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List of claims

to be delivered to the Minister of Spain.

Ratifications to be exchanged in six months.


On the request of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Her Catholic Majesty at Washington, the Government of the United States will deliver to him, in six months after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention, a note or list of the claims of American citizens against the Government of Spain, specifying their amounts respectively, and three years afterwards, or sooner if possible, authentic copies of all the documents upon which they may have been founded.


This convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged, in Madrid, in six months from this time, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed these articles, and affixed thereto their seals.

Done in Triplicate at Madrid, this seventeenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.

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Cupon of

The following is a translation of the form, or model, of the inscription:

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Perpetual rent of Spain.

Payable in Paris

at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum,

inscribed in the great book of the consolidated debt.

This inscription is issued in pursuance of a convention concluded at Madrid on the


183 between H. C. M. the Queen of Spain, and the U. S. of America, for the payment of the claims of the citizens of said States.

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In witness whereof we, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries of Her
Catholic Majesty the Queen of Spain and of the United States of
America, have signed this model, and have affixed thereunto our

Done at Madrid, this

day of

C. P. VAN NESS, (L. S.)


El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos á peticion del Ministro Plenipotenciario de S. M. Catolica en Washington, le entregará, seis meses despues del cange de las ratificaciones de este convenio, una lista ó nota de las reclamaciones de los ciudadanos Americanos contra el Gobierno de España, con espresion de sus valores, y tres años despues, ó antes si fuese posible, copias autenticas de todos los documentos en que se hayan fundado.


El presente convenio sera ratificado, y las ratificaciones cangeadas en esta Corte, en el termino de seis meses contadas desde su fecha, or antes se fuese posible.

En fe de lo cual, los respectivos plenipotenciarios lo han firmado, y sellado con el sello de sus armas.

Fecho por triplicado en Madrid, a diez y siete de Febrero de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro.

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El portador de la presente tiene derecho á una renta anual de pesos fuertes, ó sea de francos, pagaderos en Paris por semestres en los dias de y de por los banqueros de Espana en aquella capital, á razon de 5 francos y 40 centimos por peso fuerte con arreglo al R.l decreto de 15 de Diciembre de 1825.

Consiguiente al mismo real decreto se destina cada ano á la amortizacion de esta renta uno por ciento de su valor nominal, á interes compuesto cuyo importe sera empleado en su amortizacion periodica al curso corriente por dichos banqueros.-Madrid, de de El Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Hacienda. El Director de la R.l Caja de Amortizacion.

En fé de lo cual, Nos los abajo firmados Plenipotenciarios de S. M. Catolica la Reyna de España, y de los Estados Unidos de America, hemos firmado la presente formula, y hemos puesto en ella, el séllo de nuestras armas,

Fecho en Madrid a



C. P. VAN NESS, (L. S.)

April 3, 1835.

Ratified April 20, 1836. Proclamation of the President of the U. S., April 21, 1836. Ante, p. 372.


ers and survey

ors to be appointed to run the boundary line.


A TREATY having been concluded and signed in the city of Mexico, on the 12th day of January, 1828, between the United States of America and the Mexican United States, for the purpose of establishing the true dividing line and boundary between the two nations, the third article of which treaty is as follows: "To fix this line with more precision, and to place the land marks which shall designate exactly the limits of both nations, each of the contracting parties shall appoint a commissioner and a surveyor, who shall meet before the termination of one year from the date of the ratification of this treaty at Natchitoches, on the Red river, and proceed to run and mark said line from the mouth of the Sabine to the Red river, and from the Red river to the river Arkansas, and to ascertain the latitude of the source of said river Arkansas, in conformity to what is agreed upon and stipulated, and the line of latitude 42° to the South sea. They shall make out plans, and keep journals of their proceedings, and the result agreed upon by them shall be considered as part of this treaty, and shall have the same force as if it were inserted therein. The two Governments will amicably agree respecting the necessary articles to be furnished to those persons, and also as to their respective escorts, should such be deemed necessary: And the ratifications of said treaty having been exchanged in the city of Washington, on the fifth day of April, in the year of 1832, but from various causes the contracting parties have been unable to perform the stipulations contained in the above mentioned third article, and the period within which the said stipulations could have been executed, has elapsed—and both republics being desirous that the said treaty should be carried into effect with all due solemnity, the President of the United States of America has for that purpose fully empowered on his part Anthony Butler, a citizen thereof and Chargé d'Affaires of said States in Mexico, and the acting President of the United Mexican States having in like manner fully empowered on his part their Excellencies José Maria Gutierrez de Estrada, Secretary of State for Home and Foreign Affairs, and José Mariano Blasco, Secretary of the Treasury; and the said Plenipotentiaries after having mutually exchanged their full powers, found to be ample and in form, they have agreed and do hereby agree to the following second additional article to the said treaty.

Within the space of one year, to be estimated from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of this said additional article, there shall be appointed by the Government of the United States of America and of the Mexican United States, each a commissioner and surveyor, for the purpose of fixing with more precision the dividing line, and for establishing the land marks of boundary and limits between the two nations, with the exactness stipulated by the third article of the Treaty of Limits, concluded and signed in Mexico on the 12th day of January, 1828, and the ratifications of which were exchanged in Washington city on the 5th day of April, 1832. And the present additional article shall have the same force and effect as if it had been inserted word for word in the above mentioned treaty of the 12th of January, 1828, and shall be approved and ratified in the manner prescribed by the constitutions of the respective States.


