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hundered other psons wch are gon hence in discontent, and are not like to further the reducem' but may doe much to hinder it if not speedily p'uented. I leaue this to you' Lordships wise Consideration, And to pardon the bouldness of

Sr Your Lordships most humble servant


[blocks in formation]

I was yesterday with the Lord Privie Seale, who intended this day to wayte on you" Lord? I make bould heare inclosed to send you a breefe acc of what hath past betwene his Lord? and my selfe, in refference to N. England. he put me to a taske yesterday, wh accordinge to what he propounded, and as the tyme would afford I haue ready to p'sent to him, before he come to your Lord, And probably may shew it to yo". In what I may be short therein of what is expected I shall God willinge make vp wth expedition My Lord I pceiue some haue no desire that those psons in New England should be reduced: And shall make bould to put you' Lord' in minde, that if any thinge be resolued on that way the tyme of the yeare calls for expedition, and surely my Lord the longer it is defferred the more difficult it will be to effect it Truly my Lord what euer I haue declared is truth, I haue no selfe end in what I haue donn, only a desire (yf it may be) that as I saw the first settellment of those pts so that I may see the

reducement of them of them vnder his Maties obedience. wch is the earnest desire of

Your Lord's most humble seruant,


To the right Honorable Edward

Earle of Clarendon Lord Chan

cello' of England these humbly p'sented.




May it please you' Lord? The tyme seemes long since I had the happines to be admitted to you' p'sence, I am in duty bound to acquaint your Lord", that we haue certaine intelligence from Holland that the Dutch haue latly sent one shipp and are p'paringe three more, for the strengthninge the New Netherlands. My Lord I am affrayed Whaley and Goffe, haue a hand in the buisines, and I wish some in New England be not also involued. There are many discontented psons heare also we are p'paringe to goe ouer speedily, 4 or 5 shipes are already designed, what the issew may be I know not. I haue had thoughts of late to propound to you* Lord a p[s]on I aprehend fitt for a Commando' ther. It is Collonell Francis Louelace, a pson euery way accomplished for such an Imploy and very well beloued in all those pts. I leaue it to your Lord's consideration, being alwayes ready to wayte on you, I am S


Your Lord's most humble seruant

To the right honorable Edward
Earle of Clarendon Lord high
Chancellor of England these be
humbly p'sented.





May it please you' Lord! I am a daily obseruer of the many great and waightie affaires of the nation. passinge thorough you' Lord? hands. Yett in the middest of the Croud I most humbly craue leaue, to acquaint your Lordsh? that wth in a moneth past or there about there haue gonn of from hence for New England many seditious factious psons, Convayinge ouer considerable estates, Three shippes more are preparinge for the same designe, and for ought we know to transport the like Cargo, for what else we cannot imagine. These added to those of the same humo' alr[e]dy there, may make y' worke proue difficult and chargable, weh if sett on wh expedition would be easily effected, Good my Lord pardon me, I can truly, and wth confidence affirme, that neither avarice, ambition, or desire of reuenge, hath put me on what I haue donn in this buisines from first to last, It is zeale to his Maties seruice, and affection to the many thousands of his Maties loyall subiects and my sufferinge freinds, weh hath made me so bould att this tyme as formerly to be troublesome to you' Lordship. The summer passeth away, and winter is not for any designe in those pts. My Lord the Earle of Marlebourgh is ready at any tyme yo" shall appoynt to wayte on your Lordsh? So is also

Your Lordships most humble servant

To the right honorable Edward
Lord Hide Earle of Clarendon
Lord Chancellor of England.
these be humbly p'sented.




May it please yo' Lord' since I had the happines to kisse your hand I haue had seuerall discourses wth the Earle of Marlebourgh, and the Lord Winsor about theire seuerall designes, I haue propounded to theire Lord Considerable psons for Commanders such as (by discourse wth and full information from others) theire Lord's rest fully satisfied wth, as to theire abilities, for carying on the seuerall designes, but thus I finde and they vnders[t]and, that vnfitt psons striue hard for, and hope to, carry the cheife Commands, vnlesse yo Lord' interpose as for the East Indies, one Capt Minus, and Cap Jerimiah Blackman, in whose roome some of the East India Company indeauou to bringe in two others who were neuer there. And for the west Indis Cap Minges, well knowne by all and approued of by Lord Winsor, is like to be outed, and in his roome put one Cap: Ffearnes, inconsiderable in respect of the other, as may easily be made appeare. Thus much I make bould to acquainte y Lord! wth desiring his Maties designes may prosper. Capt Mings desires to kisse yo' Lords hand when yo" please to afford him that hono', so also doth


Your Lord's most humble seruant,


I haue beene often wth Collonell Venables, about the New England buisines and cannot vndersta[n]d wtt is doun about it, I humb[1]y desire to haue the happines to speake wth you' Lord? wher yo" please to appoynt, &c.

To the right Honorable Edward

Earle of Clarendon, L: Chancellor of England these be humbly p'sented.




May it please your Lord! I haue lately spoken with Collonell Venables, and finde him not altogether of from the New-Engd designe, but backward because there haue beene no propositions made to him. I haue seene some wch he hath drawne vp, to haue p'sented to you' Lord! but fearing it might be ouermuch p'sumtion_hath hitherto forborne. They are many and how you' Lord! will app[r]oue of them all I know not, yf euer they come to your view, I leave that to your wise Consideration. And shall now humbly craue leaue breefely to repeate the heads of what I haue formerly spoken as to the well settellm of New England.

Good my Lord it is the considerablest of all his Maties Collonyes in America what if it were by Act of Parlam annexed to the Crowne of England, I meane N. Engd from 40 degrees to 48. that bounde beinge alloted and that name giuen to it by Kinge James his Maties royall Progenito".

How euer it will require a diuision into three Prouinces, and Commissioners appointed by his Matie, in either of them.

The oath of Allegance to be taken by all, as a toutch stone to try theire loyalty to his Matie.

The Militia to be in the hands of such as his Matie may confide in, wch will enable him the better to Protect them.

The act of Indempnitie to be extended to all these as to life.

Pattents not apparently forfaited to continew Corporations according to the teno" of theire Gran's all free holders wth in their seuerall bounds having voats in Election of officers.


The iust bounds of euery Pattent fourthwth to be laid

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