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[JUNK 27, 1834.

upwards of eight thousand dollars, (more than $5,000 be- times the amount of the original sum stipulated. I know yond what, under another administration, was paid to that brother well: he is a gentleman of high character and Gales and Seaton for similar services,) if the advertise- respectability, and opposed to this administration. But ment is to be disregarded? It would be a measure of he is associated with others, who are its supporters, and economy to publish proposals for printing the proposals, who are members of a family that has received larger provided always, that there was no extra allowance made. sums from the public treasury than any two, or, perhaps, These extra allowances, sometimes exceeding the ori-ten, other families in the United States. And, sir, there ginal contract three or four times, are not only made with- is reason to apprehend that these extra allowances are out adequate consideration, but, in some instances, are sometimes made to opponents of the administration, that, downright gratuities, as in the instance of the $10,000 under cover of them, its supporters may be allowed safeto Reeside and Slaymaker. No one can impartially read the ly to plunge their hands deeper into the public treasury. account of that allowance without being convinced that am far from saying or insinuating that the fact to which it was a most scandalous transaction. The pretext for it have alluded, has biased the judgment of the honorable was, that, in consequence of the rapidity of their coaches, Senator. But the fact ought to be known to the public. the burdens belonging to other lines were shifted upon Again: the only Senator, out of the committee, who them from other contractors. Well, ought they not to has risen to make a formal defence of the Post Office have anticipated, from their long and great experience, Department, is the honorable Senator from New Hampthat state of things, if it existed? And if they were to be shire, [Mr. HILL.] That Senator read from his place, compensated by an additional allowance for what was as a speech, a prepared, deliberate, and elaborate essay; within the fair scope of their original contract, should not and his brother has fifteen contracts within the limits of the other contractors have been subjected to a propor- that single State! I make no comments upon the fact. I tionate abatement, from the amount stipulated to them, know not that it has had any influence upon the mind of in consequence of the reduction of their burdens' But the honorable Senator; and I do not, therefore, assert that the extra allowance is made to them, without any corres-it has; but it is right that the public should know the fact. ponding deduction from the others. And what demon- Mr. President, the principal object of my rising was to strates that these extra allowances were not justly due is, express the acknowledgments due to the committee. I that, when the necessities of the Department at last forced hope they will fearlessly proceed in the discharge of their upon it some measure of retrenchment, the extra allow- important and arduous duties, unawed and undismayed. anoes have been, in some cases, (that amongst others,) I trust that they will despise and disregard the attacks given up, or reduced quietly, without a murmur. already made, or which may be made, upon their motives The indignation of the public must increase when it and upon their probity and character. They may expect learns that these very objects of the extraordinary favors many more. They may even anticipate doleful complaints of the Department, are, in their turn, dispensing favors to from the Reverend O. B. Brown, of their prying curiosithose high in the Department. Thus, the Postmaster ty, as to his private transactions! Private transactions! General himself places himself under pecuniary obliga- It is to be feared that there are some so private that they tion to Mr. Reeside. And O. B. Brown, about the peri- can never be fairly exhibited to the public eye. Bribery od of this extravagant allowance to Reeside and Slay- and corruption are generally extremely secret transactions. maker, is obtaining a large sum from them under color of Go on, I say again, gentlemen; penetrate all the labyrinthis a loan, but which, I am compelled to say, is unexplained, of the Augean stable; drag forth the public culprits, and and wears a much more suspicious aspect. We see him, fear not that you will finally triumph over all the calumny too, borrowing from one company of contractors, and lend- and malignity of the whole tribe of venal favorites and ing to another company. mercenaries, and win for yourselves the thanks and grațitude of a just and generous, but highly abused public.

Mr. President, these matters cannot fail to make a deep and serious impression. Considering the delicate relations between the Department and contractors, its high officers should have no pecuniary transactions with them; should be the objects of no presents of quarter casks or boxes of wine, (as in the case of Mr. Brown,) or of any thing else, from those who are so directly interested in conciliating their favor.

