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of that odium that is throwne vpon the Governm', That wee vse our people worse then Maryland, and therefore they Leave vs, and flye to them, But the true reason (my Lord) is, That wee are ready vpon all comands to expresse our zeale to his Maties Service to the vttermost of our abilitie.

I shall trowble yo' LoPP wth an other Demonstration of the reasonableness of this Proposition, This Parliam*. made a Law, That noe Sectary or Quaker shall bee transported to Virginia or New England, Wee were extreamely ioyfull of it, hopeing wee should have beene securd from those disturbances, That those people make where they come, But my Lord it was Soe farr from workeing the good effect wee hoped for, and I am confident the Parliament intended, that it hath proved most infinitely ruinous to vs, ffor his LoP takeing his Maryland for part of neither, and soe not concernd in the Law, grants a Tolleration to all Sorts of Sects, weh by their neighbourhood (a River only severing of vs,) Infect our People and by that drawes them from vs, or spreads their Venome amongst vs, Thus (my Lord) by not bringing both Countries vnder One Standard, wee cannot have benefitt of any Act of Grace, though made never soe much to our Advantage.

My Lord, I aime not by this, to bring Maryland Subordinate to Virginia, But I desire they may bee both Soe, to King and Councell, nor doe I att all intend any thing in this a Complaint agt soe honoble a Person as his LOPP but rather Admire his prudent management, That never Omitts to improve the least occasion to his Advantage, I know (my Lord) it is his Lop interest to gett People to him, as it is ours, to fix them wth vs, for it is an vndoubted truth That the Riches of all Plantations cheifely consists in the well Peopling of them, ffor had wee Mexico and Perue vnder ground, and wanted People to bring it above Ground wee should for all that, remaine as poore and indigent, as though Planted on Bagshott Heath, the barrenest Peece I know.

Peace and Warr is vndoubtedly (my Lord) his

Maties Prerogative, in all his Dominions, If Virginia and Maryland have not the Same ffreinds and Enemies, wch allwayes they have not, it must of necessitie bee a Consequence, That att one time or other wee shall fight English and Indians, agt Indians and English, Soe that the reasonableness of this Proposition appeares in every pticular can bee imagined.

But (my Lord) after all I shall humbly follow that part of my Instructions to Acquiesse in yo' Lopp decission (for there the Countrie hath laid it) I would I has as well pformed the other part of soe fully Stateing their miserable Condition, That they might receave redresse for it;

Haveing expressed this zeale to his Maties Servis, and the Countries Good, I should bee loth to bee soe partiall to myselfe as not to remove the least Obstruction that any Interest of mine can bee to either, I therefore (my Lord) most humbly p'sent you wth my Comission, desireing of yo' LOPP That when there is a ffort built, for it hath beene a Castle only in the Ayre this 30 yeares) yo' LoPP will bee pleased that my nephew Charles Morisson may have the comand, a Youth every way (if my neerenes to him doth not make mee misstake) capeable of the Place, my Lord of ffawkland gott it for his ffather, the only compensation any of vs had, for the Lievtenantshipp of the Ordnance purchased by my ffather, and settled vpon my elder Brother, by the Composition with S Edward Villers for Munster, and disposed of by his Ma to S William Heydon wth a promise to conferre vpon my Brother a place of equall Vallew, But (my Lord) I intend not to Capitulate but most freely render it vpp, leaving both my Selfe and nephew to yo Lopps Goodnes and ever remaineing


yo' Lopps most humble and Dutyfull Servant

and Creature


If yo Lo pleases to pervse this it will lessen yo' Lop trowble in my dispatch.

Endorsed" An Addresse to his Lo vpon the goeing a way of the last Shipp this Yeare for Virginia. 1665."




