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Ratifications to be exchanged within ten months.


The present treaty shall be approved and ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by his Majesty the King of Sardinia, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Washington within ten months from the date of the signature thereof or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof the plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties have signed the present treaty and thereto affixed their respective seals. Done at Genoa this 26th of November 1838.

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U.S. at liberty to establish differential duties, in case, &c.

Effect of this article.


Circumstances of a peculiar nature rendering it necessary for his Sardinian Majesty to continue for a time differential duties to the disadvantage of foreign flags, on grain, olive oil, and wine, imported directly from the Black Sea, the ports of the Adriatic, and those of the Mediterranean, as far as Cape Trafalgar, notwithstanding the general provisions of the articles No. 2, 3, and 4 of the present treaty, it is distinctly understood and agreed by the high contracting parties, that the United States shall have full and entire liberty to establish countervailing differential duties on the same articles imported from the same places to the disadvantage of the Sardinian flag, in case the existing or any other differential duties on the said articles, shall be continued in force, to the disadvantage of the flag of the United States of America by his Sardinian Majesty, beyond a period of four years, counting from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty and separate article, but all countervailing differential duties on the said articles shall cease to be exacted from the time the United States Government shall have been informed officially of the discontinuance of differential duties on the part of his Sardinian Majesty.

The present separate article shall have the same force and value as if it were inserted word for word in the treaty signed this day and shall be ratified in the same time.

In faith whereof, we the undersigned, by virtue of our full powers, have signed the present separate article and thereto affixed our respective seals.

Done at Genoa the 26th November 1838.

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Le présent traité sera approuvé et ratifié par le President des Etats Unis d'Amérique, par et avec l'avis et le consentement du Senat des dits Etats, et par sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Washington dans dix mois de la date de la signature ou plutôt si faire se peut.

En foi de quoi les plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signé le présent traité et y ont apposé leurs cachets respectifs.

Fait à Gênes le 26 Novembre, 1838.

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Sa Majesté Sarde jugeant convenable par des motifs particuliers de continuer à perçevoir pour à présent des droits differentiels au détriment des pavillons étrangers sur les bleds, l'huile d'olive et le vin importé directement de la mer Noire, des ports de la Mer Adriatique et de ceux de la Méditerannée jusqu'au Cap Trafalgar nonobstant les articles 2, 3, et 4 du présent traité, il est spécialement entendu et établi entre les hautes parties contractantes que les Etats Unis auront pleine et entière liberté d'établir des droits différentiels équivalens sur les mêmes articles importés des mêmes pays au détriment du pavillon Sarde dans le cas où la perception des droits différentiels continuerait à être exercée au détriment du pavillon des Etats Unis d'Amérique par sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne au delà de l'espace de quatre ans à compter du jour de l'échange des ratifications du présent traité et article séparé. Mais ces droits différentiels équivalens de quelque espèce qu'ils soyent sur les dits articles de commerce, cesseront d'être perçus du moment où le Gouvernement des Etats Unis aura été informé d'office de la cessation des droits différentiels de la part de sa Majesté Sarde.

Le présent article séparé aura la même force et valeur que s'il avait été inséré mot à mot dans le traité signé ajourd'hui et sera ratifié en même tems.

En foi de quoi nous soussignés en vertu de nos pleinspouvoirs avons signé le présent article séparé et y avons apposé nos cachets respectifs.

Fait à Gênes le 26me Novembre, 1838.

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Ratifications exchanged, May 23, 1839. Proclamation

of the President

of the U. S., May 24, 1839.

Duties on imports and ex


Bounties, &c. granted by either party in favor of its own vessels, to be granted to the other.

THE United States of America and his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, anxious to regulate the commerce and navigation carried on between the two countries in their respective vessels, have, for that purpose, named plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The President of the United States has appointed John Forsyth, Secretary of State of the said United States; and his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Jonkheer Evert Marius Adrian Martini, member of the body of nobles of the province of North Brabant, knight of the order of the Netherland Lion, and his Chargé d'Affaires near the United States, who having exchanged their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed to the following articles:


Goods and merchandise, whatever their origin may be, imported into or exported from the ports of the United States, from or to the ports of the Netherlands in Europe, in vessels of the Netherlands, shall pay no higher or other duties than shall be levied on the like goods and merchandise so imported or exported in national vessels. And reciprocally, goods and merchandise, whatever their origin may be, imported into, or exported from, the ports of the Netherlands in Europe, from or to the ports of the United States, in vessels of the said States, shall pay no higher or other duties, than shall be levied on the like goods and merchandise so imported or exported in national vessels. The bounties, drawbacks, or other favours of this nature, which may be granted in the States of either of the contracting parties, on goods imported or exported in national vessels, shall also and in like manner be granted on goods directly exported or imported in vessels of the other country, to and from the ports of the two countries; it being understood, that in the latter as in the preceding case, the goods shall have been loaded in the ports from which such vessels have been cleared.

Tonnage duties, &c.

Privileges of consuls, &c.


Neither party shall impose upon the vessels of the other, whether carrying cargoes between the United States and the ports of the Netherlands in Europe, or arriving in ballast from any other country, any duties of tonnage, harbour dues, light-houses, salvage, pilotage, quarantine, or port charges of any kind or denomination which shall not be imposed in like cases on national vessels.