Mr. ROBINSON felt himself compelled to make a few observations in reply to the Senator from Kentucky, [Mr. CLAY.] It was not, however, a matter of his seeking: for what reason the Senator from Kentucky had thought proper to proclaim his (Mr. R.'s) brother as a contractor, and as having received an extra allowance, he did not know. The matter had long since been published in the Blue I remember an example which I recommend as worthy Book, which was open to the inspection of any one. It of their imitation. During my youth, I acted as the aman- was true the gentleman had said that his brother was opuensis of that pure, upright, and excellent man, the late posite in politics to the administration, but, at the same Chancellor Wythe, of Virginia. An opulent West Indian time, the manner in which the affair had been brought (or one supposed to be opulent) removed to Richmond, forward, appeared to imply some censure. His brother, and fixed his residence in the neighborhood of the Chan- Mr. R. said, was associated in his contract with three gencellor. He had an important suit in chancery; and one tlemen, whom the Senator from Kentucky, and no one morning, when I was present, he sent by a servant to the else, could possibly assail. For the sake of doing justice Chancellor a demijohn of old arrac; and a little orange to himself, Mr. R. would say, that the contract bore date tree for his niece. With that ineffable politeness, which in 1832, and although he was well acquainted with the characterized his demeanor, as strongly as that of any gentlemen connected with his brother, he had never gentleman whom I ever knew, he begged the servant to heard one word of it until it came before his notice as a take back the articles to his master, with his compliments member of the committee. Further, he had received and his thanks, and to say to him that he had passed the letters from his brother this winter, loudly complaining of season of life for enjoying the old arrac, and that he the administration, because his mail-route had been refeared the orange tree might be neglected and die, if it duced. For the purpose of fully explaining this matter, were accepted, as his niece was frequently absent, and he could not bind himself to attend to it.

Mr. President, I feel it my duty, unpleasant as it is, to notice one or two other facts. Of the two members of the minority of the committee, one (the Senator from Illinois) has a brother, who is a member of a company that has received an extra allowance on a contract three

he would ask the Secretary to read that which related to it, from page 264 of the report of the minority.

The Secretary then read the following extract: "A contract was made with James F. Robinson, dated the 15th of October, 1831, to transport the mail from January 1, 1832, to December 31, 1835, between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Georgetown, Kentucky, seventy-two

JUNE 27, 1834.]

Post Office Resolutions.


miles, daily, in four-horse post-coaches, for $1,000 a year. twenty-two millions and odd miles, which shows that the After this contract was made, and before the service Department, under its present administration, carries under it commenced, such increased expedition was given mails double the distance that it did under the former. It to the great Western mail as to carry it from Washington had been said, that there was great extravagance in the city, and from Baltimore, to Cincinnati, in two days less allowances from the Department to contractors. This time than under the former contracts, and to arrive at Mr. Reeside was a contractor in Mr. McLean's time, and Cincinnati at six o'clock in the evening. To give to received eleven cents per mile, for running the same Kentucky the full benefit of this expedition, it was deem-route that he now receives but 9 2-10 cents, for running ed necessary to direct the contractor on this route to three times a day. Taking also into consideration the leave Cincinnati every night after the arrival and distri- great increase of expedition, Mr. Reeside receives now bution of the mail from the East, at seven o'clock, and but a little more than half of what he received for the arrive at Georgetown the next morning by seven o'clock, same route during the administration of Mr. McLean. so as to connect with the mail to Louisville. He was, Newspaper privileges had been talked of as having therefore, directed, on the 29th of December, 1831, to been granted for political effect. Now, this was a very run through in twelve hours, instead of fourteen hours, small matter. Every gentleman knew, that papers carhis contract time. The schedule in the original contract ried under this newspaper privilege, were not carried in was to leave Cincinnati at four o'clock in the morning, bundles, but were distributed in single papers.


and arrive at Georgetown by six o'clock in the evening; men, too, had talked of increased mail routes in parts of leave Georgetown at five in the morning, and arrive in the Western country, where the receipts were not equal Cincinnati by seven in the evening, giving fourteen hours to the expenses incurred. Why, gentlemen ought to each way, and the day time for running. The alteration bear it in mind, that it was Congress, and not Mr. Barry, gave but twelve hours each way, and the night instead that established these mail routes. But would any gen

of the day for running. The contractor alleged that tlemen suppose that a necessary mail route was to be rethis increased expedition, added to the difficulty of fused to a new county, in a new State, because the rerunning in the night instead of the day, subjected him ceipts would not probably cover the expense? Public to an additional expense of $4,800 a year, and claimed indignation would cry out against such a refusal. that sum as an extra compensation for the service. Mr. CLAY made some remarks in reply to Mr. ROBINThe second article of the contract stipulates that the Post-sox, of which it is regretted that a sketch has not been master General may alter the times of arrival and depar- preserved.

