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Ratifications to be exchanged within eight months.

said ratifications, and the remaining instalments, with the interest, successively, one year after another. The said payments shall be made in Naples into the hands of such person as shall be duly authorized by the Government of the United States to receive the same.

ARTICLE 3d. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged in this capital, in the space of eight months from this date or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof the parties above named have respectively subscribed these articles, and thereto affixed their seals. Done at Naples on the 14th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty

[blocks in formation]

Ratifications exchanged, May 11, 1833. Proclamation

of the President of the U. S., May 11, 1833.

Liberty of commerce and navigation.

Tonnage duties reciprocally on the footing of the most favored nation.


In the name of the most Holy and Indivisible Trinity:

The United States of America, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, equally animated with the desire of maintaining the relations of good understanding, which have hitherto so happily subsisted between their respective States, and of extending and consolidating the commercial intercourse between them, have agreed to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a treaty of navigation and commerce: For which purpose the President of the United States has conferred full powers on James Buchanan, their Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near his Imperial Majesty; and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias has conferred like powers on the Sieur Charles Robert Count de Nesselrode, his Vice Chancellor, Knight of the Orders of Russia, and of many others, &c. and the said Plenipotentiaries having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles :


ARTICLE I. There shall be between the territories of the High Contracting Parties, a reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation. The inhabitants of their respective States shall, mutually, have liberty to enter the ports, places, and rivers of the territories of each party, whereever foreign commerce is permitted. They shall be at liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatsoever of said territories, in order to attend to their affairs, and they shall enjoy, to that effect, the same security and protection as natives of the country wherein they reside, on condition of their submitting to the laws and ordinances there prevailing, and particularly to the regulations in force concerning commerce.

ARTICLE II. Russian vessels arriving either laden or in ballast, in the ports of the United States of America; and reciprocally, vessels of the United States arriving, either laden or in ballast, in the ports of the Empire of Russia, shall be treated, on their entrance, during their stay, and at their departure, upon the same footing as national vessels, coming from the same place, with respect to the duties of tonnage. In regard to light-house duties, pilotage, and port charges, as well as to the fees and perquisites of public officers, and all other duties and charges,

(a) For notes of the treaties between the United States and Russia, see ante, page 302.

l'altro. Questi pagamenti saranno fatti in Napoli nelle mani di chi sara all uopo autorizato dal Governo degli Stati Uniti.

ARTICOLO 3°. La presente Convenzione sará ratificata e le ratifiche saranno cambiate in questa Capitale, nello spazio di otto mesi da questa data, o piu presto se fia possible.

En fede di che, le Parti di sopra accennate, hanno rispettivamente firmato questi Articoli, e vi hanno apposto i loro suggelli,

Data in Napoli a di 14 di Ottobre mille ottocento trenta due.



Au nom de la trés sainte et indivisible Trinité:

Les Etats Unis d'Amérique et Sa Majesté L'Empereur de toutes les Russies, également animés du désir de maintenir les rapports de bonne intelligence qui ont si heureusement subsisté jusqu'ici entre leurs Etats respectifs, et d'en étendre et consolider les relations commerciales, sont convenus d'entrer en négociation pour conclure un traité de commerce et de navigation: A cet effet, le Président des Etats Unis a muni de ses pleinspouvoirs le Sieur James Buchanan, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire des Etats Unis près Sa Majesté Impériale; et Sa Majesté L'Empereur de toutes les Russies a muni des mêmes pouvoirs, le Sieur Charles Robert Comte de Nesselrode, son Vice Chancelier, Chevalier des Ordres de Russie et de plusieurs autres, &c.: lesquels Plénipotentiaires, après avoir échangé leurs Pleinspouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, ont arrêté et signé les articles suivans:

ARTICLE I. Il y aura entre les territoires des Hautes Parties Contractantes, liberté et réciprocité de commerce et de navigation. Les habitans de leurs Etats respectifs pourront réciproquement entrer dans les ports, places, et rivierès des territoires de chacune d'elles, partout où le commerce étranger est permis. Ils seront libres de s'y arrêter et resider dans quelque partie que ce soit des dits territoires pour y vaquen à leurs affairés; et ils jouiront à cet effet de la même sécurité et protection que les habitans du pays, dans lequel ils résideront, à charge de se soumettre aux lois et ordonnances y établies, et en particulier aux réglemens de commerce en vigueur.

