Page images

Congregational society on the Pacific coast, 264, n 2
Congregationalism growing in Pennsylvania, 515, n i
Congress neglects important business, 190

Proposed extra session of, 145, 189
The people will watch the Fiftieth, 145
Conkling and the Republican party, 83

will emerge from his law office, 498

Constitutional Convention, Centennial of the, 279,
478, 479, 502

Consumption treated by electricity, 138, n 1
Conversation, 556

Conversion of the world, 423

Convict leasing system, 502

night school, 441, n 2

system, Georgia, 431

Convicts of Mississippi, Leased, 318

Cook county thieves, 321, n 2

Joseph, his Boston Monday lectures, 68, n 2

Coolidge, Susan, 95, n 2

Experience in, 179

Co-operation and women's work,


in England, 13, 261

Copyright Convention, International, 118

International, 540

Cushman & Co.'s dividend to employes, 87, n I
Customs service, 551

Cyclone pulverizer, 160, n°2
Cyclones, Tornadoes and, 342


Dairy, Dangers from the, 322
Dakota, Utah and, 297

Dam in the world, Largest, 221, n I
Damascus, Street cars in, 322, n I
Dancing, A French savant on, 508

man and the grand opera, 405, n 2

Dangerous breathing, 262

Dante, Divina Commedia of, refused admittance to

the Turkish Empire, 452, n I

Danton in the French Revolution, 308, n 2

Dark horse, Robert T. Lincoln the, 313

lantern parties not wanted, 98

Darwin, Charles, Life and Letters of, 388, n 1
Darwinianism, Practical, 320

D'Aulnoy, Countess, her Fairy Tales, New edition of,
428, n 2

Davidson, Prof. George, Long service of, 41, n I

law, W. D. Howells on international, 496, Davis, David, Marble bust of, 540, n I

n I

[blocks in formation]

Courage, 220

Courageous in his convictions, 330

Court of public opinion, 200

Cowardly rapscallions of the Republican party, 231

Cows and what they give us, 381

Crawford, Captain Jack, as Daniel Boone, 448, n I

Craze for costly pictures, 245

Cream kept pure in air-tight cans, 221, n 2

Creator, The second, 41

Creeds in schools, 516

Religious, 514

Cremation, 223, n 1, 382

by electricity, 560, n 2

International congress on, 40, n 2, 284,

n I

of the dead, The, by Dr. Hugo Ericksen,
137, n 2

Crime of the saloon, 530

Criminals, Peculiarity in the gait of, 489, n I

Traits of, 137

Crisis impending in European affairs, 125

Crispi, Signor, and Kaufmann, 549, 550

Critics, Manners of, 494

Crook, General, and the Utes, 551

Crusade of the Excelsior, The, by Bret Harte,
227, n I

Cuaubotomac, last Aztec emperor, Statue of, 448, n 2
Cuba, Annexation of, 551

Only three Protestant churches in, 515, n I

Culture, Methods of, 493

wealth, and happiness, 458

Cunos Indians, Customs of the, 115

Curiosities of the moon, 360

Curiosity in politics, 337

Curious piece of ground, 138, n I

Current literature, Certain tendencies in, 286

Curse of workingmen, 320

Curtis, George William, fond of flowers, 143, n 2

and the Independent vote, 33

[blocks in formation]

Dawson, Sir William, revising his story of the Earth
and Man, 183, n 2

Dead, Cremation of the, 382

Electro-plating the, 136

issues, Treading on, 454

Death by throat-cutting painless, 137, n 2

rate of the world, 509, n I

Debt of the Nation, Repudiation of the sacred, 269
Debts, individual and national, 402, n I
Decca, Marie, Success of, 117, n I

Declaration of Independence, Proposed monument
commemorative of the, 470

Deep sea photography, 284, n I
De Lesseps do? What will, 241
Democracy and prohibition, 437
the surplus, 145
Ethics of, 199

has staying qualities, 34
Rescue of the, 375
What is, 474

Democratic change of front, 335

convention, Kentucky, 104

declaration concerning immigration, 338
What is, 409


faith, Conspicuous article of, 171
farce, 106

horizon, Cloud on the, 171

idea of reform, 410

party and the tariff, 190

Helping the, 528

Interest of the, 455

Ruining the, 171

What would come to the, 256

platform, Virginia, 374

principles first, last, and all the time, 128
sentiment, Southern, 238

solution of the industrial problem, 108

Democrats and Independents, 129

in Texas, Alleged, 295
New York, 550
The facts irritate, 290
will hear a protest, 297

