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ā, adv., always, continually, forever: 11.1 (116 times); aa, 2. 15 (11 times).

a, prep., see on.

Aaron, pr. n., Aaron: as. 176. 9, 218. 32.

abære, adj., open, manifest: nsn. 274. 24; npm. æbere, 46. 27. abbod, m., abbot: ns. 152. 25; ds. abbode, 152. 16; 152. 22; np. abbodas, 269. 2.

Abel, pr. n., Abel: as. 9. 17.

abelgan, 3. trans. and intrans.

I. anger: 3 sg. abelho, 279. 3; pp. nsm. abolgen, 155. 17; abolgel (?), 229. 23; inf. 213. 11, 259. 14.

II. be angry with: 1 pl. abelgað, 91. 15; opt. pret. 3 sg. abulge, 180. 10.

ābēodan, 2. trans., bid, proclaim: pp. nsm. aboden, 230. 3; nsn. aboden, 137. 24; 171. 20; 305. 25. See beodan. āberan, 4. trans., endure, withstand: inf. 285. 9; abera, 223. 11. abidan, 5. trans., obtain by entreaty or prayer: pret. 3 sg. abad, 152. 24; pret. 3 pl. abædan, 100. 7; inf. 299. 26. abifian, W 2. intrans., shake: pret. 3 sg. abifode, 214. 18; abiofode, 225. 9.

Abiron, pr. n., Abiram: ns. 210. 27; 219. 1; 295. 8. abītan, 1. intrans.

I. eat: opt. 3 sg. abite, 71. 1; opt. pret. 3 sg. abite, 9. 8. II. devour: opt, 3 sg. abite, 191. 16.

ablendan, W 1. trans., blind: pret. 3 sg. ablende, 99. 10; imp. sg. ablend, 47. 19.

ablinnan, 3. intrans., cease: pret. 3 sg. ablan, 210. 25.

Abraham, pr. n., Abraham: ns. 12. 18; gs. Abrahames, 13. 7; 238. 6; ds. Abrahame, 13. 1; 311. 25.


[blocks in formation]

I. break, violate: 3 sg. abreco, 235. 2; opt. 3 sg. abrice, 154. 24; 172. 2; 274. 22; pret. 3 sg. abræc, 9. 5; 3 pl. abræcan, 9. 9; abræcon, 254. 10; pp. npn. abrocene 129.8; 268. 27; ger. abrecenne, 174. 7: abrecane, 285. 12. II. break down, destroy; pret. 3 sg. abræc, 23. 9.

abrēoðan, 2. intrans., be cowardly: 3 sg. abryð, 53. 13; opt. 3 sg. abreođe, 59. 12.

abroðennyss, f., cowardice: ns. 58. 17; as. abroðennysse, 59. 12. abryrd, pp. ardent: asf. abryrde, 150. 4.

ābūgan, 2. intrans., do reverence, bow down: opt. 3 pl. 11. 5; inf. 197.9.

abütan, round about.

I. adv., 137. 15.

II. prep. w. dat., 250. 6.

abyrgean, W 1. intrans., taste,

eat: 3 sg. abyrgð, 136.24;

pret. 3 sg. abyrigde, 174. 15; 205. 21; opt. 3 sg. abyrige, 71. 1; 71. 8; 103. 1; inf. 136. 22; 149. 19.

abysgian, W 2. trans., employ: opt. 3 sg. abysgie, 72. 19; opt. pret. 3 sg. abysgode, 72. 18.

ac, conj., but: 1.9 (219 times); ah, 173. 4 (6 times).

ācennan, 2 1. trans., bear, beget: opt. pret. 3 sg. acende, 193. 16; pp. nsm. acenned, 192. 17; 193. 5; 293. 25; asm. wk. acennedan, 252. 15; npm. acende, 1. 12; 2. 14, acennede, 187. 7; npn. acennede, 231. 21.

acennednes, f., birth: ns. 230. 21.

acerran, W 1. trans.

I. turn: pret. 3 pl. acerdan, 255. 10.
II. transform: pp. npn. acerrede, 212. 1.

Achorius, pr. n., Achorius: ns. 226. 16.

aclansian, W 2. trans., cleanse: pp. nsm. aclænsod, 138. 11. acōlian, W 2. intrans., become cool: pp. nsm. acolad, 270. 2.

acucian, W 2. quicken: inf. 286. 9.

ācuman, 4. trans., bring: pret. 3 pl. acoman, 22. 23. acwancan, W 1. trans., extinguish : inf. 157. 9.

acwelan, 4. intrans., die, perish: 3 pl. acwylmiaþ, 220. 5; pp. npm. acwolene, 295. 16.

