfaction, But in Cases of high nature and publique Concernes, the fine or punishment shall be increast according to the discretion of the Governor and Council onely.


If any Masters or Dames shall Tyrannically and Cruelly abuse their Servants, upon Complaint made by the Servant to the Constable and Overseers, they shall take Speedy redress therein, by Admonishing the Master or Dame not to provoke their Servants, And the Servants Second Complaint, of the like usage It shall be Lawful for the Constable and Overseers to proteect and Sustaine such Servants in their Houses till due Order be taken for their Reliefe in the ensuing Sessions Provided that due Notice thereof be Speedily given to Such Masters or Dames, and the Cause why such Servants are Protected and Sustained, and in Case any Master or Dame by such Tyranny and Cruelty, and not casually, shall smite out the Eye or any such man or maid Servant, or shall otherwise Maim or disfigure them such Servants after due proof made shall be sett free

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