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on the prepuce, and swellings of the lymphatic glands on the left side, of the size of walnuts, painful on pressure. Urea °°3, five drops four times a day. After three days no change; four days later ulcer healing, bubo larger and more painful. Continued Urea. Eleven days after commencement of treatment the bubo threatened to suppurate, but the swelling gradually decreased; ten days thereafter was less painful on pressure, and after four weeks was only half its former size. The ulcer was healed fourteen days after commencing treatment. Was the suppuration prevented by the Urea?

Condylomata lata.—I have used Urea in four or five cases, not only internally but also externally, five drops of the first centesimal dilution dissolved in fifty grammes of water, and applied on a compress of linen rag. Relief of the pains when walking occurred very quickly, but the cure took much longer than by the use of White precipitate ointment.

Constitutional syphilis, papulæ syphil., laryngit. syphil. ulcerosa, plaques mucueuses, in one case of each remained unaffected under Urea. The action of Urea in syphilis is weak, but perhaps deserves attention.

It failed in cases of periostitis acuta (cured by Calc. fluor., °°5), in proctitis, in gonitis rheumat. chron. (the last cured by Acon. °1), in orchitis after bruise (only slight amelioration), in ozona scrofulosa, in polyarthritis chronica, three cases. In intermittent fever two failures.

One was a lady, æt. 30, in fever, of tertian type. Chill from morning till 5 p.m., and heat with exhaustion, headache, anorexia without subsequent retching. Damp, ill-ventilated dwelling. The second case was the three-year old daughter of this patient, with similar symptoms. Under Inosit. °°4 both were cured in eight days. Before I saw them they had been ill about a week.



A. Physiologically.

Always found in small quantities. A constant constituent of human urine, found in liver, spleen, salivary glands, pancreas,

kidney, thymus, thyroid (?), brain, in the muscular tissue of mammals and fishes. It is found (in increased quantity ?) after the use of the Sulphur baths of Limmer, after inunction of Sulphur ointment (Dürr). The causes of increased formation of xanthin in the organism are unknown.

B. Pathologically,

In pus, in some rare forms of urinary calculus, exudation of ascites, in one case of diabetes, in the urine of a leukæmic sheep (Weiske).

In its pure state xanthin forms a yellowish-white powder, which on being rubbed takes on a waxy lustre. Insoluble in alcohol and ether. In water at 16° it is soluble in the proportion of 1 to 14,000, at 100° is soluble in 1300-1500 parts of water. I made the 2nd centesimal trituration and from this made the 3rd dilution, I generally used the 4th dilution in the same way as urea.

I have noted the following result:

Rheumatismus articul. acut.-Five cases of amelioration in from six to twenty-four hours. I give the details of three.

Miss B—, æt. 25, came to me on the 31st December, 1881, on account of pains in both knee-joints and left hip, that commenced twenty-four hours previously and rapidly increased. Fever. Six years previously she had suffered for four months from articular rheumatism that commenced in the same way and lasted four months under allopathic treatment with salicylic acid. I gave five drops of Urea 3 every hour. The next day the pains were less, and after two days nearly gone, together with the fever. The Urea was continued every two hours. Arrest of the amelioration; on the sixth day slight exacerbation, the right elbow-joint became affected, more perspiration. Urea discontinued, Xanthin 4 substituted, five drops every hour. The next day considerable improvement in all the symptoms, after three days more, no more pain. The patient could be discharged on the nineteenth day after commencing treatment. Xanthin 004 was given for fourteen days longer as a prophylactic. Up till now, the end of February, no relapse.

Mrs. M-, about 30, had been treated allopathically for three

weeks with salicylic acid without benefit. The intense pains and swelling of the joints were unaltered. On the 25th December, 1879, she got pure Xanthin °°4, five drops every hour. Next day pains less; after six days, on the 1st January, 1880, swelling of joints nearly gone, pains inconsiderable. The medicine continued every two hours. Gradual cure. On the 25th January, she got for fourteen days 5 drops of the same medicine, three times a day, for transient drawing sensation about the joints. She had no relapse up to the autumn of 1881.

E-, a painter, had suffered for years from polyarthritis chronica with frequent acute exacerbations. Five years previously I had prescribed for such an attack 0.3 gramme Salicylic acid with rapid benefit; in a subsequent relapse Urea was unsatisfactory, whereas Xanthin was speedily beneficial, but Salicylic acid seemed to act more rapidly. In another relapse I mixed together, in equal parts, Urea, Xanthin, Kreatin, Hippuric acid, and Uric acid, the antifebrile power of which severally I had experienced, and gave the fourth dil. of this mixture every hour. After two days no result. I now gave Xanthin alone, and the next day improvement set in.

