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commanders of ships, &c., to manage their

business as citi

zens of the most favoured nations.

Citizens of nei

ther of the con

tracting parties liable to any embargo, &c.

Citizens of either of the

contracting parties, seeking refuge in the dominions of

the other, to be

treated as friends, &c.

All ships, &c. belonging to the citizens of one

of the contracting parties, cap tured by pirates,

and found with

in the dominions

of either, to be delivered up to the owners.

Assistance to

be rendered by

the contracting parties, in case of wrecks, &c.

within the dominions of each other.

most favoured nation is or shall be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions in navigation and commerce, which the most favoured nation does or shall enjoy, submitting themselves, nevertheless, to the laws, decrees, and usages, there established, and to which are submitted the subjects and citizens of the most favoured nations.


It is likewise agreed that it shall be wholly free for all merchants, commanders of ships, and other citizens of both countries, to manage themselves their own business in all the ports and places subject to the jurisdiction of each other, as well with respect to the consignment and sale of their goods and merchandize by wholesale or retail, as with respect to the loading, unloading, and sending off their ships, they being in all these cases to be treated as citizens of the country in which they reside, or at least to be placed on a footing with the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.


The citizens of neither of the contracting parties shall be liable to any embargo, nor be detained with their vessels, cargoes, merchandizes, or effects, for any military expedition, nor for any public or private purpose whatever, without allowing to those interested a sufficient indemnification.


Whenever the citizens of either of the contracting parties shall be forced to seek refuge or asylum in the rivers, bays, ports, or dominions of the other, with their vessels, whether merchant or of war, public or private, through stress of weather, pursuit of pirates, or enemies, they shall be received and treated with humanity, giving to them all favour and protection for repairing their ships, procuring provisions, and placing themselves in a situation to continue their voyage without obstacle or hindrance of any kind.


All the ships, merchandize, and effects belonging to the citizens of one of the contracting parties, which may be captured by pirates, whether within the limits of its jurisdiction or on the high seas, and may be carried or found in the rivers, roads, bays, ports, or dominions, of the other, shall be delivered up to the owners, they proving in due and proper form their rights before the competent tribunals; it being well understood that the claim should be made within the term of one year by the parties themselves, their attorneys, or agents of the respective governments.


When any vessel belonging to the citizens of either of the contracting parties shall be wrecked, foundered, or shall suffer any damage on the coasts, or within the dominions of the other, there shall be given to them all assistance and protection in the same manner which is usual and customary with the vessels of the nation where the damage happens, permitting them to unload the said vessel, if necessary, of its merchandizes and effects, without exacting for it any duty, impost, or contribution whatever, until they may be exported.


The citizens of each of the contracting parties shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by

los que las naciones mas favorecidas, están ó estuvieren obligadas á pagár, y gozarán de todos los derechos, privilejios y esenciones, que gozan ó gozaren los de la nacion mas favorecida con respecto á navegacion y comercio, sometiendose, no obstante, á las leyes, decretos y usos establecidos, á los cuales estan sujetos los subditos ó ciudadanos de las naciones mas favorecidas.

ART. 4°.

Se conviene ademas, que será enteramente libre y permitido, á los comerciantes, comandantes de buques, y otros Ciudadanos de ambos paises el manejar sus negocios, por si mismos, en todos los puertos y lugares sujetos á la jurisdiccion de uno ú otro, asi respecto á las consignaciones y ventas por mayor y menor de sus efectos y mercaderias, como de la carga, descarga y despacho de sus buques, debiendo en todos estos casos, ser tratados como Ciudadanos del pais en que residan, ó al menos puestos sobre un pie igual con los subditos ó Ciudadanos de las naciones mas favorecidas.

ART. 5°.

Los Ciudadanos de una ú otra parte, no podrán ser embargados ni detenidos con sus embarcaciones, tripulaciones, mercaderias, y efectos comerciales de su pertenencia, para alguna espedicion militar, usos publicos, ó particulares cualesquiera que sean, sin concedèr á los interesados una suficiente indemnizacion.

ART. 6°.

Siempre que los Ciudadanos de alguna de las partes contratantes se vieren precisados á buscár refujio, ó asilo en los rios, bahias, puertos, ó dominios de la otra, con sus buques, ya sean mercantes, ó de guerra, publicos ó particulares, por mal tiempo, persecucion de piratas ó enemigos, serán recibidos y tratados con humanidad, dandoles todo favor y proteccion, para reparar sus buques, procurár viveres, y ponerse en situacion de continuar su viaje, sin obstaculo ó estorbo de ningun genero.

ART°. 7°.

Todos los buques, mercaderias y efectos pertenecientes a los Ciudadanos de una de las partes contratantes, que sean apresados por piratas, bien sea dentro de los limites de su jurisdiccion, ó en alta mar, y fueren llevados, ó hallados en los rios, radas, bahias, puertos, ó dominios de la otra, serán entregados á sus dueños, probando estos en la forma propia y debida sus derechos ante los Tribunales competentes; bien entendido que el reclamo ha de hacerse dentro del termino de un año, por las mismas partes, sus apoderados ó Agentes de los respectivos Gobiernos.