ture, and alter the contract, he making an adequate com- Mr. WEBSTER said, that he thought great credit was pensation for any extra expense that may be occasioned due to the committee for the labor, diligence, and ability, thereby. He did not reject the claim, but refused to which its members had bestowed on the subject referred make any allowance until satisfactory evidence should be to them. They have now made a report of a very serious produced of the amount of such extra expense. He character, containing explicit charges of mal-administratherefore named two experienced stage proprietors in tion, and accompanied by the evidence on which these that State, John Hutchins and John G. Chiles, and pro- charges are founded. Two members of the committee posed to refer to them the decision of what was the extra have made a report, or presented a paper, of their own, expense, the Postmaster General still reserving to himself in which they undertake in some instances to defend, the right of determining what was equitable after receiv- and in others to excuse, the conduct of the Postmaster ing their certificate. These gentlemen certified that the General, and other persons employed in the Department. increased expedition required four additional teams of Now, sir, said Mr. W., in an affair so complicated, where four horses each, and two coaches: that the annual ex- there are so many charges, and so much evidence, the pense of the four teams was fairly estimated at $800 each, first question to be asked, is, Are any of these charges making $3,200, and the two additional coaches at $300, admitted to be true, by the friends of the administration, making an additional expense of $3,500 per annum. The and, if any, which? And, as to the rest of the charges, Postmaster General was still unwilling to allow so large a afe they all denied or contradicted, or are some of them, sum, but three other citizens, Milus W. Dickey, Robert and, if any, which, left without denial or contradiction? W. Ewing, and John Dudley, certified that $4,000 a year The honorable chairman of the committee, [Mr. GRUNDY,] would be but a moderate and reasonable compensation for who does not agree in the report of the committee, but the service. The Postmaster General, upon these testimo- who is one of the two members who signed the other nials, made him an additional allowance of $3,000 a year." paper, called the report of the minority, has addressed Mr. ROBINSON continued. He would only say, that the Senate repeatedly, on the subject of these charges. he was not acquainted with the gentlemen whose certifi- Some of them he has objected to, others he has not atcates were given, but he was informed that they were tempted to rebut, and of others he has said nothing. The highly respectable. He had nothing more to say on this honorable gentleman is friendly to the administration, part of the subject; but really he must say that his feel-and to the head of the Post Office Department; and, ings, on this occasion, were not very agreeable. It ap- therefore, perhaps, it was hardly to be expected that he peared to him, that the gentleman had unnecessarily should show great zeal in the prosecution of this inquiry. drawn him out on a subject of delicacy to himself and his Yet I think, sir, we had a right to expect from him not relations, and which was not at all called for by the course only his opinion on all the charges, but also some degree of the debate. While up, Mr. R. said, he would trouble of patriotic indignation against lawless acts, which he the Senate with a few remarks on the subject before it. admits to be lawless. Take, for example, the first resoWe have been told, said he, in high-sounding language, lution of the committee, which declares that the Postof the flourishing condition of the Post Office Depart-master General has borrowed money on the credit of the ment, in the time of Mr. McLean, yet that gentleman United States, without any authority of law. The hontells you, in the very last report he made, that the ex- orable chairman says, he admits the truth of this charge. penditure of the Department exceeded its income by Admits it? But why does he content himself with ad$20,000. How, then, did gentlemen find out that the mitting it? Does he not regard it as a gross violation of Department was in such a flourishing condition, with a duty? Does he not think it an alarming thing, that the surplus fund, and sustaining itself from its own resources? Postmaster General should borrow half a million of dolIt had also been said, that these increased mail routes lars, in order to cover up the deficiencies of the Departought to give increased revenue? How could gentle-ment, and that he should keep this loan concealed, for men make that out? The routes now, said Mr. R., are years, from the knowledge of Congress? As the head of


Post Office Resolutions.

