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perhaps arife from fuch general terms, and to make it more evidently appear what particular forts of goods are to come under the confideration of the aforefaid commiffaries, we the under-written Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries have declared by thefe prefents, and do declare, that the exception of the above-mentioned merchandizes is to be understood in the manner following.

I. Whalebone cut and prepared, fins and oils of whales, fhall pay, at all places of importation in the kingdom, the duties appointed by the tariff of the 7th of December, 1699.

II. Cloths, ratines, and ferges, fhall be likewife fubject to the fame duties of the tariff of the 7th of December, 1699; and in order to facilitate the trade thereof, it fhall be allowed to import them by St. Valery upon the Somme, by Rouen, and by Bourdeaux, where thefe goods fhall be fubject to vifitation in the fame manner as thofe which are made in the kingdom.

III. Salt-fish in barrels only is to be imported into the kingdom; and at all places of entrance in the kingdom, countries, and territories under the dominion of the King, even at all free ports, the duties of landing and of confumption fhall be paid which were appointed before the tariff of 1664, and befides 40 livres per laft, confifting of 12 barrels, weighing each 300lb. for the duty of entry; which entry fhall not be permitted but by St. Valery upon the Somme, Rouen, Nants, Libourn, and Bourdeaux, and fhall remain prohibited at all other harbours or ports, as well in the ocean as in the Mediterranean.

IV. Refined fugar in loaf or in powder, white and brown fugar-candy, fhall pay the duties appointed by the tariff of 1699.

In confirmation of which, we the under-written Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of


her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, and the most Christian King, have figned and fealed these prefents, at Utrecht, the 2

year 1713.



day of in the


(L. S.) Job. Bristol, C. P. S. (L. S.) Huxelles. (L. S.) Strafford.

(L. S.) Mefnager.

[The treaty of AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, 1748, is printed from the copy which was published by authority in 1749.]

The Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between bis Britannic Majefty, the most Chriftian King, and the States General of the United Provinces; concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle, the 18th Day of October, N. S. 1748; to which the Empress Queen of Hungary, the Kings of Spain and Sardinia, the Duke of Modena, and the Republic of Genoa, have acceded.

In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

BE it known to all those whom it fhall or may concern, in any manner whatsoever. Europe fees the day, which the Divine Providence had pointed out for the re-establishment of its repofe. A general peace fucceeds to the long and bloody war, which had arose between the moft Serene and most Potent Prince George II. by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Duke of Brunfwick and Lunenbourg, Arch-Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, &c. and the most Serene and most Potent Princefs Mary Therefia, by the grace of God, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, &c. Empress of the Romans, on the one part; and the moft Serene and moft Potent Prince Lewis XV. by the grace of God, the moft Chriftian King, on the other; as alfo between the King of Great Britain, the Empress

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Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and the moft Serene and moft Potent Prince Charles Emanuel III. by the grace of God, King of Sardinia, on the one part, and the most Serene and moft Potent Prince Philip V. by the grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies (of glorious memory) and after his deceafe, the moft Serene and most Potent Prince Ferdinand VI. by the grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies, on the other in which war the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries had taken part, as auxiliaries to the King of Great Britain and the Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia; and the most Serene Duke of Modena, and the most Serene Republic of Genoa, as auxiliaries to the King of Spain. God, in his mercy, made known to all thefe Powers, at the fame time, the way which he had decreed for their reconciliation, and for the restoration of tranquillity to the people, whom he had fubjected to their government. They fent their Minifters to Aix-la-Chapelle, where thofe of the King of Great Britain, his moft Christian Majefty, and of the States General of the United Provinces, having agreed upon preliminary conditions for a general pacification; and thofe of the Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, of his Catholic Majefty, of the King of Sardinia, of the Duke of Modena, and of the Republic of Genoa, having acceded thereunto, a general ceffation of hoftilities, by fea and land, happily enfued. In order to complete, at Aix-la-Chapelle, the great work of a peace, equally ftable and convenient for all parties, the high contracting Powers have nominated, appointed, and provided with their full powers, the moft illuftrious and moft excellent Lords their Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Minifters Plenipotentiary, viz. his Sacred Majesty the King of Great Britain, John Earl of Sandwich, Viscount Hinchinbrook, Baron Montagu of St. Neots, Peer of England, Firft Lord Commiffioner of the Admiralty, one of the


