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Lordship, how we have found it, that it is barren amongst the most barren; which thing beinge so, and yet standing in so discomodious a place, yet can be hardlie brought aboute to be peopled with civill inhabitaunts, excepte a respect of some extraordinarie freedoms or Immunitye drawe them thither. In this cause I have neither auctoritie nor discertion from your honnor to deale, and therefore do whollie refer the determination thereof to your Lordship's consideration, which wyll I doubt not [be] both wyse & juste; wyse in alluringe the inhabitaunts to a place which by want thereof might rayse a greate discomoditie to her Majestie's subjects, and just by ymposing no greater rent on the gent. then the barrones of the soyle will beare; whereof I desire your lordship most earnestlie, a gentle and favrable consideration, in respect myne eyes are wytnes how lytle it is worthe in regard of the quantitie of grounde that it contains. Thus with my humble commendations, I committ your lordship to the Almightie, from Athleage the 10th of Sept. 1587.

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Whereof the said Theobald Dillon, in behaulfe of himselfe and his tenaunts, and rest of the inhabitants of the said baronie, made humble suite that the said Inquisition might from henceforth stande and conteynied. Whereupon entering into the consideration of the same, and that the said Theobalde Dillon inhabiteth the said barronie, and hath by his industrie brought the people there to obedience and subjection; We have therefore concluded and agreed that the said countrie shall only be charged after the rate of fower skore and three quarters, at 10* sterling the quarter, and so to continew until her Majesty's pleasure therin be known. Given under Her Majestie's privie seale, the 1" Dec. 1587.


VIII. "Sligo.

"THIS INDENTURE made betwixt the Right Honorable Sir John Perrott knight, Lord Deputy Generall of Ireland for and on the behaulfe of the Queene's most excellent Mat' of the one partye, and the rev" fathers in God John Bishop of Elphine— Owyn bishop of Aconry-Owine electe bishop of Killalae-Sir Donyll O'Connor of Sligo, knight-Pheolyme O'Harte of Ardtarmon otherwise called O'Hart, chief of his name-Owine O'Connor of the Grawndge, gen.-Edmond O'Dowey (O Dowda) of Killglasse, otherwise called O'Dowey chief of his name-Hubbert Albenaghe of Rathly, gen.-Breene McSwyne of Ardneglas, gen.-Davy Dowdy of Castle-Connor, gen.Cormocke O'Harry (0 Hara) of Cowlany otherwise called O'Harey buy, chief of his name-Ferrall O'Harry of Ballinefennock otherwise called O'Harry reogh, chief of his name-Breene O'Harry of Tulwy, gen.-Owene O'Harey of Cowlany, gen.-Ferrdorraghe M Donoghe of Cowleae, otherwise called Mc Donoughe Tyrreryll, chief of his


name-Mellaghlyne Mc Donogh of Ballyndowne, gen. Melaghlyne Mc Donogh of Cowlwonye, gen.-Morryshe Mc Donoghe of Clonemahyne, gen.-Cene Mc Hughe of Bryckleawe, gen.-John Croftone of Ballymote, gen.-George Goodman of Taghtample, gen.-Manus Reoghe of Rathmollyne, gen.-Manus Mc Teig bwy of Lysconnowe, gen.-Alexander Mac Swyne of Loughtnevynaghe, gen.-Urryell Garry of Moye, otherwise called O'Garry, chiefe of his name-Rory O'Garry of Kearowercoghe, gen. & Manus Mc Bryene Reoghe of Levally, gen.-of the other partie.

"WYTNESSETH that wheare the whole Country or terrytory of Slego ys divided into 5 principall barronies, that is to wytte, the barronies of Carbry, Tireeragh, Maghery-layny, Tire-erryell, Corryn, and the half barrony of Cowlovyne, which contain as well by auncient devysion as by late Inquistion, 909 q" of land, each 120 acres.-FIRST, in the barronie of Carbry, there is a quantity of land called Cowrine

a The "Boundaries of Slygo" have been found as follows:

