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twelvemonth next after withoute defalcation of wages to the parson or parsons so visited with sicknes, for that the same schoolemaster or schoolemasters with helpe of his or their schollers maie take so muche the more paynes.' [p. 146]. 17. On a vacancy the second master shall by the bailiffs with the bp's consent be admitted to the head master's place, if he has served two years at least, and proved his learning, zeal, conversation and diligence to be equal to the discharge of the office; in like manner the 3rd master shall succeed to the 2nd master's place, if he be M. A., and have served two years, and shall be thought worthy by the head-master and bailiffs. Notice to be given to S. John's college of the room vacant after such promotions. 18. From the Purification [2 Febr.] to All Saints the scholars sball come to school at 6 A.M. and from All Saints to the Purification at 7, at the ringing of the school bell, and no candle shalbe vsed in the said schoole for bredinge diseases and daunger and perill otherwise.' 19. The scholars shall ever dine at II of the clock, which clock shalbe prepared hereafter of the Schoolemoney'. Afternoon school shall begin at a quarter before I at the ringing of the bell; the departure at night in winter shall be at halfpast 4, 'yf daylighte will serve therevnto,' in summer at half-past 5. 'Praiers now vsuallie hadd in the said schoole shallbe songne and said everie morninge devoutelie vpon their knees ymediatlie after the schoole Bell dothe cease ringinge, and likewise before they departe frome schoole in the eveninge'. 21. 'Everie thursdaie the Schollers of the first forme before they goo to plaie, shall for exercise declame and plaie one acte of a comedie, and everie Satterdaie versifie, and against mondaie morning ensuinge geue vpp their themes or epistles, and all other exercises of writinge or speakinge shalbe vsed in latten. [p. 147]. 22. Item the Schollers shall plaie vpon thursdaies onles there be a holidaie in the weke, and no daie els but the thursdaie onles it be at the earnest request and great intreatie of some man of honour or of great worshipp, creditt or authoritie, and that by the consent of the Bayliffs for the tyme beinge first hadd and obteyned. 23. Item the schollers plaie shalbe shootinge in the longe bowe and chesse plaie and no other games except it be runninge, wrastlinge, or leapinge, and no game to be aboue one penye or matche aboue foure pence, and lastlie that they vse no bettinge openlie or covertlie, but when it is founde either the schollers so offendinge to be severelie punyshed or expulsed for ever. 24. Item that no scholler shalbe admitted into the free grammer schoole before he can write his own name with his owne hande, and before he can reade Englishe perfectlie and haue his accidens without the booke, and can geve any case of any nombre of a noune substantive or adiective and any parson of any nombre of a verbe active and passive, and can make a latten by any of the concordes, the latten wordes beinge first geven him. 25. Item everie scholler shall paie for his admyssion viz. a lordes sonne 108., a knights sonne 68. 8d., a sonne and heir apparent of a gent. 38. 4d. and for every other of their sonnes 28. 6d., any vnder those degrees abouesaid and borne withoute the countie of Salope 28., and any vnder those degrees and borne within the countie of Salope 12d., everie Burges sonne

