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Lot.-My inheritance divided to me by lot, as the custom was. Jof. xviii. 11. Judges i. 3.

6. Lines. His inheritance which was measured by lines. See Amos vii. 17. Zach. ii. 15.

7. Reins. My inward thoughts and affections. See Pf. vii. 9. xxvi. 2. lxxiii. 21. cxxxix. 13. Jer. xi. 20. xii. 2. xvii. 10.

9. Glory. The tongue, as the lxx render it. The Pfalmift, as applying his tongue to the most glorious purpose, the praise of God, justly gives it this denomination.

10. Thou wilt not leave.-Thou wilt not fuffer the grave to affert its dominion over me too foon, that is, immaturely.

Thy holy one.-Him that is godly. See Pf. iv. 4. xxxii. 6. 12. 1. lxxxix. 19. For the authenticity of this reading, fee Marsh's Michaelis, vol. I. p. 477.


4. Not tranfgrefs.-Instead of y the lxx reads. 727 λaλnon. Compare Pf. xxxix. 1.


9. Compass me.-Huntsmen spying game, go round to see most advantageously to pitch their nets to take it.


10. In their own fat.-They are wrapt up in their own abundance, they are fwollen with profperity. 11. They obferve me.-The Syriac reads laudarunt me; but we fignifies alfo to to obferve, to


watch, as a wild beast watches his prey. See Hof. xvii. 11. which is a meaning exactly suited to this

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When I awake. The Pfalmift fays, that others pursue the temporal things of this world; but that he will be fatisfied with beholding the image or prefence of God, every morning in the fanctuary. See Numb. xii. 8. God was in a peculiar manner prefent in his fanctuary; and his prefence was symbolically represented by a cloud of glory, which stood over the ark; this is frequently called God's face, and prefence; and to behold this prefence was to worship and do homage before the ark. The two claufes of the verfe are therefore explanatory of each other.


2. The born of my falvation.-This is a metaphor very familiar.

10. He was feen.-So thrée MSS. of Kennicott and the Chaldee. If the repetition of the image of flying had been intended, the fame word would have been used in both cafes, which is not fo.

12. His thick.—The pronoun Affix is omitted by the lxx Vul. and Arab.

13. The repetition of hailstones and coals of fire in this verfe, is of doubtful authority; it is not in

the parallel place; nor in the lxx. nor in the old Italic verfion; it feems to have been inferted by fome miftake. Dr. Lowth..

23. In in the final p is omitted; fee Chald. Syr. and Arab. alfo compare Deut. xi. 18. 1 Sam. xx. 38. Starck.

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33. Hind's feet. The feet of the hind are particularly adapted to ftand on fteep and rocky places. 34. Maketh.-The lxx read Пn, which feems to be the true reading. Mudge and Green.

36. Enlarged my steps.-Thou haft enabled me to purfue my enemies fwiftly: fee next verfe. Green.

42. Trampled.-Sixteen of Kennicott's, and feven of De Roffi's, with all the verfions in the Polyglott, fupport the correction of ph into ape, which is fuggested by the copy in Samuel.



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4. Sound.-ployyos aurav lxx. voices Arab. annuntiatio Syr. Sonus eorum. Vulg. hence it has been conjectured, that they read th; but fince the lxx. and Syr. translate by a different word from that which they use for

p in verse 4, it is probable as Ham

mond and Secker obferve, that they did not read phere. Dr. Pococke, in his Miscell. c. 4. p. 48. fhews that in Arab. fignifies vociferation.

5. In them.-In the heavens.

13. Prefumptuous.-The Rabbins distinguished all fins into fuch as were committed either ignorantly, or prefumptuously. Inftead of a fuperbis, the lxx read in ab extraneis.


5. Triumph.♫♪ lxx. Syr. Vulg. Arab. Æthiop. and this feems the better reading. Dr. Lowth.

6. Know I.-The change of number here feems. to indicate, that the rest of the Pfalm was fung by a chorus, and this verse by an individual, perhaps the High Priest.

9. Hear us.-The lxx. read 1, Mudge: also Targ. Vulg. Arab. and Æthiop.


12. A mark.-, rem eminentem, metam. Cocceius. The Syriac tranflates by Non nota, fig



3. Amidst the praifes.-Thou giveft the Ifraelites abundant matter for their praifing thee: That this is the meaning, appears from the following verse. Dathe.

6. Defpifed of the people.-See Jer. xx. 7. "I am in derifion daily, every one mocketh me.'

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10. Thou art my God, even, &c.—Jer. i. 5.

16. They have put to fhame.-The reading of this verfe is threefold; the word which we tranflate de

.בארו or כארי כרו filed being in the original either

2dly, Of some printed

De Roffi, in his work entitled, Varia Lectiones Veteris Teftamenti, has clearly fhewn that the reading 1 must be given up; for it refts only, ift. On the authority of two MSS. editions. 3dly, On the teftimony of Galatinus, in his Arcan. Cath. Ver. p. 341. where is the following paffage. "In aliquibus vetuftiffimis codicibus fcriptum adhuc reperiri, tametfi Judæi in iifdem ¬ legant." 4thly. On the testimony of Martini and Voifin, who refer to a book of Mofes Hadarfon, which makes mention of this reading.

But in the above mentioned MSS. 1 is a marginal reading only; and all the printed copies, in which this reading appears, have been edited by Christians as to the teftimony of Galatinus, Mar


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