An Inquisition taken at Slygo the 25th July, 1607, before Sir Anthony St. Leger Knight, master of the rolls, &c. the Jury find That the said county of Slygo is in length from the leape of Gowregallen in the sowthe parte of Assaroe, where the ryver of Thanry doeth enter into the sea on the north syde, conteynuing in length forty myles, and in breadth from Beallafernan joyninge with Brena O Roirke on the easte, to the Belahye meareinge with the county of Mayo on the west, and conteyninge in breadthe other fortye myles. Item the boundes of the saide county eastwarde, begyneth at Mully I node at the Corlewes, and soe in compasse to the leape of Gowregollen, and forwarde towards the sowthe to Belahedirge, and to Belagarry at Bealaghe, and to Shroan, Killassirre, and forwarde to Bealanany, and to the river of the Moye, and to Trayohill on the west border of the barony of Tyreraghe, whereof the seven towns of Cowlekeearny is forceably healde from the said barony, since the making of the composition by the county of Mayo: and that wee finde by office, and by a decree given by Sir Richard Bingham, and the prooffes of dyvers other suffitient men, that the said seaven towns hath beane in antient tyme, and ought to be parcell of the saide county of Slygo: and from the said Trayhohill,

Sleight the sea on the northe side doethe bounde the said county of Slygo to Assaroy aforesaid; and from thence to the castle of Camlyn, and to Callkinvoher betwixt Farmanaghe and Carbery on the easte parte, and soe to Sroan Carrywonny betwixte the barony of Carbery and the Breany, and forward to Garromore glandallen, and Cnockevockedy, and Farren nefenyha, and soe forwarde to Shrohe ne Coillemore on the sowthe part of Loghgill, betwixt the barony of Tyre-Irrill and the said Breny, and to Keane ne Rahabane, and to Keanne ne-hargyny, and soe to the easte end of Shroe Kedycoman, and to Altconra throug Bradlewe, and to Belafernan, and to Ebberne-howngyre, and to Bomnonyn-Aghwoghell, entringe in the easte end of Logharowghe, and soe to Shuanbuy, and to the said Molly I node, where firste wee began at Corrlewe. There is twentie quarters betwixte Bondroyes and Assaroe, which by dyvers good proffes beside, some of the Jury have fownde to be parcell of the saide county of Sligo, yett it is in the possession of O'Donnell. There is twenty quarters of the barony of Tyre-Irrell in the possession of the countie of Leytrym, since the making of the Composition, which they finde by office, warrant, and other good prooffes, to be of right parcell of the saide county of Slygo.

That the said county doth consist of five baronies and a halfe, viz. the baronies of Tire-Irrill, Corren,

Sleight Owyne O'Connor, consisting of 28 q"-Cowrine Sleight Moryertaghe backaghe O'Connor of Downaly, 27 qr-Cowrine Moygleny now in the possession of O'Donyll, 20 qr-whereof belong to the Queen in right of the abbey of Assharroy, 4 q"-Cowrine Sleight Briene O'Connor of Knocknerty, 26 q" and parts-Cowrine Sleight Tirrellagh Carraghe O'Connor of Askelly, 30 q"-whereof belong to her Mat' in right of the abbey of Sligo,q-Carowe-Rohablern, 1 q'-Ballybeolane, 1 q'— Bally Connor, 2 q"-Ballekilegane, 1 q'-Bradkyllyne, q-Bally Mc Inyrrleyne, 14 q'-Rossyveolane, 1 q'-Killaspick brony, 1 q', said 94 q′′ belonging to the Bishoprick of Elphin-the Benan, 4 q′′, belonging to her Majesty in right of the abby of Agrosse-Carrowe-Iheffenan, I q'-Carrowe Me Idewan, 1 q'—and I q' belong to her Majesty in right of the abbay of Kilcrenaude-which in the whole of that barony cometh to 150 q".-In the barronie of Tyreragh there is a quantity of land called Cowryne Sleight Cosney of Ardglasse, 32 qr-Cowrine Sleight Rorye O'Dowde of Downeall, 42 q-Cowrine Sleight Teige O'Dowde of Isker-Owen, 40 qr-Cowryne Sleight Donogh O'Dowde of Castleconnor, 40 qr—alsoe belonging to her Majesty in Skarmore as in right of the abbey of Ardnaree, I q-alsoe adjoininge to the said abbeye, q'— Killanlyq, belonging to the bishoprick of Killalae-Kilglasse, 1 q' belonginge to same-Altyferrenan, I q' belonging to her Mat' in right of the abbey of BoyleGrandgemore, 3 q" also belonging to her Mat' in right of said abbey-Grandgeboegg, 4 q" also belonginge to her Mat' in right of same-Skryne, 4 q" belonging to the bishopricke of Killalae-Dromarde, q' belong to same-Carrow I harry 1 q' belong, as is said, to same-The Barigge, q' belong, as is said, to same, which in the whole within that barony cometh to 170 q"-In the barrony of Magherylayny there is a quantity of land called Eaden-Sleane, 3 q"-Leytryme, 4 q"-Lyssenehy, 1 q'-Carrowmore, I q'-Carrownelicke, 1 q'-Sleight M Manus, 6q"-The Loughane, 1 q'Carowene crive, 1 q-Dromcon, I q'-Knock totan, 1 q'-Conggall, 2 q"-the town

