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had been one mass of sores from elbow to shoulder. She was cured, for the time, by homoeopathic treatment; but three years afterwards the eruption came out again, just as if she had been vaccinated over again.] Hep. s., 6 p. j, Lach. 6, p. j, 3 h. alt.

28th. She is looking much better.

There is a blush



over the swelling, which is undoubtedly an abscess. January 3rd, 1883.-Skin over abscess shining. restless. App. better; T. little coated; B. right. Rep. 17th.-Abscess maturing. Has had gumboils, which

are better. Hep. p. j, 2 h.

18th.-Abscess opened by incision. Half an ounce of pus and curdy matter evacuated, with a little blood. Calendula dressing applied. Sil. 6, gtt. j, 2 h.

19th. About two teaspoonfuls of reddish serum, with pus, discharged. No fetor. Rep.


No fluid discharge. A few yellowish flakes pressed out. Rep.

25th.-Leg looking much better. Less swelling. App. and sleep poor.

Scarcely any discharge.


29th.-Scarcely any discharge. A little swelling, pain,

and tenderness about the seat of the abscess.

Sil. 6, 2 h. alt.

Iod. 3x, p. j,

February 5.-Very little discharge, watery. better generally.



12th. Very little discharge, good deal of thickening. T. cleaner. She has a troublesome cough which wakes her up in the night. Sil. 6, p. j, Bry. 3, p. j, 2 h. alt., Hyo. 1, p. j, p. r. n., h. s. s.

20th. A collection of thick curdy matter pressed out of the opening, with considerable pain. No fluid discharge. T. clean; cough better; app. very poor. Sil. 6, p. j, Phos. 3x, p. j, 2 h. alt. To be dressed with cold-water dressing only, in place of the Calendula lotion used until now.

March. 5th.-Very much better generally. Less pain; less discharge, what there is is still curdy. She goes to school once a day. App. better; sleep better.

Remarks. This was a very tedious case, as such cases usually are. The child's hygienic surroundings were not

at all good; and I am of opinion that the constitutional injury she suffered from the vaccination helped to make the case more obstinate than it would have been-if, indeed, it was not largely the cause of the abscess.

CASE 9.-Cyst in lobe of ear; cough.-Nov. 20th, 1882. Chas. W. B, æt. 20, lamplighter, dark, grey eyes, rather small. Has cyst below lobe of left ear three weeks. Two years ago had one like it, which burst, leaving a little hard lump behind, which gave no pain. At first the present swelling gave no pain; now it is painful, he cannot lie on it. It is soft, but apparently contents are not quite fluid. Three weeks ago had a large red pimple on the nose, which was lanced by a doctor, and then disappeared, and this came.

He has a dry hacking cough, worst night and morning (Bry.), not keeping him awake in the night; spits a little clear light phlegm. T. clean; B. reg.; app. very good. Has heaviness across head at times and dimness of sight. No headache.

Family history.-Mother healthy, father subject to rheumatism. Previous health good, but has been less strong of late, having grown much. He is a total abstainer. Calc. c. 6, p. i, Bry. 1, p. j, 3 h. alt.

Last night

27th.-Has had no pain in cyst since 23rd. it broke. Now is much smaller. Hearing all right. Dryness of meatus. T. little dirty at back; B. reg.; is very drowsy after dinner (this only came on last week); cough is much better. Rep.

December 4th.-Cyst almost disappeared; no deafness; there is diminished sensation in the meatus last two or three days. Has taken fresh cold; cough a little troublesome. Larynx tender to pressure. Calc. c. 6, p. j, Bry. 3, p. j.

3 h. alt.

CASE 10. Debility from intemperance; climacteric.Nov. 23rd, 1882. Mrs. V—, æt. 44, needle. Large, dark; heavy face, wide nostrils; bilious, lymphatic. Was in India eight years. Has been home eight years. Has an invalid husband, and much worry. When in India took

stimulants freely, and since then to excess.

than a year.


Says she has

abstained now for three months. Has been ailing more She complains now of nervousness, and feeling ill all over. Sinking. Burning flushes followed by chills. Lightness of the head, giddiness, singing in the Pain in sacrum and left ovarian region; touching it causes pain like a knife to come, making her feel sick. Has had this a year, but worse of late. No cough. Has palpitation after food. Cold feet. P. 108. T. white; B. loose; often has diarrhoea, painless. Sleep very bad, short sleeps, gets into perspiration on waking. Cat. stopped eighteen months ago; never pregnant; has had severe floodings. She takes a good deal of strong tea without milk. Chin. 1, p. j, Act. r. 1, p. j, 2 h. alt. 30th.-Not any better. Ign. 1x, p. j, 3 h. Dec. 3rd.-Rather better.

B. two or three times a day,
Still has "sinking."

motions watery. App. still bad.

