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to order the

Horles, &c. to be provided.

Military Officers may convey on them Arms, Clothes, Accoutrements, Baggage, Equip

age, and also the

Officers, Soldiers, Servants, Women, Children and other

Writing (but without any Stamp) to the Perfon or Perfons paying out Stamp, and the fame, and such Constable or Petty Constable shall order and appoint fuch Person or Perfons having fuch Horfes, Carriages, Boats, Barges or other Veffels, and Men, within their refpective Liberties, as they fhall think proper, to provide and furnish fuch Horses, Carriages, Boats, Barges or other Veffels, and Men, according to the Warrant or Warrants aforefaid, who are hereby required to provide and furnish the fame accordingly; and it shall and may be lawful in such cases, to and for all and every Military Officer and Officers, for the Use of whom, or of whofe Regiment, Detachment, Troop or Company, fuch Horfes, Carriages, Boats, Barges or other Veffels fhall be provided, in such cases to carry and convey, and permit to be carried and conveyed, on the fame refpectively, not only the Arms, Clothes, Accoutrements, Baggage, Tents, and other Equipage of fuch Regiment, Detachment, Troop or Company, but also the Officers, Soldiers, Servants, Women, Children and other Perfons of and belonging to the fame, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding; but if any fuch Officer or Officers shall force and constrain any Horsfe, Carriage, Boat, Barge or other Veffel to travel or proceed beyond the Distance or Place to be allowed and fpecified in fuch Warrant or Warrants, without the fpecial Licence or Order of One or more other such Juftice or Juftices of the Peace in that Behalf, and which Licence or Order One or more of fuch Juftices is and are hereby authorized and required to give and make at his and their reasonable Difcretion, every fuch Officer for every fuch Offence shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds, Penalty 51. Proof thereof being made upon Oath before Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the fame County, or Riding, Divifion, City, Liberty or Precinct, who are to certify the fame to the Secretary at War, or if in Ireland to the Chief Secretary, or in his Absence the Under Secretary for the Military Department, who is hereby authorized and required to give Order for Payment of the aforefaid Sum of Five Pounds, according to the Order and Appointment under the Hands and Seals of the aforefaid Juftices of the Peace of the fame County, Riding, Divifion, City, Liberty or Precinct, and for deducting the fame out of fuch Officer's Pay.

LXXX. And be it further enacted, That the Number of Carriages to be allowed each Troop or Company in Ireland, fhall be from time to time regulated by Order of the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, in Proportion to the Establishment of fuch Troop or Company; and the Sums ordered to be advanced as aforefaid, for the Payment of the Carriage of Baggage by the Officer or Officers refpectively, fhall be to them repaid by the Lords Commiffioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the time being, without Fee or Reward, on Oath made by fuch Officer or Officers before one of His Majesty's Juftices of the Peace, or Chief Magiftrate of any City or Corporate Town, of his or their Payment of fuch Sum or Sums for Carriages as aforefaid, and an Account of the fame being produced by the Agent of the Regiment, which Account fhall have been certified by the Quarter Mafter General to be charged conformably to the Orders of the Lord Lieutenant or Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, and the Regulations prefcribed by this Act.

• CXIX. And Whereas Soldiers abfent from their Regiments. on Furlough granted to them by their Commanding Officers are • fometimes

Officers forcing
Horfes, &c. to
travel beyond

the Distance
specified in War-
rant without

Number of Carriages for each Troop in Ireland to be regulated by the Lord Lieutenant.

Certain Officers

and Juftices may grant an ExtenGion of Furlough to any Non Commiffioned

Officer or Soldier applying for the fame, on account

of Sickness, &c. on Certificate.

Non Commif

fioned Officer or

Soldier whofe
Furlough fhall
have been ex-
tended, shall not
be liable to be
apprehended as
a Deferter, &c.

Provifo as to Length of Extenfion.

