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On Questión, agreed to.

House adjourned to Thursday next.


Tuesday, December 7, 1852.

MINUTES.] NEW MEMBER SWORN.-For Peterborough, George Hammond Whalley, esq. PUBLIC BILLS.-1° County Rates and Expendi


2° Land Improvement (Ireland); Leasing Powers (Ireland); Landlord and Tenant (Ireland); Tenant Right (Ireland).

3o Commons Inclosure.


most numerously attended Committees of | Committees of that House. When their that House a Report was prepared by the Lordships delegated a certain number of Marquess of Lansdowne, as representing its Members as a Committee to consider a the opinions of the then existing Govern- particular question, the Report which they ment. Now, whether that Report was made was the Report of the Committee, wrong or right, as it was in conformity and was so regarded by the House. But with the existing legislation on the sub- the effect of the alteration would be, that ject, some record of it ought to have been everybody's opinion would be given as well retained; and it surely would have been as that of the majority. He would cerof interest to their Lordships and the pub- taiely say "No!" to the Resolution, lic to know what it contained, and what though he would not divide the House on the opinion of the minority was on the the subject. subject to which it referred. It was also of importance to know in what way particular paragraphs and recommendations in a report were carried-whether by a large or small majority, and in what way the Members voted; for it might happen that their Lordships would not give the same weight to the views of persons forming the majority which they did to those of the minority. When examined before the Committee to which he had already referred, Sir James Graham stated that the change which had taken place in the practice of Committees of the other House had been productive of unmixed good, and had proved most salutary in its results—one of the great advantages being that a minority had the opportunity afforded them of making known their views. He had no hesitation in saying that there was no department of the business of their Lordships' House that was more likely to do credit to their Lordships in the eyes of the public than the labours of their Select Committees. From the knowledge, the experience, and the ability of those who usually served on those Committees, they were peculiarly fitted to go into the investigations for which they were instituted; and as they examined witnesses on oath-which was not the case in the Committees of the other House-he believed that the publication of their proceedings would go far to keep up and increase the estimation which their Lordships held in public opinion. He believed the opinion of the public was very much influenced in the case of public bodies, as in individuals, by what took place in small as well as in great affairs; and, if their Lordships opposed the Resolution which he now proposed, it might lead to an opinion-which was the very reverse of the fact that their Lordships were opposed to the safest and most necessary reforms.

LORD REDESDALE objected to the proposed Resolution, on the ground that it would entirely alter the character of the

MR. WALTER begged to ask whether the attention of the President of the Poor Law Board had been drawn to a case, reported in last Saturday's papers of a circumstance that had occurred in reference to a poor young woman who, in the last stage of pregnancy, and utterly destitute, had been, as was alleged, refused admittance into Lambeth workhouse? He wished also to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the Poor Law Board had not the power to compel the Guardians to do their duty in such cases as that reported, without the intervention of the police; and, further, whether, if the right hon. Gentleman had noticed the case, he had taken any steps in the matter?

SIR JOHN TROLLOPE said, he had seen the report referred to, and had directed inquiries to be made into the whole case. Mr. Hall, the Metropolitan Poor Law Inspector, had that day, by his instructions, proceeded to Lambeth workhouse to investigate the matter, and to report the result of his inquiries to the Poor Law Board; but when he (Sir J. Trollope) left his office, half an hour since, Mr. Hall had not yet returned. So soon as he had possession of the facts himself, he should be ready to state them to the House. As to any power in the


Board of Guardians to call in the authority | next thing which the Committee should of the police to aid them in their duty, he consider was, whether postage should be knew of no such power, which he con- paid upon such papers as were sent to ceived would be wholly opposed to the them. He thought that they should exact entire spirit of the Poor Law Act. some trifling postage. The Committee might be made permanent, and should from time to time select the papers that should be distributed in the manner he proposed. He also thought, that, upon the dissolution of a society, these books should be distributed to other institutions, or disposed of as the House might think proper. He was desirous that full information should be given to the people upon the subject of finance, and colonisation. A selection of Parliamentary Reports and Papers such as he proposed, would, he was satisfied, be hailed as of the highest value and interest by the institutions in whose behalf he spoke, and would tend in a marked manner to diffuse among the people sound political information upon all the great subjects of national concern. They would show, too, that the representatives of the people, besides their attendance and debates in that House, were arduously engaged throughout the Session in the development of information essential As he understood for the public service. that the Government did not intend to oppose the appointment of a Committee, he would not detain the House further, but trusted that means would be devised for carrying out a measure which he was convinced would tend to rivet more firmly the links that connected that House with the most intelligent classes of the community. MR. EWART seconded the Motion.