inhabitinge in the towne or in the liberties thereof or of thabbey foryat, yf he be of abilitie 4d. The sonne of everie other parson there inhabitinge 8d. 26. The schoolmaster to be sworn to bestow the entrance money upon the school buildings and master's lodgings and to give an account at the yearly audit. 27. Item for the due ordre 5 of all the said schollers there comminge to churche and reverent servinge of God, it is ordeyned, that euerie parent or householder within the towne or suburbes, tablinge any scholler or schollers, shall cause and see all suche their children or tablers to resorte to their parishe churche everie sondaie and holidaie to heare devine service, at 10 morninge and eveninge praier, and to the intent, that they maie the better quietlie and reverentlie behaue theme selves there, the schoolemaster shall appoynte [p. 148] seuerall monitors for everie churche to note aswell their absence as mysbehavioure in any thinge, but where there is a sermon in any other churche, they shall all resorte thither 15 to the hearinge thereof. 28. Item the schollers shall not absent theme selues vntill suche tyme before the feast of Christmas Easter and Whitsontide as the schoole shall break vpp withoute an vrgent cause, and then licence also first obteyned of euerie of the schoolemasters. 29. Item yf any scholler after he hathe libertie at the breakinge vpp 20 of the schoole before any of the said feasts of Christmas, Easter or Whitsontide departe frome schoole, or beinge licenced at any other tyme by everie of the said Schoolemasters, shall not returne againe within the space of one hole weke after the tymes aforesaid of teachinge shalbe begonne agayne, or within the space of one hole weeke 25 after his licence expired, That then everie suche scholler to be reiected and received no more into the said schoole, onles it be proved before the head schoolemaster and seconde schoolemaster that sicknes or other vrgent cause hathe letted hym, or els bene further licensed by everie of the said schoolemasters for a longer time or els paie for 30 his admyssion as at the first. 30. Item yf any scholler, after he is admytted, be wilfull or obstinate concerninge any ordre touchinge the said schoole, then in sutche case everie sutche scholler shalbe expulsed, and not received againe onles his frendes will vndertake to the cheife and seconde Schoolemaster for his obedience and good abearinge in all 35 things, And also then to paie for his admyssion againe, as he paied at his first entrie, And yf after he fall to his former vnrulines or disorder, then to be expulsed for ever. 31. Item the Second Schoolemaster shall comme to the schoole everie morninge for the space of one weke before the bell cease, to thintent to see the schollers singe and saie the nowe vsuall 40 praiers there reverentlie vpon their knees, the which praier beinge ended, he shall orderlie call the Rolles for absents of the hole schoole, and punyshe theme for negligence accordinge to his discression and their deserts, and likewise the thirde schoolemaster for the space of one other weke next followinge' and so on week and week about 45 [p. 149], and the like order shall they observe at the ringinge of the Bell in the Afternoone for ever while they are schoole-masters there, onles he or they be visited with sicknes, and then the head schoolemaster to supplie that wante, and he that ringeth the schoole-bell shall have for his paynes 208. yearlie to ringe it one quarter of an houre at 50


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the houres before appointed for the schollers cominge to the schoole.' 32. 'Item he of those twoo Schoolemasters whose duetie or turne it is that weke to call the rolles and punyshe absents shall within the space of one quarter of an houre after his commynge geve notice to his fellowe schoole-master by the tollinge of a bell provided for that purpose, to come to schoole, at the which tollinge the said schoolemaster shall allwaies come to schoole in the morninge and afternoone, onles he be visited with sicknes, and then in suche necessitie the head schoolemaster shall supplie that wante.

33. Item

the head schoolemaster shall ever comme to the schoole within the
space of one houre after the ringinge of the schollers bell.
34. Item
there shalbe redd in the said schoole for prose in latten Tullie, Cæsar
his Comentaries, Salust and Livie, also two litle books of Dialogues,
drawen oute of Tulleys Offices and Lodovicus Viues by Mr Thomas
Ashton sometyme cheife schoolemaster of the said schoole; for verse,
Virgill, Horace, Ovid and Terence; for greke the greke grammer of
Cleonarde, the greke testament, Isocrates ad Demonicum or Xenophon
his Cyrus; and these Authors or some of theme mentioned in the
table for manner of teachinge to be redd in the schoole, accordinge
the head-schoolemaster his discression and choise, as shal seeme best
for the childrens capacyties. 35. Item the Schoolemasters shall
breake vpp schoole six daies before the feast of Christmas, and three
daies before the feast of Easter, and vpon Whitsoneven and not
otherwise. 36. Item the schoole-masters shall begyn to teache after
the feast of Christmas vpon the next worke daie after the Twelveth
daie, and after Easter vpon the mondaie next after lowe-sondaie,
and after Whitsontide vpon mondaie after Trynytie sondaie. [p. 150].
37. Item everie Schoolemaster besides the feasts of Christmas, Easter
and Whitson-tide shall haue for their recreation or other busines,
thirtie daies of absence in the yeare and no more, whether they will
take the same thirtie daies together, or at sondrie tymes, makinge
the Bayliffs of the said towne or their deputies privie therevnto,
PROVIDED alwaie that there be but one furthe at a time onles their
vrgent busines be suche as the Bayliffs of the towne for the tyme beinge
shall allowe and like well of. 38. Item, yf any necessarie ordynaunce
for the further governement of the said schoole be here omytted, that
then the said Bayliffs, Burgesses and head Schoolemaster and their
successors for the tyme beinge shall therein haue due consideration to
suche advertisement as shalbe therein hereafter to theme prescribed in
writinge by the said Thomas Ashton.'

