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plunged into a weight of water of 1000 grains, raises the temperature of the water by 70; then m=1000 — m′ — 200t — 7 — 8 (spec. heat of platina) 0.0355 (?)

[blocks in formation]

Here the supposition is made that the sp. heat of platina is the same at 976° as at 300; but, supposing the difference for the first 2000, viz., 0·002 or for 1000 0.001 to contain these at 976, or say 9000, we should have 0·001 × (900-300)=0.006. Then 0.0355+0·006=0·0415,

and therefore

1000 × 7
200 × 0.061



a difference of 1220.

The most recent experiments are those of Professor Wanhold of Chemnitz, and from these, made with every precaution to insure accuracy, the specific heat of platinum may be taken for pyrometric work as constant.

ACTION proper of blast furnace, Bell, I. Lothian, on decrease of

Agreement of the formulas with the

complete analysis, 38-42
Air, composition of, 175

determination of the mass of,
blown through the twyres, 37,

of blast, weight of, 60

weight of, in blast, 65, 68, 72, 75
Alfreton furnace, 157

Analysis and formulas, agreement of,

application of new method, to a
French blast furnace, 118-121
of gases, 45

of technical economy, 172
Andrews, Prof., experiments, 147
Application of new method of analysis
to a French blast furnace, 118-121
Askam-in-Furness, furnace, 23
Aubertot, M., application of waste
gases by, 145
Aubuisson, 38

Austria, height of blast furnaces in, 18

ALANCE of raw material and of
yield of blast furnace of Pouzin,

BALANCE of raw material auzio

Barrow, furnaces at, 23

Bell, I. Lowthian, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26

29, 39, 42, 48, 49, 51, 55,

59, 67, 85, 86, 91, 93, 94,
95, 131, 136, 138, 139, 150

and M. Gruner, 170, 171, 172
experiments on the chemical
and physical phenomena
of the blast furnace, 152
importance of his investiga-
tions, 165

on caloric of slags, 53
required in iron smelt-
ing, 165–174

oxygen and carbon in the
gases of the blast furnace,
158, 159, 160

on the action proper of blast
furnace, 160-164

On the Development and Ap-
plication of Heat in Iron
Blast Furnaces, 156
theory of the blast furnace,

Berthier on waste gases, 145
Big furnaces, yield of, 21, 22
Blast, caloric carried in by, 61

consideration of weight of, 169
furnace, action proper of, 160–164

calorific phenomena of, 156
determination of the caloric
received by, 56

experiments of M. Schinz on,

phenomena, tables, and me-
moranda for calculating,

theory of, 140–174

furnaces, determination of the

caloric consumed in, 46-47
principal reactions in, 24-26
recent modifications in, 17
successive enlargements of,

influence of highly heated, 101–

influence of variations of the

temperature of, 101

weight of air in, 65, 68, 72, 75
Boulanger and Dulait's experiments
on the heat in pig-iron, 51
Budd, James P., patent for applica-
tion of heat, flames, and gases of
the blast furnace to heating hot-
blast stoves, 145, 146

Bunsen's experiments on the compo-
sition of gases of the furnace, 143,
144, 146


Bunsen and Playfair on the gases
evolved from iron furnaces, 157, 158


ALORIC absorbed and given off in
blast furnaces, 26-29

by the fusion of the slag and
the decomposition of the
limestone, 52–54

by the reduction of the ores
and the fusion of the pig-
iron, 47-52

in the reduction of ores,
fluxes, etc., 49, 50
of peroxide of iron, 48
arising from the oxidation of
silicium, phosphorus, etc., 49
carried in by blast, 61, 65, 68, 72,

off by radiation from walls
of furnace, 131

off by the gases, 63
consumed in blast furnaces, 46-47
determination of, received by a
blast furnace, 56

lost by radiation from the walls
of furnace, etc., 55, 56
of combustion, determination of,

more economical to get, by a
good design of furnace than by
an over-heated blast, 115
produced in the furnace, 61, 65,
69, 72, 75

required in iron-smelting, 165–

taken for reduction of the ores, 62

[blocks in formation]

Calorific effects, factors of, 170, 171, DEBRAY, M., experiments of, 26


efficiency of the furnace, index
to, 166

phenomena of the blast furnace,

Calculations of blast furnace phe-
nomena, 175-180

Capacity, great, influence of, 88-93
Carbon and iron, 176

deposition, 164.A

impregnation, 163

Carbonic acid, 96 *

oxide, dissociation of, 162

Decomposition of limestone, 63
Denain, blast furnaces of, 128
Despretz, experiments of, 49
Determination of the caloric con-
sumed in blast furnaces,
46, 47

received by a blast furnace,

[blocks in formation]