[JUNE 28, 1834,

a committee charged to inquire into abuses, and this are more doubtful than the rest, or require further exenormous abuse having been discovered, can the honor-amination, let them remain for further consideration. able member justify himself by simply saying he admits But on the plain, acknowledged, notorious cases, let us its existence? Has he no reproof, no word of censure come to a vote. Let us show the country that we are for such a flagrant violation of law? Has he no disap-in earnest. Let us begin with the first, with that which probation to express, no complaint to enter, in such respects the borrowing of the money from banks, without tones as that the administration shall hear them? No authority of law, or even the knowledge of Congress; man denies the fact, and none undertakes to defend it. and let us see whether any one individual member of the What then? Is the Department still to go on in its ca. Senate is prepared to withhold from that proceeding his reer, and nothing done, any more than if nothing had vote of censure.

been discovered? If there were nothing else in the Mr. BENTON thought the Senate ought to defer, for whole report, if that charge stood alone, I cannot con- the present, taking a vote on the resolutions. He said ceive how any man can doubt that the Department ought he had had no opportunity of carefully examining the to be immediately and thoroughly reformed. The coun-reports, and therefore knew but little of their contents. try, if I mistake not, will call for such reformation. As However, he must say, that he had found things in them to upholding the administration of the Department, with at which he had felt much mortified. such charges against it proved and admitted, it is more Mr. WEBSTER thought the best course, which was even than the spirit of party devotion can accomplish. called for by the importance of the subject, and what Again, sir: the third resolution distinctly declares that was due as well to the committee as the Senate, was this, a practice prevails in the Post Office, of granting con- to take a vote on the first resolution. He would thes tracts on bids which vary from the advertisements, and move to lay the others upon the table, until such time as of altering contracts, after they are made and accepted; gentlemen had an opportunity of examining them, when a practice which destroys all competition, and enables he would move that they be taken up.

the Department to give all contracts to favorites. Is this The question was then taken on agreeing to the first charge denied, or admitted? I have not heard the hon-resolution reported by the Post Office committee, in the orable member, the chairman, deny it. Does he acknowl following words:

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edge it to be true? If he does, why does he not tell us, Resolved, That it is proved and admitted, that large in a plain and direct manner, that this, too, is an enor- sums of money have been borrowed at different banks mous abuse, and ought to be reformed? Is such a prac-by the Postmaster General, in order to make up the de tice to pass without reprehension? While its existence is detected, discovered, and acknowledged, is there to be no rebuke of it?

ficiency in the means of carrying on the business of the Post Office Department, without authority given by any law of Congress; and that, as Congress alone possesses the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States, all such contracts for loans by the Postmaster Gen

There is then the sixth resolution, which declares, that extra allowances have been made to contractors, which are unreasonable and extravagant, and out of all propor-eral are illegal and void." tion with the increase of service. Is this true?

The 11th resolution alleges, in general terms, that the Department is deeply in debt, and its affairs in disorder. I have heard no man deny this. None can deny it. The Department is deeply in debt; its affairs are disordered, greatly disordered. These extra allowances appear to have lost their original character. Instead of being extraordinary, they have become ordinary. Contractors calculate upon them. The probability of an extra enters into their motives, when they make bids. Indeed it seems of very little importance what bids they make. They are in fact paid just what sums the Postmaster General sees fit to pay; and they are generally very well satisfied. From the frequency and the amount of these extras, the constant changing of contracts, it is quite evident that all fair competition among contractors is done away. Mr. President, the country is awakened to these abuses in the Post Office, and it will not be, and ought not to be, satisfied without a thorough examination, and an honest and real reform. I give my hearty thanks to the committee for their zeal and industry. They have had a laborious winter, and are likely to have a laborious summer. Let them go on, fearlessly, and the country will appreciate their services.

Let them explore all the sources of corrupt patronage; let them bring all abuses into the broad light of day. Let them inquire into the number of removals of postmasters, with the alleged causes of such removals. Let them inquire at whose bidding honest and faithful men have been removed, to make way for partisans. Let them ascertain whether it be true that persons here may go into the Post Office, and require the removal of postmasters by dozens; and whether the postmaster General, as matter of course, complies with such requisitions.

And the question on agreeing to this resolution was decided as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Black, Brown, Calhoun, Chambers, Clay, Clayton, Ewing, Forsyth, Frelinghusen, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, Kent, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knight, Lynn, Mangum, Moore, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Robinson, Shepley, Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster, White, Wright.-41.


So the resolution was unanimously adopted.

On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, who congratulated the Senate on the unanimity of this vote, the residue of the resolutions were then ordered to lie on the table.