HABIENDOSE Concluido y firmado en la Ciudad de Mejico á los 12 dias del Mes de Enero de 1828, un Tratado entre los Estados Unidos Mejicanos y los Estados Unidos del Norte, con el fin de establecer la verdadera linea divisoria y los limites entre las dos Naciones; y habiendose estipulado en el articulo 3° del mencionado Tratado lo siguiente: "Para fijar esta linea con mas precision, y establecer los mojones que señalen con ecsactitud los limites de ambas naciones, nombrará cada una de ellas un Comisario y Geometra que se juntarañ antes del termino de un año contado desde la fecha de la ratificacion de este Tratado, en Natchitoches, en las orillas del Rio Rojo, y procederán a señalar y demarcar dicha linea desde la embocadura del Sabina hasta el Rio Rojo y de este hasta el Rio Arkansas, y averiguar con certidumbre el origen del espresado Rio Arkansas, y fijar segun queda estipulado y convenido en este Tratado, la linea que debe seguir desde el grado 42 de latitud hasta el Mar Pacifico. Llevaran diarios y levantaran planos de sus operaciones; y el resultado convenido por ellos se tendrá por parte de este Tratado y tendra la misma fuerza que si estuviese inserto en el, debiendo convenir amistosamente los dos Gobiernos en el arreglo de cuanto necesiten estos individuos y en la escolta respectiva que deban llevar siempre que se crea necesario." Y habiendose cangeado las ratificaciones del mencionado Tratado en la ciudad de Washington a los 5 dias del mes de Abril del año del Señor 1832, no habiendo podido las partes contratantes cumplir por varias causas las estipulaciones contenidas en el mencionado articulo 3o habiendo espirado el termino dentro del cual debian ejecutarse, y deseando ambas Republicas que el referido Tratado tenga su mas puntual cumplimiento llenandose todas las formalidades necesarias; el Presidente interino de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos ha revestido con sus plenos poderes para este objeto á los Excelentisimos Señores D. José Maria Gutierrez de Estrada, Secretario de Estado y del despacho de Relaciones interiores y exteriores y D. José Mariano Blasco, Secretario de Estado y del despacho de Hacienda, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos del Norte al Honorable Señor Antonio Butler, encargado de Negocios de aquella Republica en Megico: y los referidos Plenipotenciarios despues de haber cambiado sus plenos poderes que se encontraron en buena y debida forma, han convenido y convienen en el siguiente segundo articulo adicional.

Se prorroga por el espacio de un año contado desde la fecha del cange de las ratificaciones del presente articulo adicional, el termino que para el nombramiento de los comisarios y geometras encargados por los Gobiernos de Megico y de Washington de fijar con mas precision la linea divisoria y establecer los mojones que señalen con ecsactitud los limites de ambas naciones, estableció el articulo 3° del Tratado de Limites concluido y firmado en Megico a los 12 dias del Mes de Enero de 1828, y cuyas ratificaciones fueron cangeadas en la Ciudad de Washington á los 5 dias del Mes de Abril de 1832. El presente 2° articulo adicional tendrá la misma fuerza y valor que si hubiese insertado palabra por palabra en el Tratado mencionado de 12 de Enero de 1828, y será aprobado y ratificado en los terminos que establecen las Constituciones de los respectivos Estados.

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In faith of which the said Plenipotentiaries have hereunto set their hands and affixed their respective seals.

Done in the city of Mexico on the 3d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, in the fifty-ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America, and of the fifteenth of that of the United Mexican States.

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Jan. 20, 1836. Ratifications exchanged, May 31, 1836. Proclamation

of the U. S., June 20, 1836.



Between the United States of America and the Republic

of Venezuela.

THE United States of America and the Republic of Venezuela, deof the President siring to make lasting and firm the friendship and good understanding which happily prevails between both nations, have resolved to fix, in a manner clear, distinct, and positive, the rules which shall, in future, be religiously observed between the one and the other, by means of a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation. For this most desirable object, the President of the United States of America has conferred full powers on John G. A. Williamson, a citizen of the said States, and their Chargé d'Affaires to the said Republic, and the President of the Republic of Venezuela on Santos Michelena, a citizen of the said Republic, who, after having exchanged their said full powers, in due and proper form, have agreed to the following articles:


Peace and friendship.

Favors of com. merce to be


There shall be a perfect, firm and inviolable peace and sincere friendship between the United States of America and the Republic of Venezuela, in all the extent of their possessions and territories, and between their people and citizens, respectively, without distinction of persons or places.


The United States of America and the Republic of Venezuela, desiring to live in peace and harmony with all the other nations of the common to both earth, by means of a policy frank and equally friendly with all, engage, parties. mutually, not to grant any particular favor to other nations, in respect of commerce and navigation, which shall not immediately become common to the other party, who shall enjoy the same freely, if the concession was freely made, or on allowing the same compensation, if the concession was conditional.

Mutual bene

fits in trade and residence to be enjoyed.


The two high contracting parties being likewise desirous of placing the commerce and navigation of their respective countries on the liberal basis of perfect equallity and reciprocity, mutually agree that the citizens of each may frequent all the coasts and countries of the other, and reside and trade there in all kinds of produce, manufactures and merchandize; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and exemptions, in navigation and commerce, which native citizens do, or shall enjoy, submitting

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