MR. TUFNELL said, he rose to move for a Select Committee to inquire into the expediency of distributing a selection from the Reports and Returns printed by order of the House of Commons, amongst the Literary and Scientific Institutions of the United Kingdom. The hon. Gentleman said, that his proposition was confined to a selection of the Parliamentary Reports and Papers-for to send down all those documents to any institution would be to overwhelm it as the Members of the House were-with a mass of papers a considerable portion of which would be utterly useless. Indeed, he should be very glad to have the principle of selection extended to the documents printed for the use of Parliament itself; for, though nothing could exceed the value and interest of much that was printed in the "blue books" and papers, there could be no doubt that a great deal was printed needlessly. From 1731 to 1800 there were printed 110 volumes, and from 1801 down to the present time there were printed 1,794 volumes, not a few of which might have been very well dispensed with. In 1800 the annual number of volumes printed by the House was 20, now it was 60. He proposed that the Committee should lay down some rule as to what institutions should be entitled to these papers. An institution, for instance, ought to have a certain number of members to entitle them to the privilege. The mechanics' institutes had taken deep root in the country; they formed the great means by which the middle classes of society were enabled to obtain intellectual improvement; they were therefore deserving of peculiar favour, and many of the highest persons in the land, and some of the greatest statesmen of the age, did not disdain to lecture at some of them. To a conference held last year by the Society of Arts, the various mechanics' institutes sent delegates. The object of the conference was that such of those institutions as wished to affiliate themselves should enjoy the advantages which such affiliation would confer. He understood that since that time 230 institutions, numbering between 60,000 and 70,000 members, had so affiliated themselves. The

Motion made, and Question proposed"That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of distributing, gratis, under certain regulations, a selection from the Reports and Returns printed by order of the House of Commons, amongst the Literary and Scientific Institutions, and Mechanics' Institutes, throughout the United Kingdom."

MR. HEADLAM concurred most cordially in the object of the Motion, but would make one suggestion which he thought might add to its utility. At the present moment there was not only a difficulty in obtaining the Parliamentary papers on the part of those who could not afford to pay for them, but those who were able and willing to pay for them, and did not know exactly how to proceed, and the places where they were sold, frequently could not obtain them, because the booksellers, getting no profit on them, would not have anything to do with them. The public were not generally aware of

the low price at which the documents in not only support this Motion, but take into question could be had; and if they were his consideration such a means of spreadthose in the country especially-unless ing knowledge as would be the result of they had some friend in London who would such a plan, with regard to local newstake the trouble to procure and forward papers, as he suggested. them, they could not get them. What he would suggest, then, was, that the terms of the Motion should be so altered as that the inquiry should embrace the question, whether by any alteration in the mode of selling Parliamentary papers they might not be circulated with greater facility than at present.

Amendment proposed

"At the end of the Question, to add the words and to inquire whether any alterations should be made in the mode in which such documents are sold to make them more accessible to the community.""

MR. HUME said, the question involved had been decided two or three times already; and he must remind the House of the boon which had been already conferred on the public by the adoption of the recommendation of the Committee of which he had been a Member-to reduce the price of Parliamentary papers to the mere cost of the paper and the printing. The price fixed by the Committee was 1d. per sheet, because they supposed that no one desirous of obtaining the information therein contained would object to so small an expenditure. The Committee found that the House had two millions and a half of valuable papers locked up, which were of no use to them, and were only costing the country a great expense for warehouse room; and therefore it was the House had adopted the recommendation of the Committee to sell them at the mere price of paper and print. He fully agreed in the desirableness of giving every publicity to all the information that came before the House, and which could not be collected by any other means; and it was upon that principle that he had always been favourable to removal of the tax on newspapers. He was pleased that his right hon. Friend had brought the subject forward; and he could not help pressing on the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that if he was sincere in the speech he had made last night, there was a tax which he might take off, and which would have the effect of adding greatly to the knowledge of the people. Let the local newspapers, so long as they were confined to their own locality, be free from stamps, and only let them be stamped when they were sent through the post. He hoped the right hon. Gentleman would