Demon still on deck, 375
Denationalized Americans, 299

Denmark, Growth of Catholicism in, 563, n i
Dialect, Inferior speech not, 206

society, An American, 166

The matter of 226

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Poe's William Wilson,
Fancied resemblance between, 472, n 2
Drone's Honey, by Sophie May, 144, n I
Drum, General R. C., and certain flags, 229
Drunkards and demagogues, 358

Drunkenness spreading in Africa, 43, n 2

Dryden, London house of, to be pulled down, 119, n 2
Duffield, Rev. Samuel W., Death of, 167, n 1

Dull boys, Slow mental development as seen in, 181
Dumas, Stories told of, 46

Du Pauw, Washington C., Bequests by the late, 159,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Electricity and railways, 222

applied to agriculture, 89

as a motive power, 89

Consumption treated by, 138, n I
Cremation by, 560, n 2

direct from fuel, 445, n 2

Executions for capital crimes in Pennsyl-

vania by, 160, n 1

Fishing by, 403, n 2

for locomotion in large cities, 202, n 2

New ways of using, 112

Progress in, 422

Rate of travel of, 403, n 2

required, More exact knowledge of, 444
Transmission of force by, 66, n 2

Welding and forging by, 160, n 2, 361, n 2

Electro-plating the dead, 136

Elizabeth, Empress, a poetess, 268, n 2
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Memoir of, by J. Elliot Cabot,
472, n I

Emigrants, Assisted, 241

[blocks in formation]

railways, 510

rate of discount, 465, n 2

-speaking girls in Berlin, Home for, 140, n 2

standard, 388, n 2

trade is declining, Why, 63

verse, Stedman on recent, 542

vessels-of-war, Three new, 162, n 2

view of American finances, 110

Englishmen condemn Americanisms, 228, n 2
Engravings at the British Museum, 245, n 2
Enterprise, Gigantic, 282

Episcopal Church in America, History of the, 490, n 2
Episodes in a Life of Adventure, by Laurence Oli-
phant, 167, n I

Ericsson, John, at eighty-four, 361, n 2

Erminie, 69, n 2

Eskimo Language, Bibliography of the, by James C.
Pilling, 472, n 2

Essays and leaves from a note-book, by George Eliot,
496, n I

Esther: A Book for Girls, by Rosa N. Carey, 568,

n I

Ethics of Democracy, 199

Ethnology, American, 88

Eugenie, Empress, her pianos, 244, n 2

Europe, Electric lighting in, 383, n i

Political situation in, 5, 100, 124, 252, 274

European affairs, 393

armaments, 124

European clouds, 374

population per square kilometer, 364, n I
situation, 192, 314, 333, 413, 525, 549
Evangelical Alliance, Conference of the, 344, n 2
Evangelizing the masses, 161

Evarts won a great success, 504
Every man his own amanuensis, 16
Evolution? What is, 495, n 2

Examination for promotion in office, 122
Excommunicated churchman, Revenge of an, 355
Excommunication of Dr. McGlynn, 393
Significance of, 544, n I

Executive discretion, 436
Exports for six years, 381, n 2
Our four largest, 135, n 2

Exposition of 1889, 282

Extra session arguments, 146, 189

Eye by certain colors, Fatigue of the, 283


Face to Face, New edition of Robert Grant's, 167, n 1
Facts injurious to reputations of public persons should
be suppressed, 120, n 2

Failures, trade, and new capital, 282
Fair vote and honest count, 58
Fairchild, Lucius, His name is, 238

Secretary, and the surplus, 381

Faith and unbelief, 404

Falguieres, Alexander, French sculptor, 285, n 2
False Lights, 508

Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men, by Samuel
Arthur Bent, 23, n 2

Studies of Men and Books, by Robert Louis
Stevenson, 167, n I

Family life of wage-workers, 362

Frantic crusade for rights, 158

Farmers, A blow at, 170

Alliance of Texas, 282, n 2

Farragut, Admiral, Anecdote of, 90, n 1
Fatigue of the eye by certain colors, 283

Federal Taxes and State Expenses, by William H.

