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are considered of economic importance in Australia. Two tropical species are widely known, the lemon grass (Andropogon schonanthus) and Andropogon nardus, sources of lemon oil and citronella oil, both of which are largely used in making perfumery.

AN'DROS (Gk. 'Avôpoç). One of the islands of the Greek Archipelago, the most northern of the Cyclades, separated from Euboea by the Doro Channel, six miles broad (Map: Greece, F. 4). The island is 25 miles long, about nine miles in its greatest breadth, and covers a total area of about 160 square miles. The island is traversed by several mountain chains, separated from one another by deep valleys, which yield grain, olives, and other southern fruits, silk, and common vegetables. Domestic animals are raised extensively in the northern part, which is inhabited chiefly by Albanians. The chief seaports are Gavrion, Korthion and Andros, the capital. The last mentioned carries on a large trade, is the seat of Greek and Roman Catholic bishops, and has a population (1896) of 8600. The island was originally settled by pirates and subsequently by Ionians. It was successively in the hands of the Athenians, Macedonians, and Romans, and, in 1207, had a prince of its choosing, the Venetian nobleman Marino Dandolo. 1566 it fell into the hands of the Turks, whose rule, however, was chiefly restricted to the levying of an annual tribute of 30,000 piasters. present the island forms a part of Greece. population (1896) was 18,809. Consult Kopf, Geschichte der Insel Andros (Vienna, 1855).


At Its


ANDROS, SIR EDMUND (1637-1714). colonial governor in America, the son of an officer in the English royal household. In 1674 he was sent to America as governor of the colony


of New York, and to him Sir Anthony Colve, the governor during the temporary Dutch supremacy, surrendered without forcible opposition. His commission gave him jurisdiction over Long Island, Pemaquid, and the region between the Connecticut River and the Delaware River. He was thus brought into embarrassing relations with the proprietary government of East Jersey, and also became engaged in controversies with the author ities of Connecticut. After the charters of the New England provinces had been declared forfeited by the English courts, the policy of the English administration in furtherance of a strongly centralized colonial system was illustrated by the steps taken to consolidate the lands of New England into one province, over which, in 1686, Andros was made Governor-General with large powers. He to admit religious toleration, but could suppress all printing, name and change his council at will, and, with their consent, levy taxes, and control the militia. When Connecticut refused to recognize his authority, he appeared in the council chamber at Hartford, in October, 1687, with an armed guard, and demanded the surrender of the colony's charter. There long survived a tradition of the hiding of the charter in an oak tree. The leaders, both in Connecticut and in Rhode Island, deemed it prudent to render perfunctory obedience to the one in forcible control of the political situation. In 1688 New York and New Jersey were attached to New England, and Andros's rule was extended over all territory between the St. Croix and the Delaware. On hearing of the revolution in Eng

land, the people of Boston imprisoned Andros and some of his officers, April 18, 1689, and Leisler set up a rebel government in New York. In July Andros and a committee of accusers were ordered to England, but the charges were never pressed to a formal trial. The accession of William III. made possible the undoing of the work of Andros. The charters of Connecticut and Rhode Island were recognized as in force. Massachusetts received from the King an acceptable charter, and New Hampshire was organized as a distinct royal province. In 1692 Andros came back as Governor of Virginia, where he was popular, retiring in 1698, and acting as Governor of Guernsey, 1704-06. In 1691 he published an account of his proceedings in New England. The Prince Society has published a Memoir, by Whitmore (Boston, 1868-74), and an extensive series of the Andros Tracts, 3 volumes (Boston, 186874).

AN'DROSCOG/GIN. A river rising in Umbagog Lake, which lies on the State lines of New Hampshire and Maine. It is 157 miles long, and flows through both States, emptying into the estuary of the Kennebec above Bath (Map: Maine, B 7). Its value for navigation is small, but as the elevation of its source at Lake Umbagog is over 2000 feet, and as the descent is abrupt at many places, until at Auburn, Me., the elevation is but 210 feet, it affords extensive power to the many industries established on its banks.

ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, äx'droo'â' dụ sâr'so'. A famous family of French architects of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, founded by Jacques Androuet (c. 1510-84), called du Cerceau from the circle used as the sign over his workshop. Jacques was one of the leaders in introducing the Italian Renaissance style into

France through his works, his writings, and his numerous drawings. He was succeeded by his two sons, Baptiste (c. 1544-1602) and Jacques II. (died 1614), who took part in many of the great constructions of the time in France, such as the Louvre, the Tuileries, the Pont Neuf, St. Denis (chapel), etc. The third generation was represented by Baptiste's son, Jean (c. 1600-16), chiefly noted for the private palaces he built in Paris, such as the Sully and Bellegarde mansions.


ANDRYANE, äydrêản, ALEXANDRE PHI LIPPE (1797-1863). A French soldier noted for his captivity in the fortress of Spielberg. He was born in Paris, and after serving as an artillery officer until 1815, went to Italy and attempted to incite an insurrection against Austria. was arrested and condemned to death, but his sentence was commuted by the Emperor of Austria to perpetual imprisonment in the fortress of Spielberg, where for eight years he led a life of torture, vividly described in his Mémoires d'un prisonnier d'état (Paris, 1837-38). He was pardoned in 1832, and afterward served with the French army in Italy. After the battle of Magenta he was appointed commissary general by Napoleon III. In addition to the before mentioned work he published Souvenirs de Genève, complément des mémoires d'un prisonnier d'état (1839).

ANDÚJAR, an-doo'Här. A town of Andalusia, Spain, in the province of Jaen, 24 miles north-northwest of Jaen, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir, at the base of the Sierra Morena (Map: Spain, C 3). It stands on the high road at the head of a pass over the Sierra

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Morena. It is quite a prosperous, modernlooking city, with fine churches, four nunneries, six monasteries for men, three hospitals, and a theatre. A fine promenade runs through the town. There is some trade in grain, cattle, and wine. Andújar is frequented for the mineral springs in its neighborhood. Pop., 1900, 16,302. ANDVARI, ȧnd-vä'rê. In Norse mythology, the name of the fish-shaped dwarf who owned the ring, with the curse of ill-obtained gold, fatal to the possessor. This is the key-note of the remarkable stories of Sigurd Fafnisbane and the German legends presented in musical form by Wagner in an elaborate tetralogy, consisting of Das Rheingold (the temptation), Die Walküre (Fate), Siegfried (the hero), and Die Götterdämmerung (the "Twilight of the Gods," or end of all things).

ANECDOTE (Gk. ȧvéкdoros, anekdotos, unpublished, from av, an, negat. + ik, ek, out + didó. vai, didonai, to give). Procopius called his secret history of Justinian's court Anecdota. The name is applied also to portions of ancient writings long unpublished, and a number of such Anecdota have been collected in volumes and printed. It ordinarily means some isolated fact, usually of a personal nature, which would interest a listener. There are a great many books of anecdotes, the most celebrated in English being the Percy Anecdotes. See Hood, World of Anecdote (4 vols., Philadelphia, 1901).


Chaucer, called also Queen Anelida and False Arcite. Anelida is an Armenian queen; Arcite a knight of Thebes. The work is unfinished, but was printed by Caxton. Parts of it have been recognized as taken from Statius's Thebaid and Boccaccio's Teseide. Chaucer himself acknowledged obligation to Statius and Corinna, a Greek poetess of the fifth century B.C. There is a modern version by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

ANEM'OGRAPH (Gk. åvɛpos, anemos, wind +ypage, graphein, to write, record). When a wind-vane is attached to self-recording apparatus it becomes an anemograph. Frequently the anemometer for measuring the velocity of the wind is also made to register upon the same sheet of paper and the apparatus becomes a complete anemograph. As the paper moves uniformly by clock-work, every change of the wind as to direction or velocity is registered at the proper time. The anemograph is called a windregister in the Weather Bureau, but the word itself is retained in European literature.