MR. MONCKTON MILNES said, he rose to confirm the observation of the hon. Member for Newcastle (Mr. Headlam), for it was the fact, that it was not generally known that Parliamentary papers were to be bought freely, and at a very low price

indeed, it was generally supposed that they could not be obtained at all without the intervention of a Member of that House. He had himself had many applications to him by persons to assist them in procuring them, who were unaware that they could get them so easily. He wished to take this opportunity of expressing his dislike to the change which had been made in the form of the reports of the House. The good old large orthodox folio had been abolished, and a little, thick, dumpy volume substituted, which was far less convenient, for by turning over a folio page you could see at a glance whether there was anything in it which you wanted to read, while in a small volume you took twice the time in finding it out. He quite agreed in the proposal of his right hon. Friend, and he only hoped that if the papers of the House were to be more largely circulated, that Committees would be more careful as to the extent of questions that were put, so as to avoid collecting together, as was now the case, a quantity of unreadable stuff.

MR. FORTESCUE, as one who took a strong interest in mechanics' institutes, begged to thank his right hon. Friend for this attempt to extend a new class of reading to them. It was said, that judg ing from the decline in the circulation of Chambers's Journal, the Penny Magazine, and similar publications, the principal reading the working classes now cared for was political; and if that were so, care should be taken that that kind of reading should be of the best quality. He cordially approved of the Motion, as he thought the perusal of these papers would show the working classes that more was done in the House than mere talking and debating, and the information contained in them would tend to correct many crude and mischievous ideas.

The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER said, there could be no doubt that the Parliamentary literature of this country was one of the most remarkable features

the question. He did not think that the conditions on which these institutions were to obtain the publications of the House should be of too easy a character, but that they should be sensible of the privileges they enjoyed. Among themselves, he conceived that the privilege of receiving all these publications as a matter of course rendered many of them insensible to the value of the documents, and perhaps many volumes were never opened at all which would be studied minutely if there were more difficulty and some cost in obtaining them. This would be one of the principal objects to which the Committee must give their attention. He did not pretend to lay down any rules in any way to guide the Committee; he only said that the House would expect them to show that practical good would be obtained by the dissemination, at some cost and trouble, of these papers, and that they would give their particular attention to these points of detail. They were all agreed on the principal points; they agreed on a due appreciation of the publication of the labours of the two Houses of Parliament; they agreed that it was very important that the great body of the people should become acquainted with the most valuable and recent information which these publications contained; but how that information could be most satis

of the intellectual development of the age in which we lived. He believed we could not more perfectly ascertain its value than by comparing the sources accessible to an historian in this country some time back with the resources at the command of any one now who undertook to write the history of the country in which we lived. If we only looked at the means which even so great an historian as Mr. Hume had at his command, we should find him often searching through several ancient Acts of Parliament to discover the price of a single article, whereas the statistical details which were now at the command of the historian of the day, threw a complete light upon every question connected with the food and the means of subsistence of the people. If we looked to manners, if we looked to the means of Government not only in this country but its dependencies, and indeed, to all those subjects which ought to afford the materials whence the true history of a country was drawn, we should find that in the Parliamentary literature, which had grown into importance within the last halfcentury, resources were placed in the hands of public writers, such as never had been before possessed in any time or country. Neither could he altogether agree with the criticism of the hon. Member for Pontefract (Mr. M. Milnes), on the unimportance of any portion of these docu-factorily disseminated throughout the counments. It would be extremely undesirable that any restrictions should be laid upon the investigations of our statesmen; and he would say himself that he did not find that there was that wearisome or worthless result of the labours of Committees to which the hon. Member had referred; on the contrary, he did not think it possible to over-estimate the importance and value of the labours of Parliamentary Committees. He agreed with the right hon. Gentleman who had introduced the Motion that there were few institutions in this country which ought to be more encouraged, and which tended more to the public welfare, than mechanics' institutions. Therefore, so far as the Motion before the House was concerned, he should offer no opposition whatever to it, and he should be very glad if the Committee should arrive at a practical conclusion, which could be recommended to and adopted by the House. This was all he could say at present, because he felt that the recommendations of the Committee, if adopted, must depend very much upon the manner in which they arranged the details of

try was a question to which the Committee must give their most earnest attention; for he was sure that the House would not sanction any proposition of this kind unless it conceived that great practical good would result. He himself had expressed his belief that it would. It would be for the Committee to overcome those difficulties which had been suggested, which would be obvious to all, and he should be exceedingly glad if by assenting to the Motion of the right hon. Gentleman consequences should follow which should by one other means-by conveying to them this valuable species of information-elevate the character of the people of this country.