Jones, 544, n I

Feminine Fencing, 60

Fences, Cost of, 64, n I

Ferdinand, Prince of Bulgaria, 414

Fiction, A great name in, 542

Analytic school in, 566

Art and genius in, 141

Erroneous tests of, 449

Howells's new school of, 165

Moving influence of, 166

New and old, 471

Place of the servant in former, 427

Realism and naturalism in, 93

the art of, 366

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

n 2

Full purses and kind hearts, 556

Fullo, Marie, her bequest to the Czarevitch, 564, n I
Furness, Mrs. Dr., Memorial window to, 185, n 2
Future probation, 364, 538

New theology and, 513


G. A. R. a non partisan organization, 546
a mere partisan concern, 545
and party politics, 390

Cleveland and the, 209, 289, 433, 453
encampment, 545

Money expended by the, 411

Gait of criminals, 489, n 1
Gaits, 60

Galileo, Works of, to be published at the cost of Italy,
23, n 2

Galloway, Bishop, and Jefferson Davis, 416

Five Last Things, by Rev. Dr. J. A. Spencer, Galvanoplasty, Preserving the dead by, 183, n 2
452, n I

Flag episode, Political effects of the, 253
Florence, Great industry gone from, 64, n I
Flags, Concerning certain, 229

Notable unveiling at, 266, n I
W. J., his decorations, 45, n 1

Flour-making in the United States, 533

Flowers preserved in mummy wrappings, 445, n 2
Folk-lore, 207

Food and nutrition of man, 536, n 2

Chemistry and economy of, 39, ni
Physiology of, 400, n 1

Gambling spirit essentially dishonest, 261, n 2
Gambrell, Editor, The killing of, 126, 149

Garbage, Cremation of, 183, n 2

Gardner, Elizabeth J., receives the Paris Salon n.eda',

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Haddock murder, 506


Iowa and the, 480
trial, 32, 57, 529
Rev. Frank C., 515, n 2

Haggard, H. Rider, gets 13 from American pub-
lishers, 47, n 2

his reply to charges of plagiarism, 95, n 2
Hairless and toothless-the coming man, 536, n 2
Hair-pins, Manufacture of, 89

Hale, Capt. Nathan, Statue to, 245, n I
Hamlin, Lincoln and, 195

Hancock, Winfield Scott, Reminiscences of, 428, n 2
Hand-shakes, On, 359

[blocks in formation]

Heredity of mental traits, 488
Hero worship, 155

Herr Paulus: His Rise, His Greatness, and His Fall,
288, n I

Hewitt to his Trenton foundry workmen, Offer of,

112, n I

Hidden Way Across the Threshold, The, 308, n I
Higgins as an issue, 370

Higginson, Colonel, on American literature, 328, n 2
High license, 504
does not remove the evil, 31
Effects of, 530

in Minnesota, 552

in Pennsylvania, 127
Local option and, 295

New York Democracy and, 31
Parties and, 149

Progress of, 150

statistics, 44, n I

the practical issue, 8

Lights, The author of, 472, n 2

Hill, Gov. D. B., and the temperance measures, 257
his high-license veto, 8

President Cleveland and, 33

Joshua, Lincoln and, 33

Hilton, Judge, and the Jews, 441, n I
Hindoo definition of religion, 43, n 2
women novelists, 143, n 2

Hindostan, Peninsula of, 464, n I
Historians, Novelists as, 186
Historical and political reading, Importance of, 207
History, Taine and the science of, 94
Hitchcock, Dr. Roswell Dwight, and Hopkins, 244, n 2
Death of, 244, n I

Hittite hieroglyphs deciphered, 17
Hoe, Col. Richard M., his library on printing to be
sold, 143, n 2

Hofman, Josef, the young musical phenomenon, 426, n 1
Hogarth in his day, 517, n 1

Holland, Bismarck and, 414

Holmes, Dr., Comment by, 167, n I

London Times on the new book of,

[blocks in formation]

