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Biographical Sermons: or, A Series of Difcourfes on the principal Characters in Scripture. By W. Enfield, LL. D. 12mo. 35. fewed. Johnfon

The characters here defcribed and commented on, are thofe of Abraham, Jacob, Jofeph, Mofes, Job, David, Daniel, Peter, Paul, and jeas Chrift; which are reprefented as objects wonhy not only of admiration but imitation. They are profondly calculated for the edification of young people, for whole perutal they are not improperly adapted.

Every Farmer his own Cattle Doctor: containing a full and clear Account of the Symptoms and Causes of the Difeafes of Cattle, with the most approved Prefcriptions for their Cure, &c. &c. By John Swaine. 12mo. 2s. Richardfon and Urquhart.

Heaven help the poor diftempered cattle under the hands of fuch fimple Swains of doctors, as are moft of our country-farmers-It is, indeed, with pleasure we reflect that even our profeffed farriers and cattle-doctors think it more necessary to apply to the ftudy of anatomy and furgery than did their predecellors in that useful, and therefore creditable, profeffion.

The Equity and Wisdom of Administration, in Measures that have unhappily occafioned the American Revolt, tried by the Sacred Oracle. 12mo. 2d. Edinburgh, Gray.

A twopenny trial of adminiftration for provoking the Americans to revolt! If it were tried by the fame interpreter (for the Sacred Oracle fpeaks merely through an interpreter) it would be convicted, no doubt, in like manner, for attempting to fuppress their rebellion for that verdict, the author would probably charge a groat.

An Appeal to the Unprejudiced; or, a Vindication of the Measures of Government with Refpect to America. 8vo. 1s. Oxford printed, and fold by Rivington in London.

An Appeal in fact to-nobody. For who is not in fome degree prejudiced either on one fide or on the other of this univerfally-interefting and particularly diftreffing conteft?

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A Letter from the celebrated Dr. Tiffot to Dr. Zimmerman, on the Morbus Niger; including fome oppofite Cafes equally curious and interesting. The whole illuftrated with an Account of the morbid Appearances of the diffected Bodies. Tranflated from the French by John Burke, M. D. 8vo. Is. 6d. Kearfly.

Two cafes, of this diforder, with the caufe of which the Ancients who termed it atra bilis were wholly acquainted, are here particularly recorded; the one attended with fuccefs, the other fatal. A third cafe fomewhat fimilar is likewife given; together with observations on two others, the firft relating to a very fingular inteftinal worm, and the laft to a pain in the head; which was cured by a deep incifion on the part affected.


A Treatife upon the Extraction of the Cryftalline Lens. George Borthwick, Surgeon of the Fourteenth Regiment of Dragoons. 8vo. 1s. Edinburgh. Sold by Murray in London. This practitioner, by confining himself to the defcription of the manner of performing the operation of extraction in a cataract, appears to prefer that method to the mode of depreffion : for which, however, he does not give his reafons, or any inftance of the fuperior fuccefs attending it.

John the Painter's Ghoft: How he appeared on the Night of his Execution to Lord Temple, &c. 4to. Is. 6d. Williams.

Lord Temple being charged, with having employed one Baldwin to infinuate himself into the confidence of his brother brush, and draw from him the confeffion which convicted him; he is here fuppofed to receive a vifit from the convict's ghoft; who is not a little fevere on courts and courtiers. There comes little edification, however, from the Devil's correcting fin.

Letters from General Washington to feveral of his Friends in the Year 1776. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Bew.

Senfible and artful remonftrances in favour of the Americans, but certainly not written by General Washington.


Obfervations on Mr. Wefley's Second Calm Addrefs; and incidentally on other Writings upon the American Question. Toge ther with Thoughts on Toleration, and on the Point how far the Confcience of the Subject is concerned in a War: Remarks on Conflitutions in general, and that of England in particular; în the Nature of Colonial Government, and a Recommendation of a Plan of Peace. 12mo. 18. Dilly.


