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positively commanded to make your owne choice of to attend his Mae whoe expects from all his Subjects, obedience, as much more acceptable than Sacrifice.

3. Thirdly, That his Mae cannot but approve that humble petition presented to your Generall Court; and by the Lawes of England (which must be the touch stone) those Gentlemen, ought not to be molested, fined, or imprisoned for any matter contained in the said petition, so full of duty to his Ma of respect to your Generall Court, and tending to the peace, and welfare of the whole Colony.

4. Lastly. Wee ourselves fully concurring with the substance, and to those good ends manifested in the petition, do earnestly sollicit you to resume the whole matter into your most serious consideracons, that his Mate may be honoured with the reall obedience of his Subjects, and thereby encouraged plentifully to power forth the riches of his goodnesse upon his Colony of the Massachusets, To which we are hearty wellwishers, & will contribute our best endeavours, at all times, & in all places, when by your submission to his Mat we shall be encouraged to remain.

Your very affectionat friends, & Servants his
Matics Commissioners for New England
R. N. R. C. S. M.

Fort James at New York

November 3d 1666.


This inclosed letter (directed to the Governor, & assistants of his Maties Colony of the Massachusets) we have particularly remitted to your hands, in respect to the office you beare as Secretary to the Colony, that so it may have a more easy addresse, & access to them: as also that we may have a full, & speedy answer thereunto, To which end we desire you to deliver the same as a paper important to his Maties Service, from affectionat friends his Maties Commission's for New England


R. N. R. C. S. M.

Be pleased to deliver the answer & resolution of the Court to Mr Samuel Maverick, or whom he shall appoint.

Fort James at New York

Novembr 3 1666.

Endorsed--"A Copy of a letter sent from his Maties Commissioners for N. England to the Governor and Councell of the Massachusets &e"




These few lines are to give your hono an account of the reception of your by the hands of M: Mavericke bearing date the 3 instant, on the tenth of the same, with such answer thereto, as our honor Governor with such of the assistants as were with hiin on the thirteenth were pleased to signifie to me, that so Mr Mavericke might be acquainted therewith, and haveing waited on him for that end, understanding of an opportunity willingly lay'd hold thereof to give the same unto your self and S Robert Carr & is That they finding the contents of yo's doe referr to the actings of our Generall Court which was dissolved Sundry dayes since, that their rereturne to the Honoble S: Wm Morice was dispatched & gone for England in the last month, yet at the first opportunity for the assistants meeting your letter shall be communicated according to the direction thereof. Presenting my humble service to yo! Hono! & to S: Robert Carr not haveing wherewith to give yo! Hono' further trouble take leave to subscribe my self S

Yo! Honor most humble Serv

Boston the 14th November 1666.


These for the Right Honourble Colonel Richard Nicolls Governor of New York be presented.

Endorsed-" A Copy of an answer to the Letter sent from his maties Comissioners jor N. England to the Govern & Councell of the Massachusets. 14 Nov. 1666."




Yo" are hereby required in his Majestyes name & by virtue of an order of the Generall Court sitting in Boston the 11th Instant to App'ehend & seaze on the person of Abraham Corbett & that forthwith. & him safely to Convey to Boston & to bring him before the Governo or Magistrates at Boston to answer for his tumultuous & seditious practises against this Government to be proceeded with as in their wisdomes they shall finde cause hereof yo" are not to faile at your perrill. Dated at Boston 26 october 1665.

By order of the Generall Court


That this is A true Copie Compared with the originall warrant on file

Vnde writt.

Attest. EDW. RAWSON Secret".

Jn Robe'ts marshall of Dover came before the Governo & majo' Generall Jn° Leuerett & brought wth him m' Abraham Corbett whom he had seazed on the 13th Instant & acording to this warrant brought him & p'sented him to the Governo & majo' Generall to be proceeded with accordingly this 15th of November. 1665. as Attest. EDWARD RAWSON Secrety


Yo" are hereby required in his Majestyes name to take into you' Custody the person of Abraham Corbett & him safely keepe till the next Generall Court of Election that he may there appeare & answer for his tumultuous seditious & disorderly carriages; which hath

been to the disturbance of his Majestjes peace. Vnlesse he give bond with two able suertjes for his appearance before the sajd Generall Court & in the meane time that he be of Good behauiour for your so doing this shall be your warrant Dated in Boston this 15th of November 1665.

JN° LEUERET Asistant

That this is A true Copie Compared wth the origi-
nall left on file Attest.

Mr Corbetts Crime was for getting hands to a petition to his Maiesty wch petition I suppose Coll Cartwright hath a Coppy of or at least can attest the same as I doe Witnesse Witnesse my hand




To the Kings Most Excellent Mate

The humble Peticon and Address of the Gouern" and Companie off His Maties Colonie of Rhode Island and Prouidence Plantations in New England.


That whereas yo' Maties most humble Subjects and Supplicants, as soone as wee heard y° joyfull tidings off vor Maties happy restoracon to the Possession of yo Royall Crowne and dignitie, makeing our humble addresses by Peticōn vnto yo' Royall Matie in wch wee imployed that faithfull & trustie Agent Mr John Clarke, did thervpon by yo' Maties Royall bountie obtaine a

most Free & Ample Charter of incorporacōn, for our possessing Emproueing and Gouerning the Lands and Islands in and off the Narragansitt Bay and Countric in New England, wch grante Yo' Matie was gratiouslie pleased to make firme and good to vs and of Successors for euer vnder the Greate Seale, and that alsoe done after yo' Matie had taken cognizance of the Indian Sachems submission of the said Countrie vnto yo Matie in the yeare 1662 in wh they remembred an address of the same nature made some 18 yeers before to Y Royall Father of Blessed memorie, which their address was neuer, nor could bee taken notice off vntill their late adress aforementioned in 1662, In meane time, wee liuinge and gouerning here by virtue of a Charter granted in his late Royall Maties Name by the Lords and Comons in 1643. The said Indians sold seuerall considerable tracts of the Narragansitt Countrie vnto people of this Colonie, and receiued therfore full satisfacon, as in their said late address they doe acknowledge: And indeed some Thousands of pownds it hath cost the people of this Colonie in those Purchases: Euen more than the other Colonies hath expended for ten times as much which they possess, who yett could not content themselues, but incroached on this small corner, not onely dispossessing, molesting, captiuing and finening your Majesties Leige people here liueing; butt also claimeing all the Countrie by strang pretences of free purchases & gift's by forced mortgages from the Indians, therein including the Indians rights vnsould; with those aforesaid sould to some of this Colonie: whervpon itt pleased yo' Majestie in your Royall wisedome to send yo" Honble Commission's to enquire into those matters, who haue with exceeding Trauell and care, paines and patience, judg ment and discretion, accordinglie most Hoñbly discharged the trust in them reposed: And vpon findeing the Indians to owne their subjection former and latter, and seeing the hard dealings by the other Colonies vsed to them and vs; did for a present expedient distinguish

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