Sanitation: A Manual for Housekeepers,
428, n 2

Homes for workingmen, 134

vs. saloons, 482

Honor in trade and industry, 484

Hopkins, Mark, 244, n 1, n 2

Horsemanship for Women, 268, n 2

Horse-racing in France, History of, 452, n I

Hostility to foreigners, 249

Hot weather and work, 265

Houghton, Mifflin & Co.'s announcements, 144, n 2
How big is man, any way? 239

to gain and lose flesh, 322

keep cool and healthy in summer, 382

Howells, W. D., his boyhood in Ohio, 95, n I
new school of fiction, 165

novels at Sing Sing, 71, n I
stand against the romantic school,
452, n 2
style, 566

is the present favorite, 408, n I

Hudson Bay, American monopoly in, 402, n I
River, Tunnel under the, 261, n 2
Hugo, Victor, did not know his wealth, 308, n I
Wealth of, 143, n 2

Human body, Work of the, 16, n 1

instincts, Some, 159

life, Prolongation of, 137

mind, Inexorable law of the, 230
pulse, 183, n 2

remains, Distinguished, 183, n 2
stature, Decrease in the, 239

Variations in, 301

Humble Romance and Other Stories, A, by Mary E.
Wilkins, 308, n I

Humboldt, Complete set of the works of, 47, n I
Hungarian Gypsy band before the Czar, 45, n I

Huxley, Prof., on education, 323, n 2

the relation between science and art,

Hygienic Congress at Vienna, 536, n 2

Hymn, The famous, My Faith Looks Up to Thee,

20, n 2

Hypnotic suggestion, 535

Hypnotizing by telephone, 41, n I

Hypocrisy and sham of prohibition, 315
Hysterical religion, 562

Ice, Impurities of, 262

lenses, 242


To make artificial, 488, n 2
If he wants it he can get it, 214
Ignatieff, General, 52

Ignorant and cheap labor, 250

men, Evils of addressing large bodies of, 299
Illegitimacy in Prussia, 423, n I

Illinois hogs to fatten on Mississippi corn, 465, n 2
Illiteracy in the North, 539, n 2
Illustrators, Salaries of, 21, n I

Immigrants and citizenship, 354

are consumers, 337

As to insane, 97

Coming rush of, 39

Number of, 261, n 2, 325, n 2

Immigration, Prohibition and, 334, 335

Regulate, 338, 356

Tide of, 97, 196, 249, 336, 356
Undesirable, 49

wanted in the South, 98

Imperial Institute, 158, n 2

Impurities of ice, 262,

Independent element, 33, 76

Independents, Cleveland and the, 154

Democrats and, 129

India, A Dead Portuguese City in, by Bishop Hurst,

[blocks in formation]

Indian education, 462

Indians, Customs of the Cunos, 115

Genera Crook and the Ute, 551

without Christian missionaries, 490, n 2

Individual liberty, 102

Induction balance, 90, n 2

Industrial action, Relation of the State to, 109

agitation, Objective point in, 180.
art in this country, 285

depression, Speculation and, 86
education in Germany, 491
instruction, Important book on, 308, n 2
problem, Democratic solution of the, 108
school in San Francisco, 158, n I

training in the public schools of Germany,

Inhabitants of caverns, 560

Ink and paper least trying to eyes, 137, n 2
Insanity and civilization, 512

irresponsibility, 12

Blight of, 422

death, and murder, 505

Insects, Study of, 137, n 2

Insidious and dangerous enemy, 295

Insincerity and double meaning, 371

Insolence of wealth, 157

Inspiring issue for '88, 291
Instruction, Work and play in, 264
Intelligence, Brain-volume and, 202
Intemperance in Rhode Island, 30

Public is getting weary of, 257
To tackle, 505

Vegetarianism a remedy for, 160
Inter-collegiate prohibition movement, 102
Internal revenue system, Infamous, 189

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

in ship building, 65

the United States, 464

sulphate an antidote for crop parasites, 343, n I
trade, British, 534, n 2

Value of a bar of, 64, n I
Ironclads, Doubtful utility of heavy, 513
Irving, Henry, and Coquelin, 366, n 1

his jubilee performance, 204, n 2
on the Shakespeare cypher, 544, n I

Is Christianity Christian? 324
it a crime to own land? 37
Issue squarely made, 310
Issues and candidates, 409