Being uncertaine whether any vessell hath arrived in safety with Letters from mee in twelue moneths past, & hearing that Colonell Cartwright was taken at Sea & carryed into Spaine, I haue long resolved to send this expresse in relation to the whole Affayres wherein I am so deepely concern'd, but from the beginning of November till now wee haue beene frozen up, which hath not happed formerly in mans Memory, The upper parts of Hudsons Riuer are not yet open, from whence I expect very considerable newes every houre, which will deserue a perticular relation. My Lord I haue herewith sent the Copies of all the Transactions at Boston & according to Instructions remitted them to the Secretary of State wherein will appeare the obstinacy of their few Rulers to comply with his Mates just demands for Justice between Man & Man, & a shuffling sort of discowrse to evade the discovery of their hearts So that wee were necessitated to bring their Allegiance to the Touchstone in M Deanes Case, finding that in other matters of Lesse Consequence they did onely contriue Delayes with faire words to put the Countrey to great Charge & make the people weary of hearing from his Ma", & in briefe to represent to his Mayes best subjects in America for no small burden that their Courts should bee held so long together; By this meanes they do hope to render any Message from his Ma' dis-agreeable to the humo of the People, The papers will shew how farre & in what Method wee proceeded in Treaty with them, but wee ceas't after they had by sound of Trumpett publish't their Manifesto, because they disown'd us for a Cot & would bee their owne Interprets & Judges in all Cases. This Manifesto of theirs might haue drawne ill Consequences upon vs for t'was ordered to bee read at yo doore

of the house where wee were mett together, & so it was accordingly performed, with a great Rabble of people attending, but the people were more civill then their great men imagined they would haue proov'd after such a publicke Invectiue against us, howeuer wee were sufficiently exposed to danger. Thus ended our affaires at Boston so that as Comission' wee haue setled onely the bounds of the three Colonyes of Conecticutt Plymouth & Rhode Island & yett haue not fully visited Conecticutt where indeed at our coming there will not bee two dayes worke for us, & not the least appearance of a refractory disposition in them, nor any considerable Complaints made against their Policy.

My Lord I haue according to yo! Lordshipps Comands of the of ffebruary used all my Endeavor to keepe up the spiritts both of the Merchants Planters & Souldy's in dayly hopes of the supplyes mentioned, I haue run my selfe into debt both here & at Boston, I haue consum'd a considerable sume which I brought of my owne, I haue charged my small Estate & friends in England with neare two thousand pounds sterling by bills of Exchange, wherein I have manifested my utmost power to discharge the trust reposed in mee by his Royall Highnesse with faithfullnesse & Reputation knowing that his Royall Highnesse will not suffer mee to perish under the burden, for had I not thus engaged my selfe & friends, The souldy must haue either perisht and with them his Mates Interest, or by them the Planters must haue beene eaten out, who haue enough worke to support their owne meane Conditions & ffamilyes; Our neighbours of Boston haue made good use of our Necessityes in raysing the price of their Goods, but this poore Colony hold downe their heads & see their feet & Leggs without shoes & stockings, or shirts to their backs, & all meane Necessaryes at an Invincible Rate; I cannot with modesty expresse all perticulars least I should seeme to doubt of that Consideration which is due to this place, & may probably haue miscarryed in the voyage hither

the last Yeare.

My Lord I haue severall wayes wrote to yo! Lordship the true state of this place & Delaware, but now the bearer hereof Ensigne Stocke who hath served at Delaware as Comissary ever since the Reduction of the ffort, will (viva voce) informe yo! Lordship most perticularly in the affayres & Interests of that place. My Lord some few yeares past the West Indya Company tooke Delaware from the Sweedes & annext it to this Government, but finding the charge thereof to exceed the Revenew, they made sale thereof to the Burgemasters of Amsterdam upon certaine Conditions, One whereof is very necessary to bee preseru'd, which was that the Burgemasters should not challenge any propriety or priviledge of Trade or planting further then ten miles from the East or North East side of Delaware Riuer, & the west Indya Company also obliged themselues not to clayme any Propriety or priviledge within that Precinct, but to content themselues with the trade & Emoluments which should arise neare or from Hudsons Riuer & the adjacent parts; To the End that diversity of Interests & Constitutions, might not interrupt both their well layd foundations.

Now so it is that his Royall Highnes by misinformations and such specious pretences (wherewith My Lord Berkely & S: George Carteret haue beene themselues misled) hath giuen by Indenture the whole & onely Tract of Land which in progresse of time would haue ennobled his Territoryes & enricht this place, but that is not all, for the west side of Delaware Riuer where the ffort stands, & all the Plantations are seated, is by this Late Graunt so straitly pent up with the Lord Baltimores Patent to the westward, that whereas they haue formerly cutt their Hay upon the East side of the Riuer which is now denyed them, of Necessity they must remoue their stations. Thus at once hath his Royall Highnesse undone two fayre Colonyes, & twill bee soone found that the new Colony of New Jersey will fall of it selfe, for in grasping at too much in ye first setling, the whole will bee lost. I begg pardon for

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