A message was received from the House of Representa tives, by Mr. Franklin, their Clerk, stating that the House had passed a joint resolution, suspending the rule which prohibits either House from sending bills to the other within the last three days of the session.

Mr. CHAMBERS, after some remarks, moved to concur in the resolution.

Mr. CLAY moved to lay the resolution on the table; which motion was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. POINDEXTER, The Senate proceeded to the consideration of Executive business; after which,

The Senate adjourned, at half past ten o'clock.


On motion of Mr. CLAY, the order for the Senate's taking a recess from 2 until 4 o'clock of each day, until the end of the session, was repealed.

On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the Senate proceeded Mr. President, it is due to the committee, it is due to to consider the joint resolution from the House suspendthe Senate itself, it is due to this highly important sub-ing the 16th joint rule of the two Houses, which prevents ject, that we should express an opinion on some of the the transmission of bills from one House to the other duleading resolutions reported by the committee. If some ring the last three days of the session.

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On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the joint resolution was amended so as to extend the provision up to this day, at 2 o'clock, as regards the reception of bills from the House, and to include four bills which had been acted on by the Senate, but had not yet been sent.

On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the joint resolution was further amended, by including in the suspension the 17th rule, which prohibits the transmission of bills to the President of the United States during the last day of the session.

Mr. CLAY moved to rescind the order of the Senate setting apart the Fridays and Saturdays of each week for the consideration of bills; and, after a discussion on a point of order, in which Messrs. WEBSTER, CALHOUN, CLAY, KING, and SHEPLEY, took part, the resolution was rescinded.


On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill to regulate the gold coins of the United States.

Mr. WEBSTER briefly explained the provisions of the bill. He concluded by moving to strike out from the bill the lines making provision for the gold dollar. The amendment was agreed to.

Mr. EWING said he had made up his mind to vote for the bill, in deference to the opinions of others, although he was of opinion that the relative value of gold had been fixed too high. He adverted to what had been said on the subject of the value being placed at 16 to 1; and also to the various value of the foreign silver coins. He expressed his apprehension that the silver would disappear from among us, and that small notes would take its place. While the States admitted the circulation of small notes, they would, in three years, constitute the sole circulation. Still, he should vote for the bill.

Mr. CALHOUN advocated the bill in a very few remarks. He thought that wherever silver was protected it would retain its place; and where it was not protected, paper would take its place. He thought the bill safe, and should give it his support.


of computing value, and the difficulty of coming to an accurate result.

Mr. CALHOUN said, the usual custom of foreign countries was to make gold somewhat above the mercantile value. In Spain the relative value of gold was 16 to 1. In Cuba it was 17 to 1.

Mr. CHAMBERS read an extract from the letter of a correspondent, in opposition to the passage of the bill. The question was then taken on the engrossment of the bill, and decided as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Black, Brown, Calhoun, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, Kent, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Leigh, Linn, Mangum, Morris, Poindexter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Robinson, Shepley, Smith, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster, White, Wilkins, Wright.-35.

NAYS.-Messrs. Chambers, Clay, Knight, Porter, Silsbee, Southard, Sprague.-7.

The bill was then passed.

The Senate proceeded to consider the bill to regulate the circulation of foreign gold coins in the United States.

Mr. WEBSTER moved to amend the bill, after a conference with the director of the mint, by modifying the clause concerning the French coins, and also concerning those of Spain, Mexico, and Peru; which was agreed to.

The bill was then ordered to be engrossed, and was then read a third time and passed.

Mr. SILSBEE, from the Committee on Commerce, reported the bill making appropriations for building lighthouses, &c., with certain amendments.

On motion of Mr. MANGUM, the Senate took a recess (at ‡ past 2) for one hour.


The VICE PRESIDENT did not take the Chair at the opening of the evening session.

On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the Senate proceeded to the election of a President pro tem.





On the first balloting, the whole number of votes being
42, and 22 being necessary to a choice, there were-for
Mr. Poindexter 21 Mr. Frelinghuysen
Mr. King of Alabama 14 Mr. Waggaman
Mr. Bibb
Mr. Tyler
Mr. Clay
There being no choice, the Senate proceeded to a
second ballot, the res It of which was declared as fol-

Mr. SPRAGUE said he could not vote for this bill. He believed it would throw the evils on the other side. We were creating the same disproportion between gold and silver, as at present existed, making a distinction on one side as much too wide as that which now existed on the other. All agreed that the true line was between the two estimates. Why gentlemen should transcend the point which every body agreed was the true line of value between the two metals, he did not know. No one contend-lows: ed that the true value was 16 to 1, but all believed that it was between 15 and 16.