Italian opera in London, 141, n 2

Italy and her army, 479

and Austria, 549

Aberrations of, 549

Queen of, $800 fan to the, 141, n I
Fortune left to the, 64, n I
regenerated, 212

Ives, Henry S., Brilliant career of, 402, n I
Ives & Co., Liabilities of, 486, n 2
Ivory from the Congo, 559, n I

made from potatoes, 243, n I

[blocks in formation]

Journalistic, Clerical mental labor vs., 162
Journalists in the Irish party, 388, n 2

Jubilee coins, Inferiority of the new, 308, n 2
Juggernaut, Car of, 515, n.2

Jungle, Two Years in the, New Edition of W. T.
Hornaday's, 568, n 1


K. of L. whisky trade-mark, 357

Kalakaua, King, his little kingdom, 282
Kansas and Ohio, Colored schools in, 527
Prohibition in, 415

Woman suffrage in, 4, 29

City, Price of land in, 15, n I
Real estate in, 158, n 2.

Katholische Dichterschule, 288, n I
Katkoff a power in Russia, 5
Keats, Odes and Sonnets of, 324, n I

his place in literature, 494
Keene, Thomas W., Real name of, 492, n I

to resume his professional labors,
305, n I

Kellogg, Clara Louise, off for Europe, 266, n I
Kennan, George, Trip to Siberia by, 188, n 1
Kensington Museum wants the manuscript of Our

Mutual Friend, 307, n 2

Kentucky Democrats, By way of reply to, 123
Democratic convention, 104
Production of spirits in, 321, n 2

wants Carlisle, 128

Key, Francis Scott, author of the Star Spangled Ban-
ner, Monument to, 492, n 2

King Solomon's Mines parodied, 143, n 1

Starr, Proposed monument to, 328, n 1

Knights are breaking up, 318

of Labor, Use of the label by, 341, n 2
Knitters in the Sun, by Octave Thanet, 544, n 2
Know somethings of California, 337
Krupp gun for the Italian navy, Great, 513, n 2
steel guns, Power of, 223, n I


La Belle Nivervaise, 428, n 2

Labor and capital problem, 181, n 2
Demand for, 301, n 1

Growing opposition to organized, 320
Ignorant and cheap, 250
movement, Effect of the, 129
in politics, 389

Must be an honest friend of, 34
organization, 535, n I

Growth in, 63

[blocks in formation]

problem, True solution of the, 158, n I
problems, Solution of the, 240

statistics, Bureau of, 87, n I

saving in the world's work, 363

temple at Minneapolis, 241, n 2

yield the right of organization? Will, 442
Laboratory on the New England coast, 66, n 2
Laborers for the harvest, 537, n I

coast defenses subscribed to by wealthy Laboring people abroad, Cardinal Gibbons on, 225, n I

classes, 180, n 2

missionaries returned, 424, n 2

native music, 204, n 2

[blocks in formation]

Lafayette College, Attendance at, 539, n I

Lake Forest University, Great gift to, 491, n I
Lakes are salt, Why some, 242

Lamar for the Supreme Bench, 270

Vice President, 79, 175, 429

and the Southern industrial boom, 136, n 1
Lanciani, Prof. Rodolfo, Bronze medallion of, 285, n 2
Land and labor in politics, 169

for the republic, 390

Is it a crime to own, 37
law, Alien, 39

of promise, 194

of Sleepy Hollow, 308, n I
the grand issue in 1888, 129
theory of Henry George, 458,
Lands for the people, 73

[blocks in formation]

Levy Operatic Concert Company, 539, n 2

Lewis, Edmonia, the colored sculptress, 164, n I
Liberia, Seventeen new missions in, 365, n 2

Libraries in New York, 491, n 2

of Ranke and Scherer, 71, n 2

Library of the British Museum, 248, n 2
Popularizing the, 493

Progress on our national, 472, n I

License Law in Ontario, 8

system must go, 7

Lichens and mosses, Beauty of, 361.