MR. BROTHERTON said, that by sending the volumes of Parliamentary reports to mechanics' institutes the public would have greater access to them, and he was convinced that the people of this country were fully able to appreciate the information conveyed in them. If the people were seeking political power it was important that they should have the best political education; and as this country was now governed by public opinion, it

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was most important that public opinion | American Screw Steam-ship Company to should be elevated. He had had oppor- grant them a charter, limiting the indivitunities of seeing in the public libraries dual liability of the shareholders. and institutions of Manchester and Sal-on whose behalf he spoke, considering that ford how those publications were appre- this would be a very dangerous precedent, ciated, and he had received many commu- sought no such privileges for themselves. nications pressing on him the advantage They considered that it would be a direct of having those books circulated, and he interference with private enterprise, and a believed that their circulation would be direct violation of the principle that unreproductive of great public good. stricted competition should be the policy of nations. They deemed it to be most important that the Government should not grant to one class of Her Majesty's subjects privileges which were not enjoyed by all, when no necessity was made out for such a course. It could not be denied that an immense amount of the shipping of the United Kingdom was already engaged in the trade which was now sought to be monopolised. Already screw steam-ships were trading, and many others were being built for the purpose of carrying it on. Cunard's line alone had several vessels of this description on the stocks, and none of these sought any exclusive benefits or privileges. His views upon this subject were fully set forth in a memorial from the shipowners of Liverpool to the Board of Trade, which with the permission of the House he would read:

MR. HILDYARD said, that in the town he represented there was difficulty in raising the funds necessary for keeping up mechanics' institutions, and he believed it was so elsewhere; and as the best mode of securing such funds was by increasing the honorary members, he begged to suggest that in the selection of Parliamentary papers which were sent to mechanics' institutions, regard should be had not merely to such as would be interesting to mechanics alone, but to the class above them; and when it was known that mechanics' institutions were the depositories of Parliamentary papers, the number of honorary members would be increased.

Question, "That those words be there added," put, and agreed to.

Main Question, as amended, put, and agreed to.

Select Committee appointed

"To inquire into the expediency of distributing, gratis, under certain regulations, a selection from the Reports and Returns printed by order of the House of Commons, amongst the Literary and Scientific Institutions, and Mechanics' Institutes, throughout the United Kingdom; and to inquire whether any alteration should be made in the mode in which such documents are sold to make them more accessible to the community."

MR. W. BROWN rose to move for co-

pies of all applications made by the Lon-
don, Liverpool, and North American Screw
Steam-ship Company to the Board of
Trade for a charter, and of all correspon-
dence between the said company and the
Board of Trade on the subject thereof; and
of all letters, memorials, and other com-
munications received by the Board of
Trade from other persons, companies, and
associations relating to such application.
The hon. Gentleman (who was very imper-
fectly heard) observed, that his Motion
arose out of a feeling that injustice might
be done in consequence of an application
which had been made to the Board of
Trade by the London, Liverpool, and North

[blocks in formation]

"That your Memorialists have an immense stake in the Shipping of this country, and they have embarked their capital therein, willing to incur all the responsibilities and risks of Shipow ners, to the fullest amount of individual liability, and content to compete, fairly and freely, one with another, like any other unprivileged class of British Traders.

Liability, a body of Speculators to compete with your Memorialists, at a very small risk to themselves, and to deprive your Memorialists of a very considerable portion of that trade which has been created by their industry and perseverance through all difficulties and disadvantages, would not only be most unjust and injurious to your Memorialists, but a great discouragemeut to all future private enterprise.

"That to encourage by a Charter, with Limited

"That the granting of such a Charter is not time; and there can be no doubt, that if your called for by any public necessity at the present Memorialists and others engaged in Shipping are not discouraged (as they will be if such a Charter as the one sought for is granted), an almost uninvested in Screw and other Steam-ships, to trade limited amount of Capital will, in a few years, be between this Country and North America.

"That it is only by encouraging free and un

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