Mr. EWING added that the gold had been debased by this bill, which he regretted.

Mr. CALHOUN stated that the superintendent of the mint had been consulted.

Mr. BENTON said that the debasement was too trifling to be an object of exception.

Mr. PORTER expressed his intention to vote against the bill, and asked for the yeas and nays, which were ordered.

Mr. KING, of Georgia, stated, that the effect of the bill would be to raise the value of gold 44 per cent., which is only a little above the mercantile value of the article.

1 1

Whole number of votes 40: necessary to a choice 21.
Mr. Poindexter 20
Mr. King of Alabama 13

Mr. Bibb

Mr. Clay

Mr. Waggaman

Mr. Tyler


Mr. Calhoun


Mr. Tyler
Mr. Bibb
Mr. Waggaman







There being no choice, the Senate proceeded to a third
ballot, the result of which was declared as follows:
Whole number of votes 42: necessary to a choice 22.
Mr. Poindexter 22
Mr. King of Alabama 10
Mr. Frelinghuysen 1
So Mr. POINDEXTER was declared duly elected
President pro tem., and was conducted to the Chair by
Mr. CHAMBERS. From his seat in the Chair, Mr. POIN-
DEXTER then rose and addressed the Senate to the follow-
ing effect:

Mr. SPRAGUE thought that the bill changed the value 6 per cent., which was more than the true relative Senators: Penetrated with the most profound sense of proportion. Why was it made more? To establish a gratitude for the kind manifestation of your confidence in legal currency of two metals, their value must exactly cor- calling me to preside over the deliberations of this honrespond. Why adopt an evil by creating a disproportion? orable body, I rise to express to you my thanks, and the Mr. WEBSTER replied, that if it had been imagined unfeigned diffidence with which I enter upon the disthat there would have been any evil, it would not have charge of the arduous and delicate duties assigned to me. been recommended. He referred to the various modes Unskilled in the technical rules of parliamentary proceed


Light-house Bill.

[JUNE 28, 1834.

After some debate on this amendment,
Mr. CLAY moved to lay the bill on the table.

ings, I feel sensible of my own defects, and that, on all Mr. KING, of Alabama, submitted an amendment, ma. occasions of doubt and difficulty, I must rely on the in-king an appropriation of $10,000 for a marine hospital at dulgence of the Senate, and the friendly aid of those Sen- Mobile, Alabama. ators who have more experience in such matters than myself. Permit me, gentlemen, to assure you, that for the few remaining hours of the present session, and so long Mr. SILSBEE called for the yeas and nays, which beas I may occupy the Chair, it shall be my constant en-ing ordered, the question was decided in the negative, as deavor to meet your just expectations, and to preserve the order and decorum of debate, so necessary to the harmony and dignity of every deliberative assembly, and to the despatch of the important business which may be brought to the consideration of the Senate.


YEAS.-Messrs. Bibb, Black, Calhoun, Clay, Grundy, Hill, Kane, King of Georgia, Leigh, Moore, Morris, Prentiss, Preston, Robinson, Smith, Tyler, White.-17. NAYS.-Messrs. Brown, Chambers, Clayton, Ewing, On motion of Mr. CHAMBERS, a committee was or- Hendricks, Kent, King of Alabama, Knight, Linn, Mandered to be appointed to wait on the President of the gum, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Robbins, Shepley, United States, and inform him that the Senate have elect- Silsbee, Southard, Sprague, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, ed the honorable GEORGE POINDEXTER to be their Presi-Tomlinson, Waggaman, Wilkins, Wright.-25. dent pro tem.; and that the Secretary do communicate the same to the House of Representatives.


On motion of Mr. SILSBEE, the bill making appro priations for building light-houses, placing light-vessels, &c., was taken up; and the amendments of the committee having been gone through with

Mr. KANE then moved to reconsider the votes taken on all the amendments made in the Senate, for appropriations for marine hospitals; which motion being concurred in, the said amendments were all negatived.