[blocks in formation]

acwellan, W1. trans., destroy: pret. 3 sg.acwealde, 160.13; 184.5; 213.6: opt. pret. 3 sg. acwealde, 126. 12; inf. 23. 4; 111.1;193.1. Adam, pr. n., Adam: ns. 1. 1 (18 times); gs. Adames, 8. 11 (8 times); ds. Adame, 9. 6 (6 times); as. 34.) (8 times). ādelfan, 3. intrans., dig: 3 pl. adelfað, 286. 32.

adeorcian, W 2. trans., darken: 3 sg. adeorcað, 92. 21: 93. 5.

adilegian, W 2. trans.

I. destroy: pret. 3 pl. adilegedan, 221. 17.

II. blot out: pp. nsm. adilegad, 231. 28; npm. adilegad, 229. 30; adilegode, 230. 2; 252. 12.

ādimmian, W 2. intrans., grow dim: 3 pl. adimmiað, 147. 30. adl, fn. disease: nsfn. 139. 17; 139. 28; gsn. adles, 142. 27; dpfn, adlum, 273. 9; apf. adla, 209. 28.

ādōn, anv. trans. subtract: 1 pl. adoð, 284. 4.

adrædan, R. trans., dread, fear: 1 sg. adræde, 297. 19; opt. 3 sg. adræde, 179. 16; adrædæ, 308. 16.

adræfan, W 1. trans., expel: pp. nsm. adræfed, 1. 2; 1.9. adrencan, W 1. trans., drown: pret. 3 sg. adrencte, 206. 9; 216. 22; inf. 10. 8; 206. 11.

adrēogan, 2. trans.

I. do, perform: pret. 3 sg. adreah, 16. 19; 17. 3; 25. 13; 123. 18; adreh, 202. 25; ger; adreoganne, 294. 28.

II. suffer: pret. 3 pl. adrugon, 204. 21; adrugan, 28. 3; inf. 102. 1, 256. 13.

ādrīfan, 1. trans., drive away: pp. nsm. adrifen, 2.8; inf.

271. 7.

ādrincan, 3. intrans., drown: pret. 3 sg. adranc; 3 pl. adruncon, 206. 23; 210. 13; 217. 5; 230. 18.

adūne, adv., down: 137. 12.

adwæscan, W 1. trans., extinguish : 3 sg.adwæsceð, 238. 5 (2) ; adwæsco, 287. 10; opt. pret. 3 sg. adwæscte, 287. 9.

adwellan, W 1. trans., lead astray: pret. 3 sg. adwealde, 11.8; pp. npm. adwealde, 5. 7.

adysgian, W 2. trans., stultify: pp. npn. adysgode, 185. 12 , f., law: ds. 283. 24; as. 285. 18.

bere, see ābāre.

ce, see ĕce.

[blocks in formation]

I. field: apm. æceras, 92. 18; 260. 9.

II. acre: asm. 310. 25.

æddr, f., stream: np. æddre, 206. 18.

æfen, n., evening: ds. 151. 17; as. 241. 16.

æfest, f., hatred: ns. 294. 22; as. æfste, 145. 20.

æfestig, adj., envious: npm. æfestige, 253. 6.

æfre, adv., ever, always; yet: 10. 12 (154 times); efre, 225. 4;

effre, 291. 10.

æftan, adv., from behind: 160. 4.


I. prep. w. dat., after, according to: 2. 13. (47 times).
II. adv., after, afterwards, since: 4. 4; 27. 16; 83. 2;

204. 17.

æftergenga, m., follower: dp. æftergengan, 175. 23. æftra, adj., second: asm. æftran, 2. 15.

ægeslice, see egeslice.

ghwa, pron., every one; neut. every thing: asn. aghwæt, 40. 26; 259. 3.

ghwæðer, see @gder.

ghwanon, adv., from every direction: 137. 18.

ghwar, adv., everywhere; in every way: 129. 6 (8 times); æghwær, 157. 14 (6 times); æighwar, 179. 24; æighwær,

275. 10.

ghweder, see @gder.

ghwylc, each, every; all.

I. adj.: nsm. 2. 14 (8 times); nsf. 262. 1; gsn. æghwylces, 69. 9; dsm. æghwylcum, 150. 1; 158. 6; 177. 7; 213. 23; 271. 5; æghwilcum, 146. 7; 180. 9; 224. 8; æghwylcan, 268.5; 309. 27; æghwilcan, 224. 8; dsf. æghwylcre, 171. 7; 278. 16; æghwylcere, 44. 24; 48. 12; 214. 29; æghwilcre, 181. 5; æghwilcere, 134. 7; 180. 3; dsn. æghwilcan, 181. 20; asm. æghwylcne, 73. 17; 172. 17; 277. 23; 307. 30; 308. 3; æghwilcre, 181. 11; asf. æghwylce, 51. 24 (9 times); æghwilce, 46. 7; asn. 176. 36; ism æghwylce, 75. 7; æghwilce, 181. 25; 308. 30; æghwilce, 181. 30; npn. æghwylce, 40. 16; apf. æghwylce, 170. 9.

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