98. 8 Apr. 21 Eliz. Appointment of Christ'. Webbs B.D. and Jo. Fawcett M.A., fellows, to reenter the coll. lands and recover rents etc. pp. 150, 151.

99. 17 Sept. 1579. Presentation (Lat.) of Tho. Atkinson M.A. to 45 Aldesworth vicarage, vacant by the resignation of Fras. Babbington. p. 151.

14 Nov. 21 Eliz. Lease to Rob. Pratt of Melldrithe husbandman, of lands and tenements in Melldrithe and Mellburne, for 17 years from Mich. 1582, at a rent of 53s. 4d. and 4 qrs. of wheat. pp. 151-153.

100. 24 Oct. 21 Eliz. Lease to Rob, Coe of Melldrith husbandman, of a tenement with land in Mellburne, for 20 years, at a rent of 35s. 6d. and 2 qrs. 5 bushels of wheat. pp. 153–155.

101. 8 Dec. 22 Eliz. Lease to Ri. Goston of Tuxforthe yeoman, of a tenement and land in little Markham, Milton, and Tuxforth, for 5 17 years from Mich. 1582, at a rent of 36s. and 2 qrs. 6 bushels of wheat. pp. 155-157.

This lease was lett to Widowe Haslebye [and after to Christopher Earsington.']

102. 23 Dec. 1580. Appointment (Lat.) of Phil. Stringer of 10 Cambridge gent., as college auditor, at a salary of 40s. pp. 157, 158.

103. 18 July 1580. Certificate (Lat.) to abp. Sandys, at the request of Jos. and Simon Heines of London gent., of the death of Jas. Smithe late rector of Crumwell dio. Yk. and fellow of the college, at Cambridge May 1580. p. 158.

104. 18 July 22 Eliz. Lease to Tho. Clarke of Little Paxton husbandman, of the manor there, for 20 years, at £3. 3d. and 4 qrs. 4 bushels of wheat. [Erased]. pp. 159–161.

105. 18 Nov. 1580. Presentation (Lat.) of Edw. Fawcett M.A. to Higham vicarage, vacant by resignation. p. 161.

106. 24 Nov. 23 Eliz. Lease to Roger Harrison college cook, of the farm of the great barn at Castle end nigh to the cross in Huntingdon way with the chalk pits and land, for 20 years, at a rent of 338. 4d. and 21 qrs of wheat. pp. 162, 163.



107. Same date. After reciting a lease to Tho. Bennet of Hack- 25 feilde yeoman, of Bromehall manor and other land, for 40 years from Mich. 1574, at a rent of £7. 13s. 4d.; which lease was alienated to Christ'. Henneage of Bromehall by the college 11 Sept. 19 Eliz.; the college permits Henneage to alienate the same to Jo. Wolley, esq. pp. 164 166.

108. Latin letter to lord Burghley, p. 167.

Thanks for his late benefit, by which he has obliged them and their successors, by relieving the poverty of their scholars. See above, p. 174 1. 20 seq.