ANʼEMOM’ETER (Gk. åvɛuoç, anemos, wind +μerpov, metron, measure). An instrument used to measure the velocity of the wind, its pressure, or other effects produced by it. The first instrument of this kind is commonly known as Hooke's pendulum anemometer, and is mentioned as early as 1667. It is, however, likely to have been the common product of the members of the first meteorological committee of the Royal Society of London, among whom Hooke and Sir Christopher Wren were prominent members. This form of instrument was revived in 1861 by Professor H. Wild, and is now used in Switzerland and Russia, where it is known as Wild's tablet anemometer. In this instrument a plane square tablet is suspended vertically from a horizontal axis which is kept by a wind-vane always at right angles to the direction of the


wind; the tablet is raised by the wind to an inclined position of temporary rest, and its angular inclination to the vertical is noted on a graduated arc; circular plates, and especially spheres, have been sometimes used instead of the plate. About 1724 the use of a vertical pressure plate, having springs or weights at its back against which the plate is pushed by the wind, was introduced by Leupold; at the present time the pressure plate anemometer is used at a few European observatories in the form arranged by Osler for the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Theoretically, the most perfect modification of Leupold's anemometer is that devised by Jelinek in 1850, in which the springs behind the pressure plate are inclosed in a cylindrical case, which eliminates the action of the wind or the partial vacuum at the back of the plate. A third class of pressure-anemometers is that of Lind, in which the wind-pressure acts on the surface of a liquid in a U-shaped tube, raising it in one leg of the U and depressing it in the other.

Various other forms of pressure-anemometers have occasionally been used by meteorologists, but at the present time the tendency is to abandon all these in favor of instruments that rotate and give more or less correctly the velocity of the wind. This tendency is justified by the consideration that in meteorology we need only the velocity of the wind, and by the fact that, although the engineer needs to know the pressure of the wind against engineering structures, yet he cannot obtain this with sufficient accuracy from the pressures recorded by the small flat surfaces that are used in ordinary anemometers. In fact, the pressure of the wind against an obstacle depends not merely on the area of the transverse section of that obstacle, but on the shape of that section, and even still more on the longitudinal section in the direction of the wind. Thus, the pressure of the wind on wires, ropes, and rods is much greater than on globes of the same transverse section; the pressure on a triangle is greater than that on a square or circle of the same area. In general, it is more important to know the velocity of the average wind and of its maximum gusts than to know its pressure on some assumed arbitrary solid. When rain is driven with the wind, the combined pressure due to both is needed in engineering studies.

Anemometers for measuring wind velocity include both the suction-anemometers and the rotation-anemometers. In the former the open end of a long, vertical tube is freely exposed to the wind in such a way that it blows as nearly as may be transverse to the axis of the tube. The end may be fitted into the side of a horizontal contracted tube as in Venturi's instrument; or may end conically in the air, or squarely, and without any adjunct. The passage of the wind across the open end of the tube produces a diminution of barometric pressure within it, which increases with the velocity. The exact measurement of this depression gives the basis for computation of the velocity of the wind. This principle was known to the experimenters of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (see their report for 1847), and to those of the Franklin Institute (see their report of 1842), and is that which explains the draught up a good chimney; but it was first applied to the measurement of the wind in England by Fletcher in 1867. The modifications of Fletcher's anemometer

made by Hagemann, of Denmark, and by Dines, of England, appear to be especially appropriate to the measurements of gusts. The combination of suction-anemometer, pressure-anemometer, and aneroid barometer recommended by Professor Cleveland Abbe in 1882, and especially the application to the tube of parallel plates that entirely annul the wind effects seem to be essential if we would determine the true barometric pressure with a barometer exposed to the wind, as, for instance, on a mountain top.