Mr. CALHOUN renewed the motion to lay the bill on the table, and, after some remarks from Messrs. SILS. BEE, CALHOUN, WRIGHT, and KING of Alabama, The yeas and nays being ordered, the question was YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Black, Calhoun, Clay,

Mr. MANGUM submitted an amendment, making an taken, and decided as follows: appropriation for purchasing a site for an hospital near Wilmington, in North Carolina; which was adopted-Ewing, Grundy, Hill, Kane, King of Georgia, Leigh, ayes 19, noes 11. Linn, Mangum, Moore, Poindexter, Prentiss, Preston, Mr. KNIGHT submitted an amendment to appropriate Robinson, Smith, Swift, Tyler, White.-22. $5,000 for a marine hospital at Providence, Rhode Island. NAYS.-Messrs. Chambers, Clayton, Hendricks, Kent, Mr. HILL asked for the yeas and nays on the question, King of Alabama, Knight, Naudain, Porter, Robbins, which were not granted, there not being a sufficient num-Silsbee, Southard, Sprague, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinber of members concurring. son, Waggaman, Webster, Wright.-18.

The question being taken upon Mr. KNIGHT'S motion, it was negatived.

The bill was then reported to the Senate, and the amendments passed in the Committee of the Whole, with the exception of the amendment of Mr. MANGUx, were agreed to.

Mr. MANGUM's amendment being under consideration, it was adopted, as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Black, Brown, Calhoun, Clay, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Hendricks, Kane, Kent, Knight, Leigh, Linn, Mangum, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Robinson, Southard, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster, Wilkins.-26.

NAYS.-Messrs. Chambers, Clayton, Grundy, Hill, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Naudain, Shepley, Silsbee, Smith, Sprague, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Wright.-16.

Mr. LINN them moved further to amend the bill, by adding an appropriation to build a marine hospital at St. Louis, Missouri. This amendment was adopted, as follows:

So the bill was laid on the table.

The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House to the bill of the Senate, concerning the duties on hardware, and, on motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the Senate concurred in the amendments.

The bill making appropriations for the public buildings, as amended by the Committee on the District of Colum bia, was taken up, the amendments was agreed to, and the bill subsequently read a third time and passed.

The bill to grant a township of land to the Polish exiles, came from the House with an amendment, subjecting the Poles to the payment of the minimum price on the lands selected, ($1 25 per acre.)

Mr. CLAY moved that the Senate disagree to the amendment. The motion was supported by Mr. WEBSTER.

On taking the question, the amendment was dis agreed to.

On motion of Mr. CLAY, the motion to lay the lighthouse bill on the table was reconsidered, ayes 17, nues 15, and the bill was then recommitted to the Committee on Commerce.

YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Calhoun, Chambers, Clay, Clayton, Ewing, Hendricks, Kane, Kent, Knight, The bill from the House making appropriations for the Leigh, Linn, Mangum, Moore, Naudain, Poindexter, Por- Potomac bridge, and repealing all former acts on the sub ter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Robinson, Shepley, Tip-ject, was taken up, and, on motion of Mr. LEIGH, the ton, Webster, White.-26. whole of the bill, after the first section, was stricken out, NAYS.-Messrs. Black, Hill, King of Alabama, King and the bill was then amended, on motion of Mr. WRIGHT, of Georgia, Silsbee, Smith, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson.-9.

On motion of Mr. KNIGHT, the amendment submitted by him in Committee of the Whole, was passed without a division.

by adding a new section; modified, on motion of Mr. BIBB, and the amendment was then ordered to be engrossed, and the bill to be read a third time.

On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, the Senate took up for consideration the bill making appropriations for certain On motions severally made by Messrs. SHEPLEY, fortifications within the United States, for the year 1834. SMITH, and CHAMBERS, amendments were made, Mr. BENTON, in pursuance of the instructions of the making appropriations for marine hospitals at Portland, Military Committee, submitted an amendment appropri Maine, New Haven, Connecticut, and at Baltimore, Ma-ating $107,040 for furnishing towers, barracks, and storeryland.

Mr. TYLER moved to amend the bill, by adding an appropriation for a marine hospital at City Point, Virginia; which motion was negatived.

houses, at New Orleans, for the use of the United States troops; which was agreed to; after which the bill was or dered to be engrossed. It was then read a third time land passed.

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