ART. 8°.

Cuando algun buque perteneciente á los ciudadanos de alguna de las partes contratantes, naufrague, encalle, ó sufra alguna averia, en las costas, ó dentro de los dominios de la otra, se les dará toda ayuda y proteccion, del mismo modo que es uso y costumbre, con los buques de la nacion en donde suceda la averia; permitiendoles descargár el dicho buque (si fuere necesario de sus mercaderias y efectos,) sin cobrar por esto hasta que sean esportados, ningun derecho, impuesto ó contribucion.

ART. 9°.

Los ciudadanos de cada una de las partes contratantes, tendran pleno podér para disponér de sus bienes personales dentro de la jurisdiccion

Citizens of

each of the contracting parties shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within

the jurisdiction

of the other.

Special protec

tion to be given

to the persons and property of the citizens of

either party, in the territory of the other.

Security of conscience to be enjoyed by citizens of both

the contracting parties, in the countries subject to the one and the other.

Citizens of either party may sail with

their ships from any port to the places of those

who now are or hereafter shall be at enmity with either of the contracting parties.

sale, donation, testament, or otherwise, and their representatives, being citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country, wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases. And if, in the case of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession of the inheritance, on account of their character of aliens, there shall be granted to them the term of three years to dispose of the same, as they may think proper, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all rights of detraction, on the part of the government of the respective States.


Both the contracting parties promise and engage, formally to give their special protection to the persons and property of the citizens of each other, of all occupations, who may be in the territories subject to the jurisdiction of the one or the other, transient or dwelling therein, leaving open and free to them the tribunals of justice for their judicial recourse, on the same terms which are usual and customary, with the natives or citizens of the country in which they may be; for which they may employ in defence of their rights such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors, as they may judge proper, in all their trials at law; and such citizens or agents shall have free opportunity to be present at the decisions and sentences of the tribunals, in all cases which may concern them, and likewise at the taking of all examinations and evidence which may be exhibited in the said trials.


It is likewise agreed that the most perfect and entire security of conscience shall be enjoyed by the citizens of both the contracting parties in the countries subject to the jurisdiction of the one and the other, without their being liable to be disturbed or molested on account of their religious belief, so long as they respect the laws and established usages of the country. Moreover, the bodies of the citizens of one of the contracting parties, who may die in the territories of the other, shall be buried in the usual burying grounds, or in other decent and suitable places, and shall be protected from violation or disturbance.

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It shall be lawful for the citizens of the United States of America and of the Republic of Colombia to sail with their ships, with all manner of liberty and security, no distinction being made, who are the proprietors of the merchandises laden thereon, from any port to the places of those who now are or hereafter shall be at enmity with either of the contracting parties. It shall likewise be lawful for the citizens aforesaid to sail with the ships and merchandises beforementioned, and to trade with the same liberty and security from the places, ports, and havens, of those who are enemies of both or either party, without any oposition or disturbance whatsoever, not only directly from the places of the enemy, beforementioned, to neutral places, but also from one place belonging to an enemy to another place belonging to an enemy, whether they be under the jurisdiction of one power or under several. And it is hereby stipulated, that free ships shall also give freedom to goods, and that every thing shall be deemed to be free and exempt, which shall be found on board the ships belonging to the citizens of either of the contracting parties, although the whole lading, or any part thereof should appertain to the enemies of either, contraband goods being always excepted. Is is also agreed, in like manner, that the same

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de la otra, por venta, donacion, testamento, ó de otro modo; y sus representantes, siendo ciudadanos de la otra parte, succederán á sus dichos bienes personales, ya sea por testamento ó ab intestato, y podran tomar posecion de ellos, ya sea por si mismos, ó por otros, que obren por ellos, y disponer de los mismos, segun su voluntad, pagando aquellas cargas solamente, que los habitantes del pais en donde estan los referidos bienes, estuvieren sujetos, á pagar en iguales casos. Y si en el caso de bienes raices, los dichos herederos fuesen impedidos de entrar en la posecion de la herencia por razon de su caracter de estrangeros, se les dará el termino de tres años, para disponer de ella como juzguen conveniente, y para estraér el producto sin molestia, y esentos de todo derecho de deduccion, por parte del Gobierno de los respectivos Estados.

ART. 10°.

Ambas partes contratantes se comprometen y obligan formalmente á dar su proteccion especial á las personas y propiedades de los ciudadanos de cada una reciprocamente transeuntes ó habitantes de todas ocupaciones, en los territorios sujetos á la jurisdiccion de una y otra, dejandoles abiertos y libres los Tribunales de justicia, para sus recursos judiciales, en los mismos terminos que son de uso y costumbre para los naturales ò Ciudadanos del pais en que residan; para lo cual, podrán emplear en defensa de sus derechos aquellos Abogados, Procuradores, Escribanos, Agentes, ó Factores que juzguen conveniente, en todos sus asuntos y litigios; y dichos ciudadanos ó Agentes tendrán la libre facultad de estar presentes en las decisiones y sentencias de los Tribunales, en todos los casos que les conciernan, como igualmente al tomar todos los examenes y declaraciones que se ofrezcan en los dichos litigios.

