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land and if the Company of West India in Amsterdam or any private persons here will transport them into Holland, then they shall have a safe Passport from Col Richard Nicolls Deputye Gov! unto his Royall Highnesse, and the other Com" to defend the shipps that shall transport such souldiers, and all the Goods in them from any surprisall or acts of Hostility to be done by any of His Mates Shipps or Subjects. [24]. That the Copies of the Kings Grant to his Royal Highnesse, and the Copy of His Royal Highnesse's Commission to Coll. Richard Nicolls, testified by two commissioners more and Mr Winthrop to be true Copies, shall be delivered to ye honb! M Stuyvesant the p! Governor, on Monday next by Eight of the clock in the morning at y old Miln, and these articles, consented to, and signed by Coll. Richard Nicolls Deputye Gov' to his Royall Highness, and that within two hours after, the Fort and Town called New Amsterdam upon the Isle of Manhatoes, shall be delivered into y hands of the s Coll. Rich Nicolls by the service of such as shall be by him thereunto deputed by His Hand & Seale.





I doe consent to these articles




No. 48. Articles made and agreed upon the 24th day Sep 1664 in Fort Albany Betweene Ohgehaudo, Shanarage, Soacheneghton, Sachamackas, of the Maquas, Annawweed, Conkeeherat, Tewasserany Aschannoondak, Sachamackas of the Synicks, on the one part, and Coll. George Cartwright in behalf of Coll. Richard Nicolls, Governor under his Royal Highnesse the Duke of Yorke of all the Territorys in America as Followeth: viz.

1. Imprimis. It is agreed that the Indyan Princes above named and their subjects, shall have all such wares and commodities from the English for the future as heretofore they had from the Dutch.

2. That if any English, Dutch or Indyans (under protection of English) doe any wrong, injury, or violence to any of the said Indyan Princes, or their subjects in any sort whatever, if they complain to the Governors in New York, or to the Offi in Chief at Albany, if the person so offending can be discovered, that person shall receive condigne punnishment, and all due satisfaction shall be given, and the like shall be done for all other English Plantations.

3. That if any Indian belonging to any of the Sachims aforesaid, doe any wrong, Injury, or Damage to the English, Dutch, or Indyans (under the Protection of of the English) If complaint be made to the Sachims and the person be discovered who did the Injury, then that Person so offending shall bee punnished, and all just satisfaction given to any of his Mates Subjects in any Colony, (or other English Plantation in America)

4. The Indyans at Wamping and Espachomy and all below to the Manhatans, as also all such as have submitted themselves under the Protection of his Matie are included in these articles of agreement and Peace. In confirmation whereof, the Partyes above mentioned have hereunto sett their Hands the day and yeare above written

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These articles following were likewise proposed by the same Indyan Princes, and consented to by Coll. Ge Cartwright in Behalfe of Coll. Nicolls the 25th day of September 1664.

1. That the English do not assist the three nations of the Ondiahes, Pinnehoocks, Pecamtehookes who murdered one of the the Princes of the Maques, when hee brought ransom and Presents to them upon a treaty of Peace.

2. That the English do make Peace for the Indians with the Nations downe the River.

3. That they may have free trade as formerly.

4. That they may be lodged in houses as formerly. 5. That if they be beaten by the three nations above mentioned, they may receive accommodation from the English.

N° 49.


Monday June 22nd 1741

The Honble Cadwallader Colden Esq' Pres

Archibald Kennedy

James De Lancey

William Skene

William Sherriff

Eva James Phillipps

Otho Hamilton

The Court Opened

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The Committee for the Province produced the Original Charter for the province of the Massachusetts Bay under the Great Seal, and the Court ordered that a Copy thereof be transcribed & examined by two of the Clerks and attested by them, which was accordingly done and is as follows

William & Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith &c To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. Whereas His late Majesty King James the first our Royal predecessor, by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date

at Westminster the third day of November in the Eighteenth year of his Reign did give and Grant unto the Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon for the planting Ruling ordering and Governing of New England in America, and to their successors and assigns, All that part of America lying and Being in breadth from Forty Degrees of Northerly Latitude from the Equinoctial Line, to ye Forty Eighth Degree of the said northerly Latitude inclusively and in Length of and within all the Breadth aforesaid through out all the Lands from Sea to Sea together also with all the Lands, Soils, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Waters, Fishings Mines & Minerals as well Royal Mines of Gold and Silver, as other mines and Minerals Precious Stones, Quarries & all & singular other commodities, Jurisdictions, Royalties, Priviledges, Franchises and preheminences, both within the said Tract of Land upon the Main & also within the Islands and Seas adjoining, Provided Always that the said Lands Islands or any of the Premises by the said Letters Patents intended or meant to be granted were not then actually Possessed or Inhabited by any other christian Prince or State, or within the Bounds Limits or Territorys of the Southern Colony, then before Granted by the Said late King James the first to be planted by Divers of his Subjects in the South parts To Have and To Hold possess and Enjoy all and Singular the aforesaid Continent, Lands, Territories, Islands, Hereditaments & Precincts, Seas, Waters, Fishings with all & all manner of their Comodities, Royalties, Liberties, Preheminences & Profits that should from thenceforth arise from thence with all and Singular their apurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the Said Council and their successors & Assigns for ever to the sole use and benefit of the said Council and their successors and assigns forever: To be holden of His said Late Majesty King James His Heirs and Successors, as of his Mannor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, in free and common Sockage & not in Capite, nor by Knights

Service Yielding and Paying therefore to the said late King, His Heirs and successors the fifth part of the ore of Gold and Silver, which should from time to time, & at all times thereafter happen to be found gotten had and obtained in, at, or within any of the said Lands, Limits, Territories or precincts, or in or within any part, or parcel thereof for or in respect of all & all manner of Duties, Demands and Services whatsoever to be done made or paid to the said late King James the first, His Heirs and Successors (as in and by the Said Letters Patents, amongst sundry other clauses Powers, Priviledges, and Grants, therein contained more at large appeareth:) And Whereas the said Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon for the planting ruling, ordering and Governing of New England in America did by their Deed indented under their common Seal bearing date the nineteenth day of of March in the third year of the Reign of our Royal Grandfather King Charles the first of ever Blessed memory, Give, Grant, Bargain Sell Infeoff, alien and confirm To Sir Henry Roswell Sir John Young, Knights, Thomas Southcott, John Humphreys, John Endicott & Simon Whetcombe Their Heirs and assigns & their associates for ever, all that part of New England in America aforesaid which lyes and extends between a great River there commonly called Monomack alias Merimack & a certain other River there called Charles River being in a bottom of a certain Bay, there commonly called Massachusetts Bay alias Mattachusetts alias Massatusetts & also all and singular those Lands & Hereditaments whatsoever lying within the space of three English miles on the South part of the said Charles River or of any and every part thereof and also all and singular the Lands & Hereditaments whatsoever lying and being within the space of three English Miles to the Southward of the Southermost part of the Said Bay called the Massachusetts alías Mattachusetts alias Massatusetts and all those Lands and Hereditaments whatscever which Lye and be within the space of three

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