Driving furnace, rate of, 173

Charcoal and coke, decomposition of, Dry gases, weight of, 60


Charging French furnaces, 130

Chemical equivalents, 175

Clarence furnace, blast at, 173

Dulait and Boulanger's experiments
on slags, 53

Dulong's experiments on the gases,
144, 146

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ARTHY metals, caloric corre- Furnace, application of the new me-
sponding to, 49

Ebelmen, analyses of, 88

on analysis of the gases at Sera-
ing, 42

on comparison of fuels, 139
Ebelmen's experience of slow work-
ing, 86, 87, 88

experiments on the composition
of blast furnace gases, 144,

Economy, analysis of, 172

maximum, how obtained, 115
Economical working of the furnaces,
how it varies, 29–33
England, furnaces in, 18

hearth too wide in, 130

Escaping gases, weight and compo-

sition of, 34-38
Eston Works, 91

[blocks in formation]

thod of analysis to a French,

caloric produced in, 64, 65, 69
elements of the working of, 121,

of Montluçon, 129
theory of, 140–174

of Vienne in the Isère, 86
Furnaces, after a certain height has
been attained, no longer any
advantage in enlarging, 101

at Pont-Evêque, 86
big, yield of, 21, 22

economical working of, how it
varies, 29-33

French, manner of charging, 130
section of, 130

large and small, 81

measure or index of the working
of, 33, 34

reduction of height of, 23
synoptical table of results ob-
tained in the working of vari-
ous, 78

Fusion of slag, caloric absorbed by,


of slags, 63

NASEOUS current in furnaces, 24
of blast furnaces, 93

currents of blast furnaces, com-
position of, 135

Gases, analysis of, 45
at Seraing, 42

beyond a certain height, the
temperature of, does not di-
minish by reason of dissocia-
tion of oxide of carbon, 93-

caloric carried off by the, 63
determination of the mean tem-
perature of, 45

escaping from the furnace, 154
weight and composition of,

evolved from iron furnaces, Bun-
sen and Playfair on, 157, 158
in the economical working of
furnaces, 29

method of taking specimens of,

of blast furnace, Bunsen's expe-
riments on the composition of,
143, 144

Gases of blast furnace, Dr. Percy on

analysis of, 147
Ebelmen's experiments
on the composition of,
144, 146

of the furnaces at Clarence works,
39, 40

sensible heat carried off by, 54,

specific heat of, 178
waste of, furnace, 145
weight of dry, 60

weights of, 64, 68, 71, 74

Gillot's experiments on slags, 53
on the heat in pig-iron, 51

Gjers, J., account of development of
Cleveland furnaces, 20

Gmelin, L., Hand Book of Chemistry,

[blocks in formation]

Great height and capacity, influence | Modifications in blast furnaces, 17

of, 88-93

Gruner, M., and I. L. Bell, 170, 171,


EARTH too wide in England, 130


Heat, quantities of, 177

Height of furnaces, 17

Montluçon, furnace in, 129

[blocks in formation]

Highly heated blast, influence of, ORES, fluxes, etc., caloric absorbed


Hot-blast stoves, heating, 146

IDEAL working, 105

of the furnace, 28, 30, 31,
32, 38

Influence of extra-slow working,

of great height and capacity,

of highly heated blast, 101-116
Iron and Steel Institute of Great
Britain, 17

ores, equivalents for, 176

in the reduction of, 49, 50
refractory, 136

Ormesby furnace, 91

examples of working of, 67,
78, 79

of 1867

1867 compared with
French, 130

monster furnace at, 20
Osnabrück furnace, fuel used at, 174
Oxide of iron, reduction of, 95
Oxygen and carbon, decrease of, in
blast furnace, 158, 159, 160
supplied to the gases of the fur-
nace, 106

-smelting, caloric required, 165- PERCY Ben and Playfair on


[blocks in formation]

Dr., examination of figures

gases, 158, 159

Metallurgy of Iron and Steel,
importance of, 147

on analysis of blast furnace gases,

on comparison of fuels, 139

on composition of gaseous cur-
rents, 135

on melting points of metals and
alloys, 138

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