Rotation-anemometers are those in which the wind sets in motion plane or curved metallic blades. The earliest form resembled that of Dinglinger, mentioned by Leupold in 1724, in that it used the Polish water-wheel with vertical axis, but differed essentially in that Dinglinger prevented the rotation of the arms and measured the pressure required to keep them quiet, whereas d'Ons-en-Bray, in 1734, allowed them to rotate continuously. Since that time two essentially different varieties of the rotation-anemometer have been developed, namely (a) those of Schober and Woltmann, Combes, Casella, Whewell, or Biram, in all which sets of plane plates inclined to an axis are forced to revolve about it by the wind blowing in the direction of the axis. This form is much used in studies on ventilation of mines and buildings. The most important meteorological application of this style is that manufactured by Richard for use at the French

observing stations. (b) The Robinson anemometer, brought out by Dr. Robinson in 1846,

experiment upon each respective type of ane


Professor Marvin shows, besides, that the ratio varies according as the anemometer is exposed to a uniform wind or to one that is variable and gusty. He finds that in the latter case the ratio depends not merely upon the dimensions of the arms and cups, but especially upon the moment of inertia of the revolving system; that is to say, on the mass of the cups. For gusty winds, the recorded wind velocity is always too great. This is explained by the fact that the gusts give to the revolving cups a great velocity, which they, by reason of their momentum, retain after the gust has ceased. It would seem, therefore, that rotating anemometers should be standardized not merely in quiet air, but also out of doors in ordinary gusty winds. By such comparisons Professor Marvin has compiled a table, of which the following is an abstract, showing the correct wind velocity for records of anemometers in the ordinary or average gustiness of the wind at Washington. If the observed wind velocities are indicated on dials constructed on the assumption that the centres of the cups move with one-third the velocity of the wind, then the corrected wind velocities are given by the following table:

Weather Bureau Marvin's Equiva- Corresponding Anemometer. In- lent. Correct Ve- Pressure in pounds dicated Velocity. locity. Miles per on one square foot Miles per hour. hour. of area.


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many years before.

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This has come into very general use by English and American meteorological observers as the Robinson hemispherical cup anemometer. In this instrument a vertical spindle carries at its upper end four horizontal arms at right angles to each other; each arm carries at its extremity a hollow hemispherical cup of thin sheet metal whose circular rim is in a vertical plane passing through the common vertical axis of rotation of the spindle. The wind rotates these cups so that the convex side of each cup goes forward. Numerous experiments have been made to determine the relation between the velocity of the wind and that of the cups. The instrument makers have generally followed Dr. Robinson's conclusion, that the linear motion of the centre of the cup is one-third of that of the wind; but observation and experiment, as well as the ory, show that this cannot be true. The most intelligent and satisfactory investigation of this important subject has been carried out by Professor C. F. Marvin, of the United States Weather Bureau. Combining his results with those of European students, we must conclude that in perfectly uniform winds the general average ratio between the velocity of the wind and that of the cups varies with the length of the arm and the size of the cups between 2.5 and 3.5, so that it is necessary to determine the ratio by actual

Observations on strong winds on the summit of Mount Washington indicate that the velocities given in this table apply also to that high elevation, so that there is no evidence that the Robinson anemometer is appreciably influenced by changes in the density of the air; but, of course, the wind pressures for a given velocity are smaller in proportion to the density. In order to determine the coefficient for computing wind pressure at high velocities, Marvin conducted special measurements at the summit of Mount Washington, using both large and small-pressure plates, and obtaining automatic simultaneous records on the same sheet of paper for both the pressure and the velocity. He finds that when the air has the standard density for 32° F. and 30 inches of pressure, the wind pressure on a plane flat surface is equal to 0.0040 pound to the square foot multiplied by the square of the velocity of the wind in miles per hour and by the area of the plate; this formula gives the pressures printed in the preceding table. (For further details, see Professor Marvin's paper on wind-pressures and wind-velocities, printed in the annual report of the chief sig nal officer of the army for 1890.) A general review of the subject of anemometry is given in Abbe's Treatise on Meteorological Apparatus and Methods (Washington, 1887). The Robinson anemometer, as originally made by James Green, of New York, with readings reduced

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