ARTICLE II. Les bâtimens Russes, arrivant sur lest ou chargés dans les ports des Etats Unis d'Amérique, et réciproquement les bâtimens des Etats Unis arrivant sur lest ou chargés dans les ports de l'Empire de Russie, seront traités à leur entrée, pendant leur séjour, et à leur sortie, sur le même pied, que les bâtimens nationaux, venant du même lieu, par rapport aux droits de tonnage. Pour ce qui concerne les droits de fanaux, de pilotage et de port, ainsi que les vacations des officiers publics, et tout autre droit ou charge, de quelque espèce ou dénomina


imported in the vessels of either

party, not to be subject to increased duties.

The same rule to obtain, whether arriving from their own

or from foreign


Merchandise which may be exported in na. tional vessels, may be so in those of either party.

cles from other


of whatever kind or denomination, levied upon vessels of commerce, in the name or to the profit of the government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, the High Contracting Parties shall reciprocally treat each other upon the footing of the most favored nations with whom they have not treaties now actually in force, regulating the said duties and charges on the basis of an entire reciprocity.

ARTICLE III. All kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, which may be lawfully imported into the ports of the Empire of Russia in Russian vessels, may, also, be so imported in vessels of the United States of America, without paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit, of the government, the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been imported in Russian vessels. And reciprocally, all kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, which may be lawfully imported into the ports of the United States of America, in vessels of the said States, may, also, be so imported in Russian vessels, without paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been imported in vessels of the United States of America.

ARTICLE IV. It is understood that the stipulations contained in the two preceding articles, are, to their full extent, applicable to Russian vessels and their cargoes, arriving in the ports of the United States of America; and reciprocally, to vessels of the said States and their cargoes, arriving in the ports of the Empire of Russia, whether the said vessels clear directly from the ports of the country to which they respectively belong, or from the ports of any other foreign country.

ARTICLE V. All kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, which may be lawfully exported from the ports of the United States of America in national vessels, may, also, be exported therefrom in Russian vessels without paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce, had been exported in vessels of the United States of America. And reciprocally, all kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, which may be lawfully exported from the ports of the Empire of Russia in national vessels, may also be exported therefrom in vessels of the United States of America, without paying other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been exported in Russian vessels.

No higher duARTICLE VI. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the imties shall be importation into the United States, of any article, the produce or manuposed than on facture of Russia; and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the same artithe importation into the Empire of Russia, of any article, the produce or manufacture of the United States, than are, or shall be, payable on the like article, being the produce or manufacture of any other foreign country. Nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or exportation of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States or of Russia, to, or from the ports of the United States, or to, or from the ports of the Russian Empire, which shall not equally extend to all other nations.

All prohibitions shall be general.

tion que ce soit, perçus des bâtimens de commerce, au nom ou au profit du gouvernement, des autorités locales, ou d'établissemens particuliers quelconques, les Hautes Parties Contractantes se traiteront réciproquement sur le pied des nations les plus favorisées avec lesquelles elles n'ont pas de traité actuellement en vigueur, qui règle les dits droits et charges sur la base d'une entière réciprocité.

ARTICLE III. Toute espèce de marchandises et objets de commerce qui pourront légalement être importés dans les ports de l'Empire de Russie sur des bâtimens Russes, pourront également y être importés sur des bâtimens des Etats Unis d'Amérique, sans payer d'autres ou de plus forts droits ou charges, de quelque espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, perçus au nom ou au profit du gouvernement, des autorités locales, ou d'établissemens particuliers quelconques, que s'ils étaient importés sur des bâtimens Russes. Et réciproquement, tout espèce de marchandises et objets de commerce qui pourront légalement être importés dans les ports des Etats Unis d'Amérique sur les bâtimens des dits Etats, pourront également y être importés sur des bâtimens Russes, sans payer d'autres ou de plus forts droits ou charges de quelque espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, perçus au nom ou au profit du gouvernement, des autorités locales, ou d'établissemens particuliers quelconques, que s'ils étaient importés sur des bâtimens des Etats Unis d'Amérique.

ARTICLE IV. Il est entendu que les stipulations contenues dans les deux articles précédens, sont, dans toute leur plénitude, applicables aux bâtimens Russes et leurs cargaisons, arrivant dans les ports des Etats Unis d'Amerique; et réciproquement aux bâtimens des dits Etats et leurs cargaisons, arrivant dans les ports de l'Empire de Russie, soit que les dits bâtimens viennent des ports du pays, auquel ils appartiennent, soit de ceux de tout autre pays étranger.