Lick, James, trust, 322, n I

Liddon, Canon, declines the See of Edinburgh, 68,

n 2

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Literature, Amateurs and professionals in, 451
and life, 566

Best, 427

Books and, 306

Certain tendencies in current, 286
Curious aspect of modern, 388, n 2
Decline in the demand for vigorous,

408, n 2

Future of, 306

John Morley on, 23

Rural, 542

Safeguard of, 541

Live and let live, 437

in only one room, 447, n 2

Lived one hundred years and died penniless, 400, n1 1
Living a hundred years, 339

Voices of Living Men, 408, n 2

Livingston, How I found, New edition of, 495, n 2
Lloyd, Rev. L., his missionary labors in China, 68, n 2
Local option, A word for, 8

and high license, 295
In favor of, 397
Missouri, 506

New York, 528
Prohibition and, 335

prohibition in Ohio, 102

Lock trade, 86, n 2

Locomotive service, Cost of, 184, n 1
Locomotives, European production of, 364, n I
Logan, John A., Proposed monument to, 266, n I
London church accommodations, 447, n 2
churches, Attendance at, 139
Dissenting churches in, 304, n 2
has 425 music halls, 406, n I
Mortality of a week in, 114, n I

No delivery of letters on Sunday in, 344, n 2
Philogical Society dictionary, The great, 226
Ragged Sunday-schools in, 515, n 2
social customs, Mapleson reforming, 305, n 1
Some facts about, 420, n I

Longfellow's literary methods, 566
Longevity in the United States, 222
Lorena, The author of the song, 69, n 2
Lorimer, Rev. Dr., Anecdote of, 20, n I
Loss sharing, 134

Lotta's mother a business woman, 93, n 2

new play, Pawn Ticket No. 110, 448, n 1
Louisiana, Leprosy in, 343, n I

Prohibition in, 58
Louisville high school, Type-writing and stenography
in the, 446, n I

Love Lore, by the artist, W. J. Linton, 388, n 2
Low prices, high wages, small profits, 340
Lowell, James Russell, Brilliant speech by, 47, n I
Lucifer, a new monthly magazine of the Theosophists,
408, n I

Lullaby comes from the Arabic, 225, n 2

Lumber, Decrease in the supply of, 443, n 2

Luther Martin: The Man and His Work, by Peter
Bayne, 496, n 2

Lutheran churches built in 1886, 325, n 2
Lutherans of America, 489

Lytle, General, Proposed monument to, 225, n 2
Lytton, Lady, Grave of, 143, ni


Macaulay's prediction, 249

McGlynn, Rev. Dr., and the Pope, 185, n 2
Excommunication of, 303

on parochial school influence, 355
Machinery, Dominance of, 340

Maclay Theological College, 163, n 2

Madelon Lemoine, by Mrs. Leith Adams, 568, n 2
Madison University, Scholarships at, 426, n I
Magnetic influence of great cities, 36

Mahon, O'Gorman, redivivus, 441

Mail service, United States, 279

Maine, Grip of the man of, 350
liquor law, 32

traffic, 30

Prohibition in, 217, 275, 553
Prohibitionists, 531

Sad discovery in, 398

Majesty of a great nation, 210

Malaprops and portmantologisms, 142

Malignants are helping the President, 253
Man? How big is, 239

Prehistoric, 302

Upright position in, 112

Manifest destiny in Sherman's Western tour, 391
Manitoba, Coercion in, 507

talking up to Canada, 464, n 1

Manners, Fine, 299

Manning on the Presidency, 152

Man's need of religion, 284

slow progress, 402

Mansfield, Richard, in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 517,

n I

Realistic death scenes of, 117, n I

Manual labor and higher education, 419
training and labor organizations, 340
in school education, 361
schools, 425

movement, 491

Manufacturing in the South, 179

Manuscript books, In the days of, 268, n 2

Markham, John C., architect of the Saratoga monu-
ment of Gen. Burgoyne, 448, n 2

Marlitt, E., German novelist, 328, n 1

Marriages, Safeguards against improvident, 84
Marsellaise, Origin of the, 345, n 2

Martin, Henri, the historian, Statue of, 406, n 2
Maryland, First champion of prohibition in, 57
Prohibition in, 7

Masini, the tenor, in South America, 345, n 1
Massachusetts, Incbriety in, 58

Naturalization movement in, 355
Prohibition in 481

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