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Omnia catalla cedant defuncto; salvis uxori ipsius et pueris suis rationabilibus partibus suis. That all chattels of the deceased pertain to him, saving to his wife and his children their just and reasonable proportions.

Omnia, quæ movent ad mortem, sunt Deo danda. All things which are instrumental to death, are deodands.

Omnibus qui reipublicæ præsunt etiam atque etiam mando, ut omnibus æquos se præbeant judices, per inde ac in judiciali libro (Saxonice dombec) scriptum habetur; nec quicquam formident, quin jus commune (Saxonice folcright) audacter libereque dicant. All those who hold authority in the state, again and again I command, that they shew themselves upright judges to all, like as it is written in the dome-book (in Saxon dombec): nor shall they fear any thing, but boldly and freely declare the common law (in Saxon folcright).

Omni exceptione majores. Above all exception. Omni privilegio clericali nudati, et coercioni fori secularis addicti. Stripped of all benefit of clergy, and condemned to the restraint of a lay jurisdiction.

Omni quoque corporali cruciatu semoto. Inhumanum erat spoliatum fortunis suis in solidum damnari. All corporal torture being likewise removed. For it was an inhuman act, to imprison a man who had been deprived of the whole of his property.

Omnium gravissima censetur vis facta ab incolis in patriam, subditis in regem, liberis in parentes, maritis in uxores, (et vice versa) servis in dominos, aut etiam ab homine in semet ipsum. It is considered the most grievous violence of all others, committed by inhabitants against a country, by subjects against a king, by children against their parents, by husbands against their wives (and so, on the contrary) by vassals against their lord, or even by man against himself.

Omnium rerum immunitatem. An immunity of all things.

Omnis ratihabitio retro trahitur, et mandato æquiparatur. Every confirmation is returned back and is equalled to the command.

Onerari non debet. He ought not to be charged.

Onus. Burden; obligation; weight.

Onus probandi.

of proving.

The obligation (or burden)

He is the

Optimus ille, qui minimis urgetur.

best, who is charged with the least errors.

Ordo curiæ. The order of the court.
Ore tenus. By word of mouth.

Otium cum dignitate. Ease with dignity. Ousterlemain. To remove the hand: liberty for an adult to demand his property from a guardian.

Outfang thief. A thief taken beyond the bounds of the manor where he dwelt, and brought to trial in the court of his lord.

Overt. Open.

Oyer et terminer. To hear and determine. Oyez. Hear ye: pronounced by the criers of the courts, "O yes."


Παιδα-φαμίλιας. The son of a family.
Paix. Peace.

Palladium. National strength and security. Pancratium. Gymnastic sport; a sea onion. Paraphernalia. All those things which a woman brings her husband, besides her portion. Paratus sum verificare. I am ready to verify.

Parcus. An inclosure; a close.

Parens patriæ. The father (or guardian) of the country.

Pares. Equals; freeholders.

Pares curiæ. Equals (or freeholders) of the


Pares debent interesse investituræ feudi et non alii. Freeholders should be present at the investiture of a fee, and no others.

Pari materia. In a like matter (or argument).

Pari passu. In a like pace; in an equal portion.

Parliamentum indoctum. The unlearned par


Parol. By word (or speech).

Parquer. To inclose.

Pars illa communis accrescit superstitibus, de persona in personam, usque ad ultimam superstitem. That general part accrues to the survivors, from person to person, even to the last in remainder. Pars mulctæ regi, vel civitati, pars ipsi, qui vindicatur vel propinquis ejus, exsolvitur. Part of the fine is paid to the king, or to the state, part to him who is wronged, or to his relations. Pars rationabilis. A reasonable part. Partem pro toto. A part for the whole. Partes finis nihil habuerint. The parties to the fine had nothing in the lands.

Participes criminis. Partners in offence. Particula. A small portion; a particle. Partus sequitur ventrem. The brood follows the dam;-the progeny belongs to the owner of the dam;-the issue follows the mother.

Parum cavisse videtur. He seems to have had little caution.

Parva proditio. Petit treason.

Passim. Every where; on every side. Parvum servitium regis. A king's small service, (or) petit serjeanty.

Pater. A father; an elder; a senator.

Pater aut mater, defuncti, filio non filiæ hæreditatem relinquent.-Qui defunctus non filios sed filias reliquerit, ad eas omnis hæreditas pertineat. That on the demise of the father and mother, the estate descend to the son, not to the daughter.-A deceased person who has not left sons

but daughters, that the whole estate pertain to them.

Pater cunctos filios adultos a se pellebat, præter unum quem hæredem sui juris relinquebat. The father sent all his adult sons away, except one whom he left heir of his right.

Pater est quem nuptiæ demonstrant. He is the father whom the marriage declares so.

Pater familias. householder.

The master of a house; a

Pater familias ob alterius culpam tenetur, sive servi, sive liberi. The master of a house is held responsible for the offence of another, whether it be his servant or his child.

Patria potestas in pietate debet, non în atrocitate, consistere. The authority of a parent should consist in affection, not in barbarity.

Peccata suos teneant auctores, nec ulterius progrediatur metus, quam reperiatur delictum. Let offences bind only the transgressors, nor let the dread proceed farther than the offence be discovered.

Peccatum illud horribile, inter Christianos non nominandum. That horrible crime, not to be named amongst Christians.

Peculatus. The embezzling of public money. ·Peculiari pana judicem puniunt; peculiari testes, quorum fides judicem seduxit; peculiari denique et maxima auctorem, ut homicidam. They punish the judge by a particular punishment, the witnesses whose credit seduced the judge;

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