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fearning, and in the doctrines of the Gospel; whose support they engage to provide for. In another letter are the following passages: "The work of the Lord, by the ministry of Brother Manenberg, takes deep root in many hearts, so that sinners are convinced of their evil ways; despairing and self-condemned souls turn themselves to Christ; backsliders from God are restored; and mockers, yea, public blasphemers, are, through divine mercy, brought to consider their ways; the consequence of which is, that they not only give permission to their slaves to frequent the place of instruction, but express their solicitude about the progress they make.Thus the Lord gives a double blessing.

It will be recollected that the Missionaries Kicherer and Kramer had been strongly invited to preach the Gospel to the Corannas, a populous tribe residing (we believe) within the limits of British jurisdiction; they were accompanied by the English Missionary, Anderson, and by a person named Jacobus Schols, a man of very respectable abilities, and very useful to the brethren. No intelligence immediately from them has yet been received; but the Directors have been favoured with the copy of a letter from Kicherer to his friend Mr Krynaw, at the Cape, which is dated Zack River, 18th of April, 1801: a place where, it is supposed, they sojourned for a short time in their progress towards that of their desti nation. After giving to this friend a confidential and most interesting account of his spiritual conflicts, his inward trials and exercises, and the progress of divine grace in his soul, he adds: "For these few days past, we have been very agreeably situated here: the hunger and thirst after the word of life is very strong; the conflux of people is as we could wish; and the blessing resting on our testimony, beyond expectation. Many there are who appear to be brought to a sense of their undone state, and cry to us, as the jailor to Paul and Silas," Brethren, what shall we do to be saved?" The throne of the King of Zion is daily besieged by suppliants, and the rocks that encompass us, frequently resound with the voice of weeping and supplication to God. It seems probable, that the venerable Missionary Vanderkemp, has returned to Caffraria, in company with Brother Read, in the hope of being useful to the king of that country, who was very desirous of his return; yet, it seems likely that he will occasionally reside at Graaf Reinet, which is near the borders of Caffraria; because a piece of land has been appropriated to him there, of about four miles square; whereon it is intended that a few houses should be built, in order to plant there a church of Hottentots, and probably form an economy resembling that of the Moravian brethren at Bavian's Kloof.

The Missionary Society at Rotterdam continue their attention to the great object. Four Missionaries are now under preparatory instructions; concerning whose future usefulness, they express encouraging expectations. At Berlin also, there are now seven young men in the Missionary Seminary, some of whom are represented to be already qualified for entering into this service; and a strong desire is expressed, that they may be received under the superintendence of our Society.

In East Friesland also, the zeal to spread our Saviour's fame among the Heathen, burns bright: the Rev. Mr. Stracke writes to the Directors as follows: "Very large indeed is the number of the brethren in Germany, who bear you upon their hearts. For my part, not a day passes without my being transported in mind to England, especially its metropolis, and meeting the brethren whose names have come to my knowledge, and are deeply impressed on my memory.

We doubt not but these extracts will afford satisfaction to our readers,


and encourage the religious public to renewed exertions, as well as more carnest supplications, for the abundant success of this important work.

Since the above intelligence went to press, dispatches have been received from Dr. Vanderkemp and Mr. Read. Mr. Read, says, "On the roth of July, two captains from T'Geika, with a number of other Caffres, women and children, came to Graaff Reinet to inform us, that he was at the Great Fish River, on the borders of the colony, where he hoped we would come to him. One of the captains said, that Geika was continually crying, with longing to see Tinkhanna;" by which name they distinguish Dr. Vanderkemp.-They complied with his request, and, in a letter from Dr. Vanderkemp, dated August 27, he says "I am just arrived from my journey into Caffre-land with my dear Brother Read, who accompanied me. We took, according to the king's advice, some armed Hottentots with us, to protect us against the Abatoana, who infested that part of the country which is uninhabited, and lies next to the colony. Geika received us very friendly, and proposed to us to fix our habitation again in his land. He declared, That he wished to be instructed by us, leaving his subjects the liberty to follow, in this respect, the example of their sovereign, or not: but having nobody to whom we may commit the care of our rising and so much promising congregation," consisting of Hottentots and some other natives in this place, we are obliged to suspend the mission to Caffraria till we shall have assistance enough to answer both these intentions."

A Letter has also been received from Mr. John Eyre, Missionary at OTAHEITE; of which the following is a Copy :


Point Venus, Otaheite, Jan. 1, 1801.