Mr. Wefley being almoft as much out of his element in turning politician, as he was when he commenced phyfician, it is no wonder that he lays himfelf open to refutation by adepts of both profeffions.-Our peace-maker hath hence evidently the advantage over him in the prefent difpute. He might as well have kept his plan of peace, however, to himfelf, till the belligerant parties are better difpofed than they feem at prefent to make an end of the war.

A Brief Defcription of the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. To which are added, fome proper Cautions to the Merchants, Tradefmen, &c. By Sir John Fielding, one of bis Majefty's, Juflices of the Peace, &. 12mo. 3s Wilkie.

A fpecies of forgery, for which Sir John Fielding, whofe name is here artfully and unwarrantly abused, cannot legally iffue his warrant to apprehend the offender. The Cautions to Merchants and Trade men were, it is true, dictated by this vigilant magiftrate; but the defcription of the Cities of London and Westminster is the production of fome Grub; who may probably fall into the Knight's clutches fome time or other for fome other fpecies of petty larceny.

A Letter to the Mafter, Wardens, and Court of Affiftants, of the Corporation of Surgeons, &c. By a Member of the Corpora Svo. Is. Lowndes.


A fenfible call on the Company of Surgeons to exert themfelves, to prevent the grofs abufes and inhuman ravages daily committed by quacks and empirics. Surely the College of Phyficians, with the Surgeons Company united, might do fomething this way; for which the public, the rifing generation in particular, would be infinitely indebted to them.


Reflections on the State of Parties; on the National Debt, the Neceffity and Expediency of the prefent War with America. 8vo. Is. 6d. W. Davies.

A dealer in white-wash and black-ball, with which he alternately beplaifters the Ministry, and befpatters the Americans : Like a vile dauber, however, he lays it on fo thick, that the difference of colour makes no difference in the dirt.

An Enquiry, whether we have any Scripture-Warrant for a direct Addrefs of Supplication, Praife, or Thanksgiving, either to the Son or to the Holy Ghoft. By the late Rev. Paul Cardale, Author of The true New Teftament Doctrine of Jefus Chrift confdered, &c. To which are prefixed, A few Strictures relative to the Author. And by Way of Appendix, a Letter on the Perfonality of the Spirit, which was fent to the Editor in the Year 1762. By the late Rev. Nath. Lardner, D. D. Svo. IS. Johnson.

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The texts of fcripture chiefly infifted on and explained in this Enquiry are the invocations of the Apoftle Thomas and St. Stephen. There appears, however, fo much difficulty in the folution of this difficult fcriptural problem, that we think these very able divines have left it much in the fame ftate in which they found it.

A Treatife on the Charade. Tranflated from the French of the Sieur Rondeaulet, Member of the Academy of Belles Lettres at Paris. By Tobias Rigmerole, with Alterations adapted to the English Language. 4to. Is. Davies,

A treatise on a wretched fpecies of writing, which certain frivolous females lately imported among other frippery fashions from France. Like most other articles of French manufacture, however, it does not appear adapted to the wear of this country.

This SUPPLEMENT to be continued, and if poffible concluded, in our next.In the mean time the Editor would be obliged to fuch Authors and Publishers as may inform him of any article hitherto omitted.





I have been fo highly entertained by the effays of Monf. Falconet, which you have with much candour defcribed in your Review for May, that I wish to point out to the ingenious Tranflator two fmall errors, which, though apparently typographical, it may be very neceffary his readers fhould be apprifed of. In the 5th line of p. 11, "removed" fhould certainly be " unmoved;" and in the laft line of p. 26, we should read "cut out," in the text, and "renforcement" in the note.-Thefe particulars may poffibly be too minute for your notice; but in a work of fcience, which in other refpects appears extremely correct, it may not be impertinent to have, noticed them. A DISCIPLE OF FALCONET.

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