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Some circumstances have concurred to distinguish the Ken tucky revival most from others, of which we have had an ac count, I mean the largeness of the assemblies on sacramental occasions, -The length of time they continued on the ground in devotional exercises; and the great numbers who have fallen down under religious impressions, on each of these particulars I shall make

some remarks.

With respect to the largeness of the assemblies, it is generallysupposed, that at many places there were not fewer than 8, 10, or 12,000 people. At a place called Cane Ridge meeting-house, many are of opinion, there were at least 20,000; there were 140 waggons which came loaded with people, besides other wheelcarriages. Some persons had come 200 miles. The largeness of these assemblies was an inconvenience, they were too numerous to be addressed by one speaker; it therefore became necessary for several ministers to officiate at the same time at derent stands : this afforded an opportunity to those who were but lighly impressed with religion, to wander to and fro between the different places of worship, which created an appearance of confusion, and gave ground to such as were unfriendly to the work, to charge it with disorder. Another cause also conduced to the same effect: about this time the people began to fall down in great numbers, under serious impressions. This was a new ti ng among Presbyte rians it excited universal astonishment, and created a curiosity which could not be restrained, when people fell even during the most solemn parts of divine service. Those who wood near, were so extremely anxious to see how they were anected, that they often crowded about them so as to disturb the worship. But these causes of disorder were soon removed; different sacraments were appoisted on the same Sabbath, which divided the people, and the falling down became so familiar, as to excite no disturbance.

In October I attended three Sacraments; at each there were supposed to be 4 or 5000 people; and every thing was conducted with strict propriety. When persons fell, those who were near took care of them; and every thing continued quiet until the worship was concluded.

The length of time that people continue at the places of worship, is another important circumstance of the Kentucky revival. At Cane Ridge they met on Friday, and continued till Wednesday evening, night and day without intermission, either in public or private exercises of devotion; and with such earnestness, that heavy showers of rain were not sufficient to disperse them. On other sacramental occasions they generally continued on the ground until Monday or Iuesday evening; and had not the preachers been exhausted and obliged to retire, or had they chosen to prolong the worship, they might have kept the people any length of time they pleased; and all this was, or might have been done, in a country where less than twelve months before, the clergy found it difficult to detain the people during the usual exercises of the Sabbath. The practice of encamping on the ground was introduced, partly by necessity, and partly by inclination; the assemblies were generally too large to be received by any common neighbourhood; every thing indeed was done, which hospitality and brotherly kindness could do, to accommodate the people; public and private houses were opened, and free invitations given to all persons who wished

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to retire. Farmers gave up their meadows before they were mown, to supply the horses; yet, notwithstanding all this liberality, it would have been impossible, in many cases, to have accommodated the whole assemblies with private lodgings: but, besides, the people were unwilling to suffer any interruption in their devotions; and they formed an trachment to the place where they were continually seeing so many careless sinners receiving their first impressions, and so many Deists constrained to call on the formerly de spised me of Jesus they conceived a sentiment like what facob felt in Bethel :-" Surety the Lord is in this place. - This is none other but the house of God; and this is the gate of Heaven."

[Here we are sorry to be under the necessity of dividing this very important letter, which will be concluded in our next.]

Copy of a Letter from Dr. Stillman, of Boston, to the Kev. Mr. Frunkiin, of Coventry.

Dear Sir, Boston, June 8, 1802. YOURS of January last came safe; for which I thank you. Be assured, my dear Sir, your letter gave me pleasure, and rendered all apology from you unnecessary. The Lord has done great things for his church in this country within a few years. It is about five or six years since many Christians, of different denominations, engaged in a quarterly concert of prayer, since which, the Lord hath, in answer to prayer, gloriously revived his own work. The periodical publications among us, which I suppose you see, will give you a more particular account of these things than I can do; especially with my numerous avocations. Some of these, I hope, Mr. F. hath sent you. In different parts of our country there have been great revivals of religion. But the most remarkable work of God hath been carried on in Kentucky, which lies in the western country, where the people were extremely ignorant and wicked. But when the Lord works, who can let it? If I can procure the pamphlet that contains the account of this work, I will deliver it to Mr. F. for you We are told, that whole families left home for a week together, to attend the preaching:-that there were about 20,000 together in the woods at one time; and that several preachers were engaged to preach to them at the same time, in de tached parties, a small distance from each other: - that there were seen 500 communicants at one table; and that hundreds were hopefully wrought upon: among them, some of the most violent opposers of the work! The wilderness hath indeed blossomed as the rose! In several other places we have seen great things of the same kind.