Leyna, Carbery, Tyreraghe, and the halfe barony of

The barony of Leyna consisteth of 205 q; inha bited 35, whereof free 22, waste 105.

The barony of Carbery consistethe of 150 qr; inhabited 45, free 324, waste 105.

The barony of Corran consisteth of 158 q; inhabited 42 q's, whereof free 34 qr, waste 116 q".

The barony of Tyreraghe consisteth of 170 q"; inhabited 36 q, whereof free 12 q", waste 134 q".

The barony of Tyre-Irrill doeth consiste of 205



q", inhabited 41 qr, whereof free 18 q", waste 164 qrs.

The halfe barony of Cowlovyn doeth consiste of 20 q; inhabited 7 q's, whereof free 3 qrs, waste 13 q-soe they finde the whole county to conteyne the number of 908§ q′′, inhabited in all 267, whereof free in all 142 q", waste in all 712 q".

Note. The 205 in Leyna should be but 1404. Also an error in the total-viz. 908§ for 267 inh. 712 waste, 979.-Orig. Inquis. Rolls Office.

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of Clare, 3 q-Ballynecary, 4 q"-Kilteyleyny, 4 q"-the town of Cawlanii, 4 q❞— Rabarryne, I q'—The Leame, Shancoghe and Carowe ne Ganvy 3 qr-Remore, 3 q-and various other lands-also Cawrine Inaspicke of Ballyary, 18 q-Cowryne Sleight Shane oge, 34 qr-Cowryne Sleight Arte M° Rory of Ballyklare, 9 q”—Sleight alty Roe of the Claddaghe, 7 qr-Dowgher, 7 q′′-Moynecrannaghe, 2 q"-Carrow Mc Ellaroe, I q'-clonyne Iarry, q'—in the whole barony 205 q”.—In the barony of Tyrrcryell, there is a quantity of land called Cowryne Sleight Cormyck of Cowlwony, 26 q-Cowryne Sleight Tomultaghe M Bryene of Clonmahine, 10 q, whereof belongeth to her Majesty in right of the abbey of Boyle, 3 qr-Cowryne Sleight Donyle came of Tollemoylle, and Cashell Loghe Dreggan, 22 q"-also the five townes and a half called Clanarvy, 22 q"-Cowrine Sleight Rory Mc Donoghe of Cowlea, 17 q-Cowrine Sleight Teig M Briene of Ballyndowne, 29 q-also Cowrine Sleight Cormock Ballagh, 11 q, whereof 1 q' belongeth to the Queene in right of the abbey of Inchyvickerinne-also Cowrine Sleight Hughe Mc Mulronye of Brickleave, 14 q′′, whereof 3 q belongeth to her Majesty in right of the abbey of Boyle-also Barrcorryne, 12 q also belongeth to her Majesty in right of the abbey of Inchy vickerinne, 3q-Killrashe, 2 q- belongeth to her Majesty in right of the abbey of Loughkee also Dromdowan, 4 q, belongs to the Bishoprick of Elphine-also Dromcollyn, 1 q′, belongo to same-Taunaghe, 2 q", belongs to same-Kill mo callane, 4 q", belongs to same-Rosse, 2 q", belongs to same-Killmoydownyed, q', and Shancogheq', belongs to Her Majesty in right of the Trinity abbey aforesaid-Kilvicken-Iram, 4 q" belongs to Her Majesty in right of the said abbey-Ballyagheshennaghe, 4 q′′ belong as is said to the Archbishoprick of Tweame, which in the whole of that barrony cometh to 205 q".—In the barrony of Corrine, there is a quantity of land called Cowrine Sleight Dermott Mc Donoghe, 19 q—Banyneddane, 13 qr, belong to Sleight Dermod Mc Donoghi aforesaid-Cowrine Sleight Cahall Mc Donoghe of Ballyncloghe, 10 qr-Cawrine Sleight Teige Mc Donoghe of Raamollyne, 32 q”—also Ballynedowie 6 q, belong to said Teige Mc Donoghe-Cowrine Sleight Brian Keaghe of Ballyonaghan, 4 q-Cowrine Sleight Morissh M° Donoghe of Rossrife, 16 qr-Cowrine Clayne Kowanehy, in Ballyedderawen, 4 q-Cawryne Sleight Tourult McDonoghe of Ballymote, 224 q", belonging to her Majesty as in right of the Castell of Ballymote-also Portynch, 3 q"-Ballyneleasse, 2 q"-Imlaughe Naghton, I q', all which 6 q belong to her Majesty in right of the abbey of Boyle-the Grandg, 4 q", belongs to Her Ma* in the same right-Cowlenemannagh, I q', belongs to Her Ma" in the same right-Dromratty, 5 qr, belongs to the bishoprick of Achonry-Imlaghfaddae, 2 q”—__ Kylvoryne, q'-Clonoghyll, 2 q”—Killosalwy, 1 q'-Kiltoran, 1 q'—Tampall-Mannagh, 2 q”—all which belong to the said Bishoprick of Achonry.-Also there is belong


