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Council fhall have a Secretary, and keep fair books of their proceedings, wherein any Councillor may enter his diffent, with his reafons in fupport of it,

XXI. All commiffions fhall be in the name and by the authority of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fealed with the State-feal, figned by the President or VicePrefident, and attefted by the Secretary, which feal fhall be kept by the Council.

XXII. Every Officer of State, whether judicial or executive, fhall be liable to be impeached by the General Affembly, either when in office, or after his refignation, or removal for mal-administration. All impeachments shall be before the Prefident or Vice-Prefident and Council, who fhall hear and determine the fame.

XXIII. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature fhall have fixed falaries; be commiffioned for seven years only, though capable of re-appointment at the end of that term, but removable for mifbehaviour at any time by the General Affembly: they shall not be allowed to fit as Members in the Continental Congrefs, Executive Council, or General Affembly, nor to hold any other office, civil or mili

tary; nor to take or receive fees or perquifites

of any kind.

XXIV. The Supreme Court, and the feveral Courts of Common Pleas of this Com

monwealth, fhall, befides the powers ufually exercised by fuch Courts, have the powers of a Court of Chancery, fo far as relates to the perpetuating teftimony, obtaining evidence from places not within this State, and the care of the perfons and eftates of those who are non compotes mentis, and fuch other powers as may be found neceffary by future General Affemblies, not inconfiftent with this Conftitution.

XXV. Trials fhall be by jury as heretofore: and it is recommended to the legislature of this State, to provide by law against every corruption or partiality in the choice, return, or appointment of juries,

XXVI. Courts of Seffions, Common Pleas, and Orphans Courts fhall be held quarterly in each city and county; and the legislature shall have power to establish all fuch other Courts as they may judge for the good of the inhabitants of the State. All Courts fhall be open, and justice shall be impartially administered, without corruption or unneceffary delay, All their


officers fhall be paid an adequate but moderate compenfation for their fervices; and if

any officer fhall take greater or other fees than the laws allow him, either directly or indirectly, it fhall ever after difqualify him from holding any office in this State.

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XXVII. All profecutions fhall commence in the name and by the authority of the freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania; and all indictments fhall conclude with these words, Against the peace and dignity of the fame. The style of all process hereafter in this State fhall be, THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA.

XXVIII. The perfon of a debtor, where there is not a ftrong prefumption of fraud, fhall not be continued in prifon, after delivering up, bona fide, all his eftate real and perfonal, for the use of his creditors, in fuch manner as shall be hereafter regulated by law. All prifoners shall be bailable by fufficient fureties, unlefs for capital offences, when the proof is revident, or prefumption great.

7 XXIX. Exceffive bail fhall not be exacted for bailable offences: and all fines fhall be moderate.

XXX. Justices of the Peace shall be elected



by the freeholders of each city and county respectively, that is to fay, two or more perfons may be chofen for each ward, township, or diftrict, as the law fhall hereafter direct their names fhall be returned to the Prefident in Council, who fhall commiffionate one or more of them for each ward, township, or district fo returning, for feven years, removable for misconduct by the General Affembly. But if

any city or county, ward, township, or district in this Commonwealth, fhall hereafter incline to change the manner of appointing their Juftices of the Peace, as fettled in this article, the General Affembly may make laws to regulate the fame, agreeable to the delire of a majority of the freeholders of the city or county, ward, township, or district fo applying. No Justice of the Peace shall fit in the General Affembly, unless he first refign his commiffion; nor shall he be allowed to take any fees, nor any falary or allowance, except such as the future legislature may grant,

XXXI, Sheriffs and Coroners shall be elected annually in each city and county by the freemen; that is to fay, two perfons for each office, one of whom for each, is to be commif

fioned by the Prefident in Council. No perfon fhall continue in the office of Sheriff more than three fucceffive years, or be capable of being again elected during four years afterwards. The election shall be held at the fanie time and place appointed for the election of Reprefentatives and the Commiffioners and Affeffors, and other officers chofen by the people, fhall alfo be then and there elected, as has been ufual heretofore, until altered or otherwise regulateḍ by the future legislature of this State,

XXXII. All elections, whether by the people or in General Affembly, fhall be by ballot, free and voluntary; and any elector who fhall receive any gift or reward for his vote, in meat, drink, monies, or otherwise, shall forfeit his right to elect for that time, and suffer fuch other penalty as future laws fhall direct. And any person who shall directly or indirectly give, promife, or bestow any fuch rewards to be elected, shall be thereby rendered incapable to ferve for the ensuing year.

XXXIII. All fees, licence money, fines, and forfeitures heretofore granted or paid to the Governor, or his deputies, for the fupport of Government, fhall hereafter be paid in to the

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