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Get 20.1926

Wilbers J. Lang


THERE has been, since the time of the gifted Erasmus, a great deal of eloquent writing on Peace; and the following pages contain the best productions on the subject not only of past ages, but of our own. No theme has ever waked a purer or loftier inspiration; and on no topic in the whole range of morals, theology, or general literature, can there be found finer specimens of taste and eloquence. We have also culled from a wide as well as luxuriant field;from the gardens of intellect and learning in both hemispheres, from some of the best writers in the last three centuries, from men of every faith, Protestant and Catholic, Orthodox and Unitarian, Episcopal, Baptist and Presbyterian. The subject is itself a sort of Delos, whither the best spirits of every party, creed and clime gather to blend in sweet and hallowed sympathy; and these pages exhibit a constellation of the peaceful pleiads pouring their mingled. splendors on this common theme of religion, humanity and Christian patriotism.

We have studied the utmost brevity possible, and have sometimes condensed quite a volume into a short essay, without the omission of any essential argument, illustration or fact. Some of these tracts are of necessity selections, yet give both the sentiments and language of their respective authors. We have only condensed for the sake of greater brevity, economy and force. The work is truly multum in parvo, a thesaurus of information on peace,

containing a far greater amount of facts, statistics and arguments on its various topics, than our own or any other language can furnish in thrice the compass.

Hardly any references are given, because they could not be without occupying too much space for such a work; but we have authority, good and ample, for the most astounding statements in this volume, and our readers may rely on the substantial accuracy of them all. We cannot flatter ourselves, that they will assent at once to every position here taken on a subject so vast, and of such various aspects and bearings; but we feel quite sure, that every intelligent, fairminded Christian will readily respond to nine in ten, if not to ninety-nine in a hundred of the sentiments enforced, and that even in the remaining case there will be found a kind and Christian spirit, such as an Apostle would enjoin, and a martyr breathe.



G. C. B.

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