Provifo as to
Subfiftence of
Men on Fur-

Soldiers while

confined for Debt not entitled to



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• fometimes prevented by Sickness or other unavoidable Cafualty • from returning to their Duty before the Expiration of the time • limited by fuch Furlough, and Doubts have arifen whether in such cafes the Extenfion of a Soldier's Furlough by a Justice of the Peace be fanctioned by legal Authority and effectual for preventing fuch Soldier from being apprehended upon Sufpicion of his having deferted his Regiment;' Be it further enacted, That any Infpecting Field Officer ftationed on the Recruiting Service, or any Officer of the Rank of Captain, or of fuperior Rank, or any Adjutant of the Regular Militia, ftationed within the District, or in cafe there be no fuch Officer as aforefaid within a convenient Distance, any Juftice of the Peace may, and is hereby authorized to grant, in Writing under his Hand, an Extenfion of Furlough to any Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier applying for the fame on account of Sickness or other Casualty, which fhall on due Enquiry appear to render such Extenfion neceffary; and that every fuch Officer or Justice of the Peace, who shall grant to any Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier an Extenfion of Furlough as aforefaid, fhall immediately certify the fame, with the Caufe of its being fo granted to the Officer commanding the Corps, Depôt or Detachment to which the Man belongs, if known, if not, then to the Agent of the Regiment, in order that the Proportion of Pay, to which the Man shall be entitled, may be remitted to him according to the Rules established in that refpect.

CXX. And be it further enacted, That fuch Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier, during the Period to which his Furlough shall have been fo extended as aforefaid, shall not be liable to be apprehended or otherwise molested on the ground of his having deferted. the Regiment to which he fhall appear by his Furlough to belong, or of criminally absenting himself from the fame: Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained fhall be conftrued to exempt any Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier, whofe Furlough shall have been fo extended as aforefaid, from being proceeded against and punished according to the Provifions of this Act, fhould it thereafter appear that fuch Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier had obtained the Extenfion of his Furlough by false Representation made to such Officer or Juftice of the Peace as aforefaid, or in applying for and obtaining the fame had committed any Offence to the Prejudice of good Order and Military Difcipline: Provided also, that no fuch Furlough fhall be extended by any fuch Officer or Justice of the Peace as aforefaid for any longer Period than One Month, unless with the Approbation of the General or other Officer commanding in the District where fuch Soldier fhall be, or of the Officer commanding the Corps, Depôt or Detachment to which the Non Commiffioned Officer or Soldier shall belong.

CXXI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of this Act the Subfiftence of Men on Furlough shall be iffued according to the Rules which have been or shall be prescribed by His Majefty's Regulations.

CXXIV. And be it further enacted, That from the paffing of this Act no Soldier being arrefted or confined for Debt in any Prifon, Gaol or other Place, fhall be entitled to any Part of his Pay from the Day of such Arrest or Confinement until the Day of his Return to the Regiment, Troop, Company or Detachment to which he shall belong, or shall be ordered to join.


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I do hereby certify that the Prisoner has been duly examined before me, as to the Circumftances herein ftated, and has declared in my Presence that he before-mentioned Corps.

a Deferter from the

Signature and Address
of Magiftrate.
Signature of Prisoner.
Signature of Informant..

Enquiry having been made as to the Prifoner's Health, it has been reported to me that he in a fit ftate to be removed.

Signature of Magistrate.

*If any Military Medical Officer be at or near the Place, he will infpect the Deferter, and report as to his Fitnefs for Military Service.



After March 25,

1817, every

Marine Officer,

Non Commiffioned Officer and Private Man,

An Act for the regulating of His Majefty's Royal Marine
Forces while on Shore.
[21ft March 1817.]