Honoured Father! As I am once more favoured with an opportunity to write you a few lines, I gladly embrace the same; but, what shall I say? Can I employ my pen in relating some inroads upon Satan's kingdom, and happy conquests made for Christ? Patience, my soul, let thy God work as well as speak: "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" If I could administer any comfort to your soul, dear Sir, suited to your peculiar trials and disappointments, I would gladly do it: but need I despair? No, Sir; since I can refer you to that foundation from whence you have (I doubt not) many times drawn much solid peace, viz. “The Lord reigneth." God is great; and as there is no end of his greatness, so there is no searching of his understanding. "He that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?" What mind is there that can keep pace with those eyes that run to and fro through the earth? None but he who hath measured the water in the hollow of his hand, can direct to their final issue the tide of all human affairs. Surely, Jacob's judgment must be erroneous, or much beclouded, to say, “My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God," Though I take the liberty thus to write, dear Sir, I am persuaded you are yielding yourself to the Lord under every trial, as the clay to the potter, and the wax to the seal. What reply is left for us to make, if God is pleased to cross our purposes, that he might crown our souls with his loving favour, which is better than life, and make us thereby more wise to know and strong to do his will? That God who knows the mysterious depths of the human heart, and can remove its darkness by diffusing his light, and purge its filth by communicating renewed supplies of his spirit, he it is alone that can make darkness light, and crooked things straight.

I doubt not but the account you have received from our dear Brethren who were at the Friendly Islands; and what you have and will receive from

from Otaheite, have and will exceedingly try your every grace; but, I trust, it will lead us to strive more.

Our public letter will inform you of the outlines of our affairs. The island at present is in peace; and if it continues after the great meeting they are to have in a few weeks, we hope Pomarre's authority will be more established. The good wishes, and begun communication of his excellency Governor King, of New South Wales, we think, bears a favourable aspect towards our work. If peace continues, there appears to be a better opening for the settling of a well organized body of Missionaries on this, than on any uncolonized island in those seas. Pomarre has some rivals, and they are factious; and have been encouraged by some seamen who are on the island. If it should please the Lord to remove these, and establish Pomerre in his authority, it would be very favourable to our work and safety. Our sentiments, I think, are pretty well known all over the island, and by others who belong to the groupe. There is a great mortality in the island. The practice of killing children when born, is very common. Human sacrifices are countenanced, I think, only by the great people; for the common people seem to abhor the custom. Perhaps, Sir, when you read this, you may think it strange that when I wrote you by Capt. Clark, that I thought it not expedient for a present supply of Missionaries. The change, Sir, is in the circumstances, which cause me to alter my mind, and which, I think, are a good ground for my present views. We are truly in Satan's seat; and for young unmarried men to live untainted among these lascivious people, is to me a great thing, especially a few in number, not able to form a well disciplined body, which is of essential use in evangelizing Heathen nations. Solid single men, who have gained knowledge by experience, and godly families, forming a well-set body under a judicious father, might not only prove a blessing to this, but the neighbouring islands. Thus, Sir, I have made free to speak candidly my sentiments, submitting the whole to him, whom I pray to direct, in a peculiar manner, all who are concerned in sending the Gospel to the poor Heathen.

My wife joins with me in love to you, dear Sir, and Mrs. Eyre and family, hoping this will meet you all sharing largely the blessing of healthful bodies and thriving souls. I desire my dutiful respects to all the Directors of the Missionary Society; to our worthy dear Captain to this place, Mr. Wilson.

Permit me, Sir, to subscribe myself yours,

in the bonds of the Gospel and service of the Heathen. Rev. J. Eyre, Hackney,


The official letter above mentioned, has not yet been received; but a private letter of the same date has been received from Mr. Henry, another of the Missionaries, to the same effect as Mr. Eyre's. Mr. Henry adds, that the king of Huahcine had also strongly solicited a Mission to his island, under promises of protection, and with assurances of a readiness to be instructed. This, however, the brethren have been obliged to decline, on account of the smallness of their number.

Our readers may observe, these letters were dated earlier than it was possible for the Missionaries on board the Royal Admiral to reach Otaheite.


The Dundee Missionary Society, by Rev. Mr. Colquhoun £700


** The Annual Meeting of the Missionary Society will be held on the Second Wednesday in May, and Two following Days; when the fol lowing Ministers are engaged to preach: - Mr. Lowell, of Bristol; Mr. Mason, of New York; Mr. Townsend, of Ramsgate; and Dr. Hawker, of Plymouth.



Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Y. of Jedburgh,
dated March 9, 1802.