It has been a pleasing circumstance, that while the principles of infidelity have been more general than ever, and the enemy hath Come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord hath lifted up a standard against him. I do not recollect any period in which Christianity hath been so successful, as it hath been since the uncomm in prevalence of infiuelity. The Devil has wrought, but the glorious Lead of the Church hath had him in derision. Let God have all the glory for ever!

Remember my most affectionate regard to that good old servant of the church, Mr. Butterworth. May his last days be his best ! I wish you great success in your ministry, in order to which, you know you must preach Jesus Christ, and him crucified. We must also live under the constant influence of divine things. May the 3 Da Lord

Lord hold you as a star in his right hand, and make you wise to win souls! Peace be with you and yours!

I remain your affectionate friend and brother,
in our divine Redeemer,

Write often.

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WE, the Chiefs and Young Men of the Tuscarora Nation, wish to speak a few words in your ears. We are very happy that the Great Spirit has protected you and us, so that we meet together this day at our fire-place! We also thank the Great Spirit that he has put it into the hearts of the Directors of the Missionary Society to pity us, and send you again to visit us! We also thank the Great Spirit that he has preserved our chiefs and warriors, so that we are able to meet you again in council.

Father, we now thank you and the Missionary Society, that you have brought a schoolmaster with you, to teach our children to read and write, and to learn our people to sing praises to the Great Spirit. He is our brother; we receive him in love. We will all be kind to him, and use him well, as long as he will be a good man; but if he should be a bad man, we will let you know it; for we think you do not want a bad man amongst us: we are bad enough ourselves, we do not want any bad man to live among us!

Fathers and Brothers, we thank you for your instructions; we have received your instructions. We used to think that there was no difference in days; but now we are convinced that we ought to keep the Sabbath as holy time; and we are determined hereafter to rest on that day, and keep it as holy time, to serve the Great Spirit in.

Fathers and Brothers, you know we are poor; we can do but little ourselves: we would be very happy if the Missionary Society would assist us to have a house to worship in, and for a school-house.

Fathers and Brothers, we will now let you know that our nation is much scattered; some are at North Carolina; a few at Oneida ; and others at Grand River, in the British dominions. We wish to have them all collected together in this place, that they might be instructed in the gded ways of Christians, and have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them.

Fathers and Brothers, we will now let you know that our desire is that we may have constant instruction, in the ways of the Great Spirit, lest we grow weak; and we wish that you would not be discouraged, and not forsake us because of our wickedness. We expect there is One above that will judge us, if we do not forsake all our eyil ways. We hope and wish we may be faithful to hearken to your instructions, and try to do all the good we can to our nation. If evil men among us should try to disturb us, and hinder us from doing good, we will try to shut our ears, and not listen to them; but try to keep on in the straight good path.

Father, we now let you know that we will leave it to the young warrior to speak last, and deliver this belt of Wampum to you, to send to the Missionary Society, as a token of our love and friend. ship with them.

Then the young warrior took the belt and spoke as follows,
and delivered it to Mr. Holmes;

Fathers and Brothers,

We deliver this belt, according to the custom of our feathers,


as a token of peace and friendship, which we wish may continue as long as the sun shines and trees grow; and that our nation may have the Gospel preached to them as long as the world shall [Signed by Eleven Chiefs and Warriors.] ́


Niagara, Aug. 29 and 31, 1801

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WEST KENT. The half-yearly meeting of the Brethren in this district, was held, April 13, at Maidstone, when two sermons were preached; the former by Mr. John Stanger, jun. on Psalm cx. 3. ; and the latter by Mr. Podmore, of Tunbridge, on Titus iii. 8.; and Mess. Arnold, Beaufoy, Fowler, Slatterie, &c. engaged in prayer.

The next meeting is to be held at Maidstone, on Tuesday Nov. 2; Messrs. Gooding and Fowler are appointed to preach, or, in case of failure, Messrs. Kent and Rogers.

The EAST KENT Association met at Ashford April 21; Mr. Newman preached in the morning from John iii. 8.; Mr. George Townsend in the evening, from 2 Tim. 1.; Mr. Cramp, the evening preceding, from 2 Thess. iii. 1- The next Association will be held October 6, at Dover; Mr. Gurteen, of Canterbury, and Mr. Atkinson, of Margate, are appointed to preach.