It is further agreed between the two contracting parties, that the Consuls and Vice Consuls of the United States in the ports of the Netherlands in Europe; and reciprocally the Consuls and Vice Consuls of the Netherlands in the ports of the said States, shall continue to enjoy all privileges, protection and assistance, as may be usual and necessary for the duly exercising of their functions, in respect also of the deserters from the vessels, whether public or private, of their countries.

(a) For another treaty between the United States and the Netherlands, see ante, page 32.


ZYNE Majesteit de Koning der Nederlanden en de Vereenigde Staten. van Amerika, den handel en de scheepvaart wenschende te regelen, welke tusschen de twee landen in derzelver schepen respectivelyk wordt gedreven, hebben daartoe Gevolmagtigden benoemd, te weten:

Zyne Majesteit de Koning der Nederlanden heeft benoemd : Jonkheer Evert Marius Adriaan Martini, lid van de ridderschap van de provincie Noord Braband, ridder der orde van den Nederlandschen leeuw, en Hoogstdeszelfs Zaakgelastigde by de Vereenigde Staten; en de President der Vereenigde Staten: John Forsyth, Secretaris van Staat van gezegde Vereenigde Staten; dewelke na hunne wederzydsche volmagten te hebben uitgewisseld, die in goede en behoorlyke orde bevonden zyn, over de volgende artikelen zyn overeengekomen:


Goederen en koopwaren onverschillig welke derzelver herkomst zy, ingevoerd of uitgevoerd wordende, in of uit de havens der Nederlanden in Europa van of naar de havens der Vereenigde Staten, in Nederlandsche schepen zullen geene hoogere of andere regten betalen, dan zullen worden geheven op gelyke goederen en koopwaren ingevoerd of uitgevoerd in nationale schepen. En wederkeerig zullen goederen en koopwaren, onvershillig welke derzelver herkomst zy, ingevoerd of uitgevoerd wordende, in of uit de havens der Vereenigde Staten van of naar de havens der Nederlanden in Europa, in de schepen dier Staten geene hoogere of andere regten betalen, dan zullen worden geheven op gelyke goederen en koopwaren ingevoerd of uitgevoerd in nationale schepen. De premien, teruggave van regten of andere begunstigingen van dien aard, in de Staten van eene der contracterende partyen aan den inof uitvoer met nationale schepen toegekend, zullen insgelyks bewilligd worden, wanneer de regtstreeksche in of uitvoer tusschen de havens der twee landen zal geschieden met schepen van den anderen Staat, met dien verstande, dat zoowel in dit, als in het vorige geval, de goederen werkelyk zullen moeten zyn ingeladen in de havens, van waar die schepen respectivelyk zyn uitgeklaard.


Geene der partyen zal op de schepen der andere, hetzy dezelve ladingen tusschen de havens der Nederlanden in Europa en die der Vereenigde Staten overbrengen, of wel in ballast aankomen van eenig ander land, eenige regten heffen voor tonnen-haven-baken-berg-of reddingloon, (salvage,)-loods-quarantine-of havengelden van welke soort of benaming ook, welke in gelyke gevallen niet zullen worden gelegd op nationale schepen.


Verder is tusschen de beide contracteerende partyen overeengekomen, dat de Nederlandsche Consuls en Vice Consuls in de havens der Vereenigde Staten, en wederkeerig de Consuls en Vice Consuls dier Staten in de Nederlandsche havens in Europa, voortdurend al zoodanige voorregten, bescherming en bystand zullen genieten, als gebruikelyk zyn, en vereischt worden tot de behoorlyke waarneming hunner ambtspligten, ook met betrekking tot de deserteurs van de schepen hunner landen, zoowel oorlogschepen als koopvaarders.

What shall be considered national vessels.

Assistance to shipwrecked vessels, &c.

Duration of the treaty.

Ratifications to be exchanged within six months.


The contracting parties agree to consider and treat as vessels of the United States and of the Netherlands, all such as, being furnished by the competent authority with a passport or sea-letter, shall, under the then existing laws and regulations, be recognised as national vessels by the country to which they respectively belong.


In case of shipwreck or damage at sea, each party shall grant to the vessels, whether public or private, of the other, the same assistance and protection which would be afforded to its own vessels in like cases.


The present treaty shall be in force for the term of ten years, commencing six weeks after the exchange of the ratifications; and further until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have given to the other notice of its intention to terminate the same each of the contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, after the expiration of the said term of ten years. And it is hereby mutually agreed, that in case of such notice this treaty, and all the provisions thereof, shall, at the end of the said twelve months, altogether cease and determine.


The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington, within six months of its date, or sooner, if practicable.

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done in duplicate, at the City of Washington, this nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine.




April 11, 1839. For the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United


of the President

of the U.S., April 8, 1840.

States of America upon the Government of the Mexican

WHEREAS a convention for the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United States upon the Government of the Mexican Republic was concluded and signed at Washington on the 10th day of September, 1938, which convention was not ratified on the part of the Mexican Government, on the alleged ground that the consent of His Majesty the

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