109. 6 June 23 Eliz. Whereas Mildred lady Burghley hathe 35 amongeste other thinges bestowed, and freelie given vnto the said Colledge one great large Bible commonlie callede kinge Phillipp his bible conteyned in eight Volumes beinge faire, and well bounde with bosses, and false coverings to the same,' the college covenants that the bible shall be well and safelie kept cheyned in the library... vnto 40 the benefitt of the Studients... and not to be removed to any privat mans vse whatsoever.' p. 168.

110. Same date. Appointment (Lat.) of Jo. Dighton of Horkstowe Linc. gent., as steward of the manors in Yorkshire, at a stipend of 268. 8d. pp. 168, 169.


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111. 30 June 23 Eliz. Indenture between lord Burghley and his heir Sir Tho. Cecill on the first part, the college on the second, and Rob. Cecill esq. 2d son to lord Burghley on the third part. pp. 169-174.

See App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 477 and above p. 174 1. 23. Whereas by a deed of the same date ld. Burghley has granted to the college 2 several rents amounting to £30 a year, £20 out of lands and tenements in Northamptonshire, and £10 out of Herts, the college undertakes to distribute to each of the 24 lady Marg. scholars 5d. weekly towards their commons, making up their total weekly allowance for commons to 12d.; [p. 170] lord Burghley shall during his life nominate 2 persons as part of the number of 24 scholars, so soon as vacancies shall occur; the admission of such scholars and their emoluments to be the same as those of the other lady Marg. scholars; ld. Burghley's nomination shall not be restrained to any county; each of the two scholars shall also receive 128. yearly 'for to buy and provide a gowne'; the remainder of the said £30, being 568. shall be bestowed thus: 168. to increase the dinner of the master, fellows and 24 scholars, on the Sunday after S. John's day; the remaining 40s. shall defray the charges of those who go to receive the rents of £20 and £10. [p. 171] The college shall yearly send one person, having authority and ability to preach, to make one sermon at S. Martin's in Stamford Baron, and one to make a sermon in Chesthunt parish church; both sermons to be made about the time of the receipt of the above rents. The occupant of Burghley house shall pay 10s. to the preacher at St. Martin's after sermon; and the occupant of Thibbaldes 6s. 8d. to the preacher at Chesthunt; in which sermons the preachers 'shall yearlie onelie for a memory declare the gift of the said Lorde Burghley to the said colledge, and the vsage thereof for the reliefe of the said 24 schollers, so as suche as hereafter shalbe chargeable with the foresaid severall yearlie payments maie knowe howe the said graunts hadd their begynninge'. The college will notify lord B. of the first avoidance of a scholar's place. The heir to Burghley house and lordship shall nominate one meet scholar out of Stamford school so soon as one of the 2 scholarships shall be void after ld. B's death [p. 172]; if the nominee shall not be found meet, the patron may nominate another and another, until one shall be allowed; if the patron thinks that his nominee is unjustly rejected, the proofs of his sufficiency may be remitted to the v. c. or any head of a house, whose decision shall be final. After ld. Burghley's death lady Burghley, or if she be dead, Sir Rob. Cecil, or the heir to whom Thibballs manor shall come, shall nominate the second scholar out of Westminster or Hoddesdon schools; the same regulations to be observed in his nomination and admission as in that of the first scholar. [p. 173] Each of the 24 scholars yearly, 14 days before the payment of the rents, shall put into Latin verses some of these sentences of Scripture, viz. Maledictus etc. Jer. xvii. 5. 7. Ecclus. iii. 22. vii. 40. xi. 14. xxxii. 4. 10 (adding after vix cum necesse fuerit)-13. xli. 1. I Cor. i. 26 (omitting quia non.. nobiles sed)-29, 2 Tim. ii. 22-25; 'So as euery of the said 24 schollers shall seuerallie make in lattyne and write foure or more exameter or

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