JUNE 23, the associated ministers of the church of DEVON assembled at the Rev. Mr. Allen's, Exeter; Messrs. Varder, of Ottery; Mends, of Plymouth; and Evans, of Appledore, prayed; sermon by Mr. W. Rooker, of Tavistock, from 1 Cor. xiv. 37.; address to the churches, Mr. Lavington, of Biddeford. In the evening, Mess. Taprell, of Barnstaple, and Winton, of Exmouth, prayed; and Mr. Jones, of Plymouth-dock, preached from Heb. xiii. 9.

On the preceding evening, Messrs. Cracknell, of Weymouth, and Denner, of Totness, prayed; and Mr. Gibbons, of Honiton, preached.

To the Editor.

SIR, I should be obliged to you to insert in your Magazine the annexed Plan of a Benevolent Society, for the Relief of Necessitous Widows and Orphans of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, and also of such Ministers as, through Age or Infirmities, may be incapacitated for public Service, in the County of SUFFOLK. It hath now been acted upon twelve Years; in which Time a Fund hath been raised of about 17001., and upwards of 10001. distributed for the Relief of those for whose Benefit the Society was formed. In the Year 1800, the Dissenters in Norfolk adopted a similar Plan; their Fund already amounts to 7501.; and it is much to be desired that such Societies were formed in every County throughout the Kingdom. Yours, &c.

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W. B.

PLAN.It is proposed to raise a Fund in the following Manner, viz. I. By annual subscriptions. In which class, every minister subscribing half a guinea, and every other person one guinea, or upwards, shall be a member of this society, have a right to vote in its determinations, and take a concern in its transactions.

II. By benefactions. In this class, every minister advancing the sum of five guineas, and every other person ten guineas, in one payment, shall be considered a member for life.

III. By an annual collection in every congregation of Protestant Dissenters throughout the county.

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The Extent and Application of the Fund.

It is proposed that the capital stock of this society shall not ulti mately be less than one thousand pounds; for which purpose; three-fourths of all the subscriptions, benefactions under tes pounds, and collections (the current expences being deducted) together with the whole of the benefactions of ten pounds and upwards, and legacies, shall be vested in the names of at least four trustees for this society, who shall, from time to time, place out the same on real or government securities, in this country or America; and as often as their number shall be reduced to two, two others at least shall be chosen, at the next general meeting of this society; to whom the survivors shall transfer, in conjunction with themselves, whatever monies and securities remain in their hands.

The remaining fourth part of the subscriptions, benefactions under ten pounds, and collections, with the produce of the fund, may be applied annually, to relieve such necessitous cases as occur; and, as soon as the one thousand pounds shall be realized, then the whole of the subscriptions, benefactions, collections, legacies, and produce of the fund, may, in like manner, be applied for the benevolent purposes of this society.

The only persons to be relieved by this institution, shall be the Necessitous Widows and Orphans of Protestant Dissenting Ministers; who were stated preachers in this county, and members of this society at the time of their decease; and also such Ministers themselves, when, through age or infirmities, incapable of public service. Notwithstanding the restriction of the former clause, this society shall have power to relieve the Widows and Orphans of those Ministers who were stated preachers in this county at the time of their deccase, and who died prior to its institution, always giving the preference to the Widows and Orphans of those Ministers who were members of this society.

Any minister removing out of this county, shall receive back the money he hath paid to the treasurer, either for his subscriptions or benefactions; and shall no longer be a member of this society, notwithstanding the clause stating his being considered a member for life, in consequence of a benefaction of five guineas.

A general meeting of this society shall be held once every year, at some convenient place, to be agreed upon at the preceding meeting; at which a chairman being chosen, the accounts shall be audited, applications received, exhibitions granted, new officers chosen, and every other business of this society transacted.

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Officers for the present year. - Mr. W. Buck Bury, St. Edmonds, "Treasurer; Mess Tailer, Crabb, Cook, and Stammers, Trustees; Mr.W. Notcutt, Ipswich, Secretary.


In 1798 a society was formed among the Methodists lately in connection with Mr. Wesley, for the support of Sunday Schools, upon the plan of gratuitous teachers. This society has under its care three Sunday Schools, containing between 16 and 1700 children; and nearly seco children have been taught in them, for a shorter or longer period, since their establishment.

This society, originally instituted for the support of such schools in London, has extended its plan, and formed a committee for cor responding with persons in the country, with a view to establish schools on the same plan of employing gratuitous teachers only in


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