ARTICLE V. Toute espèce de marchandises et objets de commerce, qui pourront être légalement exportés des ports des Etats Unis d'Amérique sur des bâtimens nationaux, pourront également en être exportés sur des bâtimens Russes, sans payer d'autres ni de plus forts droits, ou charges, de quelque espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, perçus, au nom ou au profit du gouvernement, des autorités locales, ou d'établissemens particuliers quelconques, que si ces mêmes marchandises ou denrées étaient exportées par des bâtimens des Etats Unis d'Amérique. Et réciproquement, toute espèce de marchandise et objets de commerce qui pourront être légalement exportés des ports de l'Empire de Russie, sur des bâtimens nationaux, pourront également en étre exportés sur des bâtimens des Etats Unis d'Amérique, sans payer d'autres ou de plus forts droits ou charges, de quelque espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, perçus au nom ou au profit du gouvernement, des autorités locales, ou d'établissemens particuliers quelconques, que si ces marchandises ou denrées étaient exportées sur des bâtimens Russes.

ARTICLE VI. Il ne sera imposé d'autres ni de plus forts droits sur l'importation dans les Etats Unis des articles, provenant du sol ou de l'industrie de l'Empire de Russie; et il ne sera imposé d'autres ni de plus forts droits sur l'importation dans l'Empire de Russie, des articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie des Etats Unis, que ceux qui sont ou seront imposés sur les mêmes articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie de tout autre pays étranger. De même, il ne sera imposé sur l'importation ou sur l'exportation des articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie des Etats Unis ou de l'Empire de Russie, à l'entrée ou à la sortie des ports des Etats Unis, ou de ceux de l'Empire de Russie, aucune prohibition, qui ne soit pas également applicable à toute autre nation.

Coasting trade excepted.

Consuls, &c. Their authority and privileges.

Consuls, &c. to judge and arbitrate in cer

tain cases.

Consuls, &c. may require the assistance of the local authorities to arrest desert


Deserters to be sent back within four months.

Succession to

personal estate, and disposal thereof.

ARTICLE VII. It is expressly understood that the preceding articles II, III, IV, V, and VI, shall not be applicable to the coastwise navigation of either of the two countries, which each of the High Contracting Parties reserves exclusively to itself.

ARTICLE VIII. The two Contracting Parties shall have the liberty of having in their respective ports, Consuls, Vice Consuls, agents and commissaries, of their own appointment, who shall enjoy the same privileges and powers, as those of the most favored nations; but if any such Consul shall exercise commerce, they shall be submitted to the same laws and usages to which the private individuals of their nation are submitted, in the same place.

The Consuls, Vice Consuls, and commercial Agents, shall have the right, as such, to sit as judges and arbitrators in such differences as may arise between the captains and crews of the vessels belonging to the nation whose interests are committed to their charge, without the interference of the local authorities, unless the conduct of the crews, or of the captain, should disturb the order or the tranquillity of the country, or the said Consuls, Vice Consuls, or Commercial Agents should require their assistance to cause their decisions to be carried into effect or supported. It is, however, understood, that this species of judgment or arbitration shall not deprive the contending parties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial authority of their country.

ARTICLE IX. The said Consuls, Vice Consuls and Commercial Agents, are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities, for the search, arrest, detention and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country. For this purpose they shall apply to the competent tribunals, judges and officers, and shall, in writing, demand said deserters, proving by the exhibition of the registers of the vessels, the rolls of the crews, or by other official documents, that such individuals formed part of the crews; and this reclamation being thus substantiated, the surrender shall not be refused.

Such deserters, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the said Consuls, Vice Consuls, or Commercial Agents, and may be confined in the public prisons, at the request and cost of those who shall claim them, in order to be detained until the time when they shall be restored to the vessels to which they belonged, or sent back to their own country by a vessel of the same nation or any other vessel whatsoever. But if not sent back within four months, from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall not be again arrested for the same


However, if the deserter should be found to have committed any crime or offence, his surrender may be delayed until the tribunal before which his case shall be depending, shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.

ARTICLE X. The citizens and subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by testament, donation, or otherwise, and their representatives, being citizens or subjects of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato, and may take possession thereof, either by themselves, or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same, at will, paying to the profit of the respective governments, such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases. And in case of the absence of the representative, such care shall be taken of the said goods, as would be taken of the goods of a native of the same country in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. And if a question should arise among several

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