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7 HEREAS it may be neceffary, for the Safety of the United Kingdom, and the Defence of the Poffeffions of the Crown of Great Britain and Ireland, that a Body of Royal Marine • Forces should be employed in His Majefty's Fleet and Naval Service, under the Direction of the Lord High Admiral or Commis fioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: And Whereas the faid Royal Marine Forces may frequently be quartered on Shore, or fent to do Duty on board Tranfport Ships or Merchant Ships or Veffels, or Ships or Veffels of His Majefty not being in • Commiffion, where they will not be subject to the Laws relating to the Government of His Majefty's Forces by Sea; yet nevertheless it being requifite, for the retaining of fuch Forces in their Duty, • that an exact difcipline be observed; and that Marines who shall mutiny or ftir up Sedition, or fhall defert His Majefty's Service, be brought to a more exemplary and speedy Punishment than the Law will allow ;' Be it enacted by The King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and feventeen, if any Perfon being entered or in Pay as an Officer of Royal Marines, or who is or fhall be lifted or in Pay as a Non Commiffioned Officer or Private Man in any Divifion of Royal Marines in His Majesty's Service, and on the Twenty fifth Day of March One thoufand eight hundred and feventeen, fhall remain in fuch Service, or during the Continuance of this Act fhall be voluntarily entered and in pay as a Marine Officer or Private Man in His Majefty's Service, and being ordered or employed in fuch Service at any time during the Continuance of this Act, on Shore in any Place within the faid Kingdom, or in any other of His Majefty's Dominions, or in Foreign Parts, or on board any Tranfport Ship or Merchant Ship or Veffel, fhall begin, excite, caufe or join in any Mutiny or Sedition in the Company to which he doth or fhall belong, or in any other Company, Troop or Regiment, either of Marine or Land Forces, in His Majefty's Service; or fhall not use his utmost Endeavours to fupprefs the fame, or coming to the Knowledge of any fuch Mutiny or intended Mutiny, fhall not, without Delay, give information thereof to His Commanding Officer; or fhall defert His Majefty's Service; or being actually entered as a other Regiment, Marine in any Company, fhall lift himself in any other Company, Troop or Regiment, or enter as a Seaman in His Majefty's Service, without firft having a Difcharge in Writing from the Officer commanding in Chief the Company in which he last ferved as a Marine, or shall be found in which cafe he shall be reputed a Deserter; or shall be found fleeping upon his Poft; or fhall leave it before relieved; or fhall hold Correspondence with any Rebel or Enemy of His Majesty, or give them Advice or Intelligence of any Kind, by any ways or means, or in any manner whatsoever; or hall treat with fuch Rebels or Enemies, or enter into any Condition with them, without His Ma

who fhall mutiny or defert, &C.

or list in any


fleeping on or fhall defert his Poft, &c.


jesty's Licence, or Licence of the Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or Three or more of the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the time being; or shall strike or use any violence against his Superior Officer being in the Execution of his Office; or fhall difobey any lawful command of his Superior Officer; all and every Perfon and Perfons fo offending in any or either of the Matters before mentioned on Shore, in any Part of this Kingdom, or in any other of His Majesty's Dominions, or in Foreign Parts, or on board any Transport Ship or Merchant Ship or Vessel, shall suffer Death, or fuch other Punishment as by a Court Martial fhall be infitated.

[This Att is the fame as 56 G. 3. c. 11. encept as to Dates, &c. and the Section that is retained.]


An Act to indemnify fuch Perfons in the United Kingdom as
have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employ-
ments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes
respectively, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One
thousand eight hundred and eighteen; and to permit fuch
Perfons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file
Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attor-
nies and Solicitors to make and file the fame on or before the
First Day of Hilary Term One thoufand eight hundred and
[21ft March 1817.]
[This A&t is the fame as 56 G. 3.c. 33. except as to Dates.]

[ocr errors]


An Act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, an Act of the Forty fixth Year of His present Majefty, for granting an additional Bounty on the Exportation of the Silk Manufactures of Great Britain. [21ft March 1817.]

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS it is expedient that an Act made in the Forty 46 G. 3. c. 110.

fixth Year of His prefent Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act continued, for granting, during the Continuance of the prefent War and until Six Months after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, an additional Bounty on the Exportation of the Silk Manufatures of Great Britain; which was continued by an Act of the last Sef• fion of Parliament until the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight • hundred and feventeen, fhould be further continued; Be it therefore enacted by The King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid A&t of the Forty fixth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign fhall be further continued until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

II. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, A&t may be amended or repealed by any Act or Acts to be paffed in this prefent altered, &c, this Seffion of Parliament.



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