Ars. 5x, gtt. j, Ign. 1x, p. j, 3 h. alt.
11th.-B. much better; not so much sinking.

little coated. App. same. Rep.

T. a

Jan. 1st, 1883.-B. reg.; T. dirty; App. poor; much sinking; sleep poor. Rep.

17th.-B. keeping better. T. rather coated; has unpleasant sweetish taste in the mouth; is very thirsty, drinks much water; app. good; sinking after eating (Act. r.); three weeks ago took beer for it, has not done so since. Sleep bad. Ign. lx, p. j, 3 h., Act. r. 1, p. j,

p. r. n.

24th.-Better; less sinking; sleep much better. App. much better. Back less painful. Rep.

Feb. 1st. Her face is blackened, as if bruised, all over the the left side, especially about the eye; much swelling. She says the wind caught her on the 30th, and brought on

erysipelas," which she has had before. She has pain from face all down left side. P. quiet; T. loaded; B. reg. Arn. 1, pil. j, Bell. 1, pil. j, 2 h. alt.

5th.-Face still very black. T. coated, dirty; B. loosish; app. nil. Has not much sinking. Head feels too heavy. Ars. 8, p. j, Ign. 1x, p. j, 2 h. alt.

19th.-Face clearer, but still painful. T. coated; B. Sleep poor; sweats at night. Back

loosish; app. fair.

has been very bad.


26th.-Better. T. fairly clean; B. reg.; app. good. Back better; has pain under right shoulder. Sinking not so bad.


Sweat at night. Ars. 3, p. j, Ign. 1x, p. j, 2 h.

Act. r. 1, pil. j, whenever the sinking is troublesome. March 3rd.-There is a little lump visible now the swelling has subsided, over the left malar bone, under the skin, loose, moveable, size of a haricot bean, with hard, tender skin over it a little congested. All blackness now gone. She had a blow on the face many years ago, but not lately, she says. T. fairly clean; B. reg.; sleep poor; not so much sinking. Rep. omnia.

12th. Much better generally. Lump more painful. It is tender. It is flat and ill-defined. Calc. c. 6, p. j, qua

ter d.

19th.-Better generally. Lump about the same, painful at times.


26th. Still improving.

stinging pain in it at times.

Lump a little smaller; has


April 2nd.-Keeping better. The lump has been very painful and swollen in the cold weather; but is smaller again now.


9th.-Much better. A good deal of smarting in the lump in the week. It is softer and more diffuse. 16th.-General health keeps very good. Lump the same, very painful at times.

May 1st.-Better. Face better; lump seems to be melting. It is still painful at times. For six weeks she has not been able to taste or smell anything.

Remarks. To what extent this patient had been addicted to intemperance I do not know, as she did not own to it herself, and I had no very definite account from others. It was plain, however, that she had taken stimulants freely. The attack which she called "erysipelas" was very curious. When I saw her there was much discolouration, the remains of extensive extravasation into the cutis. The appearance of the solid tumour over the malar bone was

also singular. I have seen a similar solid tumour, growing from the cartilage of the ear of a young man, disappear under Calc. c. 6, and with it the deafness which had come on at the same time. Ignatia and Arsenicum were of the most service in this case in restoring vigour and checking the constant relaxed condition of the bowels. Calc. c. did her general health much good, besides apparently reducing the size and consistence of the tumour.

CASE 11. Ringworm.-Nov. 24th, 1882. Ada R, æt. 9. Ringworm on neck. Has been noticed a week. Oleate of Mercury has been applied without benefit. Tellur. 5, p. j, q. d.

Dec. 1.-No better. Sep. 6, pil. j, q. d. Chrysophanic acid ointment applied.

7th. Very much better. Repeat both. 22nd.-Ringworm has spread. pil. j, q. d.

Rep. applic. Tell. 5, Soon after this it disappeared completely.

CASE 12. Severe cold with fever, diarrhea, and gastric symptoms.-Nov. 27th, 1882. Sophia S-, æt. 37, parlourmaid. Thin, dark, pale, rather sallow, grey eyes. Took cold a fortnight ago from getting her feet wet. A week ago had drawing pain in the back, very severe, but it passed off. Thirteen years ago had rheumatism brought on by getting her right foot wet; her right side was most affected. Since then she has always been affected by damp. She is not subject to cough or sorethroat. Has pain in hypogastrium from back to front. T. very red, thirst, mouth not parched. B. as a rule rather confined. No app. Sleep poor; no sweat at night. Head has been very bad, but is not now. P. 120. T. 100-2°. Ars. 3, p. j, 2 h.

30th. Very much better. Pain almost gone. P. 120, soft. Temp. 98.6°. No so thirsty; app. poor yet, but has enjoyed beef tea. B. moved several times on 28th, twice yesterday, not at all to-day; the motions were loose, and accompanied the pain. Feet a little cold; much sweat last two nights. No headache. Rep.

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