belong to Her Majesty in right of the abbey of Ballymote, 1 q'—also Clonyvyhane, I q', belonging to Her Ma" in the same right; which in the whole of that Barrony cometh to 158 q".-Alsoe the halfe Barony of Cawlovyn consisting of 20 q", all which being drawn into one totall cometh to the aforesaid nomber of 909 q".

"The said lords, chiefftaynes, & acknowledging the manifold benefits & easements they finde, do graunt to the Queen's most excellent Majestie her heirs and successors for ever one yearly rent-charge of tenn shillings ster. out of everie quarter of land aforesaid; and covenaunt to answere and bear yearlie for ever 20 good hable horsmen & 60 footemen well armed, to all hostings roods and journies within the sa province of Connaght and Thomond; & 10 good hable horsemen and 30 footemen well armed, to all generall hostings proclaymed in this realme.

"That the said Sir Donill O'Conor, in respecte of his loyaltie & faithfulnesse to the Queene, shall have by letters patents to him his heirs and assigns the castells or manors of Slego in the barony of Carbry, and Meynlaghe in the barony of Magherylenye, and all the lands, appertayninge as well to the name and callinge of O'Conor Sligoe, as also which belong or appertayneth to Sleight Owine O'Conor, from whom the said Sir Doniell is said to be descended, or by his owne purchase or otherwise, & which are accounted to be 32 q, freed; and shall also have a yearly rentcharge of 1 3: 4a going out of every q' of the residue of the said q", being 80 q" of the land of Sleight Muryertaghe, Sleight Briene, and Sleight Tirlaghe O'Connor, and those of Cawrine Moygany, in full recompence, & and that he and the heirs of his father shall hold the aforesaid Castles, & by the service of 2 knight's fees, as of her Majestie's castle of Ballymote, and he is to give one fayre chief horse yearly, to the Lord Deputy, with

Sir Henry Sydney describes his proceedings with O'Conor and O'Donnell as follows:-" 15th June, 1576. I founde Odonnell verie humble and tractable. And whereas he, and his Auncestors, have had a rent of iii. c Markes Yerelye out of Occhonnor Sligaghs Countrie, fabulouslye chalenged to have bene paied, ever since St. Patrick's Dayes, but probablye averred on both sides, if half bene taken for theise fower or fyve Discents by the Odonnells (but never without Vyolence alleaged Ochonnor) and so I thinke Odonnell agreed, in the Ende, to stay Exactinge of it, untill I had sente Commissioners to examyne his Clayme, and the others Deniall; and upon their Certificatt, I to take Order and this to be done in August


next; which Order will I hope fall out to be seche, as the Quenes Majestie shall be entituled to the Rent and Service from theim bothe. Occhonnor compounded in Englande to geve an hundered Markes Yerelye, to be dischardged of Odonnell, and so hath his Countrey graunted hym, under the Great Seale of England; but, if I can clerlye dischardge hy m from Odonnell, he shall pay better. He desiered me to constitute a Sheriff in his Countrie wishinge rather a Forriner, then any of the Soyles Brede, which I graunted, and sent one with Commission. I have great Confidence that this Ochonnor, who is the same that I brought into England, will prove a good Subiecte."-Letters, &c., vol. i. p. 114

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