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THE Dative, as it implies Tendency to Ch. IV. is employed among its other uses to denote the FINAL CAUSE, that being the Cause to which all Events, not fortuitous, may be faid to tend. It is thus used in the following inftances, among innumerable others.

TIBI fuaveis dædala tellus

[blocks in formation]

AND fo much for CASES, their Origin and Ufe; a Sort of Forms, or Terminations,

οἷον ὁ δῆλα δεσπότε δελΘ, καὶ ὁ δεσπότης δέλε δεσπότης λέγεται εἶναι, καὶ τὸ διπλάσιον ἡμίσεων διπλάσιον, καὶ τὸ ἥμισυ διπλασίε ov. Omnia vero, quæ funt ad aliquid, referuntur ad ea, quæ reciprocantur. Ut fervus dicitur domini fervus ; et dominus, fervi dominus ; necnon duplum, dimidii duplum; et dimidium, dupli dimidium. Categor, C. VII.

Ch. IV. tions, which we could not well pass over, from their great importance (b) both in the Greek and Latin Tongues; but which however, not being among the Effentials of Language, and therefore not to be found in many particular Languages, can be hardly faid to fall within the limits of our Inquiry.

(b) Annon et illud obfervatione dignum (licet nobis modernis Spiritûs nonnihil redundat) antiquas Linguas plenas declinationum, cafuum, conjugationum, et fimilium fuiffe; modernas, bis ferè deftitutas, plurima per præpofitiones et verba auxiliaria fegnitèr expedire ? Sanè facilè quis conjiciat (utcunque nobis ipfi placeamus) ingenia priorum feculorum noftris fuiffe multo acutiora et fubtiliora. Bacon, de Augm. Scient. VI. 1.



Concerning Interjections-Recapitulation-


ESIDES the Parts of Speech before Ch. V. mentioned, there The In


mentioned, there remains THE INTERJECTION. Of this Kind among the Greeks are, Peũ, A, &c. among the Latins, Ab! Heu! Hei! &c. among the English, Ah! Alas! Fie! &c. These the Greeks have ranged among their Adverbs; improperly, if we confider the Adverbial Nature, which always co-incides with fome Verb, as its Principal, and to which it always ferves in the character of an Attributive. Now INTERJECTIONS co-incide with no Part of Speech, but are either uttered alone, or elfe thrown into a Sentence, without altering its Form, either in Syntax or Signification. The Latins feem therefore to have done better in † fepa

+ Vid. Servium in Eneid. XII. v. 486.


Ch. V. rating them by themselves, and giving them a name by way of diftinction from the reft.

SHOULD it be afk'd, if not Adverbs, what then are they? It may be answered, not fo properly Parts of Speech, as adventitious Sounds; certain VOICES OF NATURE, rather than Voices of Art, expreffing those Paffions and natural Emotions, which fpontaneously arife in the human Soul, upon the View or Narrative of interesting Events (a).


(a) INTERJECTIONES a Græcis ad Adverbia referuntur, atque eos fequitur etiam Boethius. Et recte quidem de iis, quando cafum regunt. Sed quando orationi Jolum inferuntur, ut nota affectûs, velut fufpirii aut metûs, vix videntur ad claffem aliquam pertinere, ut quæ NATURALES fint NOTE; non, aliarum vocum inftar,

inftituto fignificant. Voff. de Anal. L. I. c. I. INTERJECTIO eft Vox affectum mentis fignificans, ac citra verbi opem fententiam complens. Ibid. c. 3. Reftat claffium extrema, INTERJECTIO. Hujus appellatio non


"AND thus we have found that ALL Ch. V. "WORDS ARE EITHER SIGNIFICANT BY

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fimiliter fe habet ac Conjunctionis. Nam cum hæc dicatur Conjunctio, quia conjungat; Interjectio tamen, non quia interjacet, fed quia interjicitur, nomen accepit. Nec tamen de sola ejus eft, ut interjiciatur; cum per fe compleat fententiam, nec raro ab eâ incipiat oratio. Ibid. L. IV. c. 28. INTERJECTIONEM non effe partem Orationis fic oftendo: Quod naturale eft, idem eft apud omnes: Sed gemitus & figna lætitiæ idem funt apud omnes: Sunt igitur naturales. Si vero naturales, non funt partes Orationis. Nam ea partes, fecundum Ariftotelem, ex inftituto, non naturâ, debent conftare. Interjectionem Græci Adverbiis adnumerant; fed falfo. Nam neque, &c. Sanct. Miner. L. I. c. 2. INTERJECTIONEM Græci inter Adverbia ponunt, quoniam hæc quoque vel adjungitur verbis, vel verba ei fubaudiuntur. Ut fi dicam-Papa! quid video?-vel per fe-Papæ ! etiamfi non addatur, Miror; babet in fe ipfius verbi fignificationem. Quæ res maxime fecit Romanarum artium Scriptores feparatim hanc partem ab Adverbiis accipere; quia videtur affectum habere in fefe Verbi, et plenam motûs animi fignificationem, etiamfi non addatur Verbum, demonftrare. Interjeclio tamen non folum illa, quæ dicunt Græci oxerhaopòv, fignificat; fed etiam voces, quæ cujufcunque passionis animi pulfu per exclamationem interjiciuntur. Prifc. L. XV.

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