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Officer of the Cuftoms, Register of mesne conveyances, a Clerk of either of the Courts of Juftice, Sheriff, Powder-receiver, Clerk of the Senate, House of Reprefentatives, or Privy-council, Surveyor-general or Commiffary of military ftores; which officers are hereby declared difqualified from being Members either of the Senate or Houfe of Reprefentatives.

XXI. And whereas the Minifters of the Gospel are, by their profeffion, dedicated to the fervice of God and the cure of fouls, and ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their function; therefore, no Minister of the Gospel, or public preacher, of any religious perfuafion, while he continues in the exercise of his paftoral function, and for two years after, fhall be eligible either as Governor, Lieutenant-governor, a Member of the Senate, House of Representatives, or Privycouncil in this State.

XXII. That the Delegates to represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States, be chofen annually, by the Senate and House of Representatives, jointly, by ballot, in the House of Representatives. And nothing contained


in this Conftitution fhall be conftrued to extend to vacate the feat of any Member who is or may be a Delegate from this State to Congrefs, as fuch.

XXIII. That the form of impeaching all officers of the State, for mal and corrupt conduct in their respective offices, not amenable to any other jurifdiction, be vefted in the House of Representatives: but, that it fhall always be neceffary, that two-third parts of the Members prefent do confent to, and agree in, fuch impeachment. That the Senators and fuch of the Judges of this State as are not Members of the House of Representatives, be a Court for the trial of impeachments, under fuch regulations as the legislature shall establish; and that, previous to the trial of every impeachment, the Members of the faid Court shall refpectively be fworn, truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in queftion, according to evidence. And no judgment of the faid Court, except judgment of acquittal, fhall be valid, unless it shall be affented to by two-third parts of the Members then present. And on every trial, as well on impeachments as others, the party accused shall be allowed Counsel.

XXIV. That

XXIV. That the Lieutenant-governor of the State, and a majority of the Privy-council, for the time being, fhall, until otherwife altered by the legislature, exercise the powers of a Court of Chancery. And there shall be Ordinaries appointed in the feveral diftricts in this State, to be chofen by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives, jointly, by ballot, in the House of Representatives, who fhall, within their refpective districts, exercife the powers heretofore exercised by the Ordinary: and until such appointment is made, the present Ordinary, in Charlestown, fhall continue to exercife that office as heretofore.

XXV. That the jurifdiction of the Court of Admiralty be confined to maritime causes.

XXVI. That Juftices of the Peace shall be nominated by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives, jointly, and commiffioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief during pleafure. They fhall be intitled to receive the fees heretofore established by law; and not acting in the magiftracy, they fhall not be intitled to the privileges allowed to them by law.

XXVII. That all other judicial officers shall be chosen by ballot, jointly, by the Senate and


House of Representatives, and, except the Judges of the Court of Chancery, commiffioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief during good behaviour; but shall be removed on addrefs of the Senate and House of Reprefentatives.

XXVIII. That the Sheriffs, qualified as by law directed, fhall be chofen in like manner, by the Senate and House of Representatives, when the Governor, Lieutenant-governor, and Privy-council are chofen, and commiffioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief for two years; and shall give fecurity, as required by law, before they enter on the execution of their office. No Sheriff who fhall have ferved for two years, fhall be eligible to ferve in the faid office, after the expiration of the faid term, until the full end and term of four years, but hall continue in office until fuch choice be made: nor fhall any perfon be eligible as Sheriff, in any district, unless he shall have refided therein for two years previous to the election.

XXIX. That two Commiffioners of the Treasury, the Secretary of the State, the Regifters of mefne conveyances in each district, Attorney

Attorney-general, Surveyor-general, Powderreceiver, Collectors and Comptrollers of the Customs, and Waiters, be chofen in like manner, by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives, jointly, by ballot, in the Houfe of Representatives, and commiffioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief for two years. That none of the faid officers refpectively, who fhall have ferved for four years, shall be eligible to serve in the faid offices after the expiration of the faid term, until the full end and term of four years, but fhall continue in office until a new choice he made: provided, that nothing herein contained shall extend to the feveral perfons appointed to the above offices refpectively, under the late Conftitution. And that the prefent, and all future Commiffioners of the Treafury, and Powder-receivers, fhall each give bond, with approved fecurity, agreeable to law.

XXX. That all the officers in the army and navy of this State, of and above the rank of Captain, fhall be chofen by the Senate and House of Representatives, jointly, by ballot, in the House of Reprefentatives, and commiffioned

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