"I am sorry to wound your feelings by the recital of an heavy dis pensation of Providence which befel us, on Sabbath week, at Newtown communion. The morning was uncommonly fine. A great number of people assembled. I never saw the house so crowded. Our brother, Mr. E. was going on with his sermon : about the middle of it, he perceived some dust falling down from the gallery next to the mansionhouse, and symptoms of anxiety in the countenances of the people below. He turned about, and said eagerly, "What is that?" Before he could utter another word, the gallery broke down. Thrice my poor brother cried Oh! in the most moving tone of voice, with his eyes and hands uplifted towards Heaven; and hastened to the part in distress. I was struck motionless in the pulpit behind him, concluding that all below the gallery were that moment hurried into the eternal world. A young maŋ supported me out from the pulpit; and when I reached the door, the first person that met my eye, was one of my own congregation, the blood running from her mouth, and her arm all torn. She cried out, “Oh! Mr. Ÿ. have you seen my daughter? She is below the gallery.” The conflict of Mr. E.'s mind is beyond all description. Mrs. E. who has scarcely been over the threshold since Martinmass, seeing the people breaking through the windows, ran out, and, at the foot of the garden, fainted away. She was the first person that Mr. E. saw after he left the pulpit. She had power just to say, "Oh! Jesse is in the meetinghouse." It is unnecessary to describe what followed. You can easily conceive what he must have felt, while his heart was thus wrung with anxiety about his wife, daughter, and the people of God. The tragical part is over! all beyond is unutterable kindness. Only six persons were hurt; and all are in the way of recovery. The tables and seats below were shivered to pieces. The people were spared. The bread and wine were underneath that gallery: they were safe. There were present two medical gentlemen, who had their lancets with them. What can infinite Wisdom not contrive! What can infinite Power not perform! God grant that this deliverance may be ever remembered, and suitably improved! The professor (the Rev. Mr. L. of Selkirk) came down on Monday, and gave an excellent Sermon from these words, 2 Sam. vi. 8. " And David was displeased, because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah."


Dear Sir, Kettering, March 25, 1802. LETTERS have been received from our friends at Serampour, up to Sept. 1801. Mr. Brunsdon is no more. He died, on the 3d of July, at Calcutta. By these repeated strokes their hands are weakened; but the success which attends their labours affords a balance. Two men and three women from among the natives have joined them. The last was a man, whose name is Gokol, who fainted at first under domestic opposition; but he has since come forward; and his wife, who was a violent adversary,


was expected in a few weeks to follow him. These events, however, with the circulation of the New Testament, and other religious pieces, have raised against them great opposition. The inoffensive Hindoos now appear as savage as the tygers of the Sunderbunds. The Missi paries have been assaulted in preaching. A Christian Hindoo and his family (Kristnoo) has suffered the loss of all things for Christ:-not only turned out of his house, but his daughter has been seized and carried off by force by a heathen, who had been betrothed to her in their childhood. The girl, of whom good hopes were entertained before, has in this trial borne a noble testimony for Christ. When beaten by the ruffians, she declared her determination, whether she lived or died, to live or die a Christian. Going before a magistrate, who, against her will, doomed her to be the wife of the heathen, she said, " Ye have heard of the love and sufferings of Christ; they have laid hold of my mind; and I am become a Christian from choice." The minds of the family are greatly agitated, but they remain firm in their attachment to Christ. The young children of Kristnoo seem to be led, by these trying events, to pray for mercy for themselves and for their persecutors. Farther particulars will appear in No. IX. of the Periodical Accounts, which, it is hoped, will be out in May. Yours, ANDREW FULLER.


THE annual meeting of the Union of Christians at Bedford, is appointed on Wednesday, the 28th of April; when the Rev. George Burder, of Coventry, and the Rev. John Geard, of Hitchin, are expected to preach.


IT must afford peculiar pleasure to every lover of true religion, to learn the spread of truth and the prevalence of real Christianity. This pleasing prevalence is eminently the case at Thorne, a market-town in the west riding of Yorkshire. About four years ago, a few serious persons, of the Calvinistic persuasion, applied to the Rotherham academy for supplies; which were granted them at first every three weeks, by way of trial, and afterwards every other Lord's Day. The serious attention of the inhabitants appearing to increase, and some instances of gracious impressions being made, an earnest desire prevailed for a commodious place of wor◄ ship; the place they had hitherto occupied being very inconvenient and much too small. Several judicious Christian friends er.couraged them to proceed; and one among them generously offered a suitable piece of land for the purpose. Accordingly, in the spring of 1800, the building was begun; and in November following opened.

On this occasion sermons were preached by the Rev. Josiah Richards, of Hull; Dr. Williams, of Rotherham; Mr. Boden, of Sheffield; and other ministers. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the season, the audience was numerous; and we hope that impressions were then made which will be long remembered.

During the last fifteen months, they have been regularly supplied every Lord's Day by the students from Rotherham, under whose ministry the congregation is become considerable. Many young people, once the votaries of worldly pleasure, now attend; and some are coming forward to avow their attachment to the blessed Immanuel. At the request of the brethren, who earnestly wished to be embodied as a Christian church, on the congregational plan, Dr. Williams and Mr. Phillips, of Rotherham, attended with that view, on March 12, 1802; and the service was conducted as follows:

After singing and prayer, Mr. Phillips delivered an appropriate address from the pulpit, on the Nature, Designs, Rights, and Privileges of a


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