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It has often been asked whether those persons who follow an ambassador are included of right in the number of his train, not that the embassy may be better appointed, but perhaps factors and merchants who only consult their private gain. And although ambassadors have often maintained them, and wished to retain them instead of assistants, nevertheless it is sufficiently evident that they who are not publicly engaged in the service of the ambassador, or of the embassy, do not belong to him. But as that circumstance sometimes has caused debates, it was received as the best rule to be from thenceforth observed in some courts, that the ambassador should be held to produce a list of his suite. Salvo pudore. Saving modesty.

Sancta Maria de arcubus. Saint Mary le bow. Sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria. A just ordinance, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.

[blocks in formation]

Sans nombre. Without number.

Sapientes, fideles, et animosi. Wise, faithful, and courageous.

Scaccarium. The Exchequer.

Scandalum magnatum. Defamation of great


Schismaticus inveteratus. A confirmed schis


Sciant presentes et futuri, quod ego Johannes constabularius Cestriæ dedi et concessi, et hac

præsenti charta mea confirmari, Hugoni de Dutton et hæredibus suis, magistratum omnium leccatorum et meretricum totius Cestershiræ, sicut liberius illum magistratum teneo de comite. Salvo jure meo mihi et hæredibus meis. Know all men present and to come, that I John, constable of Chester, have given and granted, and by this my present charter have confirmed to Hugh Dutton and to his heirs the magistracy over all debauchees and prostitutes, throughout Cheshire, as freely as I hold that power from the earl. Saving my right to myself and my heirs.

Sciendum. To be known..

Sciendum tamen quod, in hoc placito, non solet accusatus per plegios dimitti, nisi ex regiæ potestatis beneficio. Be it known however, that on this plea, a person accused is not usually discharged upon his sureties, unless by the kindness of the royal power.

Scienter. Knowingly; wilfully.

Scientia enim utrinque per pares facit contrahentes. For an equal knowledge on the part of both renders those contracting equal.

Scilicet, &c. To wit, &c.

Scilicet, per quas feudum amittitur. Si domino deservire noluerit; si per annum et diem cessaverit in petenda investitura; si dominum ejuravit, id est, negavit se a domino feudum habere; si a domino, in jus eum vocante, ter citatus non comparuerit. That is to say, the acts by which a fee is forfeited. If the vassal be unwilling to do service to

his lord; if for a year and a day he neglects to seek after his possession; if he renounces his lord, that is, if he denies that he holds his fee from his lord; if on his lord calling upon him to court, being three times cited, he does not appear.

Scintilla juris. A spark of law.

Scire facias. That you cause to know; that you make known.

Scire facias ad audiendum errores. That you make known to hear errors.

Scire facias ad computandum et rehabendam terram. That you make known to account and to repossess the land.

Scire facias ad rehabendam terram. That you make known to repossess the land.

Scire facias quare consultatio non debet concedi post prohibitionem. That you cause to know why a consultation ought not to be granted after a prohibition..

Scire facias quare executionem non. That you cause to know why he hath not execution. Scire feci. I have made known.

Scire fieri. To be made to know; to be informed.

Scribere est agere. To write is to perform (or act).


Scutage: a sum paid to avoid

the duties of knight's service.

Scuto magis quam gladio opus est. It is used

as a shield rather than a sword.


Scutum. A shield; a scutcheon.
Scyre. A shire.

Scyre-gerafa. A sheriff.

Scyran. To divide.

Secta. A suit: videlicet, consecution; regular order.

Secta ad furnum, secta ad torrale, et ad omnia alia hujusmodi. Suit to the bakehouse, suit to the kiln, and to all things of this kind.

Secundum allegata et probata.

the matters alleged and proved.

According to

Secundum æquum et bonum. According to justice and honesty.

Secundum consuetudinem manerii. According to the custom of the lordship (or manor) Secundum discretionem boni viri.

to the discretion of a good man. Secundum formam doni.

form of the gift.


According to the

Secundum legem et consuetudinem Angliæ. According to the law and custom of Eng land.

Secundum subjectam materiam. According to the subject matter.

Securitas legatorum utilitati quæ ex pœna est preponderat. The security of ambassadors outweighs the severity of punishment.

Secus. Otherwise.

Se defendendo. In defending himself.
Sedente curia. While the court is sitting.
Sed non allocatur.

But, it is not allowed.

Sed per curiam. But, by the court.
Sed quære. But, ask.

Sed quære de hoc?

de hoc? But ask concerning this?

Sed vide. But see.

Seisina facit stipitem. Seisin makes the stock. Selecti judices de decuria senatoria conscribuntur: in urnam sortito mittuntur, ut de pluribus necessarius numerus confici posset: post urnam permittitur accusatori, ac reo, ut ex illo numero rejiciant quos putaverint sibi, aut inimicos aut ex aliqua re incommodos fore: rejectione celebrata, in eorum locum qui rejecti fuerunt subsortiebatur prætor alios, quibus ille judicum legitimus numerus compleretur: his perfectis jurabant in leges judices, ut obstricti religione judicarent. The special judges are selected from a committee of the senate: their names are put by lot into an urn, that out of many the requisite number may be procured: then the urn is sent to the plaintiff and defendant, that they may reject from that number those whom they consider would be inimical or improper from something: the rejection being declared, the prætor chooses by lot others in the room of those who are rejected, with whom he fills up the lawful number of judges: these things being done, the judges swore to the laws, that under the obligation of their religion they would judge.

Semiplena probatio. Half proof.

Semper dabitur dies partibus a justiciariis de banco, sub tali conditione, "nisi justiciarii itine

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