Lords Regents of the kingdom, his Minifter Plenipotentiary to the States General of the United Provinces, and Sir Thomas Robinson, Knight of the moft honourable Order of the Bath, and his Minister Plenipotentiary to his Majefty the Emperor of the Romans, and her Majefty the Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia.

His Sacred moft Chriftian Majefty, Alphonfo Maria Lewis Count de St. Severin of Arragon, Knight of his Orders, and John Gabriel de la Porte du Theil, Knight of the Order of our Lady of Mount Carmel, and of St. Lazarus of Jerufalem, Counsellor of the King in his Councils, Secretary of the Chamber, and of the Cabinet of his Majefty, of the Orders of the Dauphin, and of Mefdames of France.

Her Sacred Majefty the Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Wenceflaus Anthony Count of Kaunitz Rittberg, Lord of Effens, Stedefdorff, Wittmund, Austerlitz, Hungrifchbrod, Wite, &c. actual intimate Counsellor of State to their Imperial Majefties.

His Sacred Catholic Majefty, the Lord Don James Maffone de Lima and Sotto Major, Gentleman of the Bed-chamber to his Catholic Majefty, and Major General of his forces.

His Sacred Majefty the King of Sardinia, Don Jofeph Offorio, Knight, Grand Croix and Grand Confervator of the Military Order of the Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and Envoy Extraordinary of his Majefty the King of Sardinia to his Majefty the King of Great Britain; and Jofeph Borré Count Chavanne, his Counsellor of State, and his Minifter to the Lords the States General of the United Provinces.

The High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces, William Count Bentinck, Lord of Rhoon and Pendrecht, one of the Nobles of the province of Holland and Weft Friesland, Curator of the University of Leyden, &c. &c. &c. Frederick Henry Baron of Waffenaer, Lord of Catwyck and


Zand, one of the Nobles of the province of Holland and Weft Friefland, Hoog-Heemrade of Rhynland, &c. Gerard Arnout Haffelaer, Burgo-master and Counsellor of the city of Amfterdam, Director of the Eaft India Company; John Baron of Borfele, First Noble and Reprefentative of the Nobility in the States, in the Council and Admiralty of Zeland, Director of the East India Company; Onno Zwier Van Ha ren, Grietman of Weft Sterlingwerf, Deputy Counfellor of the province of Friefland, and Commiffary General of all the Swifs and Grifon troops in the fervice of the aforefaid States General, and respective Deputies in the Affembly of the States General, and in the Council of State, on the part of the provinces of Holland and Weft Friefland, Zealand, and Friesland.

The moft Serene Duke of Modena, the Sieur Count de Monzone, his Counsellor of State, and Colonel in his fervice, and his Minifter Plenipotentiary to his most Christian Majesty.

The most Serene Republic of Genoa, the Sieur Francis Marquis Doria.

Who, after having communicated their full powers to each other in due form, copies whereof are annexed at the end of this present treaty, and having conferred on the feveral objects, which their Sovereigns have judged proper to be inferted in this inftrument of general pacification, have agreed to the feveral articles, which are as follow.

I. There fhall be a chriftian, univerfal, and perpetual peace, as well by fea as land, and a fincere and lafting friendship, between the eight Powers abovementioned, and between their heirs and fucceffors, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, fubjects, and vaffals, of what rank and condition foever they may be, without exception of places or perfons. So that the high contracting Powers may have the greatest attention to maintain, between them and their faid ftates and fubjects, this reciprocal friendship and correspondence,


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