ART. 11°.

Se conviene igualmente en que los ciudadanos de ambas partes contratantes gozen la mas perfecta y entera seguridad de conciencia en los paises sujetos á la jurisdiccion de una u otra, sin quedar por ello espuestos á ser inquietados ó molestados en razon de su creencia religiosa, mientras que respeten las leyes y usos establecidos. Ademas de esto, podrán sepultarse los cadaveres de los Ciudadanos de una de las partes contratantes, que fallecieren en los territorios de la otra, en los cementerios acostumbrados, ó en otros lugares decentes, y adecuados, los cuales, serán protejidos contra toda violacion ó trastorno.

ART. 12°.

Será licito a los Ciudadanos de la Republica de Colombia, y de los Estados-Unidos de America navegar con sus buques, con toda seguridad y libertad, de cualquiera puerto á las plazas ó lugares de los que son ó fueren en adelante enemigos de cualquiera de las dos partes contratantes, sin hacerse distincion de quienes son los dueños de las mercaderias cargadas en ellos. Será igualmente licito á los referidos ciudadanos navegar con sus buques y mercaderias mencionadas y traficár con la misma libertad y seguridad, de los lugares, puertos y ensenadas de los enemigos de ambas partes, ó de alguna de ellas, sin ninguna oposicion, ó disturbio cualquiera, no solo directamente de los lugares de enemigo arriba mencionados á lugares neutros, sino tambien de un lugar perteneciente á un enemigo, á otro enemigo, ya sea que esten bajo la jurisdiccion de una potencia, ó bajo la de diversas. Y queda aqui estipulado, que los buques libres, dan tambien libertad á las mercaderias, y que se ha de considerar libre y esento todo lo que se hallare á bordo de los buques pertenecientes á los Ciudadanos de cualquiera de las partes contratantes, aunque toda la carga ó parte de ella pertenezca á enemigos de una ú otra, eceptuando siempre los articulos de contrabando de guerra. Se conviene tambien del mismo modo, en que la misma libertad se

Neutral property found on board enemy's vessels, shall be held and considered as ene

my's property.

liberty be extended to persons who are on board a free ship, with this effect, that although they be enemies to both or either party, they are not to be taken out of that free ship, unless they are officers or soldiers, and in the actual service of the enemies: Provided, however, and it is hereby agreed, that the stipulations in this article contained, declaring that the flag shall cover the property, shall be understood as applying to those powers only who recognize this principle; but if either of the two contracting parties shall be at war with a third, and the other neutral, the flag of the neutral shall cover the property of enemies whose governments acknowledge this principle, and not of others.


It is likewise agreed, that in the case where the neutral flag of one of the contracting parties shall protect the property of the enemies of the other, by virtue of the above stipulation, it shall always be understood that the neutral property found on board such enemy's vessels shall be held and considered as enemy's property, and as such shall be liable to detention and confiscation, except such property as was put on board such vessel before the declaration of war, or even afterwards, if it were done without the knowledge of it; but the contracting parties agree, that two months having elapsed after the declaration, their citizens shall not plead ignorance thereof. On the contrary, if the flag of the neutral does not protect the enemy's property, in that case the goods and merchandises of the neutral, embarked in such enemy's ship, shall be free.

Liberty of navigation and

commerce to extend to all kinds of merchandise except the following.

All other merchandise not


in the articles above enume

rated, to be held as free.


This liberty of navigation and commerce shall extend to all kinds of merchandises, excepting those only which are distinguished by the name of contraband, and under this name of contraband, or prohibited goods, shall be comprehended

1st. Cannons, mortars, howitzers, swivels, blunderbusses, muskets, fuzees, rifles, carbines, pistols, pikes, swords, sabres, lances, spears, halberds, and granades, bombs, powder, matches, balls, and all other things belonging to the use of these arms;

2dly. Bucklers, helmets, breast-plates, coats of mail, infantry belts, and clothes made up in the form and for a military use;

3dly. Cavalry belts, and horses with their furniture;

4thly. And generally all kinds of arms and instruments of iron, steel, brass, and copper, or of any other materials manufactured, prepared, and formed, expressly to make war by sea or land.


All other merchandises and things not comprehended in the articles of contraband explicitly enumerated and classified as above, shall be held and considered as free, and subjects of free and lawful commerce, so that they may be carried and transported in the freest manner by both the contracting parties, even to places belonging to an enemy, excepting only those places which are at that time besieged or blocked up; and, to avoid all doubt in this particular, it is declared that those places only are besieged or blockaded which are actually attacked by a belligerent force capable of preventing the entry of the neutral.


The articles of contraband, before enumerated and classified, which may be found in a vessel bound for an enemy's port, shall be subject to

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