An insuffic. mitral. (in a girl of 9) which remained after an attack of articular rheumatism eight weeks previously, that had been allopathically treated, was rapidly ameliorated by Xanthin as regards its consecutive symptoms. That was two years and a half ago. Since that time there have been two exacerbations of the cardiac symptoms, which both yielded quickly to the same remedy.

Polyarthritis chronica.-Two ameliorations but not perfect cures, three complete failures.

Arthritis chron. of the metatarsal joint of the big toe.Two slow cures.

Rheumatismus muscularis acutus.-Two successes, two failures. In one of them Allantoin effected a rapid cure, the other ceased attendance.

Rheumatismus musc. chron.―Three slow and gradual cures. Conjunctivitis catarrhalis.-Two cures.

Conjunctivitis chronica.-One success, one failure, which was cured by Chlorrhodin acid, after Glycocoll and Asparagin acid had failed.



Ophthalmia neonatorum with laudable, cream-like pus.One success.

Conjunctivitis scroful.-One success, one failure, in which Allantoin proved successful.

Keratitis scroful.-One success, one failure.

Diphtheritis faucium.-Nine successes, three failures in children who had been treated allopathically, of nine, five, and three years of age.

The last patients were one, three, and five days under Xanthin before death, in the last case there was at first improvement, but an exacerbation then occurred. In all the three laryngeal diphtheritis was already present.

Diphtheritis genital.

A complete failure in a girl, æt. 2, who had been unsuccessfully treated by other remedies. Twice, on two successive days, powdering with red precipitate cleansed the deep ulcers that extended to the anus; these gradually healed under Urea.

Acne faciei.-Four cases much improved.
Eczema acutum.-One success.

Eczema chronicum.-Two successes, one failure, which was rapidly ameliorated by lead ointment allopathically.

Eczema cruris chron.-One failure, cured by chlorrhodin acid after hippuric acid had failed.

Urticaria.-One success in a short time; it had been treated with other remedies four days without benefit. Tussis convulsiva.-Two failures.

Perimetritis acuta.-One failure.

Epilepsia.-One failure.

Catarrh tub. Eustach.-One failure.

Syphilis primar. et secundar.-Several failures.



A. Physiologically.

In urine the average quantity passed by the urine in healthy persons amounts to 0.17 to 1 gramme. It is found

increased in the urine after a meal, in vegetable diet, especially after plums, cranberries, rubus chamamorus, asparagus, after internal use of benzoic acid, oil of bitter almonds, tolu balsam, cinnamon, china acid, &c. In the organisms it is probably always combined with sodium or calcium.

B. Pathologically.

Increased in severe fevers, in diabetes, in chorea, in icterus. Found in the scales of ichthyosis.

Hippuric acid forms large, well-developed, milk-white, four sided prisms, inodorous, and of a feebly bitter taste. Is dissolved in 600 parts of cold water, more readily in warm water, tolerably easily in alcohol, with which I treated patients, in the same way as with Urea, and in the same dilution. I have notes of the following cases:

Conjunctivitis catarrhalis.-Four successes.
Conjunctivitis chron.-One success, one failure.
Conjunctivitis scrofulosa.-One success.

Keratitis scrof.-Two successes, one failure.

In this case Urea 003 caused remarkable decrease of the corneal infiltration, conjunctivitis and photophobia, but the cure did not advance beyond a certain stage. The Hippuric acid did nothing, Xanthin cured.

Dacryocistitis chron. catarrhal.-One failure.

Tonsillitis acuta with threatened suppuration.-One case of rapid cure without perforation, one failure; suppuration took place though Hippuric acid was given from the com


Pharyngitis acuta.-Three successes.

Pharyngitis acuta ulcerosa.-Two successes.

Diphtheritis.-Tonsils and fauces thickly covered with diphtheritic masses. One success.

In another case of diphtheritis in a girl, æt. 2, who had previously been allopathically treated with Carbolic acid, Kali chloricum, &c., without benefit, I gave Xanthin with satisfactory result. An exacerbation induced me to give Xanthin in half hourly alternation with Hippuric acid, whereby the exacerbation was increased. Apis 4, which was given alone, gradually

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