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STOMACH DISEASES-(continued):—

III. Gastric Ulcer, p. 117.

IV. Gastric Cancer, p. 116.

V. Gastro-cutaneous Fistula, p. 119.

VI. Gastro-colic Fistula, p. 119.

VII. Hæmatemesis, p. 123. Vomiting and Retching, p. 273. VIII. Melana, p. 167.


I. Bronchocele, p. 53.

II. Cretinism, p. 84.

III. Exophthalmic Goitre, p. 53; 121.


I. Glossitis, p. 252.

II. Ulcers, p. 252.

III. Cancer, p. 252.

IV. Cracked Tongue, Tumors, etc., p. 253.

V. Aphthæ, p. 43.


I. Caries, p. 254.

II. Inflammation of Pulp, p. 254.

III. Necrosis of Fangs, p. 254.

IV. Neuralgia, p. 255.


I. Tuberculosis, p. 256. Scrofula, p. 232.
II. Phthisis, p. 202. Phthisis Laryngea, p. 159.
III. Hydrocephalus, p. 141.

IV. Tabes Mesenterica, p. 246.

V. Tubercular Peritonitis, p. 199.

VI. Tubercular Meningitis, p. 66.

VII. Tuberculosis of Liver, p. 132.

VIII. Renal Tubercle, p. 224.

IX. Strumous Abscesses, p. 232.
X. Strumous Adenitis, p. 34; 232.
XI. Strumous Ulcers, p. 232.
XII. Strumous Ophthalmia, p. 78.
XIII. Scrofulous Testicle, p. 249.

XIV. Rickets, p. 228.

XV. Angular Curvature of Spine, p. 237.

[blocks in formation]

1. Nasal, p. 174.
2. Rectal, p. 219.
3. Vaginal, p. 268.
4. Uterine, p. 266.

II. Cerebral Tumors, p. 68.
III. Intra-Thoracic Tumors, p. 154.
IV. Spinal Cord Tumors, p. 239.

V. Hepatic Tumors, p. 132.
VI. Tumors of Testicle, p. 248.

VII. Mammary Tumors, p. 163.

VIII. Muscular, or Phantom Tumors, p. 170.

IX. Renal Tumors, p. 222; 224.

X. Vesical Tumors, p. 272.

XI. Vulval Tumors, p. 276.

XII. Vascular Tumors of Urethra, p. 270.

XIII. Vaginal Tumors, p. 268.

XIV. Ovarian Tumors, p. 186.

XV. Uterine Tumors, p. 265. XVI. Hæmorrhoids, p. 126.


I. Cancerous Ulceration, p. 56.
II. Rodent Ulcer, p. 228.
III. Scrofulous Ulcers, p. 232.
IV. Syphilitic Ulcers, p. 244.
V. Lupus, p. 162.

VI. Typhoid Ulcers, p. 257.
VII. Varioloid Ulcers, p. 234.
VIII. Dysenteric Ulcers, p. 94.
IX. Ulcers of Cornea, p. 81.
X. Ulcers of Tongue, p. 252.
XI. Gastric Ulcer, p. 117.
XII. Ulcers of Duodenum, p. 93.

XIII. Ulcers of Rectum, p. 220.

XIV. Vulval Corroding Ulcer, p. 275.

XV. Ulceration of Cervix Uteri, p. 266.

XVI. Chilblains, p. 69.

XVII. Chapped Hands, p. 68.

XVIII. Onychia, p. 181.


I. Balanitis, p. 47.

II. Vulvitis, p. 277.

III. Gonorrhoea

1. Gonorrhoea in Male, p. 121.

2. Chronic Gonorrhea, or Gleet, p. 122. 3. Gonorrhoea in Female, p. 122.

IV. Syphilis

1. Primary Syphilis, p. 244.
2. Constitutional Syphilis, p. 245.
3. Infantile Syphilis, p. 245.

V. Bubo, p. 53.

VI. Syphiliphobia, p. 244.

VII. Syphilization, p. 246. VIII. Syphilitic Keratitis, p. 81.

IX. Syphilitic Iritis, p. 155.

X. Gonorrhoeal Ophthalmia, p. 76.

XI. Syphilitic Tumors of Brain, p. 66.
XII. Syphilitic Laryngitis, p. 158.

XIII. Syphilitic Bronchitis, p. 52.

XIV. Syphilitic Ulceration of Fauces, p. 245.

XV. Syphilitic Affections of Tongue, p. 252; 253.

XVI. Syphilitic Hepatitis, p. 134.

XVII. Syphilitic Sarcocele, p. 248.

XVIII. Syphilitic Ulceration of Labia Uteri, p. 266. XIX. Syphilitic Lepra, p. 160.

XX. Syphilitic Rupia, p. 229.



ABSCESS OF ABDOMINAL WALLS.-From Abscedo, to form an abscess.-May result from external violence; furuncular inflammation, and erysipelas; or from extension of disease in other parts. Many examples of latter:-Inflammation and suppuration of vermiform appendix of cæcum, the pus working its way to surface somewhere about right inguinal region.Suppurative inflammatory action apt to occur in areolar tissue of pelvis; in either ovary, especially in delicate and strumous women: abscess afterwards points in one of groins, in hypogastric region, or in vagina, bowel. etc.-Inflammation and suppuration of adipose and areolar tissues around one of kidneys (perinephritic abscess) may occur from blows or falls upon back, or from derangement of general health. In favorable cases, abscess points in one loin: occasionally pus burrows amongst dorsal muscles, being ultimately discharged into ureter, or into cavity of peritoneum.-A circumscribed abscess may form between liver and diaphragm or in peritoneum, from partial or general peritonitis: the pus, confined by adhesions, either approaches surface at some part of abdominal wall, or bursts into sac of peritoneum, or into bowel, etc.-In all forms, when abscess points, it is to be carefully opened. Strength to be supported by ammonia and bark, or quinine and steel: animal food, milk, cod liver oil, malt liquors.-See Contusions of Abdominal Walls; Ovaritis; Pelvic Cellulitis, etc.

ACHOLIA.-From 'A, privative; 202, bile. Synon. Absence of Bile.Arrest of the functions of the liver; so that matters from which bile is formed accumulate in the blood, producing toxæmia.-It arises in certain diseases of liver-such as acute atrophy, impermeability of the bile ducts, cirrhosis, extensive cancer, fatty degeneration, etc.

SYMPTOMS. Abnormal states of nervous system. Excitement. Noisy delirium. Convulsions. Typhoid prostration. Coma. Hemorrhage from stomach and bowels. Ecchymoses. Jaundice (in a few instances).

TREATMENT. Active purgatives. Croton oil, 168, 191. Podophyllin, 160. Benzoic acid, 49. Hydrochlorate of ammonia, 60. Nitro-hydrochloric acid, 378.-See Hepatic Atrophy.

ACINESIA. From 'A, priv.; xivnos, motion. Synon. Immobilitas; Eremia.-Paralysis of motion.-See Paralysis.

ACNE.-Perhaps a corruption of 'Axuai, pimples on the face at the age of puberty; or from 'A, priv., and xvéw, to itch, because there is an absence of irritation. Synon. Gutta Rosacea; Copper Nose; Stonepock.-A chronic tubercular skin affection, the seat of which appears to be the sebaceous follicles of skin, characterized by small isolated pustules, with deep

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