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Agnatio sui heredis, II. 131
Alienation, II. 80-85
Alluvion, II. 70

Animus domini, II. 89 n.
revertendi, II. 68

Aquae et ignis interdictio, I. 128
Aquaeductus, II. 15

Aquilian stipulation, III. 170 n.
Arbiter, IV. 163–163

Arrogatio, I. 99, 107, App. p. 348
Atrox injuria, III. 224
Auctor, IV. 15 n.
Auctoratus, III. 199


Auctoritas tutoris, I. 190, II. 80, 85,
112, III. 43, 107-109

[blocks in formation]

Cautio, III. 134 n.

Cedere diem, II. 244 2.
Census, II. 274

Centumviri, IV. 31, 95, App. p. 357
Certa pecunia credita, III. 78 n.,
124, IV. I, 13, 171

Cessio bonorum, App. p. 351

in jure, 1. 134 N., II. 24, 96
- hereditatis, II. 34-37, III. 85-87
(to what matters applicable), II.
28 et seqq.

— tutelae, I. 168
Chirograph, III. 134

Civis Romanus libertinus dying a
Latin, III. 72, 73

Codices expensi et accepti, III. 128 n.
Codicil, II. 270 α, 273

Coemptio, 1. 113-115, 136
Cognatio, I. 156, III. 24

Cognitor, II. 39, 252, IV. 83, 97,

IOI, 124

Collectio causae, IV. 15
Comitia calata, II. 101
Commodatum, III. 206, IV. 47
Communio incidens, App. p. 355
Compensatio, III. 182 n., IV. 63-68
Condemnatio, IV. 43, 44, 48—53, 57
Condere leges, I. 7, IV. 30
Condiction, II. 79, IV. 5, 18, 19
Confarreatio, I. 112

Confusio, III. 182 n.

Consanguinei, III. 10
Consilium, 1. 18

Consobrini, III. 10, 14

Constituta pecunia, IV. 171

Constitutio, I. 5

Constitutum, IV. 171 n., App. p. 354
Contract, III. d9 n.

Contracts consensual, III.


135 et

Contracts litteral, III. 128-134
Contracts real, III. 90, 91
Contracts verbal, III. 92 et seqq.
Conubium, I. 56 n., 77, 79, II. 241
Conventio in manum, I. 108-116,
III. 14, 83, 84
Convicium, III. 220 n.
Cretio, II. 164-178, 190

certorum dierum, II. 171-173
continua, II. 172
imperfecta, II. 177 n.

- vulgaris, II. 171–173
Culpa lata et levis, III. 207 n.
Curatio, I. 197 n., II. 64
Curia, App. p. 352

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Decretum, I. 5 n.

Decretum (as distinguished from In-
terdictum), IV. 140
Decurio, II. 195, App. p. 352
Deductio, III. 182 n., IV. 65-68
Deliberandi potestas, II. 162, 163
Demonstratio, IV. 40, 44, 58–60
Denuntiatio, IV. 15
Depositum, III. 207, IV. 47, 60
Diem cedere, II. 244 n.
Diem venire, II. 244 N.
Diminutio capitis, 1. 159-153
Disherison (express), II. 127-134
inter caeteros, II. 134, 135

of emancipated children, II. 135
Dispensator, I. 122, III. 160 n.
Dolus bonus, IV. 21 n.

Dolus malus, III. 207 n., IV. 21 n.
Domínium, II. 40, App. p. 347


of provincial lands, 11. 46

Donatio propter nuptias, App. p. 351

mortis causâ, II. 225

Dos, I. 178, II. 63
Dotis datio, III. 95 n.

Dupli actio, IV. 171

Duplicatio, IV. 127
Dupondius, I. 122


Edict of the Praetor, I. 6
Edictum (of the Emperor), I. 5 n.
Editio actionis, App. p. 359
Emancipation, I. 132

Emphyteusis, III. 145 n., App. p.

Emptio-venditio, III. 139—141
Exceptio, IV. 115-125
cognitoria, IV. 124

dilatoria, IV. 120, 122-125

- doli mali, II. 73 n., 76, 77, 78,

120, 198, III. 168, 1v. 116, 121
- litis dividuae, IV. 56, 122

metus causa, IV. 121


Exceptio non numeratae pecuniae,
III. 134 1.


pacti conventi, IV. 116—126
peremptoria, IV. 120, 121, 125
rei in judicium deductae, III. 181,
IV. 106, 107, 121

rei judicatae, III. 181, IV. 106,
107, 121

rei residuae, IV. 122
Exercitor, IV. 71

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arbitraria, IV. 163

certa et incerta, IV. 49-52, 54
in factum concepta, IV. 46, 47
in jus concepta, IV. 45, 47
praejudicialis, IV. 44

Fratres patrueles, III. 10
Freedmen, classes of, 1. 12

Freedmen (qualifications requisite
to make them Roman citizens), I.

Fructus licitatio, IV. 166—169
Furti vitium, II. 45, 49-51
Furtum, III. 183, 195–208, IV. 4
conceptum, III. 186, 191
manifestum, III. 184, 189, 194
nec manifestum, III. 185—190
oblatum, III. 187, 191
prohibitum, III. 188, 192

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Heredis institutio, II. 116, 117
Heres ab intestato, III. I et seqq.
(first degree, suus heres),


III. I-8

(second degree, agnatus),
III. 9-16

(third degree, gentilis), III.


extraneus, II. 161

legitimus, II. 149 n.

must not be uncertain, II. 242
necessarius, II. 37, 58, 153-155
suus et necessarius, II. 156-158,
186-188, III. 2—6


Ignominia, IV. 60 n., 182

Imperium merum et mixtum, III.
181 n.

In jus vocatio, IV. 183, App. p. 359
In possessione esse, IV. 153 n.
Incerta persona, II. 238
Indebiti solutio, III. 91

Infamia IV. 60 n., 182

Infanti proximus, III. 208 n.
Infitiatio, II. 282

Ingenui, 1. 16

[blocks in formation]

- of dediticii, III. 74-76

of freedmen, III. 39-42
of freed women, III. 43, 44
of Latins, III. 56—71

on intestacy, III. I et seqq.
(praetorian), III. 25-31

Injuria, III. 220-222

atrox, III. 224

Innominate real contracts, III. 144
n., App. p. 355

Inofficiosum testamentum, II. 127 n.
Institor, IV. 71

Institution of the heir, II. 116, 117
Intentio, IV. 41, 44, 54-56

Inter caeteros, (disherison), II. 128,

Interdict, IV. 138-170

Interdictio aquae et ignis, I. 90, 128
Interdictum adipiscendae possessio-
nis, IV. 144

de precario, App. p. 354
duplex, IV. 156, 160
ne vis fiat, IV. 145

[blocks in formation]

Judex, App. 362


Judicatum solvi satisdatio, IV. 25
Judicium, calumniae, IV. 174-176,
178-181, 186

contrarium, IV. 174, 177–181
familiae erciscundae, II. 219, 222
fructuarium, IV. 169

imperio continens, III. 181, IV.

legitimum, III. 181, IV. 103—109
Junian Latins, I. 22, III. 56
Jurisdictio, III. 181 n., App. p. 358
Jurisprudentes, I. 7

Jus altius tollendi, II. 31, IV. 3
civile and jus gentium, I. I
liberorum, I. 194


postliminii, I. 129, 187

prospiciendi, IV. 3

Quiritium, 1. 54, 167, II. 40, 88,

III. 80

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[ocr errors]

238, 241

- per damnationem, II. 201-208,
III. 175

per praeceptionem, II. 216-223
per vindicationem, II. 193-200
· poenae nomine, II. 235, 236
· post mortem heredis, II. 232

sinendi modo, II. 209-215

· subsequent alienation of, II. 198
to an uncertain person, II. 238
to one in the potestas of the heir,
II. 244

to one having the heir in his
potestas, 11. 245

to posthumous stranger, II. 241
under condition, II. 200, 244
various kinds of, App. p. 353
vesting of a, II. 195, 204, 213
Legatarii conjuncti, App. p. 352
Legatee, partiary, II. 254

Legis actiones, I. 184, II. 24, IV. II,

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Lex Junia, I. 22, 167, II. 110, 275,
III. 56

— Junia Velleia, II. 134
Marcia, IV. 23


Mensia, I. 79 n.

Papia Poppoea I. 145, 194, II.
III., 206-208, 286, III. 42, 44,
46, 47, 50-53

Pinaria, IV. 15, App. p. 356
Poetilia, III. 78 n.

Pompeia, III. 123

Publilia (de sponsu), III. 127, IV.

[blocks in formation]


Mancipium, I. 116–123, 135 a, 138
—141, II. 90, 102, IV. 79, 80,
App. p. 347


distinction between m. and ma-
nus, I. 123

Mandatum, III. 155-162

Manumission, I. 17, 20, 36

by census, 1. 16, 140

by testament, I. 43

lawful causes for, I. 38, 39
Manus, I. 108—116, 11. 90, IV. 80,
App. p. 347

and potestas coexisting, 1. 136
consertio, IV. 16 n.

– injectio, IV. 21-25

pro judicato, IV. 22
pura, IV. 23

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Peculium, II. 106 n., III. 56
Pecunia certa credita, III. 78 n., 124,

IV. I, 13, 171

Per capita, per stirpes, III. 8, 16
Perceptio, II. 14, App. p. 350
Peregrini dediticii, 1. 14

Periculo (actio cum vel sine), IV. 162
Permutatio, III. 141

Peroratio, IV. 15

Persona, 1. 9, III. 160 n., IV. 183
-incerta, II. 238
Petitoria formula, IV. 92
Pignoris capio, IV. 26—29
Plagium, III. 199
Plebs defined, I. 3

Pledge-creditor, II. 64, III. 203
Plus-petitio, IV. 53-60

Populus defined, 1. 3

Possessio animo solo, IV. 153


bonâ fide, II. 43, 45, 50, 92—


-bonorum, II. 119, 120, 125, 126,

129, 135, III. 32, 33'.

- civilis, II. 51 n.

cum re aut sine re, II. 148, 149,
III. 35-37

-lucrativa, II. 52

per alium, II. 89, 90, 95 n, IV.
pro herede, II. 52, IV. 144
vitiosa, IV. 151

Postliminium, I. 129, 187
Postulatio judicis, App. p. 361
Postumus alienus, II. 241

heres, II. 130-132


Potestas coexisting with manus, I.


(over children), I. 55-57, 87, 88,
93, 94, II. 87, App. p. 347
-(over slaves), I. 52-54, II. 87
Praecarium, App. p. 35+


Praediator, II. 61

Praediatura, II. 61

Praedium, II. 61 n.

difference between urban and
rustic, I. 120, II. 14 N.
Praejudicium, IV. 94 n.
Praes, IV. 13, 16 n., 94
Praescriptio, IV. 130-137

Praeterition of adopted children, II.

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